I Art is listed by city tirst then byvenue, running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan todays belore publication date.


I ANNAN GALLERY I‘ll \\ est ( ‘ampbell Street. 221 5H5" S. \lon I-rt‘lani 5pm; Sat‘l..‘~ll,iiti l2..‘\llpin

'l‘iaditioiial pi'iiitsbs Seottisltaitists.

I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 35" W2" .\lon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun

I Fpnit .ite Il)| \ oliintais guidesare

a\ ailable tree ot eliaige to eonduet parties or indi\ idiials round the iiiaiit galleries (’oiitaet the eiitjiiii \ desk.

Horatio McCulloch1805—1867 .\la_\ lest I-.\liibitioii l‘ntil 2oliine, Ripeiiing iii the stoie eiipboaids ol iniiseiimsos er the past lllllseaisoi so. \ ietoiian paiiitiiiglias been gaining respeelabilits and upstairs I.‘I\Htll in i'eeent sears lloi'atio .\le( ‘ulloeli makes a eoittebaek .il \lgis lest billed as 'Seotl.ind\ most siieeessltil \ ietoi'ian landseape paiiitei‘ It is the tits! eshibition ol his “or k I both small slsetelies .ittd ltttel} linished large oilslsiiiee hisdeatli. Landscapes \tas lune. t‘iintemporai'ies and [‘l etleeessol s til .\le( ‘ulloeh Il‘ttltl tlte pei inanent eolleetion iiieluding ieeent aeqtlistlloits. Joan Eardley l but mid-Mas . .'\ll\\i)l'ksl1s .loaii I aid|e\ li'om the gallery 'seolleetion plus sketelies ieeeiitl} gilted b_\ the artist's sister \\ ill be slioss it plus a seleetion ol \soiks bx ('ossie. Redpath. (iilliesand l)i\lt.tltlsnll Glasgow‘s Great Exhibitions t ‘niil Illiine. I‘Ulll iiiteiiiatioiial eshibittottssseitt beloie tlte ( ilasgoss (iiii'dett I'estisal I‘lStS. l he liist one “as mounted “Inseam agoiit lsss \\ ith the test siieeesslulls lolloss ing in Will. I‘ll I and WES llie llasoui ol eaeh period is eaptuied in this esliibition organised b_\ the Ro\al liieoipoi‘atioitol .\iehiteets .'\ book about the II\ e ( ii‘eat I~\hibitions has just been published b} White (‘oekade tluliet and I’ei'illa Is'inehenl. an independent publisher. It is .i \\ ell-planned. \\ ell-\s i'itleii \oliime t'till ol blaek and \\ hite plates and both quirks and essential iiitoi'mation. .'\t LIHUF it‘s Itiobabl} one ol the best \ alue ‘sousenirs‘ sou eoiild bu} toi (iaitlen l-estisal sear. The book \\ ill be le\ iess ed in more detail in a lutiire issue ol the I.l\t. GlAAwardSIRlAS Drawings t 'nul 20 Ma}. l)ia\\ ings lroiii tlte eolleetion ol the Rosal lllettl'pttl'dllttlll‘I.'\t'elllleL‘t\tll1tIIl1l\}‘Cztl"\ (ilasgoss .iiehiteettiial assaids.

Digging lor History 1 ‘niil .‘sii Mas . 'I'he \sork ot the Seottish l 'i'ban .’\l'e‘liitL't\ltlf—'|Citl

ll list in ( ilasgoss \\ hieh looks into the

eits 's past. I’otters . metalssork. glassand tood teittaiiis \\ ill be in the display \\ hieh looks at three main areas. tlie(‘athedral area. tlte tormer ( ‘ollege (ioods Yard in Iliin Street and the I‘raneisean l'riars' to the \\ est ol the Iligli Street. Taxidermy—The State at the Art t‘niil 31 Ma}.

I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 2H3 Bath Street. 22" V111. .\lon»-I-'ri Illam— 5pm: Sat l”.iil‘ l""-

James Pittendrigh Macgillivray t 'niil 14

I MaySeulpture.

I BLYTHSWOOO GALLERY lhl West (ieorge Street. 226 552‘). .\Iot1--I"l‘i Illam~5.3llpm: Sat ltlam-— lpm.

David McClure in Company tiniit 2s Ma}. Work by l)a\ id Me('lure.John Cunningham. James I). Robertson. Sir William Me'l'aggart and others.

ITHE BURRELL COLLECTIONI’ollokshaxss Road. 64‘) 715 I. Mon—Sat Illam— 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. Rest. [D]

RarerGitts than Gold Ma} lest lixhibition. l'ntil 2(i.lune. .\la_\lest Iixhibition. (illts to saints \\ ere most popular in the medieval period. Students from (ilasgou I'nhersits's I listor} of Art Dept. have organised this exhibition ol l~lth eenturs' art based on Burrell‘seelebrated eolleetion. (‘ltaliees. isor} ears ings. MSS ete.

Hanging Gardens at Central Asia t'nnl 23 September. Rurrell esen had gorgeous bedspreads and two of them lorm the eentrepieeeon an exhibition ol(‘entral Asian embroderies from the ltS'th and 19th eentui‘ies. A floral dtspla} lor the(ilasgo\s (iarden I‘estl\ al.

I COLLINS GALLERY l 'nisersit)‘ ol‘

Strathelsde. 22 Riehmond Street. 552


Third Eye Centre, Glasgow

They are international. They are intriguing. They coax out imagination. Third Eye Centre‘s Maylest exhibitions this year lit the festival bill on all

Both are surprising. David Finn‘s Newspaper Children stand, lie and crawl quietly in the large gallery while the film made by the Swiss duo Fischli/Weiss plops, plinks and crashes its way through thirty minutes of a lantastic journey.

From New York, Finn exhibits in this country torthe tirsttime. Newspaper. scrunched and squeezed gently into llexible little bodies. lorm his children. Smooth round stones are scattered among them. They might be playing, but more likely they are discovering. Not only are they the memory at childhood, they also stand in torthe larger beginnings at both past and tuture ol stone circles and spaceships. Their small vulnerability, tar lrom being Disneyland cuteness, is the lragility ot civilisation. Somewhere there is the awe and shadow of Pompeii, tombs ot emperors and Hiroshima.

Peter Fischli and David Weiss explore equally gigantic subjects with a clear. dramatic touch. Theirtilm Der Laute der Dinge (shown throughout the day in Third Eye's Gallery 2) tollows a hectic journey peopled by soap suds,

“titlext 2682 24th. .\lon~I-'ri Illam Spin; Sat l2—--1pm.

Fotogralia Bulta .\la_\ test I~\hibition. t‘ntil Ma}. Photograph} \\ hieh 'o\\ es nothingto the ('arter-Bresson sehool ol photographs \s hielt looked loi‘ iiatiii'alls oeeiii'ing ironies and eaught them at the optimum moment. These pietures ins e it the pioeess ~ the) are ll\ed. sttitte sttidiosltots. eai'elull} eonti‘is ed trom props and paintings. Wittiest isthe “in ot'l eun Iloeks. . . Rut tooolten. the teehniqueis tised lor its o\\ it sake and as a iesiilt seems to have nothing tosas .tSIs'l

I COMPASS GALLERY ITS West Regent Street. 221 M7“, .\lon Sat Want 5 .‘stlpm. Bet Low \ltisle‘st I-shibition. l‘ntil 2t»\l;is_ Paintings and dt'ass ings liom ( )i kne_\ and

5 other Islands. loss'sbliie-gieeiiskies (here rinsed with plump melonsand

_\e|lo\\ eotirgettes l are a ssoiidei ol eleai thought and s Islllll.

I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART l-IS West Regent Street. 22I Stills. Mott l'l'l 0.30am 5..‘sllpm;Siit‘).3ll;iiii l2..illpm Spring Festival Exhibition Mas lest szhibition. l'ntil 20 Max. Mas lest I'ixhibition. but along lrom the ( ‘ompass (also run bs (‘siil ( ierbei ). another eoss basement gallers shims a mixed seleetion ot paintings. mostls Seottish. \sliieli tiaees a 2lltlteenttirs paiiiterls tradition, .'\n Iiardle} \sitli ehaiaeteristie marine blue sk_\ isone highlight.a .laek Kito\ eatessith eheeked table eomplete \s ith hat (a iiiee ineliisioii tor Ma) test I is another. ( )thei artists inelude .-\nne Redpath..l.imes (‘oss ie and [ill/altellt lilaekaddei.


Scotrail Mural ( )pen iioss toi (iardeii I‘estiuil ‘l t'allie. (ilasgoss artist \\ illie Rodger litts designed ti IIIII-IUUI lollg' mural \\ ith 2‘) enamel panels slioss ing the eit} from final to industrial to regeneration.

I FINE ART SOCIETY 13-1 Iilsthsssood Street. 332 4ll27. Mon I‘i'i 9.30am—5.3llpm;Sat lllam lpm.

Spring '88 .\la_\lest szhibitioii. l‘ntil 2l

tyres, lire, stream, threads—a whole gang ol everyday objects relying on one another tor lite the domino ellect. One movement triggers the next and on into intinity. ‘The waythings go‘ says the title. Justwhen you think itwill all end, a big black plastic bag shudders into action. Even once the credits roll the drips and drops still till the soundtrack. But is there a scientitic case tor believing the indestructability ol civilisation? Tune in to ‘Der Laute derDinge'—it is is a lunny, thrilling, gripping thirty minutes at tile on the edge. (Alice Bain)

Ma}. I’aintings aequiied during the past sear and not set shossn.

Five Flower Painters .\I.t\ lest l-shihiiion. l'ntil 21 .\la_\'. Mai) Armour. I'.lI/.II‘CIII Rlaekadder. ( ‘hristine .\Ie.-\ithur. l‘na Shanks and .-\nn l’atriek and more traditional “Oils liom stoek.

I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE I 2 Washington Street. 221 453». \ton l‘l‘l Illam Spm;Sat Ill 3pm.

Jazzin Two Minds t nut 20 Max . Mastest I-shibition. l)omiiiie Siisdei paints ta/ntteit \\ itli eolour and the pun. ot

l liii ties' graphies. l lis portraits suing “ith the musie, Sean llttdsotl takestamous namesot law and eommits them to photograph 'l liese t\so artists make the iiiiisieplas on. .-\ good shim lot .\ta_\ test. I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL ( )pposite Seottish I'.\hibitioii ( ‘entie.

Sculpture l'lie ( ilasgoss (iaideit I'estn al iiteludes setilpture dotted amongst the lion er beds. deiiionstiations and things to doon this planned site ot ‘the day out loi all the lamils.‘ lookout loi (ieoige \Vsllie'slunnels sporting theold tlagsol the('lule. lan llamilton l-inlas 's \sildlloss er \s alk and Riehaid l)e.ieoii's ('lsdebuilt sti'uetiii'e. l-utuie issues ol Hie /.l\l “I” look at the linal seleetioii,

Artis 'l’he eoiiiitiei‘eial .ii is group .-\rtis has seleeted l.‘ .Seotttslt .it llsts to lie exhibited

in the miieh-piiblieised baioiiial manor b) \\ impes Homes at the ( ilasgoss (iai'den l-estisal. .lohn las loi'. l)omiiiie Smdei. .loseph l'iie. Sands \lollat and Derek Roberts aie .imoiist those slioss iitg iii this upper-yuppie domestiesetting.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 King Street. 552ll2llJ. \loii Sat Illaiii SRHpm.

The Print Studio opens its lle\\ premises with a slioss b}

Adrian Wiszniewski .\l;i\ lest t-shitmion. I'ntil 2S Ma} 'l'he ( i|.isgo\\ l’i'int Studio is i looking like Manhatten. the gallers at the I ness premises being light. open. Iaigeand i beautilulls sophistieated. 'l’heii' tirst

exhibition sliosss an artist \s ho liasbeen ' \sorking at the studio on and oil lorsome time noss and \s hose \sork enhanees the sophistieation ol its surroundings. .-\ thrilling start lor the ness studio. Avant Garden Ball Sat l.\’.lune. Roll tip tor tiekets to the best ball in tois n. lleld this )ear in the liiiggait. the l.o\ eliest Night ol the Year tlll its up again \\ ith potted plants | and pieturesque peeuliai‘ities. llandsto I danee to all night. ’l'iekets £l25llt|ight l snaeksl. (iold tiekets to the lust l3ll applieants £20 toi .‘~-eourse mealand I champagne I'his ~\ear mones will be tised i toget the lie“ I’rint Shudiooperating onall eslinders. I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART Rentield Street. Mon l-ri ‘lam 5pm: Sat 0am noon. i Mackintosh Museum:

RIAS Student Awards and Prizes 82—88 t 'niil Sat 1431a}: Lewis Ambler— South In the \ess ber} (iallet‘) titttil Sat l~1.\l;is. I GLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY llillltead Street. 33‘) SASS. Mon 'l hurs 9. ISam l). 15pm: I-ri 0. 15am 4.45pm; Sat 0.15am l2.l5pttt. The French Renaissance t ‘ntil .‘snApi-il. Bernard Salomon and Jean de 'I'ournes Montaigne and Rome. I HAGGS CASTLE lllll St :\lttll‘e‘\\'s Drive. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun 2 5pm. (ilasgois ‘s museum lot ehildreii. Getthe Message I 'ntil 22 Ma} . Dillerent systems of eommunieation lor ehildren. I HARBINGERS 417 (ireat Western Road. 3309099. Mon-Sat Illam- (tpltil Sun noon Spin; (‘losed 'l llL‘Stlit}'S. TWO Artists I 'ittil eitd Ma} . Madelaine Iland -\s'atet'eolotirs and Irene Rell eeramies. I HILLHEAO LIBRARY 348 Ryres Road. 33‘) 7223. Mon I‘i'i‘),3ll;iiii lpm.2—ts’pm;S;it ‘).3llam lpm and 2 5pm. ('losed Wed. Growth Mastest Iixhibition. l'ntil 2| May. A (iarden I‘estis'al inspired exhibition. An open submission l’i‘om artists.

I HUGHSON GALLERY l ('les'edon

52 the 12isTl—2iu—22ti May was