
waythrough the sixtheme

zones (which have detailed maps olthemselves attheir entrances). you can trace a

GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL1988 3 Section By Secfion

Begin at the Rendezvous. the heart oi the Festival.

trom whence eight arteries

spring. Although no I conventional map at the site i exists. an idiot's guide based on colour-coding and I specific trail: Horticultural

symbols should smooth your progress. although it didn‘t stop me getting lost. Apart trom wending your

(symbolised by a trowel). Education (an open book) or History and Heritage (castle and sword).




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I Health and Wellbeingi Rcd: rainbow and ('upid) Iii thc [car and liyc (iai'dcn you'rc supposcd to bc ablc to hcar rccds rustling and w atcr lapping -- thc gcntlc soundsof soothing Naturc. It's morc likcly that thc organ pipcs and bcll chimcs w ill bc bcing bashcd by inspircd youngstcis who. giycn spacc and lrccdoiu. lct loosc with thc noisc. Look out for thc plant car

'I‘hc Shanghai I’coplc's chublicof(‘liina I-i‘icndship ( iardcn and thc l long ls'ong I’ricndship (iardcn arc morc unusual fcaturcs in this scction. which. likc tbc othcrs. has a rathcr loosc and arbitrary thcmc.

I Plants and Food

(()rangc; bunch ot grapcs) loads of gardcns flourish inthisarca awallcdonc. a bog onc and a country lanc but thcrc w asn't much sign of food

grow ing. Ilic‘ Bonsai (iaidcn and thc ( irass (iai‘dcii dcscry c mcntion Itct‘c as docs tlic I‘Bils' building which is homc to thc Milk Bar liar and

away thc bcst bit of P ck I-' is thc Scottiin l‘arm. l’crhaps thc cuddly lambs and chuckling tiirkcys arc tlic food part of tlic thcmc.

I Landscape and Scenery ((irccn; mountains and sun ) 'I‘hc Scottish Farm sprcads into thisarca which was my layouritc. 'I‘hcrc‘s a w atcrtall. a burn and a small loch. a pcat bog and thcn a forcst. 'I‘hc infamous badgcr sctt rcsidcs licrc too. At thc cxit (or cntraiicc ifyou‘rc touring thc licstiy al in an anti-clockw isc dircction) a giant lorcstcr-sculpturc Icanson his axc and stands guard.


I Water and Maritime (Bluc; jaggcd fish lcaping with Bs on it) Bctwccn thc last arca and this onc you'll find a scasidc. At picnic bcnchcs you can

unraycl your packcd lunch

and watch bcginncrs sailing and floundcring in thc (iardcn chtiyal Harbour. l.cssons arc frcc for thc hardy. 'I'hc Marina is afloat with yachts and dinghics. 'I‘hc British Stccl I larbour Bridgc takcs you across thc mouth of thc harbour to tlic 24(lft (’Iydcsdalc Bank Anniycrsary 'I‘owcr which rcyolycs disconccrtingly as you go up.

I Recreation & Sport ( linsi & \Vcst ) ( Ycllow: dcckchair and football)

'I'hc two parts arc at oppositc cnds of thc sitc. (‘oinpany sclf-promotion ycry much thc tlicmc in this zonc. although you‘ll also find a Wimpcy manorhousc. Para llandy and his lira/Spark and thc BB(“s Bccchgroyc licstiyal (iardcn.

I Science & Technology (I’urplc; brain and lightning flash ) ‘I‘hc main attraction hcrc is thc (‘oca-(‘ola Rollcr coastcr. Thc I'cstiyal I’as ilion.

ycnuc for indoor horticultural shows and displays. rcsidcs in this zonc. ()thcrwisc. as in R & S. sponsors arc ycry‘ much in cyidciicc.

How to Get to the Garden Festival

I British Rail do inclusiyc cntrancctickctplustraycl

g g g' {Iva '.' L, ‘i \\’1/' . H .3". 3% '. o? .' ‘.

as ' Q3“

'23 " slur ' 'w‘“ 7’ t I'» ‘1" u “y,

spccials from many stations. Trains run rcgularly to thc Gardcn chtiyal from Glasgow (‘cntraI ()r takc a low Icycl train from Ouccn Strcct station to I’artick and changc thcrc for thc Exhibition ('cnlrc. A short walk oycr thc ncw Bcll‘s' Bridgc will takc you to thc chtiyal.

I Underground to Shiclds Road from whcncc a littlc whcclcd train w ill collcct you.

I Taxi from Quccn Strcct costs about £2.

I Riverbus from Broomiclaw. It'schcap and dilfcrcnt. PhonctMI 22] 8702 for furthcr dctails.

Things you should know

I Entrance Fee £5 for adults; £2.50 for childrcn; £4 conccssions; undcr fiycsarc frcc.

I Opening Hours

lllam ts’pni daily (9pm in Junc July).

I At the entrance pick up a frcc guidc to thc 73 or so sculpturcs that arc scattcrcd throughout thc gardcns Ditto ihc montth and l’cst-long liycnts shccts which outlinc forthcoming and uniiiissablc \llt)\\s ihc~ world's Iai‘gcst tclcphonc. Hamcnco dancing. Danish choirs. Sri Lankan music and dancc rs ctc. Izycnts arcas arc markcd ‘c‘ on thc map. Ilcrc you‘ll find boards giying dctails of ncxt pcrt'ormanccs and pcrformcrs.

Should you bc horiiculiurally inclincd. anothcr information shcct tclls you about indoor displays and shows.

I Souvenir Brochure £2. Buy in adyancc. instcad of assuming (as I did) that it is a rctrospcctiy c souycnir. It has ‘Official (iuidc' wriitcn on it in littlc writing too.

I Stewards in anoraks will liclp with cnquirics.

Don’tmiss. ..

I The mini trains which trundlc past mini stations and giyc (iardcn I‘cstiy al cmployccs a chancc to blow whistlcs and play at bcing cnginc driy crs and guardsmcn. 'I‘lic trains. which takc a circular routc. will saw your lcgs too. As will thc cnorniously popular

I The scarecrows and straw pcoplc madc by mcntally -handicappcd pcoplc in Scotland undcr artistic supcry‘ision.

I The play areas and climbingtrames 'I‘hcrc arc loadsofthcsc «an csscntial for childrcn.


8 The Lisle-73in. 9 Junc 1988