I I DOMINION NC“ hunk. Tum“. 447 l I RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. I “(trill (I389 637(13. (‘losed Sundays. 1 ' - w w - a 1.WalIStreet(15) 1.The LastEm erortl>)_._tt n. :.._tl)m. , l 2. Unconmme: p] l 2. Deathwtsh 4: The Crackdowntltt) E 3. Unconlirmed. ' IODEON(.IL'l'l\ SllL‘L‘l.t/\(Tq“.;.“l. l 1.Three Men andaBabytl’UISun 'l‘lturs 1.35pm.3.35pm.h.ll5pttt.S3Ilpttt. D 2. Unconlirmed. ' 3' U"°°""'med‘ Cinema Books & Posters


I Gay Films— Sense or Sensibility?

9 l.otltian Road. SIS 2688, ()1138 N121). thc Edinburgh Film , '~ . See underWeelt1 tor details olticketprices. 58823136 MN m a m W 0" Themack (mild him 11mm?“ it "Dc'dity “Cm THE NEW FILMWORLD { opening hours. tacilities etc. Him H) (gym s. ‘stip—Ni, I ' of films and videos to illustrate and CINEMA BOOKS

GLASGOW c NEMAS ; ?-.A“°°m.“!"““‘ew”‘“HEW"- :l‘;iiil'llfii’flliiiili335%Mp CATALOGUE.

>.>Ilttttt.S._lIttttt. ~ vs , s - ~ \

Provisional programme details only-not SATURDAY 4: discussions throughout the day Will R PHONE OUR 24HR

conlirmed attime otgoingtopress. 1. Short Circuittl’titlpm. On The BlackHill attempt to clarifythc impact ofthese CATALOGUE HOTUNE

I CANNON (‘larkston Road. Muircnd. It‘s} (15 I (rpm. S..‘~Ilpttt. mmS as tscnsc‘ (attempting to

3133- Z'fmoom WilhAView(P(l’3'3”l”“‘ intluenee and educate)orscnsibility NOW FOR YOUR

:43” sree‘ la”) ggzw‘m' (celebrating otgay culture) or both. FREE COPY~

3:13;?5nulll'lit' . 1. On The Black Hill I l5lttpm. s.__:ttprn. .1 .hc “33" 13°39“ “l ()'3("“‘7“l‘ m”

ICANNONsaucmcmttstrut-t.33:159:, ' 2.The White Shlektl’(ilandSprSIl’(iI (WISH “‘tmddl Filth’U-‘L 1"

1. planes. Trains and Auiomobiiem 15, i, 15pm. Lotlttan Road and the titles to be .

2. Appointment with Death t I’( it MONDAY 6: screened include the luscious gothtc

3. FatalAttractiont IS) 1.Ariat ISI 3pm. 03“anSFIlpm. excessesof The Fourth Mun. Derek

4- Eddie Murphy 839” 13) 2- The While Shlek l l’( l I “ml Spit/St H il Jarman‘s Imagining ()(‘I()h(’r. Rosa

5- How's mm" mm” '5) “- lsl‘m' von Praunheim‘s (lily oj‘lxisiSuuls‘.

I CANNON GRAND lSJamaiea Street. 24S TUESDAY 7:

ll'estler. a gay weepie front Berlin

4620. 1.Aria ( lSI 3pm. (tfillpm. SMIPm. ' I. ’_ , l._ ) .‘ '

Adult movies. l’hone it)!“ details. l 2. Stations ( 15 I (t.4l)pttt SJIIPIW ‘IIHLlA‘ 1.1 '5 f”- Richy-“d.

ICINEMA Stitltltuttte. liast lx'ilbritleJBSSZ WEDNESDAY 8: KWCWOMRI “Elthde‘Wl . . 31(13l).('losed th'l‘ue. , 1. Withnail and I I lSI.‘~pnt.h.15pttt. yolmg “rm boys!“ letcmpurflr}. _ .V fag" __ The Cinema will be closed trom Fri 3June. i s._‘~tttwm. Bristol. l'he all—inclusive cost ts £4.50 , . I- I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. I Iillhcatl. 2. Flesh I Isin. 15pm, Sitting in Limboi is) or £3.50 for unwaged and Edinburgh . .' 2_- 3397814' *‘ull‘m- Film (‘ruild Members. Further . I. ' l 1'11"“ Men 3"“333blll’m . THURSDAY? information isavailable from m“ n ' "" '

2. The Unbearable tightness of Belngt m 1. The Sure Thing I 15) 3pm. Withnail andl Filmhousc in Lothmn Road. De Courcyvs Arcade Seen/so (ilasgmv lures. I IS I (t. 15pm. 8.30pm,

I ODEDN Rentield Street. 3328701. A 2. Flesh I IS) 3. lem. Sitting in Limbot 15) 5 Cresswell Lane

1. Three Men and a Babyt l’( i I (t.~l(lpttt. .\.-lI lpm. _ G12 2. Wall Streett IS) i 04‘ 339 5373 4.TheLastEmperortISI lmssihlcopeningni-APrayertortheDying. S .FRENCHINSTITUTEHRundulph I . : ('t'ese ‘ttt.3355.‘t(i(t. .\l- l "sLl. A W ryt yf I d I GLASGOW FILM THEATRE ThursirtnmaSonm V8 V? "n." .' m an we' 59 : EDINBURGH LATES Seemg. I 9W8 It 9 out

.. L I CAMEO i 1mm. “my enny Henry 01 FOR LONDON

. Fri3: Down By LaWI ISIutttIElementot

Crimetlfitlltspm. l Sat4: Robocopt Ix) illtLlThe Terminatort Is) I 11.15pm.

12 Rose Street. 333 (t535.


Baird Lecture 5.45pm. Babette's Feastt I I 3pm. 8.45pm.


2001: A Space Odyssey I If I 3pm. Bahette‘s

Feast I L: ) (x3llpm. 8.45pm.


Ni ht olthe Demontlsiun IThe Devilst lSl l

7;“ 3 CENTRAL CINEMA MONDAY 6: I Provisional programme details only-not nght otthe Demon ( 18) and The Devilst 1M confirmed at time at going to press, 1pm.AmarcordI IMWHLHOHV‘VOOU 3 I CANNON Princess Street. litlkirk . “32-1 Shuttle I 15) 8.45pm. BHIIS.

TUESDAY 7: 1. Planes. Trains and Autombobiliest 15) Come and 888(15lopm. Hollywood Shuttle '; 2. Can‘tBuy Me Lovetl’tit (15)S.4Spm. 3.Three Men andaBabytl’ti) WEDNESDAY 8:

Madeln H88V8n(l’(i)3.3llptn.(i.3()pm. I

HDII oodShutlle 15 8.4531. . . W l ) “1 ProvrsronalprogrammedetailsonIy-not

TNURSDAY 9: contirmed at time at going to press Noll oodShuttle 1.‘ (.30 .845 . - W l l) pm pm ICANNON‘t‘ttcttttt-Ittstreet.Kttmummk.


! I KELBURNE (ilasgtm Road. l’aislevfib“) I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. I 3011 '

Fri 3/Sat4: 1.Three Men andaBabytl’U) 1. Betty Blue ( 18) 1 1pm. 2. Wall Streett 15) ~_—--

2' Angel Heart ( 13) 1 1pm- I LA SCALA l lamilton Street. Salteoats. , (I394 (,3345 s

1. Empire at the Sun t l’(i)

Provisional programme details only— not continued at time of going to press. I CAMEO Home Street. 228-1141.

I 2.WallStreetIISI 0 W

I OOEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. (I293

It»: 040.

Sega/so Edinburgh Lures. 3' wall Shea.“ 15) . _ g i E E 3 kg

I CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. 3‘" 43 The A“Sl°°als ll ‘-‘~‘P”" '5 f ' 1.Planes.TminsandAummobiles(15) IOOEON'I‘ottnheadStreet.Ilamilton. V 2pm. 5pm‘ 8pm. 0698 28) Sill.

The Unbearable Li htness ot Bein 18) 1‘A Player '0' "‘9 Dyingl 15’ Suhjcmmchang: gl 2.Three Men andaBabytl’UI 2. Appointment with Death ( PU ) 2pm. 5pm. Lzzeoenrfleadnd a Babyt I’( it Now FILMflouSE From Monday FILMTHEATRE

I I Sun 5. Pennies "om Heaven (Pm [pm From 6 June: The MUSIC Loverst 18) 8 . . pm 3. Uncontirmed. SHOWING Edinburgh June 6 4 Glasgow

3. Uncontirmed.

The List 27 May 9 June 198817