The Storyteller presents the Emmy-winning Hans My Hedgehog. C4. 12June.7-15l1m- ltaly v Spain in Frankfurt.

I 4 What It's Worth ((4) S.3fl—‘)pm. Top

rated consumer show introduced by Peniiy


I Brass Tacks ( BBCZ) SJIL-9pm. “you suffer injury in ati accident or are the victim of a disaster you're chancesof receiving compensation are largely dependent. under the curretit British law. on finding someone to blatiie. Bras-s Tacks . who meet ariiorigst others a brain damaged l‘) year-old. the victitii ofa witnessless motor-cycle accident. asks whether the time has cotiie to recognise the unfairness of this system. and change to a ‘no fault' system ofcompensatiori.

I The Duty Men ( BB(’2)I).3t)~ 10.20pm. ()ri the cocaine trail.

I Watch with Mother ( BBCI)

9.3” 10.45pm. Drama written by liastiinder's script writer Maureen ('hadw ick. about a husband caught stealing from his work and the subsequent breakdown of his marriage. Stylistically intioy alive. to give the impression of changing pcrceptioti of the world around us one set w as constructed twice. once to the size it seems to a child and once tothe scale percciy ed by an adult.

I The Cook Report Update (Scottish)

10.35- lllfillpm. Follow up reportson stories featured in Roger('ook's successful current affairs show.

I 1988 European Football Championship (BB(‘l ) l ligliliglitsofthc ltaly Spain and the West (iermany Denmark matches.

I Viewpoint 88: The Purse (Scottish) lllfifl-rl l .Sllpm. lnvestigation weighing up the profits to he made against the physical costs to boxers. Are the deals weighted too much in favour of the promoters at the expense of the boxers themselves'.’

I Blood Relatives (Scottish) 13.45--2.3flam. l-‘rench-(‘anadian co-production starring Donald Sutherland and Donald Pleasence iii a bloodthirsty thriller dealing in incest and murder.


I 1988 European Football Championship (BBCI ) 4—(i.()5pm. Iingland in a rematch of the their March draw with I lolland (live).

I Morlt and Mindy ((‘4l 5—6pm. Start ofa repeat showing of the wonderful comedy series of the late Seventies that spun off from the saccharine Happy Days. Mork and Mindy was effectively a showcase for the amazing fast talking talentsofthen stand-up comedian. Robin Williams. who played an alien front the planet ()rk befriended by eartliling. pretty-little-thing. Mindy (Pam Dawber). If the scenario meant the worst in stereotyping for Dawber. the show can be forgiven for its anarchic. wittilycxpressed. warni-heartedness. Nanu. nanu.

I European Football (Scottish) 6.45—9pm. Highlights of England v Holland (shown in ftill on Scottish starting at 12.35am) and live coverage of Eire v the USSR.

I Fsd (BBCZ) 7—7.30pm. Swamptrash get the chance to try to convince a larger audience that they really are hillbillies. Plus We Free Kings.

I Dallas (BBCI ) S—Sfitlpm. Return of Lucy to Southfork who could have told Jenna all along that Ray isn’t safe around adolescent girls.

I Evil ((11) 9— Itlpm. Newthree-parter attempting to work otit why. as spectators anyway. we find livil so compulsive. Professor of Social Anthropology. David Parkin. re-examines the case of the Moors Murders and its fascination for the public as well as the lasting attra that still surrounds the victim's relatives and community. The series will also look at the treatment ofevil in fiction with Jonathan Miller. amongst others. arguing that in Macbeth Shakespeare deliberately provokes our admiration for evil.

I Ivan The Terrible: The Oemjanjuk Dossier (BBCl ) 9.30— 10.25pm. Documentary account of the trial of the man setenced to death last year in lsrael for being the Treblinka gas-chamber operator. Somehow seems a pretty tasteless exercise in sensationalisni.

I 1988 European Football Championship (BB(‘l ) lll.25—lll.55pni. Highliglitsof England v Holland and Fire v L'SSR.


I International Cricket ( lmcl)

1.50—2. 15pm. The Second Test. Iingland attempt to level the score with the West Indies. (More (‘overage at 10.50pm.)

I International Tennis (1313(2)

4. lit—(i. lflpni. Coverage of the Pilkington (‘ilass Ladies' (‘ltampionsliip from Eiastbourne.

I Brainstorm (B B(‘l ) S—S.3(lpiii. Kenny Everett with new. summer sillyness. science quiz show.

I The Travel Show (BBC) 9- 0.30pm. 4 What Its Worth presenter Penny .lttrior takes over the consumet-orientated travel programme.

I Exiles: Miriam Makeba ( BBQ)

9.30— 10.35pm. Profile of the first African singer to gain fame in the West. whocan be seen on the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday (‘oncert (Sat. 1 1 June).

I Mr Love ((11) 9.30—1 1.15pm. Barry Jackson stars as a Southport gardener whose secret other life is revealed on his death. Roy Battersby's film gets its first TV showing tonight. Made in [985 I‘OhlSay'(BB(‘l)11.20—11.5opm. [iightieth birthday tribute to Wimbledon commentator and one time tennis player. Dan Maskell.


I International Tennis ( BB( '2) 44». lllpm and 12.2(lpni— l . 15am. Tennis. wonieiis’ semi-finals from l€ztstbotiflie.

I Boolt Choice ((11) 7.55—Spm. Travel writer. (‘olin Thubron reviews lrina Ratushinskaya‘s (irey Is The ('olourof Hope.

I Tommy Smith: The Beginning ( BB( ‘2) ‘).3(l—l().3(lpiii. Repeat showing of BBC Scotland’s documentary on the amazing career to date of Edinburgh-born saxophonist. Tommy Smith.

I Omnibus: The Bull in Winter—The Last Years of Pablo Picasso ( BB(‘])

10.2(l—l 1.20pm. Writer. collectorand friend ofthe artist. DouglasCooper. described the work of the last year'sof Picasso‘s life as. "The meaningless scribbling of a frenetic old man in the ante-chamber of death'. ()ti the eve of a major exhibition of these works to be seen at the Tate. London. David Sweetman reasscses the last years of Picasso's life and chronicles the growing admiration for the work.

I The 1988 European Football Championship ( BBCI) l 1.2(ipm—12.()5am. West (iermany play Spain.


I Korea: The Unknown War ((‘4 ) S 9pm. Six-part history of the Korean war from ThamesTelevision and producer Philip Whitehead who worked on the epic Thames T\' account of the Second World

War. The World at War.

I Film on Four Extra: The Draughtsman's Contract (C4) 9-] 1pm. Another showing of Peter (3 reenaway’s showy. infuriating cinematic puzzle. Made in 1982.

I Parkinson One to One (Scottish)

10.20—1 1.05pm. Terence Stariip talks to Parkinson.

IJustIor Laughs (C4) 1 1—1 I .3()pm. Helen Lederer in the first ofa repeat series of highlights from last year‘s Montreal Festival of Comedy.

I European Football Championships (Scottish) 11.05—midnight. England v USSR.

I The Green Berets (Scottish) l—3.3()am. Infamous right wing. ultra patrioticJohn Wayne movie that has to be seen tobe believed. Made in 1968.


I Job Watch (Scottish) Noon—12.30pm. Anthony Wilson presents a new series of follow-up reports on people who have used Job Watch to find employment.

I Animals Boadshow(BB(.‘1)5.5(L—o.25pm Recorded this week in Edinburgh. the team meet a punk penguin at the zooand visit the new animal sanctuary on lnchkeith island in the Forth.

I A Very British Coup ((‘4 ) 9. 15— 1t). 15pm. Major drama starting tonight about intrigue in the corridors of political power. starring Ray McAnally ( The Mission. A Perfect Spy). and adapted by Alan Plater from (‘hris Mullins‘ novel.

I The Little Foxes (Scottish) t.1t)—3.2()pm. Winning 1941 adaptation ofl.illian Hellman‘s play about the plots and machinations of a Southern family in the years folowing the American (‘ivil War. starring Bette Davis.


IWimbledon (BBC‘l) 1.50pm. Startof coverage of the first day of the l988tennis championships. with Desmond Lynam and Gerald Williams.

I Scottish Action (Scottish) n.3(i—7pin. (‘ontinuing the analysis ofthe link between alcohol and crime in Scotland.

I Eleventh Hour ((74) 1().5()—11.55prii.l Shot My Husband and No One Asked Me Why: this documentary is a psychological investigation into what made a woman kill her husband.

I The Squeeze (Scottish) lZ.3()—2.3()pm. Stacy Reach and Freddie Starr in the same film'.’ 1977 action movie full ofunpleasant things according to ‘Halliwell'.


I Room for Change (Scottish) 2.30—3pm. New series about interior design.

I European Football Championships (Scottish) 6.50—9. 15pm. As the championships draw to a close. live coverage from Hamburg.

I The Haunting Passion (Scottish)

L). 15—] 1 .35pm (with a break for News at Ten). Jane Seymour stars in this effective made for television movie about a woman haunted by the previous occupants of her house. Made in 1984.


I European Football Championship (Scottish)(i.5(l-9. 15pm. Live Coverage frorii Stuttgart.

I Hostage Flight (Scottish ) 9. 15—1 1.35pm (with break for .N’ews at Ten). (iung-hoair hostage drama where the hostages don't react as the terrorists had anticipated. 1985 TV movie.

I The Betuge (C4) 1 1—1 1.35pm. (.‘aroline Blakiston and Julia Hills return in a new series of (‘arole Hayman and Sue Townsend's comedy series set in a womens‘ refuge.

I Pride of Place (Scottish)

l1.35pm—- 12.35pm. American architecture as seen by Scots filmmaker Murray (irigor. Definitely worth staying tip for.

I Prince's Trust Concert ((‘4)s.3(i-1(ipm. Recording of this month's huge rock concert iii aid of the Prince of Wales' trust for youth-orientated projects. which included Rik Astley. Phil ('ollins. the Four Tops. the Bee (ices. and Wet Wet Wet in the line-up.

I The Parachute (BBC 1 ) 9.30— 10.45pm. Start of a new season of plays by the late David Mercer who contributed so eloquently to the shaping of television drama. This play is from PMS and stars. in his first television acting role. John ()sbourne as well as Jill Bennett. Set iii the Germany of 1940 it‘s ostensibly about the testing for the Nazis of a new typeof parachute. btit it is also concerned with the aristocracy"s ambivalent support of Fascism. The Mercer season will culminate with a play as yet unseen on TV.


This fortnight kicks off with the biggest rock event ofthe year. the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Celebration broadcast live and it) ftill all teti hoursof it on R 1 .Sat ll. 12.30pm to 10.30pm. A strongliiic-ttp inclttdcs ( ieorgc Michael. liurythitiics. .loari Ariiiatrading and rap stars The Fat Boys atid Derek B joining forces for a one-off special w ith the legendary (‘liubby Checker. It will all be available in stereo VHF sound quality until 7.30pm (on l’M SS -‘)l).2 arid it will be broadcast simultaneously on BB(‘ tv.

Hard on the heels of this come two of the country's most prestigious sporting events. Wimbeldon and Royal Ascot. the latter better known as a millincr's lasliioii parade. Radio 2 begins four day s of coy er of Ascot on Tue l4. R2. 2.3(Ipm. Wimbeldon. With its strawberries and cream. romances and tantrums begins on leJune and Peter Jones will be thereto give a ball by ball account cy cry day ofthe championships from 3 7pm on R3. Helping him out will be the usual teamof roving reporters including l‘red Perry and (‘liristine Jones.

Winibeldon and Ascot are hard acts to follow. bttt if anyone can do so it must be Shakespeare. All actors apparently quake at the prospect of playing something by the Bard and in Actor‘s Workshop on Rt (l-‘.\1).4.31lpm. Sat lb‘June. lati McKellcn willbetalkiiigaboutpreciselythis aswell as demonstrating how he got oy ei it w ith a few well-chosen pieces from Romeoatid Juliet. Anyone who doubts that he can now act Shakespeare however. cannot have seen his recent sell out solo performances in Scotland. sitting Shakespeare. where he was. by all accounts. very impressive indeed The week before in the same series.Actor's Workshop. the topic is accents. 'l op dialect coach Joan Washington ptits Shelia Hancock and students Xantlie ( iraham and Peter Wirigficld through their dialch paces and on the way many interesting little snippets are revealed about w liy we speak the way we do. The Manchester mouth for example is. apparently. letter-box shaped. and the cotiifortiiig. friendly voices of Yorkshire arc the most popular for commercialvoice-overs so be on guard next time you hear one man ad arid ask yourself it its the y oicc or the product that you would like. Actor's

WOkat’lOp. R4 ( PM I Sat ll.s1..illpni

()n a much sadder note Radio ( ‘lydc look at sortie of the pitfalls of the Scottish mental health policy in Perspectiveslune lo following the death last May \lichael (irccchan in a fire in his flat. l lis mother believes it could have been prey ented and the programme asks ll Ilic decision toclosc locked hospital wards and ptit patients back into the community has in fact been successful.

The List it)— 23 June 198819