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IRONWEED As Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep take to Skid Row in Hector Babenco‘s latest film. Babenco talks to Allan Hunter about why the film‘s subject was important to him. 8 PIRATE RADIO What does it mean to be a pirate DJ‘? As airwave deregulation looms. possiny changing the landscape for pirate stations. Mab investigates behind the scenes. 59 . VISITORS’ GUIDE I Continuingour new I regularfeatureforthe 3 summer months: a special guide to Edinburgh and Glasgow for visitors to I the cities. [EIIECYCLING FEATURE: TAKE To Two WHEELS FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. A COMPLETE GUIDE TO CYCLING HOLIDAYS AND TO LOCAL BIKING SERVICES I PAGE 51 MEDINBURGH FRINGE FILM FESTIVAL DAILY LISTINGS 16 I SHEENA MCDONALD 2 I GUEST LIST 2 I ROBERT DAWSON SCOTT 4 I EAST LIFE 67 I GARDEN FESTIVAL EVENTS LISTING 17 I BOOKS 55 I CLASSIFIED 66 I COMPETITIONS 68 I

F ,_ o. _ H lISTINGS

ART .................... ..42 CABARET ............. ..24 CLASSICAL MUSIC ....25 DANCE ................ ..24 FILM INDEX .......... ..1O FILM LISTINGS ...... ..15 FOLK .................. ..27 JAZZ ................... ..28 KIDS ................... ..48 NIGHTLIFE ........... ..37 OPEN .................. ..40 RADIO ................. ..19 ROCK .................. ..30 SPORT ................ ..41 THEATRE ............. ..18 TV ..................... ..ZO Rest . . . . . . . .. Restaurant [DI . . . . . . . . . . . .. Disabch access l‘acilitics [Ii] Induction loop for g hard of hearing Communicado's Mary Queen olScots. See Theatre. ‘5? NC“ RCICii-‘L‘ (Film)


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