Vol.1 14 Classic American Hits


30k tops. ' Bandwagon Vol.1

To claim your copy of this unique Marlboro cassette. simply complete this application form and enclose 1() pack tops from any Marlboro 20's and send to: Marlboro Bandwagon Vol.1 Offer. Marlboro Trading Post. Liverpool X [.70 IAX Please allow 28 days for delivery. lam a smokeraged 18 years ()r()\'eran(l enclose 1t) Marlboro pack tops 2% hereby claim my Marlboro Bandwagon \'ol. 1 (Iassette. SIGNATURE .-\(;I-Z(;R()t'l’ 18-35 26-35 Lie-43 4r,- i'I‘i(.L Box) NAME BRAND l’Rl‘IVIUl 'Sl.Y SMUKlil) . ADDRESS Q

MarlboroTrading Post. Liverpool X 1.70 '1 AX. POSTCODE 'l'eleplione: 051-708 (3194 for delivery queries.

i Trading Post. Liverpool X [.70 lAX. Telephone: 051-708 6194 Mr delivery queries.

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