I The Open List is a tree listings service tor all cultural. educational. political and other events that do not tall into The List's other listings categories.


I S.S.P.lementary Benetit t ion l‘heatre. 'l‘rongalc. (ilasgoyy till 553 42o" S

llprti L5 ( H 'I roll members and SSP members) A cabaret ey ening to bcnelil the Scottish Society ot Playwrights. who support neys yyritiltg lot theatre ll) Scotland arid w lto liay'e bccrt existing

yy ithotit a Scottish Arts ( ‘otirieil ( irant since l‘iSF 'l'hose appearing thiseycning include popular comic actress iilaine (‘ Smith. cabaret dtio 'l he Alesandcr Sister's. musician l)aye Anderson and playwright arid poet [.1] [ ,ochhead

I MUSlC MOStIYl \Vesl l' nd i lrilel. PalmerstonPlace. l'dinbtrrgh Sptii Slip. An eyeiiing ot music. poetry and prose lront writers lrom Scottish coriiriitiiiity-based yyrrtets' workshops

I Hermitage ot Braid Guided Walk Meet at llermilagc ol Braid lllttilltlttlltittCentre. Braid Road. Izdirtburgh l l .R l Bits numbers 5. ll. 13 ck lh lrorri l’rrnces Street to South Morningsrde School) at 2pm. A special gtrided yy alk celebrating the Filth annryersar'yol tlte llerrrtitage ol Braid asa public park.

I Put Yourselt in the Picture llle Playground. l>rummond(‘ortimunity High School. lzdrnbuigh lli lll 3llpm l'r‘ee Slide \Vtit'ls‘sltop present a \ lstlal entertainment ol slides. shadoyy puppets and animated lilrn. all pro|eeted onto the yyirtdoyysola building altcrdark. Parrot Spring l‘ling.

I Saler Sex and Sexuality Salisbury ('entre. 3 Salisbury Road. \ewington. l'.dinbtir'gli. 03] («C7 5-13S‘ (y Rtipm

ill) to U A workshop tocXplore attitudes arid worries about salcr' se\ The workshop is open to anyone concerned aboirt protecting themser es against sexually transmitted diseasesand pregnancy . and it isled by Anthony llillin attdl eslic llieks yy ho ltaye led workshops on this strbiect tor the .\'l lS. Social Set'y‘ices. London lighthouse. 'l he 'l'ercnce lliggins‘l rust and Body l’ositiye.

I SHAG Benelit ( ‘altr ttl Studios. ( 'altort Street. Izdinburgh ‘lprtl onwards. L3tL2). 'l‘ocoycr costs incurred by last month‘s lurk in the Park' Scottish l lomoseyual Action(irotipare holding a benelit. with music arid dancing l'hose appearirtg include Lisa l.ile arid the [cars of.loy. 'l'abloid Conspiracy. that Bridesand (‘layys ( )tit 'l'heatre ( 'ompany


I Poetry Reading ‘l hird liye ( 'entre . .Wi

Saticltiehall Street. (ilasgoyy “4133.3.

752]. 7.30pm. L3lL2) Art cyertmgol poetry lrom Scottish writer llamislt Henderson and in erpudlian Alan Jackson.

I TWD Talks on Art the Librat y . Roy'al Mtiseum of Scotland. Queen Street. ladinburgh 2pm& 3 15pm. l-rce. Alisdair Poster. creator ol the ‘Behold the Man exhibition at Stills (iallery giy'esan illustrated talk [The ( 'hrmielr'mi l‘ttt‘ror (2pm ) and Sara Steyenson. curator ot photography at the Scottish National Portrait (iaJlery . talks on Hie Iftlirihurg/i

4D The List ro— 23 June i988

I’liorogrrrplirr‘ Society 'y ( Unveil“?! at 3.15pm

I Canongate Youth Project Gala Day Sotlllt Br idge Resource ( critic and lrilit'niar y Street. l'icliiibngh ltl.3llarn -1 3llpm To raise money tor a summer camp tor young people, lots or stalls. eyerits. street entertainment and lun tor kids

I Lothian Festival 01 Languages and Culture Dean ltdtication (critic. lidinburgh. lilam (rpm. l’ree. A mulli-culturaleycnt irty oly'ing dance. music. games. cookery demonstrations. displays. eyenls toget iriyoly ed in and a cale with art international llayotir Part ot Spring Hing. I Empowering Our Lives in the Face otAlDS: Weekend Workshop Salisbury (‘entre. 3 Salisbury Road. \eysingtoii. lidinburgh. “31 My“ SANS Sat Illain lllpm; Sun

lllam 4pm. L50 L35 Llll. Anthony llillrrt artdl eslic llicls's (see aboye. l'riday I“) lead a workshop lodcal with the cllectsol bereayement. lr is\ and oppression brought about by the presence ol AIDS.


I Nelson Mandela Freedom at Seventy Campaign: Rally and March Demonstration assembles at rtoori. ls'cly iityyay. (ilasgoyy and proceeds to ( ilasgow ( ireen lot a rally' beginning at 3pm Part ol a nationwide campaign mounted in honour ol Nelson Maridela's7lltli birthdayon IS.Irily‘.yy‘lticli he yy ill spend irt prison 'l'yy ertty-fiyc marchers yy ill march lrom ( ilasgow to lotidoti between I.) lime and l7.luly (ar‘r‘iy'rng in ltdiriburgli on H.ltitic).;ind they yy ill be giy en a send-oil as part ol today'sproceedings Speakers at today's Rally will include A.\'(‘ President ( )liyer

'l ambo; the Rey d A Boesak:Archbishop 'l'reyor l luddlcstort; A 'l'oiy'ola'l‘oiyo; Maior ( ierter'al ( iarba and .lirti Kerr.

I Empowering Our Lives in the Face otAIDS: Weekend Workshop. Salisbury (‘entre. 3 Salisbury Road. \ewington. Izdiribtirgh. “3] M7 5-138. Sun lllani 4pm. Sec Sat l l.


I Sexual Politics Meeting titlinhurgh (‘ollege ol’ Art. l.aiiriston Place. lidinbiirgh '7 lipni the first ol scyeial meetings organised this week by the \l 'S on the subject ol ‘Seyiial Politics' l‘his lrrst isoti ‘l lcalth '

I Talk: Teeth in Prehistoric Cyprus Lecture 'l‘heatrc Royal MuseumotScotland. Chambers Street. lidiitbuigh. U31 225 7534. 3pm. A talk by Dorothy l.unt.


I Nelson Mandela Freedom atSeventy Campaign: March Arrives in Edinburgh ‘1 he twenty -tl\'L‘ marchers who are marching from (ilasgoyy to lidinbtirgh as part ol the nationwide campaign for the releaseol Nelson Mandela. 7t) next month. arriy c in

lzdinburgh at approximately 4.45pm at the ('ily (‘harribers The High Street. (Sec Sun

12 i.

I Nelson Mandela Freedom atSeventy Campaign: Cabaret and Party Mandela Theatre. 2 Abbeymount. tidinburgh. ii 3i (\(ll ()982. 8pm onwards. £3 (£1 .50). A cabaret and party to welcome the l’reedom Marchers as they match to I.ondon (sec aboy e ).

I Sexual Politics Meeting lidinbtirgh (‘ollege of Art. l.aiiriston Place. lidinburgh. 7 9pm. The third ot seyeral meetings (.see aboy e. Monday 13 )2 this one being on ‘( )pportuntties‘.

I Public Previeyv/Scotsman Lecture ( ‘ameo ('inema. 'l‘ollcross. l-dinbiirgli. ll3l 228 4141. 7.30pm. L3. A special prey icyy screeningotn [lurid/lilo! I)uyitl’( i ). including a lecture by ('liarles Sltir'r'idge and Rupert (irayes about the lilm.

I Poems 'n‘ Pints ( ~umbernauld 'l‘heatr'c. (‘timber'natildS.3llpm l-ree (‘onlribiitions yy elcome?

l l l i


I ‘Anti-Slavery Rally' Ross Bandstand. Princes Street ( iar‘dcns. l-dinburgh. 13.30pm Free. A rally organisedby lidinbtirgh(‘ommtirtity Programme Workers ( Bump in opposition to the (ioy'ernrneiit's rteyy ‘Adult 'l raining l’rogramnte'. Speakers arid bands include Ron Brown MP. Archbishop Kebab. l)ogt'aced llermaris. llce-l lays . l)octor Doom and the l)ogbiscuirs l-i'orii Mars.

I Sexual Politics Meeting litllltt‘tll'g't) (‘ollcge ol Art.l atii‘iston Place. l'dinburgli. 7 ‘lpm lhe lotirth ol scyeral meetings (sec aboy e. Monday 13): this one being on ‘Parenting‘

I Cypriot Food: A Demonstration l eettire llicatrc. Royal Mtisctim olScotland. (‘hambers Street. Izdinburgli. H31 23‘

'75 N 3pm. £3. A demonstration by Sophia l.ay r‘anotr


I Edinburgh Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting lesbian and ( iay (entr'e. 55a Broughton Street. l'1dinburgli. (Bisexual Phonelinc.(l3l 55" 3021). ey cry lhiirsday 7 3U ‘).3lipm). Spin tonight isasocral night i BYOB).

I Sexual Politics Meeting l'.diitbtir‘gli (‘ollcge ol Art. l.aiiriston Place. lidinburgh. 7 ()pm. i be second ol'seyer‘al liteetirtgsisee aboy‘c. Mon 13): lliisotte beiiigon ‘(3iyil l.ibcrtics'.


I Nicaragua Benetit Discoliberty 's. Aboy elite l’layltotlse. (ireensidePlace. [{dinbiirgh. L)pm 3am. L3t£l .5”). A benelit disco in aid ol community radio irt Nicaragua. organised by the Scottish

A( ll Nicaragua Support (iroup.

I Charity Canal Event ltdiiibirrgli ( ‘anal (critic. Ratho. o.3(lpin. A yyacky eyent in which tinl‘orttiiiates try to cross the canal without falling iii apparently they rarely achiey'e it. The event is to raise money lor the Seagull Trust. a charity that ploy ides

tree boat ertiises tor tlte handicapped three times a day. For lurther details please call Ronnie Rrisack at the Bridge llltl.R£tthtit)nll_3l 3331331). "

I Scottish Youth Pride ‘88: Cheese ‘n' Wine S. l..( i.Y.M .. 3-1“ “est Princes Street. Kely'inbridge. (ilasgow. 7.3” ‘).3lipni. A cheese'n'w itte ey'etiing precedes toriiorroyy's l'iestiyal day. See below. Saturday lS. for details:


I Grand Charity Ball Royal Miiseiim of Scotland. ('hambers Street. Edinburgh Spin for S 30pm. Sirtglc ticket L‘stl. A grand ball in aid ol' Renal lritensiy‘e ( are. for tickets please contact lidinbtii'gli Medical Renal litterisiye ( ‘are 'l rtist.c o.l Macphersori. (i Royal (’irctrs. l-dinbiirgh. ltl l3 (iSR.

I Steam Rally Scottish Mining Miiseiim.

l ady Victoria (‘ollieryu Neyytorigiartge. Mldlothian. 031 my} 75 l‘). 'I‘yy‘o-day eyenl l2 Spmeach day. £1 adult Sllp()APs l'lHlls. children. (‘hildren under 5 tree ()pened by a parade ol‘steam engines. this family weekend includes a chance to see traction and steam engines in action. plus displaysoferafts and children‘s eyentsand games.

I Scottish Youth Pride ‘88 Scottish Lesbian and ( iay \ oiith Movement. 340 Princes Street. Kely'inbr'idge. ( ilasgow. l lam l lpm. Lo; {2.5” for tinwaged. students. and those on goyernntent training courses: tree for those under to. A day organised by the Scottish l .esbian and ( iay \ oiitlt Moyerncnt with workshops on politics and gayyoiith; AIDS and sale sex; lesbianism; transy eslism. religion; tisittg the media; homosexuality and literature. l'rom llprii 3. lFani. tree entry to Berinelts Disco. l'or more details contact the aboy'e artrlt‘ess I Gardening Talks Sherrat and l ltighes. l’i triccs Square. Buchanan Street. (ilasgoyy I l 3llattt lpm. lati Walls. aritlioi ol Ilie ( YUM/ilt'lt' Hurt/s” “fl/W (irn-ii/iuuye arid Anne Bonar. author ol (fun/en I’limry .Sru'i'ii'u/ ( {rm/e talk to the public


I Guided Walk in Dean Village Meet at Heart Bridge 'l‘op of Bell's Brae. ltdinburgli 3. lipm. 5Hpt25p) price includes tea in Riy'erside (iatden. A guided ys alk organised by the Dean Village Association.

I Royal Highland Show lidinbtirglt trade and l' \liibitiori ( 'erttrc. liiglrston. i'ylllll‘tllgll. H3] 333 34-1-1. l-amily l)ay : L11 tL.‘ children) Special tamin ticket LS (allows tyyo adultsartd lyyocltildtert entry). llte annual Royal 1 ligltlatid Show opens today arid runs until 33 June. today beiiig the special tamin day. As yy ell as stalls and trade eyllibltioris. tltele yy ill be a lloyyet‘ show . cookery derttonslrations. lasliion shows. parades. a cralt lair“. show lumping. sheep-shearing. horse-shoeing. red deer. ring eyents arid on the Sunday displays by the Red Arrows. the Airstralian Aycmen arid the Royal Irish Rangers Band.

I Steam Rally Scottish Mining Mirsetim.

l ady \‘ictoria ( ‘ollier'y . Ncyystongrange. Midlothian.ll3l tit».175lti.’lyyri-cl;iy event: 12 5pm each day


I Talk: Treasures lrom a CopperTrader's Tomb l ,ccturc 'l'hcatrc. Royal Mtiseiimol Scotland. ( ~hambers Street. lzdirtburgh. “31235 7* 34. 2pm. A talk by lili/abcth (itiring


I Dealing With Doctors yy'ell yy'oman (critic. St Brides ( "ommiinity (’entrc. ()rwell ler'race. ladinburgh. H31 3 3'7 “43. A session on dealing with doctors, hospitals. health y isitors and tariiily planning clinics.


I Women and Anger Well Woman ( 'entre. St Brides('otrimunily ('etitrc. ( )rwell ‘l'erracc. Edinburgh. 031 337 5543. A sessltill on women and anger. led by- Lorraine


I Edinburgh Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting [.esbian and (iay ( 'entre. 58a Broughton Street. lidinburgh. (Bisexual Phonelirie.ll31 557 362”. every Thursday 7.3” t,i3l)pm). 8pm. The subject of tonight's meeting is ‘Piggies iii the Middle' do bisexuals l‘eel separate from gaysand straights .’ I Fashion Shows tidiribiir‘gh ( ‘ollege of Art. (Sculpture (‘otirt ). l.aiiriston Place. ltdinbiirgh. 3pm; 7pm; 9pm. £2 (atterrioon show); £3 (ey'eriing shows). l‘ashiori shows displaying the work of l-inal \ ear students in the school oi( rail and Design at lidiiibtirgh ( ‘ollege ofA rt. I Reading and Signing l latehaltls Bookshop. (iordon Street. (ilasgow. 7pm l'or 7.3lipm. Robin .lenkins w ill give a reading and sign copies of his new rtoy'el “Ht/y \Virieseryed


