IDynastytliBCI )s. iii—9pm. Ltist inthc scrics.

I Yellow River ( BBL?) 9.30— ltlpm. Thc riycr that runs throtigh (him. and thc pcoplc who rcly on it arc thc subjcctsof this ncw documcntary scrics.

ISing Country(BB(‘2) up 10.45pm. ('otintry star ('rystal ( iaylc opcns a ncw scrics of thc (‘ountry show with. amongst othcr songs. a rcndition of hcr hugc hit ‘I)on't It Makc My Brown [iycs Bluc'.


I The European Championship Final (Scottiin ) 3. l5 5pm. l.iy c coy cragc from Munich -- coy cragc w ill continuc aftchpm ifthc match gocs intocxtra timc. Thc BB(' will also bc coy cring thc match. in (iru/itlstuml w bich bcgins at l 2.30pm and w hich w ill also fcaturc rcports on Jimmy McRac‘s attcmpt to w in thc Midland Scottish Rally.

I Wimbledon '88 ( BB( ‘3) 3.35—8pm. (‘oy‘cragc contintics.

I Korea -The Unknown War ( ( ‘4 ) 8—9pm. lan llolm narratcs thc sccond part of Phillip Whithcad's six part dociimcntary on thc Korcan war. This programmc looks at thc first tlircc months of thc war andthc L'nitcd Statcs dccision to intcrycnc undcr tlic flag of thc l'nitcd Nations. ('harlton llcston is thc ‘yoicc' oi ( icncral MacArthur.

I Columbo (BB(‘l )8 9.35pm. Morc rcpcats of thc l 'S dctcctiy c scrics starring l’ctcr l-‘alk. and co-starring this cpisodc. Dick Van Dy kc. as a photographcr who has committcd thc ncar pcrfcct crimc.

I The Ploughman‘s Lunch ((‘4 ) 9—1 lpm. Richard tiyrc dircctcd .lonathan l’rycc in this cxccllcnt IDS} parablc of modcrn timcs sct at thc timc ofthc l-alklands crisis. l’rycc plays a radiojotirnalist writing a rc-cy altiation of Sucz and falling in loy‘c w ith thc unobtainablc daugbtcr ((‘harlic l)orc ) of an adycrtisingdircctor (Frank l‘inlay ). Wondcrfully actcd. it includcs a nicmorablc sccnc filmctl at rm “)3: (‘Ul‘lSCl'Viltlti L‘ l’arty ('unfcrcncc,

I The One Game (Scottish ) 9.2m lt).2t)pm. l’ourth installmcnt of thc computcr gamc thrillcr.

I Heimat(BB(‘2) ll). lllpm—‘lz. 15am. chcat showing for thc finc cpic(icrinan account of lifc in a y illagc bctwccn 191‘) and 1982. A follow tip scrics. Ht’iniutll has hccn botight for scrccning in lWl.

I World Championship Baiting ( Scottish) Milli-11.20pm. Barry McUuigan on thc sccond Icg of his comchack campaign. l.iyc from l.uton Town football ground. hc takcson l)a (‘ruL

I American Basketball: Championship Final (BB(‘l ) lllfill 1 1.40pm. l-‘inal ofthc NBA (‘hampionship introduccd by Sally Joncs.


I Home on Sunday ( BBC] man-7. 15pm. [.ioncl chlrics. thc comic actor and dircctor. talks to (lift Michclmorc in thc first of a ncw scrics ccntring on mattcrsof faith. chfrics. currcntly working on thc film ycrsion of Alan Ayckbourn‘s ( ‘lmrus' riflhuippmt'ul. w as brought tip in a

Saly ation Army houschold. btit is now a Catholic.

26 Thc.List 24 Junc 7 July 1988

I The Storyteller ( C4) 7—7.45pm. Dawn

Frcnch and Jcnnifcr Saundcrs appear as

ueg sistcrs in thc latcst dramatiscd folk

talc. .S'upsormit'. introduccd by John l lurt. I Dance on Four: Fugue ((4) 745—8. 15pm. Last of thrcc [)mtt't’-I.irics programmcs - a dancc-thcatrc work for tclcyision by Caryl (‘hurchill ( Top (fir/s Serious .tloncy) and

ScCond Stridc Artistic Dircctor. lan


I The Ruth Rendell Mysteries (Scottish) 8. [5—9. l5pm. Sccond part of ‘A (itiilty

Thing Surpriscd‘.

I 'Allo 'Allo (BBCZ) 7.454%. lllpm. William Rccs-Mogg's fayouritc programmc. so guarantccd high standards

in this rcpcatcd scrics.

IAVery British Coup ((4)9. 15- In. 15pm.

Part two of thc political thrillcr that has

tbc sccrct scry'iccs amongst othcrs plotting

against thc Ray McAnally's lcft wing


I M'A'S'H'(('4)10.15-12.35pm. Donald Suthcrland and lilliot (iould in thc 1970 film dircctcd by Robcrt Altman that

sparkcd off the long running TV scrics. Only (iary Burghoff as Radar madc thc

transfcr to thc small scrccn.

I Having A Baby ( BBCI) lii.35- 1 l.(i5pm. Thc final programmc in Suc (‘ook's scrics looks at thc first fcw months oflifc.


I A King‘s Story ( Scottish) (Rn—3.30pm. ()rson Wcllcs narratcs this 1965 documcntary about thc [)ukc of Windsor

and thc abdication crisis. it incltidcs

intcry‘icws with thc Dukc and Duchcss and

ncwsrccl footagc.

I Wimbledon '88(BB('1 ) 150-4. 10pm, Sccond wcck coy-cragc gcts undcrway. I Dramarama (Scottish) 4.45—5. 15pm. Thc plays for childrcn scricscontinucs

with a piccc spccially writtcn by thc witty and obscryant Scottish writcr. Ann-Maric Di Mambro. Room [or ()II(’ .WUN’ isabotit thc cffcct on a whitc family on thc fostcringof an Asian tccnagcr. Scc (iucst


I Scottish Action (Scottish) (3.3U—7pm. Morc on thc implications of thc rising

crimc figurcs what can wc do to combat


I International Athletics (Scottish)

8—8.3llpm. tixclusiy'c coy‘cragc ofthc

l":- r The PI

oughan’s Luc. Sinne. 9pm.

Girobank Gamcs in Belfast. with big track and field stars making important appcaranccs including Pctcr Elliot and Fatima Whitbrcad. Covcragc continucs for an hour at 8.3(Jon Channel Four.

I Horizon (BBCZ) 8. ill—9pm. Examination of thc Iittlc undcrstood discasc. post yiral fatiguc syndromc.

I The Disappearance ol Aimee ( (‘4)

9.30—1 1.30pm. Fayc Dunaway in hcr first TV movic rolc plays famcd Amcrican cvangclist. Aimcc Scmplc Mcl’hcrson who mystcriously disappcard for six wcck~ in 1926. A court casc followcd in attcmpt to discoy'cr what rcally happcncd to hcr. Bcttc Davis plays Aiméc’s mothcr. Madc in 1976.

I Panorama (BBC) ) 9.30— it). lllpm. Thc Pricc of Succcss: thc South East of England is booming. but at what pricc to the quality of lifc. That wc should hay-c such problems?

I Reid About The USSR (Scottish)

Ill-fS—l 1.45pm. Fouth and final installmcnt ofJimmy Rcid's scrics cxamining thc channg taking placc in Rtissia. Thc scrics was first sccn on (‘hanncl Four a fcw wccks ago.

I Eleventh Hour: A View From Caterthun ((4) MED—12.35pm. Formcr hcadofthc BBC World Scryicc and controllcr of programmcs at thc BBC. Stuart Hood. prcscnts his pcrsonal account ofthc lidzcll and thc surrounding arca ofnorth-cast Scotland whcrc llood was brought tip.

l lood was brough up in thc 1920s undcr thc ficrcc cyc of his fathcr. who w asalso his hcadmastcr. But llood docsn't rcly on his imprcssions alonc. lncludcd in thc programmc arc thc thoughts. alongsidc othcrs. of poct and dramatist. Liz l.ochhcad. writcr and journalist. Stuart (‘osgroy'c and broadcastcr and historian. Billy Kay.

I World Championship Baiting (Scottish) 3.25—5am. Mikc Tyson and Michacl Spinks slug it out in thc wcc small hoursof thc morning to bccomc thc lindisputcd llcayy Wcight (‘hampion of thc World. chcatcd at thc morc civaliscd (somchow that docsn‘t sccm thc right word) timc of 8pm tomorrow.


I Oscar Wilde (c4) 2.30—4.2(lpm. Wimblcdon altcrnatiy'c if its raining. a wondcrful 1960 account of thc downfall of ()scar Wildc with thc improbablc (dcspitc a stagc succcss as thc charactcr) but somchow just right casting of Robcrt .Vlorlcy in thc titlc part.

I When to Worry ((4) 5.3(Hipm. (‘4 contribution to ‘family fortnight‘ (no I didn't know about it cithcr). A thrcc partcr on kccping childrcn out of dangcr— of whatcy'cr kind.

I Glory Enough For All (Scottish ) 9-. lllpm. and 10.354 1.35pm. [)ramatiscd account of thc discovery of insulin with R.H.

m w l

Thomson. John Woody'inc and Robcrt \‘l'isdcn sct in (‘anada immcdiatcly aitcr thc First World War. At) intcrnational co-production from (icmstonc l’roJuction and Pi'imcdia Productions in association with Thamcs Tclcy Mon and thc (Xinadian Broadcasting ( ‘orporation told ii‘ two parts. part two tomorrow night ili lhc samc timc. It looks as ifit hascycrylhing including a bcautiful daughtcr of a l ‘S scnator dying lroin diabctcs ard a prolcssional slight at tlic hant’s ofthc Nohcl L‘otiimittcc.

I God's Outlaw ( ( ‘4) Iiifispri 11.45am. .‘yloi'c dramatiscd history ; Saakcspcarcan actor. Richard Rccs play s William

Ty ndalc w hosc attcmpts to producc an tinglish ycrsion of thc Bil'ilc lcad to his cchiition bcl'orc his work was finally incorporach in to thc .-\tithoriscd \cision. I Let the People Tallt( ism 'l)

l l.3llpm midnight. ()idinary pcoplc ((iod loy'c 'cm ) gct thc chancc ‘put tlic world to rights. ( )n at this timc cy cry night this w cck.


I Mark and Mindy(( It) 5.30 (ipiii. Moi-k ntccls Mindy 's boy fi icnd w ho out to cnsurc hanky panky isa no no. \anoo. Natioo.

IWoman in View(t‘4).s'.3i) 9pm. Rcturn for a sccond scrics til tlic cui rcnl allairs show aimcd at w onicn.

I Evil ((4)0 lllpiii. l ast ol thrcc programmcs taking a rathcr .icadcmic \‘icw of thc nattii'c ol l1y i|. lllls programmc looks at waysol rcsistingcy il -- is it right logo to war. for instancc'.’

I The Singing Detective ( BB( ‘2)

9.35 lll.35pm. l’ait liy c of l)cnnisl’ottcr's wondcrltil scrics.

I Pride ol Place(Scouish)

ll.3(lpm l3..‘~5ain. Murray (irigor's documcntary scricson \mci ican ill'L‘ltllL‘L‘ltllC.


I Fathers and Sons ( ( Ii ) (I I 1 .5pm. titii-t Lancastcr stars in this \\ cst ( icrman ( but with linglish dialoguc ) sag.) about thc giants of thc ( icrman clicnucal .intl bankingindustrics. l’aitly bascd on fact. it lcllsthc story of two family tlyiiastics which grcw to pow ct in tlic intciwai ycais. An account. Hollywood stylc of tlicir pl‘lViitC liycs. It IS also (‘llt'tilllc‘lL'S thccllccl ofthc Nazi ycais. i-oi llic l)cut/ family makc it through thc \\.ll but cnd tip in thc dock at \urcnbcrg 'l lic Bci nhcirns. thc chish hankcis. arc not so lucky. . .-\ major lotir part lllllll‘SL'l it's. w liichupsct thc chcmical companics w but it w as shown in ( icrmany . it also staisJulic (‘hristic and Bruno ( i.iii/.

I The Mercer Play: On the Eve olPublication (BB('l ) ‘).,‘s() lllfillpin. 'l‘hc sccond play in this rctrospcctiy c sci‘ics stars I co \lcls'ci'n as an author w ho has ncy ci' bccn ablc to rcspond to loy c.

I Scottish Questions ( Scottish)

10.35 l l .lllpni. [find of tcrin i'cportson thc political sccnc

I The Scottish Picture Show i Scottish) IZQS llfyllpni. Janics \loi l isoii with aiiothcr picturc Ill Scottish lclcy ision's collcction.

I Cruise Missile ( SL’tiltlslll l:..‘~ii Listipm, l’ctci' ( iraycs with a i'cal mission impossiblc to makc this hockum about doomsday bombs abd tci iorist groups bclicyablc. l-ilni lroin l‘FS'.


I CDUTS Du SOil’ ( ( ll ) 5 311 ()pin. .lactpics Tati short. from No”. .-\ warm tip .isit Wcrc for" lomoi'i'tm \ classic. .llmi ()m li'. I The Flying Doctors l BB( ‘1 ).s. It) «)piii. Latcst Aulralian soap you can gticss tlic rL‘St.

I The Last Resort With Jonathan Ross ( ( ‘4) 10.3” I l.l5pni.'lonigl1t's show is billcdas a fiftics capc r (not ic.

I First Exposureistotti’sh)

11.30pm -midnight. Arthur Smith