I The Cactus Devils Music Box. Victoria unless their MCA sing“ 1wanlYomLove' comfort nfone's living room. Who knows. if

Street. 221) 1708. 9.30pm. Free. gersany highenhanmeirlasyeflon. live it may be just zlsgoml. lThe Rootsie Tootsie Blues Trio(‘ztnny . lThe Thanes Venue. Carlton Road. 557

Man‘s. Morningside Road. 4471484. I 3073. Back after a short break and line-up 8.30pm. Free. RCSILlCflC)‘. I The Davey spmane Band Queen.s Hal" reshuffle. one of the best and most

TH U as DAY 7 South Clerk Street. 668 3456. 7pm. (£4 dFd'Fmd 53“.'°‘.‘“‘-‘"“ 94”?“ WM“ -‘ "3'?" < A R E D find ln zl rzldlus 0t a good lL‘“ miles. But ll

LIB-ill). Again. slightly outwith the rock

GI . ‘. .. ._ , . .. they‘rethut200d.whvdnthevhalvelo sectionsJurlsdlctlon.lmtthlsyears ' . ~ ., ' _, - instrumental 1 P (in the compatnvof keep playing I“ S'prmcnd' ITransvision Vamp(TBC)Fury Murry's.96 , _ ' lThe PerlstaISIs Brothers Néutleialllts. ' Max 1131 eel 2215511 10 so m The A'h‘“LC““"‘""3"‘h””{'“m‘hc 1 oh” tfitrnt mom 9 “r 1: ~ s~ we I ' ' ' p ' Movinglleurtsuillezlnnpiperwassuch ‘( m" u """ " pn' r“"“

iatestglam lashlon casualtles. thlsyear s gmd stuff " Smuld he plugng wherever Sat -5.

westwpflfl' 2;", Lhe‘boznizefhzm:rhpedgit‘? possible. The LP A (Ian/it~ Britlgctravelled rssars‘mfil) lid!" \ mun" me n m n s' u so a | u ' m'erzl wide range ()fmoods.idezllforthe r“ "'J“ L " pm' ru'

Residency. 150 ST.STEPHEH STREET eorneumnensm

Street. 225 52-14. 9pm. Free. See 5101127. . I Los Supremos (‘ztnny Man‘s. (opp CIHDERELLA'S _ e"? _‘ .. Morningside Road. 4-17 1484.8..illpm. (a... « Free. Residency. ROCKERFELLAS)

I Live bandlnrd Darnley. West Port . 32‘) 4341. lilpm. Free.

ielephone: 05 1-225 5487

James Taylor’s recent compilation singles, topped all the American album was entitled Classic Songs, and charts, sold over a million copies and on reflection, he is certainly one at the resulted in his appearance on the lronl lew artists who could justiiiably call his cover at Time magazine in March 1971. greatest hits by that name. The early seventies were to prove a Alter a two-year silence, Taylor has period at building, with albums like returned in1988 witha pleasant, ii ‘Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon‘ E E uninspired, album, Never Die Young, and ‘One Man Dog’ providing yet more and a tour which brings him to sales and a Grammy award in 1972 for . . . Edinburgh Playhouse on July 6th. his vocal on ‘You've GotAFriend’—a Since his debut album was released Carole King composition. F R I D A Y 1 5 T H J U L Y in 1968, when he was twenty, Taylor Carole King is one at James Taylor's has released a turther eleven bona-lide long and impressive list of M OUWCEOUS . . albums, not to mention compilations collaborators overthe years-a list , . - glasgow Pavmon WCdneSda)’ 6th JUI)’ and soundtracks. which includes Linda Ronstadt, Joni ' v [e 1 e p h 0 n e ; 041 - 332 - 1846 The debutalbum was actually Mitchell, Art Gartunkel, Paul Simon, - " _, g. . released in Britain belore itcame out in The Doobie Brothers, Deneice - - . aberdeen capltal thursday 7th July his home country (he was born in Williams, David Sanborn and Don 1 {6 1 e h o n e - 0224 _ 583141 Boston), and having tailed to make any Henley, and highlights the esteem in o p ' impact lirstly with his brother's band, which he is held. Uniortunately his , ~ " ' edinburgh playhouse friday 8th July The Fabulous Corsairs, and secondly American success has never really .0.» tOUR- . with The Flying Machine (described as been mirrored inthis country, 'O“°w"“‘ Mm“ te l e p h o n e ' 031 - 557 - 2590 a ‘Greenwich Village-era band’), he especially in singles terms, with only moved to Notting Hill in 1957. At this ‘Fire and Rain’ (no.42) and ‘You’ve Got C O N C E R T ° T R AV E L 'N ° 5 C QUE N 0 stage he recorded demos which A Friend' (no.4) making any " 7 resulted in him becoming the iirst impression, back in 1971. w _~ ‘outside’ artist to join the Beatles' A new single, the title track irom Apple label. ‘Never Die Young', has been released The album was produced by Peter to co-incide with the tour, but better Asher, known at the time as a member purchases would be the album itsell or Effie/6,88 Edinburgh plalgfigugg oi Peter and Gordon, who Is to this day last year's Classic Songs collection, Fleetwood Mac 28/6/88 Manchester Taylor‘s manager, as well as notching which covers his periods on both glxcg Springsteen Glasgo Ba Shfilfitgd up a recentproduction creditonthe 10, WarnerBrothers(1969-1976) and ' ' ' w "0"" a” 5 000 Maniacs‘ In My Tribe album. C.B.S./Columbia (1976-), and leatures gfiri’éeosme 23m Glasgow Barwgliltllg; Slltbortly :her the releas't‘ro:1 the gist h :‘rilliant songs such as ‘Carolina In My aiggsfigyg Rock 3 a “Smile?” a um, IS careerwas Il'l ere y is ind’, “Don‘t Let Me Be Lonely . . . . °”'”9 0” breaking both hands in a motorcycle Tonight' and ‘Sweet Baby James'. lllé‘ngé'lggkgo‘ile Lee Rom Kiss' Gig/i334 Roses' Pusan Leeds crash, but It was 1970 that proved to be James Taylor is an example at a Belinda Carlisle 19/9/88 Edinburgh Playhouse the year when Taylor made his big songwriter whose cralt has survived ems Rea 11/12/38 SEC-C- breakthrough. against the whims ottashion,and lor . His second album, Sweet Baby . that we should be truly gratelul. (John Ufgsgsecz?ggasemem 041 226 4679 James, trom which the title track, Flre Willlamson). Edinburgh: Virgin Records, Princes Street 031 225 4.583 In The Rain and Count Road were ' - - TV Showtravel - the original and Best - Luxury Coaches, Video, Washroom, Personal

Courier - Comfortable Return Travel .....Who Needs a Car!

The List 24 June 7 July 1988 43