Provisional programme details only—not continued at time 01 going to press.

I CAMEO Home Street. 2284141.

1. A Handlul DlDust(P(1) 1.511pm ( Not Sun). 4. 1(1pm. (1.3(1pm. 8.511pm.

Sun 17: The Glass Menagerie (PG) 1.311pm. I CANNON Lothian Road. 22‘) 31130.

1. ‘Crocodile' Dundee ll 1 PG 1 2.3(1pm. 5.4(1pm. 8.2(1pm.

2. Police Academy V: Assignment Miami Beach ( PG) 1.2(1pm. 3.35pm. 5.55pm. 8.3(1pm.

3. Deadly Pursuit ( 15) 2. 1(1pm. 5. lupm. 8.1(1pm.

I DOMINION NewbattIe Terrace. 447 26611.

1. Three Men And A Baby ( PG ) 2.2(1pm. 5.2(1pm. 8.2(1pm.

2. The Princess Bride (P(‘113.25pm.

It Couldn‘t Happen Here ( 1514.35pm. (1.35pm. 8.35pm.

3. Wall Street ( 15) 2.2(1pm. 5.211pm. 8.2(1pm.

I ODEON (‘Ierk Street. (1(17 7331.

1. The Jungle Book ( LI) 2. 15pm. 4.3(1pm. (1.4(1pm. 8.45pm.

2. Throw Mama From The Train 1 15 )‘1‘imcs unavailable.

3. Three Men And A Baby ( PG 1 Fri Sat 1.5(1pm. 4pm, (1.211pm. 8.45pm: Mon—Thurs 1.35pm. 3.45pm. (1pm. 8.3(1pm.


Lothian Road. 228 2(188.


1. The Dead (L') 3. 15pm. My Girllriend‘s Boytriend (PG) (1pm. 8.3(1pm.

2. A Flame in My Heart ( l8) 3pm.(1. IIIpm. 8.2(1pm.


1. My Glrllriend‘s Boytriend (PG) 230an (1pm, 8.30pm.

2. A Flame in My Heart ( t8) 3pm.(1. 1(1pm. 8.2(1pm.


1. Empire 01 the Sun (PG) 5pm.8pm.

2. A Flame in My Heart ( l8) (1. 1(1pm. 8.2(1pm.


1. Empire 01 the Sun (PG) 2pm. Spm,8pm. 2. Near Dark ( I8) (1.3(1pm. 8.3(1pm. TUESDAY19:

1. Empire DI the Sun (PU) 2pm. 5pm.8pm. 2. Near Dark ( I8) (1.3(1pm. 8.3(1pm. WEDNESDAY 20:

1. The Belly 01 an Architect 1 15) 2pm. Empire olthe Sun (PG) 5pm. 8pm.

2. Seduced and Abandoned ( 18) 5.45pm. 8.15pm.


1. The Belly 01 an Architect ( 15) 2.45pm. A Month in the Country (PG)(1. 15pm. 8.30pm.

2. Seduced and Abandoned ( 18) 2.30pm. The Postman Always Rings Twice ( 18) 6pm. 8.20pm.


ICAMEO I Iome Street.

Fri 15: No Way Duti 15) and The Falcon and the Snowman ( IS) 1 1.15pm.

Sat 16: Raising Arizona 1 151 and M'A'S'H (18) 11.15pm.


Provisional programme details only-not conlirmed at time 01 going to press.

I CANNON Princess Street. I-‘alkirk . (1324 238115.

1. Police Academy V: Assignment Miami Beach ( PU) 1.55pm. 4pm. (1. 15pm. 8.4(1pm; Sun 4pm. (1. 15pm. 8.4(1pm.

2. ‘Crocodile‘ Dundee ll (P013. 1(1pm. 5.111pm.8.1(1pm:SuriS.l(1prtr.8.1(1pm. 3. Unconlirmed.


Provisional programme details only—not contirmed at time 01 going to press.

I CANNON 'I‘itchl‘ield Street. Kilmarnoek. (15(13 37288.

1. Police Academy V: AssignmentMiami Beach ( PG) 1.511pm. 3.35pm. (1.115pm. 8.25pm: Sun 5.211pm. 7.511pm.

2. ‘Crocodile' Dundee ll (P013. 15pm. 5.2(1pm. 8.115pm; Sun 511111.7511pm.

3. A Night On The Town ( I’(112.411pm. 5.511pm. 8.35pm. Sun 5.211pm. 7.45pm. I KELBURNE (ilztsgow Road. I’aisle} . 88‘) 3(1I2.

1. ‘Crocodile' Dundee 11 ( l’(i).

2. Police Academy V: AssignmentMiami Beach 1 PG 1.

I LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Salteoats. (1294 (13345

1. ‘Crocodile' Dundee ll ( 1’( 1 1 (1pm. 8.111pm. matinees Sat. .\It111.\\'ed 1.311pm.

2. Police Academy V: Assignment Miami Beach ( I’(1) (1pm. 8.111pm.

3. The Care Bears ( t: 1 Sat. Mon. Wed 1.3(1pm.

I OOEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. (1292 2641149.

1. ‘Crocodile' Dundee 11 ( l’( i 1 Fri Sat 1.15pm.3.35pm.7pm.‘).15pm: Sun—Thurs 1.15pm. 3.3(1pm. (1.25pm. 8.45pm.

2. Three Men And A Baby 1 P( i ) Fri Sat 1.3(1pm. 3.45pm. 7.115pm. 0.25pm; Suns Thurs 1.3(1pm. 3.45pm.(1..‘15pm. 8.55pm.

3. Police Academy V: Assignment Miami Beach ( l’(‘1) 1.115pm. 3.0511111. 511511111. 7.115pm. 9.115pm.

I ODEON'Townhead Street. I Iamilton. (1698 283 8(12.

1. ‘Crocodile‘ Dundee ll ( I’(i) 111.115.1111, 12.4t1pm. 3. 15pm. 5.45pm. 8.25pm.

2. Three Men And A Baby ( i’( i) l 1.55am. 2.3(1pm. 5.115pm. 7.511pm.

3. Police Academy V: AssignmentMiami Beach(l’(i)111.15am. l2.5(1pm.3.25pm. 5.55pm. 9pm.

I RIALTO (‘oIIege Street. Dumbarton. (138‘) (127(13. (‘Iosed Sundays.

1. Police Academy V: Assignment Miami Beach ( P0).

2. Unconlirmed.




I Theatre is listed by city tlrst, then by venue, running in alphabetical order. Cabaret and touring shows are listed separately underthe relevant heading. KEY: [D] lacilities tor the disabled. [E] lacilities tor the hard 01 hearing, usually an induction loop system. For prices, price in brackets eg (£1 .50) is the concessionary price. Long running shows. unless specilied otherwise, do not run on Sundays.

I The Glasgow Garden Festival will also be hosting theatre events. Please see Garden Festival Diary tor details olthese.


I CITIZENS. THEATRE (1111‘l1ail\ Street . 42‘) (11122. Box ()ll‘ice Mon—Sat lilam 8pm. Bar. ID].

NO Mean Cily'l‘ue 28 June-- Sat 16.1111}; 7.311pm. £3. (‘ones (.1 in adxance. l‘reeon the door. 7:84 Scotland in theirxhou premiered at .\Ia_\l'e.\t. :\le\ Norton's adaptation of the inlamou~ book about the (ilaxgou ra/or gangs. gi\ en a strong.

\I} li\etl production by David I Ia} man.

I CRAWFURDTHEATREJordanhiII('ollege ol' Iiducation. 7(1Southbrae I)ri\e. (141 ()54 (1111111.

Waiting on One Wed (1 Sat 3111111) . 2pm. Inc 1‘) ck Sat 211.1111) 1(1am. I‘RI‘Ii. Sat‘). I‘ri 15.Sat 1(1.Itil}.7._3(1;1111.123751122511). Wildcat in Anne I)imnie\11e\\.a\\’ar(l \\llllillii_’ pla} about bingo and the livexot the uomen 1\ ho regularly attend the bingo halls. A special season ol Iree matinee perlormaneex (or groups lrom all social and voluntary organisations in Strathelyde Region. Wllll

some 1 not tree 1 pertormanecs tor the general public in the e\ L‘lllligx. It) be reviewed next issue.

I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE ( ‘umbci nauld. (123(1 732887.1111x0111ce Mon-I‘ri

lilam (1pm;Sat Illam 3pm;(1 8pmperl. ex'gx Bar ('ale.

.\'o lurthcr theatre performances until mid-August.

I DRAMA CENTRE 12(1 Ingram Street. 552 5827.

ATaste otHoney’l‘ue 11) Sat 3311111811111. Sat mat 2.3(1pm. Strathclyde 'I'heatre (iroupin Shelagh I)c‘lgiiic‘1'\[1l:i} about the changing l‘elttlintiship\ bet“ een mother and daughter in a grubb_\ bedxit a taste of the changing lace ol drama in the late titties when pr'cViotixI} taboo \ubicets “ere beginning to be explored.

I KINGS THEATRE Bath Street. Box ()ll’icc. Mon-Sat noon (1pm. 4 bars. |I)|. [Ii|. Phone bookings. 'I‘ieket ( 'entre. ('andleriggx. Mon Sat 111.,‘111am (1.311pm. 11412275511.

Rikki Fulton and Jack Milroy as Francie and Josie in the Kings High Tue 21 June Sat 1(1 .1111} . 7.3(1pm. Sat mat 3pm. (.6. 1.5. L4. Irresistable. I"ulton and Mulroy back as Francie and .loxie (or a \arict) \hou lorthe

I MITCHELL THEATREUramiIIe Street. 2213198. I111.\()Iliee.\lon Sat noon- (1pm. 1111141111}. [1)].'IiekelxalxoauiilableIt'om the Ticket Centre. ( 'andleriggs. 22," 5511 .\Ion Sat 11131111111(131111111.

No lurthcr theatre PL‘l'lUl'lilitllL‘L‘Stllllll August.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE New Street . 88" 111111. Box ()tlice open'I'ue -Sun


Calling your show ‘Disastrous Peace’ is like handing ammo to critics, sheer temptation lor any negative punsters, yet I admire director Barnaby Stone and author-performerCatherine Jellerson tor having the guts —and sense 01 humour— to stick with the title. i suspect Stone has a risk-taker‘s sensibility anyway, having seen his work tor Ralt Ralt, the performance duo he and elder brother Jonathan Stone lormed in late 1985 (whose ‘The Summit‘ was a hit at last year's Edinburgh Festival).

This pairol oddball theatrical innovators had only been going about two years, and were about to emerge lrom the cult closet with two shows under their belts, when Barnaby opted out to do his own thing. This includes directing his otlstage other hall, Jellerson (like the Stones, a graduate of Dartington College), and childhood pal Matthew Bowyer in Jetterson‘s dark and compelling new script.

‘lt's a bit of an abstract set-up,‘ Stone explains. ‘A man and woman, with totally dillerent attitudes to lite and the world, have lived in the same room tor years without ever acknowledging each other.’ The drama comes lrom exploring and exploding this status quo. The mistit protagonists deline and light over their physical and psychological spaces. Literal skeletons get dragged out 01

cupboards. Dreams and desires are revealed with an almost demonic. energy.

Jellerson admits some oi her text materialised lrom her own nightmares: ‘Most 01 the time we‘re unable to talk about these things, except in an asylum—or a play. Where else can you take the madness?‘ Rehearsals have relined Jellerson‘s verbal madness and aligned it to action. olten developed improvisationally. For Stone the process has been an intense variation on Rail Rall's method: another two-person conllict partly delineated through movement.

‘I‘m interested in letting character come out of situation,‘ he says, ‘rather than saying ‘Where were you born?‘ and all that. The loundation is the physical work.‘ (Donald Hutera)

'I‘I1eI.is18-— 21 July 1988 21