
I Ransom Mime BU\. Victoria Street. 22“ l7tI8.‘).31Ipm. l’rcc. ttélrtt ruck.

I Panic No More l’rcscl'x :ltinn l lull. Victoria Street. 32!» SSW. ‘lfillpm. l'l'cc. IThe Temps Ncgticluntx. ttlltllilil Street. 335 0313. I)pm. tree.

I The Volunteers ( ~nun} \lgtu‘x. Morningslllc Rlltltt. 44" MN, .\.3Hj\m. t't'L‘L‘. RL‘\ttlctlL’_\.

I Live band \cglwtltnlx. l.nlht;lll SltL‘L'l. 225MB. 0pm. l-l'cc, l‘nwntirmcll,



IThompson McCall ll.” l menthoqu l‘I~ Pitt Street. 333 l I l l lilpm l..lll;uk\lulc hand “ho haw plulctl null .rxmllll numhcl' ut gigs In ( illrxglixx lthiltL‘. lhc nzlmc IS plulmhll IIIHIC tlpt tut uwhcllul'k till'lcc though.

I BUDDY Wishart l lull llllt . \\ UtNtt.llltt\ Road. 332 Ill” ‘lpm. lies I “UllttCl \\ hat the team! I\ tor the longest lcxlllcuex fit all time'.’ lluhlyx \Vhllllll must he upplnluhmg ll Dues lhl~ man C\L‘I h.t\ c lltlllll;l}~" Still “with \c‘L'lllgl though ITequiIla Masque! .l l;llllctc.15l'n\ Strch t)pm. live. .\I lL‘;t\t l .r'l .uuclc keep putting hands nu as the huhtlal \ approach. , .ulhcl'x mulll lulltm then lead.


I Kitchen Devils .\lU\IC Box Victm Ill Street. 33” l“ll.\' I) .‘llpm l'l'L‘L‘.

I CHECK It [hit ( )lltllL‘lltm \. l‘tWILNl Rogltl. 33“ lh‘lh. .\‘._‘\lem l-tcc Indie-pup.

I Favourites l.ttltt l);ll lllc} . West l’nl’l. 23043.11, Illpm. l‘lL‘C

I Chris Thomson Band l’lL'\L'l'\ .IllUll I LIII. Vtctnrtu Street. Illfifilh “N'le t‘lk‘k'. IWiIly Logan ( nun) \l;u1\. \lulluuuxillc l<tttttt.4~1~ HM. Sfillpm l-lcc. Resident}. luuctlihll ;\lc .llltt accurate uncl-wrxmn \lllfJL'l clcclnc Illlllzll'hl. \Vhllt mlh [vulirl‘xlnlcklrlg tapes and tll um machine. mu umu nu the scene \\ us cum Inc‘cll he \\ .i\ \llll tl\tL'lllll_L'

0 II I I 1 cr<t-e:n:.3r:c~-:r. . - a A C ~ ~ 5 - ~ v Va\4§’1~twbfl-N m 3:75:02 mast O was JC'J‘Z c.2233 U FE‘BHCT—‘ICZ 37"”- ‘5 31"- H m c. o »— :11 ~ s 3 uw~3cc a I -— coen ot~< m n3it'o:~.~::~-c m -—:‘.3 :Li"; 4) "3130.1 aa—e-v"~. o 1123 <:—-t:/.:~ ~V :.- sex :3 I“3Q<w: :r-va: n Uccao‘ scar: drawga :2 ex Coat; seas-:1 g2mu- C: N 3 'v‘wc “35533 a PA 333ch CC rawr'czz I mr~~1~1 5%.“.20 235:.p. {TN'C 5503:}. "- H3439" 9 z “.1.” g :3' m 9 2 w I i H a.) g C :r. Q. - a.) a.)

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So tar this year's concerts at the Open-air Ross Theatre in Princes Street Gardens have displayed an immense variety of music and dancing from around the world and from past and present. with more to come.

Taking the bandstand‘s stage at 7.30pm on Saturday 9 will be the ten-piece Orchestre Matimila, tronted by the charismatic Remmy Ongala. In their native Tanzania. the group are so popularthat it‘s said only the president is better known than Remmy Ongala. who Iollowed in the Iootsteps oi his father. also a musician, joining his tirst group at sixteen. Times have not always been so good torthe group as they are now. Orchestre Matimila in tact took their name from the local businessmen who sold them their instruments, so scarce are good guitars in Tanzania. They know how to use them though. and the group is an accessible jazz-tinged introduction to soukous music. The wondertul WOMAD have just released a Remmy Ongala and Orchestre Matimila LP, which has been sticking to the turntable quite a lot recenhy.

Edward II and The Red Hot Polkas. (Saturday 16 at 1pm) are quite a

diiterent proposition, being both home-grown (well, English anyway, which is close enough) and a deliberate mutation at a collection at eclectic inlluences. They take Airican music. calypso. a dose of English traditional music just to contuse things and wrap it all in a dub reggae style. Completely out there.

Also to come: Amayenge on Friday 22. The first ever visit to British shores by a Zambian group. and Iittingly they're a group who were presented with a trophy tor being the best band at 1986 by President Kaunda. Fifteen

____., “Sufi

musicians. dancers and acrobats make upthis excellentoutiit. ' Sunday 31 sees Udichee playing both traditional and contemporary songs from Bengal. Hindu alongside Muslim. ' child alongside adult. as they demonstrate theircommitmentto unity. 2 There‘s an entirely ditierent ilavour to the perlormances oi the group known I only as The Tibetan Troupe. who play at i the Ross on Friday. August 5. l displaying a variety of music and dance Irom every part oi Tibet‘s traditional arts. Something for everyone. (Mab) .

twlhc jukc-lun

WEDNESDAY 13 Glasgow

I Five Guys Named Moe t m. \u \llllL'l Slim-t ltlpm lice lluwvnc\huultlluclil \Ulllk' micro! Mtlllk' lllm hawnuh

~t.u lull _\_‘I_L"‘.!IIIL' IL'_L‘ It .thle tcl‘cuth

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.tllL‘l thIlL‘ u lung .‘lt‘\L’llL'L'. hut l ttlll lnltl the} .u c ‘.i melodic pup hgllltl' \\ hulu} \lluue c‘lttplmxlx till ll;ll‘mtlllIC\. Sounds umul nu impel.

I Nailanlhlr13.”.Woodlandsleddfil l_‘lH. ‘Ipul. l'lcc Another longstanding ll'xitlcuu

I The Kritiks [ .;r lulllcl'c. l5 l~n\ Street. ‘lplu. l'l'L‘L'.

11ml SllHDIN

With thanks: design BRIDGES 8. WOODS photography GAVIN EVANS typesetting CUT MAGAZINE

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