I Art is listed by city lirst then by venue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan tOdays belore publication date.


I ANNAN GALLERY Ho \Vest (‘ampbell Street. III 5H8? 8. Mon l'riiiam 5pm: Silt‘).3llttlil 12.3llpttt.

SummerExhibition t‘nttl citd Aug. A tour oi Scotland rtt oils. ssatcrcoloursand pastels. Sltoss tug at the same time are tress continental scenes b_s (ieorge Aguilar

I ART GALLERY 8t MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 3573939. Mon Sat lllaitr 5psztm

1 5pm. (ale. [DI Voluittais gui'desat'e

as ailable iree oi charge to condttct parties. or iitdis tdtials round tlte titarn galleries (‘ontact tltc eitqtrrts desk

Flowers and Gardens 1 mil Septeittbei' llortictiltutal tlosserritgs -time ssor'ksoit paper aitd oils lrottt tlte pertttanent CUIIL‘L'IIUII,

MrWood's Fossils l ‘nttl 3! August [he stors oi Start \Vood's titdeiatigablc hunt to lerr'etouttossils includirtgthoscolthe ssorld's earliest complete laitd amphibians.

A Right Royal Reception t'nitl lb Sept. ‘l he rosal reception room lor tlte I888 (ilasgoss international lashrbttion is reconstructed as tltc centrepiece tor tltis centenais celebration displas.

Stephen Wiltshire 31 lots 3s Aug Wiltshtrc is a soung bos sshosuitet'strorn autism. btit who has stiuggled through tltat disease to communicate “till his accutcls obsers ed areltitcctural dr'ass tirgs

I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 2H3 Bath Street. 2265M} Mon -l-ri liiam 5pm1Sat lilam lprtt.

lvorB. Coburn I 'ntil ettd .lttls. Recent pitlllllllgs.

I BLYTHSWOOO GALLERY lhl VI est (icotgc Street. 230 552‘). Mon l-rr

Want 5 .ilipm: Sat Iliam lpiii

Mixed Exhibition I hid eitd .-\ugttst (ilasgoss School. Scottish ( ~olotit rstsaitd cottleittpotat') artists

I THE BURRELL COLLECTIONl’ollokshass s Road. o-i‘) I 5 1. Mon Sat liiam 5pm: Sun 2 5pm. Rest. [D]

Hanging Gardens oi Central Asia 1 "not Is September. Not so ttttrclt gardens as 18th arid 19th cc nturs etitbtotdei'ed bedspreads troitt ('entt'al .'\\l;l ss hose beauttiulls intricate floral designs continue the prcs'alent horticultural theme lor the (iarden l'estisal.

I COLLINS GALLERY l ~ttrs ct sits ol Strzttltc‘ls'cle. 22 Richmond Street. 552 “West 2682 24th. Mon - l-rt lilam—5ptn; Sat 12 ~4pm.

Shape and Form L‘iitil I“ August \Vrth parrttirtg a dominant iorce Ill Scotland it is reireshiitg to see art entirels sculptural shoss. llere. sis sculptors itom Scotland has e beett chosen to make tip a gt oup shoss oi soung contemporaries lhe sis are ‘l racs Mticls'etiiia ss hose taught creature at tlte (iardeti l-estis al is oneol the stronger contributions. Kti‘sts McUhre ss hose colouriul sculpture has becorite ntore subtle itt both colour aitd lorm. Andress Miller ss ho makes a mattressout oi a ittirtetteld. \Vends llalstead artd Val

l’i‘agriell ssorking ss itIt rtatute and Phil l’ossct' ssith a ness installation the exhibition \s‘III trasel to the( its Art (entre. lidtnburgh ( joint organisers) later thissear.

I COMPASS GALLERY I78 \Vesl Regetll Street. III 037“. Mon Sat Warn 5 .‘iipin New Generation Artists: work trom lour Scottish Art Schools 1 ‘ntrl citd .IllI\ . ( 5 ill (icrber‘s choice iront the annual art school degree shosss. has beert a regular tcature oi tlte ( ilasgoss scene lor I‘i seats I his scar there is art os ct all saleness about the ssork ss hich seertts to lease little room lot indisidtials tosltine But it sou take time

tositt through tltc esltibrtion titerearc

glimmers oi promise that might make it past the high-pressure obstacles which the enterprise societs‘ deals out with degrees. Maree .‘sIeahan's sheep hung with barbed ssrrc is a deitls dtassn statementwhilc Angela Reid pairtts a glosss magpie with the strertgth oi an eagle. Simon Alexander makes sophisticated 'rtatse' printsand paintings ss ltrch sltatpls illustrate African

I COOPER HAY RARE BOOKS 203 Bath Street. 220 3074

Floral Engravings Ihroughout summer. An exhibition ol original hand-coloured iloral cngtasings datrttgiiottt 1787.

I CYRlL GERBER FINE ART l-MWest Regent Street. 33] 3095. Mon—Fri

9.30am 5.3llpnt1SatUdliam—llfitlpm. Festival Exhibition I hrottghout summer. leth centurs artists includiitgloan lzatdles . Meninsks . Nash. tilt/.abeth Blackadder . LilIIlL‘S. Anne Redpath and .ltttltesCoss ie

I EXHIBITION CENTRE STATION ( tornierls l-ittnicston Station) I‘llllllL‘SItm

Scotrail Mural ()petl ntm- tor (iardcn l-estrsal I raliic (ilasgoss artist Willie Rodger tells the slots ol l-innieston's changing lortuiies in a huge mural consistritgol 3‘) enamel panels. ('oinnttssioned b_s ScotRarl

I FINE ART SOCIETY l 3-1 Bl) tltsssood Street. 33.? Jill" \ton I'l'l

() Want 5 .illpm; Sat lilam lpm.

(ieitcral displas ol l‘lth aitd letlicerttui‘s paintings until nest eshibitrort Victoria Crowe - Corinth to Carlops \\ hich begins 12


Shape and Form: Six Sculptors irom Scotland, Collins Gallery, Glasgow Four ot the six sculptors shown here are women and it they share a common aesthetic, it is organic. The tirst impression is that a parlt-tull ot nests, seeds, leaves and sticks have been uprooted and re-arranged in what is a rather over-crowded gallery.

Two at the sculptors, Wendy Halstead and Valerie Pragnell have turned to natural materials not just as a means ol expression, but tor an answer to their artistic purpose. it's as though, admiring nature, they want to re-express in their work what has already been expressed there. Wendy

Halstead goes lurther and writes in a programme note that ‘sometimes watching a piece ot worit decay and weather over a period oi time also becomes part ol the creature process.’ This is art as a bio-degradable entity, which becomes re-absorbed into the the landscape, an non-interlerring, non-striving art that is apparently at one with the whole creative process at

i 1

ittrsty Mcghie

tile. The converse at this is that humans have nothing lasting to otter, and nothing to create that is oi comparable worth or value. Impermanence maybe built-in to nature, but so, alterall, is renewal, and sculpture which quietly disintegrates and rots away tinally says something very negative about what we can aspire to or create tor ourselves. It's partly tor this reason that Klrsty Mcghie’s sculpture is so much more successlul. The dynamic oi her work goes lurther than just materials themselves. It's concerns are lundamentally human and humane, and it's about physicallty, vulnerabllty and inter-dependence. Her work invites a very subjective response and she draws on a very inventive syntax ol colours, shapes and materials, like the large arbstract shape (see photo) which coils and arches like a huge gentle caterpillar whose body is tringed with a million tiny hairs. (Sally Kinnes)


I cuscow Ants CENTRE i2 Washington I Street. ZZI 4526. Mon—Fri liiam- 8pm;Sat i llldpnt. 3 Summer Exhibition limit 3 Sept. ss‘ork b} ; membersof(ilasgoss Arts(‘entre classes. I Photographs. painting and sseasiirg. l I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL l’rinces Dock. opposite Scottish Iishibitioit (entre. 42‘) 8855. lfntil 20 Sept. 7da_ss “lam-9pm (last admission l hour beiore closing). Day tickets £5. I'BJU. ()AI’S {4. children 5 lo £2.50. under 5slree. Sculpture 'I‘lte (ilasgoss (iat'dert I'estis .il includes plents oi sculpture reclining amongst the iloss er beds. though the most diittcult part is seeking it ottt. (iet hold oia lree copy. of the National ( iallcr‘ies’ uscitrl little leailct bciore _sott go ss hich hasa map. numbered locations attd descriptions. As ailable ll'tllll the National (taller) . the NPU. the (iSIA and major art centres. The latest aitd lirtal addition to the sculpture in the testis al‘scollectiori is Richard (iroont‘s giaitt lloatirtg sculpture. Made at British Shipbuilders l‘t‘ainingl rd and brought cc remonialls doss it the ( 'lsde at the end oi last month. it noss r'eslslace upon the ssater oi l‘estis al I larbotir Festival 88 Art Competition t'nt il citd Sept Ar'tistssseic rrtstted tostrbrrtit ssork to compete tor the i; I Will \sotth o! pri/csto be had iit this ( iardett I'L‘sll\ al eslttbrtion Selected ssorks lrom the submission has c been huitg tit l-ichtelmantt's Restatti ant aitd Harbour Bar iii the testis al site

Art inthe Garden A beautiltrlls piodticed s'olunie ssith photographs oi tlte ( iI.rsgtis\ (iardcn l-estis al sculpture in the making arid on site. lisotr ssant something mote

substantial to accontpaits a sctillpuial totit ol the site. this is the book toget Ricltaid Deacon. Michelangelo l’istoletto. Izduardo l’aolo/zi. Sltoiia Kinloclt. (ieorge \\'_sllie and William lur‘rtbtillct al are set in luxurious black arid sshtte aitd contributions in ss ritmg include essas s bs critic Ricltard (‘ork arid l'rench garden . specialist Yses Abriotts. The book is edited aitd produced bs (iraentc \lurias tilt the (ilasgoss (iai'dcir l'estisal and is sold at the testis al and bookshops at the bargain prices ol £5.95 or £095. including postage arid packing li'om ( ir'aeme Mtiiias (iallers . ll3l-55oitti3ii

Artis lhc commercial arts group .-\rtis has selected l3 Scottish artists tobeeshtbtted in the rituch-publicised baronial irtanot bs \Vimpes Homes at the (ilasgoss (iaidcn I'L‘SIIH' John 'I aslor. DomrrttcSnsdci'. .loseph l‘r'ic. Sands Moilat and Derek Robertsarc among those sltossittg in this upper-suppie domestic setting. l'or ittrther tnlormation about ARI IS oi tltc l~estisaleshibition callil3I 55o"5~l(t.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO :3 ls'iitg Street. 552ll7tl-i Mon Sat lliam 5..‘~llprtt.

Artists lrom Munich t 'nttl .‘silltlls. l-ollossing (ilasgoss l’rint Studio‘s recent

s isit and exhibition in Munich. the ( iallets Verciniur ()riginal-Radierttng shoss (ierman prmtmakcts in (ilasgoss. Workshops The stttdio ss orkshops has e reoperted tit their ness pt'crttises and are itoss asailable lor artists‘ trsc. Membership application iot'nts are as ailable itont the abos e address. _ I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART lo" Retrircss Street. 333 9797.

Glasgow Girls Women in the Art School 1880-1920t'ntil 3| Aug. Ancshibrtion which stiises-s the ssork ot ssomeri iii the arts in (ilasgoss \sho sset'e sltldcttlsat (ilasgoss School oi Art.

I GLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY llillhead Street. 33‘) 8855. Mon lhtiis ‘).l5ant ‘) ISPIIIlI‘l'l‘) l5attt ~l J5pm;Sat 9. I5am--l3. l5pm. Nest eshibitron \stII be iii the autumn term.

I HAGGS CASTLE Hill St Andresss Dr ise. .Vton -Sat Illaitt< 5pm; Sttn 2 5pm, (ilasgoss 's museum for children.

Digging tor History I ‘ntii ls August. A cliild's-ese s icss oi archaeologs ssrth a , reconstructed site complete ss rth toolsand i instruments. See Kids page.

The list 22 Jul} 4 August l‘i88 43