
Paintings and small sculpture lrom l7i)illo the 3ch century. Next exhibition ‘Reiiectionsoi \"cnice‘ i3 Aug- 5 Sept.

I CARLYLE GALLERY North Bridge 557 5(lo8. Mon—Sat lilam oprn.

l9th and 30th century Scottish decoratiy e paintings.

I CENTRAL LIBRARY ( ieorge l\' Bridge. 325 558-1. .‘yion~ Fri 9am 9pm. Sat

()am- i pm.

Tae Kwon Do l'ntiI 3U Atig. Marshallingol the arts of sell dcleriee on the reference library staircase.

I CITY ART CENTRE 3 Market Street. 325 243-1 ext (1650. Moir- Sat lilani ropni. licensedcaie. [1)]

Recent Acquisitions t 'ntil 23 .luly . lack oi space means the (‘A( "s permanent collection must be shown in temporary displays. but they hay e an impresst e collection which is constantly being added to. thanks to the UK "s actiy e policy oi buying new work and supporting Scottiin artists. This show demonstrateshow they hay e exercised that policy during the past year.

Gillies and his Contemporaries t 'ntil 3H July. (iillies is one oi Scotland's best loy ed artists. ior his landscapes particularly. These he executed w ith a light . quick touch w hich pulled out the character oi both season and place. Among his contemporaries w ere his teacher \Villiani Mc'i‘aggart who w as a great influence on the young artist and Anne Redpatli. another Scottish artist w ith a penchant tor the landscape delicate in watercolour. Designed Environments in the Netherlands l'ntil 5 Aug. Edinburgh is the lust l'ls'city to adopt a percentage l'or Art scheme but a similar scheme is up and running in Holland. This exhibition sury ey s some oi the results.

I COLERIDGE GALLERY 47b ( ieoi‘ge Street. 23H l3tl5. .\ion- Sat Warn 5 3tlpm.

This is the place to seecontemporary British glass; the selection is always excellent and the gallery . recognising that glass is a tactile medium. has e a yery welcome policy of encouraging Visitors to handle the pieces.

Siddy Langley to 3il.luly . New “oi-re

I COLLECTIVE GALLERY too I ligh Street. 230 1360. Tue -l‘ri 13.30 5.30pm; Sat lil.3tlam--5.3ilpni.

Perionnance Routine Process Sat 30 July. 2.30pm. Artist Louise Crawford 'searching for herself in the mirror; she carries out this daily ritual‘.

I CRAMOND SCULPTURE CENTRE Moray llouse ('ollege. ('i'amond Road North. 3l3otltll l-.x 3'73.

Opening Exhibition Sept l)ec was. Artists resident in Scotland haye been my ited to submit work. This will be the iirst major outdoor sculpture exhibition in lidinburgh ior some time detailsol the selection will

be published in the list nearer opening day.

I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 3 l)oune Terrace. 235 718‘). .\ion in illam 5pm. Artist and sculptor l’er Kirkeby represents Denmark at the ( ilasgow (iarden l~estiy al with a sculpture btrilt from bricks. l'ntil 3o Sept.

I THE DESIGNER GALLERY 1 l llasties (‘Iose (round corner irorn 3W ( ialleiy l (‘ow gate. 335 377-1.

Next door to 3b9(iallery . tliispriy ate gallery is attached to a iraming shop.

I EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF ART l.auriston Place. 23‘)‘)3l 1. .\ion 'I'hurs “lain-8.30pm. i‘ri 10am 5pm. Sat thn—4pnt

Next exhibitions during the l‘estiy al. Mixed Exhibition 5 Aug 3 Sept. Recent work by a number of artists including (ieorge Deylin. Vincent Butler. Margaret Malcolm and (‘harles McQueen.

I FILMHOUSE Lothian Road. 3386382. Mon—Sat noon—l lprii: Sun 6.3tI—i lprii. Licensed rest.

Association at Fashion, Advertising and Editorial Photographer's Awards L'ntii 31 July. Judges included Norman Parkinson.

] ,,,. .2; AND noeonv WANTS TO KNOW

Gateway Exchange, Edinburgh

The haunt and hollowness oi Belsen are present in the pastels at the Gateway Exchange. in ’Unacceptable Solution’ there is even the barbed wire. But the artist Diana Constance, American by birth, European by adoption, has attempted to capture the horrors at a tear which lives with us now. AIDS.

In gossip and advertising, AIDS is a subject connected iirst with sex, then with condoms, then, and usually abstractly, with death. And ior most people, it's something that happens to someone else. The suit edge oi Constance's pastels attempt to portray AIDS not as a minority aiiliction, but as

a human tragedy which should move us all.

This exhibition may be one oi the last to be shown at the Gateway. Lack oi iunds are bringing the centre close to closure and it support cannot be tound by September the whole operation will be torced to told. A member at the Gateway said this week that some sponsors had been withdrawn in the past year alter the centre published a controversial Independent report on Peterhead Prison, a subject at particular interest to the iounder oi the Gateway, Jimmy Boyle, an ex-lnmate oi the Special Unit at Darlinnie Prison. There, he discovered a talent ior sculpture and since his release, 80er has been deeply involved in helping addicts and disadvantaged young people to combat despair in their lives through art.

The Gateway has been operating ior six years and has expanded to contain a theatre, caie, gallery and workshops. While many aspects oi the centre have been successiul, it has now reached a crossroads. Do they need and can they ilnance a building at that size? How to reach more at those who need the centre? How to raise the iunds? Jimmy 80er is currently discussing the iuture ot the Gateway with the District Council as it is the only centre at its kind in Edinburgh, it’s closure would create a large gap In the iacilities oiiered to those who need it’s support. (Alice Bain)

Michael l’eter'sol \Iieliaei l’elelsatitl Partners and Sire l).iy ies. director and iounder oi the l’hotograplieis ( iallery in london w ho chose pr i/ew iniiers born a record number oi l3i Illpliotogr aplis submitted. Included is the work oi i’hilip (‘hudy (see photo) who won a silyei award ior his photographs oi /.imbabwe. his home country. l’hilip rioxx lryesin Izdinbuigh.

Coal Yard i'ntil 3i .iuly. i’hotograplisby (iialiatii .\laciritloc oi the worker's iii an ixdinbuigh coal yard. wlieie coal is bagged. sold and dispatched.

I FINE ART SOCIETY i3 ( ireal King Street. 55tiii3ll5. .\ion Sat lilaiii opm.

Geoiiery Roper I hid b Aug. An

Iidinbui gh-based artist.

I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 3.5 \Villiam Street. 335 (WW). 'iue in I lam opm; Sat lilaiii lprii,

Beaches 3ll.luly l“ Aug. Recent watercolours in light. summery mood by (illat'lle .‘ylackcsy

I FRENCH INSTITUTE l3 Randolph (‘iescent. 335 53bit. .\lon l-ii‘) 3llam lprii and 3pm 5.3tIpni

Ilie Illsliltile will be closed limit the beginning oi .luly until the lust week ot August. Next exhibition will be during the l'estiyal.

I FRUITMARKET GALLERY 3‘) Market Street. 335 3383. 'l lle Sat illam 5.3llpm; Strri 1.3IIpm 5.3tlpm. i rcensedcale Lucian Freud [hill 34 July. I‘ollows the maior show ing oi l-reud's work at the liayward ( iallery . London. Sec ( iallery oi Modern All.

Neville Brody I hid 3i .luiy. Brody has arguably done more than any other graphic designer to change the lace ol magazine design in Britain oy er the last ten years and his work hasbeen enormously influential. A major exhibition on tour i’roni the \' L's A.

I GALERIE MIRAGES 'l'he Lane. 40a Raeburn i’iace. Stockbridge. 3 l 5 3603. Mon Sat lilam 5pm; Stiii 3 5pm. ('losed \Vedtiesdays.

Flowers 1 'ntil 3i .luly. Ancient and modern embroidered textiles irorii lndia. made by girls as part oi theirdow ry.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bellord Road.55o8‘)3l.\ion Sat Illam 5pm;Sun 3 5pm. [1)] ( ~ale. The gallery 's iustly renowned cale is open Mon Sat

lII.3lIam 4.3llpm(lunchesnoon 3.3lern). Still 3.3“ 4,3llptii. \Vell worth [imingytiur y isit accordingly.

The Eardley Archive 1 ‘niii 3 Sept. l.oy‘ely exhibitionol small worksby thismaioi talent oi 3iltli century Scottiin art. marking the 35th aiiniy eisary oi her death. includes poignant details such as a (‘hristinas card iiardley riiade at the ageol orin nine as well as many oi lierarresting and thoughttul sketches. A book on liardley w ill be published as part oi the Scottish Masters series. price L395. See also i .illic Art ( iallery.

Portraits oi Painters 1 "mil " ( )ct. Seyenol the young bloods ot the contemporary Scottish art scene are painted by Alexander .\ioitat. Ken (‘urrie stands with Diego Riy er a at his side and Stephen Barclay cuts a dashing figure as the young ayiator.

Lucian Freud: Paintings 1947—1987 t ‘ntil to Oct. Li 5in A most beautilulexhibition oi paintings complementing the exhibition oi prints and draw iiigs at the l'rurtniarket. This is one lialt oi the paintings lrom the liayward ( iallery . i.ondon show . the other hall being sent to Berlin. 'l he exiiibitrori includes one painting shown lor the MN time it hasonly iust recently been completed. See also i'ruitmarket (iallery.

Six Paintings by Francis Bacon throughout the summer. '1 his roorii ol masteriui Baconsenters intowonderfully appropriate comparisons with the work oi l'il‘etiti next door. 'I lie two paintersgire iriendsasweliascontemporaries inthe lireud catalogue you will see an early drawing by l-reud oi the young Bacon. Daylight playson i-reud w hiie Bacon s

room has the blinds down -- the stage tor the two painters has been set with sensitiyity by the(i.\iA. Rooiii i 7 closed for re-decoration. In the Gallery Garden Monday s loam-noon tliroughoui .iuIy. Young y isitors aged 7 to H years are my ited to take part in a mural project which will place the gallery in an imaginary setting. 'I'el aboy-e no. ior iurther details and to book in ads ance: also see Kids Page. I GATEWAY GALLERY 3 -l Abbey mount. (sol (I083. l-.xhibitioris Mon Sat lilam ~5pm. Restaurant. AIDS (and nobody wants to know) t .‘ mil 3 I .iuly . i-ourteen pastel drawings by Diana (‘onstance. an American artist. now working in London. Initiated by the People‘s ( ialleiy . ( ‘amden. l.ondon, I GLADSTONE'S LAND law nmarket. 33b 585ooi 33o5‘I23. .\ion Sat ltlam 4.3ilpm; Sun 3 sl3tlpm. SummerExhibition t 'ntil 23 .luly. \Vatei'eoloiirs by Viy ian ( irarit. pottery by Joan l‘aith. woodcary ing by .lohn Scoiield and Bruce l'r'osl. Workirom Gladstone‘s Land 3tl.luly- 5 Aug. The x olunteers working tor the National Trust at this i ligli Street property . slioyy theirskills and talents at liandwork. A real mixture is promised and much tor sale. I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY l5 Scotland Street 55ooll3tl'i‘ue- i‘ri ilam 5pm;Sat lilam- ipm. Next exhibition “Dreaming the (iokstadt Northern Landsand islands Recent Work by ‘i'homasloshua (‘ooper' 13 Aug l7Sept. I HANOVER FINE ART ill-l I ianoy er Street. 335 345“. .\ion l-ri lilam 5.30pm; Sat lllam-me. Summer Mixed Exhibition l ‘ntil mid Aug. 3“ Scottish artists. some old. some new \Voodcaryingsby Alan l.aidler.ceramics by .loy 'l'aylor. iewelleiy by .loliri \Vilson. I HART STREET GALLERY l‘) l lart Street. 55o Tirol) .\ion Sat lilam hprii. (ieneral selection oi paintings and prints. Next exhibition in August. i‘raming sery ice as ailable. I HM GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE Princes Street. 55oti585. .\ion in 0am 4.3ilpm. The Scots in Australia t'niil end ()ei. See also National library. Feast to Festival ITntil 33 Sept. The history oi entertainment is plundered w ith material Irom the Scottish Record archiy es and the izdinburgh l-'e.stiy'al Society. in Iiiedieyal times. religiousand secular iestix als were enioy ed by commoners in Scotland while the royals were entertained by organised pcriormances. The popularity oi theatre grew in the 17th century in Scotland with music becoming a la mode during Victorian times. ('inenia was the 30th century 's great breakthrough. reaching its height in the «ids and 5tl's. What happened next is happening now. A good exhibition to whet your appetite ior the l‘estiyal. I ITALIAN INSTITUTE 2a Meiy'ille (‘rescent 2303173 Mon Fri lilam 5pm (closed l--3pni ), Noexhibitions at the institute inJuly. I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumberland Street l.ane. 557 545-1. Mon- Sat ltlarii »-I.3(lpm. The Edinburgh School 1988 L'ntil o Aug. Thirteen artists from iidinburgh. allot them well-know n. contribute to this mixed exhibition. Robiri l’hilipson. John llottston. Iiileen Lawrence. Bill Baillie and David Michie are among the artists who are bound to come together in a colourful and sophisticated display. I LEITH SCHOOL OF ART'25 North Junction Street. 556 4538 or 5.54 5761. Two Edinburgh art teachers open a new venture which will cater for anyone wishing to take up the brush. Opening in August with a week long course. the school will begin a full programme of courses and classes in October. School leavers and mature students who wish to build a portfolio for entry into Art College. day and evening classes for

45 The List 22 July 4 August 1988