Hew Lorimer, Talbot Rice Art Gallery, Edinburgh There is a prolound sense at gravitas and restraint as you go into this well spaced, well displayed exhibition in the elegant sculpture court at the Talbot Rice, and the source at it at tirst is not easy to locate. It's not just the stone materials that Lorimer chooses to work with, nor that the stone is cut in simple, clean lines with a minimum oi decorative detail. It’s rather that each piece retains the solid block-like lorm it was cut lrom. The pieces contrast well with what look like 18th century bronzes permanently displayed in the cases lining the walls. There ligures twist and spiral in space creating a complexity at planes and deliberately catch the light on richly patinated surlaces. By contrast, nothing in Lorimer’s scultpures is allowed to disturb the pillar-like outline. Space is delined with mass and volume. not explored as a dynamic. Moreover, they otter a very tormal viewpoint to the spectator. They are designed to be seen lrorn the tront or lrom the sides, in two dimensions not three. Many have a religious theme and as such they are calm, ordered, quiet and above all sell-contained. (Sally Kinnes)

l‘l .l\\c‘\. lll.llCl\ toi itibbiiigs supplied by tlik‘ec‘lltlk‘

I STEP GALLERY 1 lime Sheet. 556 1613. Mon I'll Illain 6pm. Sat Ilium 4pm Mixed Exhibition 1 'iitil 3ll.lttl\ l’aiiitiitgsby \1.ii i lioiitl. Rosemary ()itticll. Key iii llentlci son. .l.iiict l’attci'soit. Jamie Rolland .iiitl canctl tliittwootl and itii\etl lilL'tll.l\L‘l1l[illllCl‘\ KateCampbell.

I STILLS GALLERY 1H5 1 liin Street . 55" 11111 '1 tie Sat \'ooii 6pm

\olc. .\IIII\ l\ t‘lthl lot tcittn iiltiiit 23 .llll_\ 6 .-\iig

lCan Help I lllll 3ll.lttl\ lice. l’atil Reas‘ photogiaphx loolx .it \\ hat has become suitiethiiig oi a national pastime coiistiiiiei l\lil, lhe title ‘I ( ".iii 1 lelp'. was picked up limit a stipct mat Rel stallbatlge. l’.ittl Rem takes lil\ camera and HITSCIN es countless shoppeis iit relentless pursuit of all that can be packed iitto .i stipet‘ittat'ket liol|\. l'he lltllll‘lc l\. he seems to have little in tlkltl lit the debate SK.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY ( )ltl ( ‘ollege. l'tmcisity ol Iztliiibttigh. 66" Ill] 1 ext 43th .\1on Sal. Illaitt 5piii;Stiii

2pm 5pm.

Loose Ends. Close Ties and OtherStructures -Scottish Tapestry Now i "nut 3ll.liil\

(ilot Ilill\ coloitt . big l‘l‘ltl llll.l}_'c‘\ .iiitl \ .l\l .‘lIL‘.l\HlL‘lU\L‘l_\ \\UII\L‘tll.|l‘lle'\111;t‘llllll ll11\\[‘llllL‘tl.\Igtiliitl\.ll1tl\t‘i\ lllll‘lc'\\l\\~ e\|tibiiioii l.lPC\Il IL‘\ \\ hich. .iltci ll\ time .it the

'1 .illmt Rice \\lll li‘lli to loioiito. \t'\\ \oi k and 1' ttiopc lllll\lllll:! .it the \ t\ .\ loiitloii

Hew Lorimer-Sculpture 1 "mil lll\c[‘l -\ IL‘\pc‘clctl Sciillhli .tt lt\l. lllc \t‘ll l‘l :itchitect Robcit l illlllit‘l lll\\\t\il\ l\ itt.iiitl\ tigtiialnc \\ ith \lli‘lltf. \lilll‘lt‘ lll1\‘\ lc'lilll1l\L\'llliil.til mom can and 1llll\’\|‘.i\l 11c“ ll\C\.ll1tl \ioiks Ill.t piimte \\lll‘.'tli Kellie ( ’astle \\ here l1l\ iamin ll.l\c taken holidays .ill lll\ litc lllll ot l.ii\ 11. iii the same tll\lllL‘I Ill l'lIL‘ and not iii.iii\ miles away . \\.i\ built by lil\ lather .it the It” not the century and like Kellie. I\ now on out In the \illlilllill llll\l .llltl open iothc public

Artist-in-Residence ( 'loxiiig date I: Sept .'\P[‘llk‘.lllt\ll\.llL' iitxitetl tor the l"\\ \" .iilist-iii-iesttlciice .it l-tliiilitiigh

iii.iioi showing ol Scottish

l'imctsih . .i post iillcictl lot the t‘.i\l thiccyeai‘saiitlheld In .ltlllll\l.t\'lL‘.l11. (‘oiiiiitl Atkinson and .'\ll iii Rtiiiix Details (till he obtained limit the Personnel ( )llicc. 63 South Iii itlge. l'tlinlitiigh I' 1 II I l S ()iiotc ielciciice no “I”: I THEATRE WORKSHOP 3-1 I l.iiiiiltoii l’'c..‘_‘h5-l_‘5 \loii Sal lll.llll 5pm Edinburgh: DurViews l Ililll i ll I:.\ii~.: lice l- \llll‘llltiil oi pliotiieiaphic\wik liotii \\ill11L‘IlUl \.iiioti\cthiiic Intclxgiotiiids. lctl In .\l.ii gate! Clydesdale. .t pliotogiaplix'llcl at Dr tiittiiioiitl ( 'oiiiiiititiitx High St howl ('o-oitliiiatctl It} \ciehl‘otiihootll llfllhll 'l caching .-\ittl .'\\ltlll I tltit'ation I hit .llltl the Roundabout llilL‘lil.ttlHll.ll( ciilic I TORRANCE GALLERY I‘ll» l )lllltl.l\ \llccl. 55lilfihii.\1oii l'II I I.iiii hpiii. \it Ill FILiiti Ipiii - Jean Donaldson l-\ Siiiuit paintings I 359 GALLERY 2| N ( km irate. \liiii Sal Ill 3” 5 .illpiti TenthAnniversaryExhibitiont illll lsepi llil\ L‘\llll‘ltliill \lliiu \ the “HI I. oi


‘\\- :H]:

.‘llol those .ll t|\l\ \\ ho lt.i\c \lll‘\\ ll \\ iih llic gallci \ iii the ten ycais \Illt’c‘ ll\ inception .ltiiic Reillciii. I \s I l.til\cl1. Douglas Ihoiiison .iiitlloxt't ( .iiiiisaic some ol the lt.itttc\ \\ hit'h \Itlllll out iii the ll\l

Studio FloorGallery llnet~ .itll\l\\\ittl\Ili_~_' .it 3h‘lxhtm iccciil paintings Rmel Lilli. Rob \lt‘( '.itlli_\ .ititl Riil‘cll .\'l.iiiiiii

I TRON KIRK I liuh Slice! 66" Illll l>cpaittticiit ol .'\ll.tlill1l\ lot into

Death Masks and Lile Masks ol the Famous and lnlamous l ’iitil ‘l Sept lohii l'\k‘.ll\ |\ lll\l mic oi the masks \IIH“ ii iii ll1|\ intiigitiiig exhibition.

Sir Isaac Newton

I 1.5 I It)“ c Sltect 555 1276. Mom In Illatti 6pm; Sat

lllain - 4pm; Sundays by .tppoiitliiicitt. IW.A.S.P.S. GALLERY l’itllltllllilll. Hamilton l’laee ( near '1 heatie \\ oi ksliiipi Tue Stii112.3ll 5.3llpin. Noe-\hihitioiisal present as the gallery at \VASI’S isbciiig tised as a workshop in er the out lets

\\ L'CkS.

I Benelit For Tricia Calton Studios. Calton Road. Edinburgh. 9pm-2am. £2 (£1). A benefit to raise funds for Tricia‘s tribunal on 25 July Tricia is claiming unfair dismissal from her employment because she became pregnant.


I File Aid Craigtoun Country Park. St Andrews. mam—midnight. Event continues from noon on 24th. Both days: £15 (£12); Saturday only £12 (£8); Sunday prices unconfirmed at time of going to press. See Feature.


I File Aid Craigtoun Country Park. St Andrews. noon- 10pm. Both days: £15 (£12); Saturday only £12 (£8): Sunday prices unconfirmed at time ofgoing to press. See Feature.

I Urban Salari: Warriston Cemetry Warriston Road. Edinburgh. 2pm. The latest in the series of summer exploratory walks organised by the [.othian Urban Wildlife Group.

I Greenbank Garden: Scotland's Garden Scheme Greenbank Gardens. Clarkston. Glasgow. The gardens are open from 9.3(Iam-—sunset daily. £1 (children/()Al’s 50p). For further details please call ()41 63‘) 3281.


I Glasgow Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting Friends‘ Meeting House. 16 Newton Terrace. off Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow. 7.30pm. The regular monthly meeting: tonight's subject is ‘Multiple Relationships'. The Bisexual Phoneline is open from 7.30-9.3(Ipm. (131 557 3620.

I Hermitage liermits Meet Hermitage of Braid. ()ff Braid Road. Edinburgh. 10am. The latest in this summer series forjunior wildlife enthusiasts. Today‘s meeting has the theme of ‘I’ond Dipping/ Nature Windows‘. For further info please call (131 557 2480.


I The Silent Teaching Sri Chinmoy Centre.

36 Candlemaker Row. 7.30pm. Author Alan Spence gives a free talk on meditation.

I Cammo Estate Junior Rangers' Club Meet Entrance to Cammo Estate. Cammo Road. Off Queensferry Road. Edinburgh. 10am. The regular Tuesday morning exploration continues. today‘s theme being ‘Scavenger Hunt‘. Children should bring waterproofs. For further info. please call ()31 447 7145.


I Edinburgh Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting Lesbian & Gay Centre. 58a Broughton Street. Edinburgh. 8pm. The subject for tonight‘s regular meeting is 'The Rootsof Misogyny: Why Hate the Opposite Sex'?‘. The Bisexual Phoneline is open from 7.30-9.3llpm. ()31 557 3620.


I Albion '88: Sci-Fl Four Day Convention Central Hotel. Glasgow. £14 for all four

days; day membership also available. For more details please call (141 357 1707.


I Albion ‘88: Sci-Fi Four Day Convention

For details see above. Friday 2‘).


I Albion '88: Sci-Fl Four Day Convention For details see above. Friday 2‘).

I Urban Satari: Wildlite Photography Granton Harbour. Edinburgh. 2pm. The latest in the series ofsummer exploratory walks organised by the Lothian Urban Wildlife Group.

I Hermitage ol Braid: Guided Walk Meet Hermitage of Braid Information Centre. ()ff Braid Road. Edinburgh. 2pm. The subject for today's guided walk is ‘All About Trees'.


I Albion '88: Sci-Fi Four Day Convention For details see above. Friday 29.

I Hermitage Rennits Meet Hermitage of Braid. ()ff Braid Road. Edinburgh. Illam. The latest in this summer series forjunior wildlife enthusiasts. Today's meeting has the theme of‘Rock Art, Nature Mobiles'. For further info please call (131 557 248i).


I Cammo Estate Junior Rangers’ Club Meet Entrance to (‘ammo Estate. Camtno Road. Off Queensferry Road. Edinburgh. 10am. The regular Tuesday morning exploration continues. today‘s theme being ‘Wildlife Detective'. Children should bring waterproofs. For further info. please call (131 447 7145.


I Edinburgh Bisexual Group: Regular Meeting Lesbian & Gay Centre. 58a Broughton Street. Edinburgh. 8pm. Tonight's regular meeting is a Newcomers' Night. The Bisexual Phoneline is open from 7.3(1-9.3(lpm.()31 557 3620.

48 The List 22 .11in -— 4 August 1988