« '5‘" ’3‘ ‘lt’f' ; '.

Setting the Scene I Princes Street Rt-mmm

ltistl} famous lnr rts splendid positrnn uppnstle and helnu the craggy ('astle Rock and Is Pt)\\|l‘l\ the nnl\ \lreet rn a capital city tnha\ e burldrngsalnngnne \ltte only (something\alued sufl'reientlx in be protected In an .-\et nl l’ar'lrarnentt. l'hrx consequently allnxu uninterrupted \ rexu nt the castle. something \\ e|| explnrted t1\ the magnificent irreunr I». display from tlre( astle battternentsduringthe Edinburgh l-estrx at .\'e\ erthelexs. mam feel it has been spoilt by rampant enrrtrtterctaltxrtt and it is both the eentrenl the erty and rtsprernrer shopping centre Italsn neatl\ drx lkteS the ( )Id and .\‘e\\ 'l rmth ILeith rt R'i buses in». I“) A tradrtrnnal tttiiiittt\it\ e\i\l\l\el\\eelt ltdrnburgh and rtxnld pnrt.l erth enrt\itttterte\ nl the ntace-tlrrms lliL' \tl’ Rnrr lirnun l nealsqunte alt Iii\t.tiice In the late l‘lth century \\ hen the l erth l-rre Ht rgade trrr ned nil the “ater \upph rather than let their l‘drnl‘urglt opposite nurnliers put nut a me ill the port ()nee .r thrrxrng [nun rrt it\ti\\ll tight. the l\\0 cities lta\ e been amalgamated lnr the last hll-ndd \ear\ and an lilttlhllit‘IISitiiittlllit nt \tnne-eleanrng. re-butldrngand re-lur hrshment has transformed the deelrnrneI dnclxl'tltd area ttttna \tttati . \pi‘ttee area that some see as a habitat tnr yupprex \Vell “will a nut. nnt least for rtsrnam e\eel|ent hats and restaurants. ttlrnugh man} are closed on a

Sunda\ . e\ett Iii surnrnerl


I Tourist information and Accommodation Office

\\ a\ er'le\ _\tar kel. *" 3‘3" \tnrt Sal

.\. 2Ham Spin. Sun

llam Spin t lltitll “pm during l'estnal t and lfdirrliureh .-\rrpnrt. :33 flfi .\tnrt Sat

.‘llam *) 3llpttt.Stlit 3llanr ‘) itlpmt l-nr all rnlnrrnatrnn nn l‘drnlnrr gh (inr rntnnn Sentland see '1 nurrst Bnard helnnl Alsnntters the main aecnmmmlatrnn \et \ ree (see t‘L‘tU\\l \ttmt

European languages are spoken and firm also sell tlL'GCIS tor Senttrsh

exertrngs. da\ tripsby enaeh. National Trust and ()pen in \ rew properties. though not for the l'esinat. (See t'estnal ettir\ lietnxx ).

I Scottish Tourist Board Information and Travel Centre Snuth St Andrew Street. 3“: 2433 \tttit Sill ‘larn hpni ('InsedSun l'rnru lune tnSepi

_\inn Sat S Roam-Spin. Sun lilanr nprn .'\ \nrtni 'lta\el shop for \ rsrtnr's and Inealxmth

rnlnr rnatrnrr on the \\ hnle nl Sentland i-aerlttre\ include .1 “Mel agency. Bureau de ( ‘hange. Bnnk a tied :\head Se t‘\ ree (see .-\eennunndatrnrr t‘L‘ttt“ )_ ear rental and a Scottish linnkshnp Outside the building there Is a 34 hour computer screen to access e\\ rninrnratrnn taddt'ech and let nns etel \\ hen the nltree IS clnsed I Citizens Advice Bureau SS l )undax Street. 55" l5tltt .\lnn in

‘l it lam lprn l \\ ed closed I: ‘1“ I illprnt l:\enrngs r. to win free leeal

adx tee a\ atlat‘le

. Media l Heal tadtn \iairutt rs Radrn l'nrtlt. I‘l‘ il~.\t. 1545 \i\\.

\\ hrelt lttnadcasis .‘1

lrnurs. ‘da\\

Getting Around

- 0n toot tte\t \\a\ tnxee the cm centre. and the nnl_\ \\a\ tne\plnre the Old truth

I Trains \\ a\ et‘le\ . .it the east end Ht l’i‘lttee\ Street. Is the rnarn BR station

the clock nn tlte adlacettt \nrth lirrtrsh llniel rs enrt\ttletatel\ kept Itttttttlestaxi snaslnlet ynu artl\ e In gnnd time for ynur train lelepltnne entrurrrextfihlfil lare an\\\eted prnrnptlx artd elirerenth angSSnSHi“ lnr te\et\altuit\attd sleepers there l\

annther \er \ \Ittalt \lattnlt t l la\ mar ket l at the \\e\i end nt the eIt\ IBuses t‘tllttt‘lliL'll prides lISL‘ll nu rixliussenreeand tiit\\l tntrle\.tte\\ell \ltpt‘llett ()ttt\ tll\.ttl\.tllt.tf_'e\.tle that \nu iteed the mad lat e and um t annnt lrnpnn .rndntl ttet\\eett \tnps. as \nu cart. albeit at \nur n\\n il\t\ nn l nndnn buses \larnnnandereant enlnured l‘li\\'\ ate rrrn In t nrhran Regrnnal

l ranspnrt and em er all ertx eentr'e rntrtes tlntnrruatrnn andtrekets trnrnl R l lreket( entre. \\ a\et‘le\ Bridge. 33h sits“ \inn Sat "ant Spin. Sun Sam \prn \\ eeldy

seasons £5).

ltastern Scottish buses (coloured green i run through the erty . tn

nutty ing tli\ti'ic‘t\. and an titlei‘-eii_\ \et'\ rce il'at‘es are gener'allx belrm ihnse oi the tram l. ‘l'relxetsand rntnrrnatrnn: St Andrew Brrs Station. St .-\ndre\\ Square. 556 8404 t inurs'

5gb lb l M. t- \pr'e\\ sen tee

in ( ilasgrm arid ( ilasgn“ Airport from here

linth companiesntlers an extensn e range of tntrrs ('nntaet .rlinx e number's lnr ttet.til\

I Bicycling "i lte ett\ centre

rsa hrt hilly lnr lneu‘lrng but the nutty mg area rs “ell “nr'thexplnringbx bike (i‘lttt‘aHAc‘lelllte. l3! nehrrn l’lace. lttllet‘nxs. SIS it.“ ‘\ offer a \\ rde range of bikes. and are \\ ell equrpped \\ rth routes. maps and getter at tnlnrrnatrnn llrreprrees start at H per da\

ITaxis ll \nu cant irrrd a black eah iii the street in the tan ranksat \\a\erle\ Statrnn. Sntith St t)a\ rd Street tnutxrde St Andre“ Sq Bus Statrnntnr the (‘alednruan llntel at the “ext end nl l’trrtce\.Siteet 'l rpprng rsnptrnnaland less common than tn

1 nndnrr l‘\tra Silpeall nut charge rl \nu nrder lix phone (‘entral ( ~alis 33‘} l-lfibtand ttittel\ In \elltm pageslniler SJ Irnrrr-serxree IayAirt'drnlnuuh Airport. lnelrstnn. 3‘1“ llltltl Is altntti .S itttles \\ e\l oi the em centre l-lrght t'itttlili'leS 344 ‘1 in Regularshuttle sen tee in lnndnn. and tlrehtx tn

l- urnpe. l-rre and partsnl the t

(iettrngtnthe arrpnrt. In ta\r\enst\rnuelrl\ L" l“ and takexuptn illnrrnstn 4‘ nunsdependrnenn the trrne nt da\ (’heaper but less enmenrent i\ the aupnrt bus r un l\\l Rt trrn llllll\\htehle.r\e\ \\a\er|e\ Bridge rnuehh in Ice an hntrr \lnn in in trnrn .‘ l‘am tn 3.‘ “Spin lnnee an hnur at “eeltendxt litrsesrun Hunt the arrpnrt at \Iiiiilal rnterx al\ hetueen n ll.‘artt andIZ i5pin (mt \iilL'tk‘ tl "S. Ureitrrrr


I Tourist information and Accommodation Desk

\\ a\ et'le\ \1l'lkk~l..‘s‘ 3137\th Sat

.\ Want SpurSurr

llanr Spin 1 rrrttrl ‘lpnr during l'e\tt\at l and l'drnhurgh Airport. 3‘13 3 It)" Mon Sat

.\‘..‘~tlam ‘) .‘tlprn. Sun

9 30am ‘) .‘sllpm the must dtlttettlt aeenntnrndatinn tn trnd is a Single rnnru and the unrst tune in irnd it Is durrngthe l'estnal. hnnkrnguradmnee Isilte nnlx real answer. but It ynu ha\en’t these Ulliee\ mlldntheu utrnmt tnlrnd you a bed. e\en rl it is ntttsrde the ertx Apprnxunatelx htlH littlel\. utte\l litttt\e\ attd ptnale lttttt\L‘\[t.r\ inlte tL‘eISIL‘ic‘tl \\ tilt the tutti I\l nlliee and pr iee\ r anee lrnrn apprn\ L liltn in“ per permit per night there Is a t. I honking: lee. PllIS .I t“, r tlc‘Pt‘SIt ill the \\ hnle \la\ pa\ alile iii adxanee

llte titttttx-a-lietl \ltead \eherne ta|\n .n atlal‘te trnrn the Scottish Travel Centre South St .-\ttdie\\ Str‘eetlnliersa ie\et\ altttit \et \ rce \\ Irreh en\ ets tttn\i til Settilaltd and some places In l'ngland l'ee tl ".‘. plusa tlk‘PHSII ttl ltl' I (‘l the prree oi the lust lliL‘lll the Hlllee also ltasdetarlxnl

camping and car a\ all


RESTAURANT Tue—Sat (evenings only) Table d’Héte and a la Carte menus BRASSERIE Seven days: lunchtimes and evenings. Wide range of meals available.

7 OLD FISHMA RKE T CLOSE 031 225 5428

Mn‘ -; ‘41. - a


I O'Henrye 445 Great Western Road 339 1275. Mon-—Tue. llam—l 1pm; Wed~Sat. Ham—midnight; Sun. 12.30—2.30pm.

630—] lpm. Pleasant leafy

What could be nicer? lfthe sun is shining. take time off

mm "‘3 mm.“ m" and 8") garden overlooking the “mommy long and com in river. Also open. but not ",3 open a". licensed. on Sunday afternoon. ED I H I The Bahirity Bowster 16—18 Blackfriars Street I Gi||s|and "013' 7 552 5055. Mon—Sat.

Ham—midnight; Sun. 12.30—2.3()pm.

6.30—1 1pm. Pints on a pleasant patio or breakfast al fresco from

(iillsland Road 337 1058. Mon—Sun. llam—l 1pm (closed 4.30-6.3(lpm Sun). A flowery garden in leafy Polwarth. just far

enough away from 811m-

swishing traffic. I Wicket: Hotel 52

I The Green neg 182-184 Fortrose Street 334 9334. (‘owgate 225 1294. i Mon-Sat.

1 iam—midnight‘Sun l2.3()—2.3()pm.

6.30—1 1pm. Sit out in this grassy beer garden. listen to distant thwacks from the cricket ground over the way. and you might not be in Glasgow at all. I Scaramouche 140 Elderslie Street 333 9735. Mon—Sat. llam—l 1pm; Sun. 6.3(lpm—l lpm. (from August open till midnight Thu—Sat). It says something about Scottish weather that this garden has been turned intoa

Mon—Sat. noonw iaszun. (1.3(lpm—l 1pm. A surprisingly pleasant paved courtyard on the dingy (‘owgate. complete with pond. standard lamp. four walls. in fact everything except a roof. I The Waterfront Wine Bar lc Dock Place 554 7427. Vlon—Sat. llam—midnight.(‘losed Sunday. lt'sthe wrong direction to watch the sun go down. but as long as its over the yardarm. who cares'.’ Water-lapped courtyard with a giassed-in part for when the wind gets up.

conservatory. so you can soak up the sun without braving the blast.

A totally different eating experience fondue with hot oil or stock 30 Sandport Street Leith, Edinburgh

Phone 031554 2921 for reservation



8 BROUGHAM ST. TOLLCROSS (031 2281651)

37BROUGHTON ST. (031 5571911)

Muesiis, grains, pulses, nuts, dried fruit, seeds, oils, juices, organic wines & beers, herbs & spices, tea & coffee substitutes, snacks, soya products, dairy produce, Japanese foods, books, vitamin supplements, natural cosmetics, foods for special diets, homeopathic remedies, bulk discounts, advice on diet & old fashioned friendly service

the list 23 Jul} -— 4 August 1988 57