“Get this. Where can you see

771el>’rilis/t Premiere o/(iR/zile. .S'Iei'en Ber/toil} exp/osire play now set to nuisie/n‘ .\Iark .-l)II/t()lt\‘ 'lurnuge.

l.eiI/i 772ealre25-27xlugus‘l 7.30 pm. iim [Mill C-lii‘urds a! [lie .\ Iunie/i Bienna/e festival. “(ile/z'lx' is going lo reuse it slir when it readies Iz'din/nirg/i ..../'usl enjoin! liuge pub/[e (tee/aim u! [lie/MS! .\ Iunie/i Biennu/e " 'l he .S‘t'olsnuin.

as well as the

Peter Sellers 'dazzlir 1g produelimz o/ i .’\'l.\'().\' [N C 'l [IN/1. British Premiere.

Play/rouse Theatre. I. 3. 5. September 7.30pm.

.... ..

If/x'lx'e/Iurd Sella/l o/‘I/ie

Berliner Ensemble per/onus



.\Iie/zae/ ( York & ( 'ompant' plus The Fall in his .s'peelaeulur new snow I A .\I ( 'L'Rl()L '5 ()R.4.\'(il:'. Kings Theatre I 5 -2() A ugusi 7.30pm.

soxos & row is B r . 815R 'I’()[.'I’BRI;'(‘II'I.'

.S'e/l outs in '84 and '8 7. Kings

771eulre 18-20 A ugusl /(). 30pm

.S‘int'e we do seem lo liui'e

mentioned liini. I.l:'.\'.\’ l' IlliVR l.’ one o/‘BriuiinVines! t'oinedians, in

his/iris! visit to {lie l-es'lirul.

Pier/louse Urea/re 4 September



The obseryant ones will already haye spotted the logo in the corner and guessed. correctly. that you can lind all these perl‘ormers (and many more) in the International l’estiyal Brochure.

(iot one yet‘.’ ll‘not. then you won‘t know what you‘re missing. So here are just a few more examples.

Royal lixchange Theatre (‘ompany‘s production ol"‘A MIDSUMMliR Nl(il lT‘S I)Rl{Al\l"—-the lirst Shakespearian l’estiyal production created for the Assembly Hall since 1981. Assembly Hall 15-20. 22-22. 2‘)

August-3 Sept at 7.30pm. lylatinees l7, 2(). 2-1.

2". 31 August. 3 Sept at 2.30pm.

Shared lixperience in Tl ll". BA(‘(‘l lAli. liuripides‘ tragic masterpiece performed by this renowned company.

St Brides (‘entre 29 August-3 September

7.30pm. Matinees l and 3 September 2.30pm.

Baxter Theatre ol‘(‘ape Town in


()ne ot‘apartheid's most bitterly resented acts was the bulldozing by the South African

(ioyernment 22 years ago ol’the yibrant multi-racial District Six neighbourhood ol‘ ('ape Town. “The smash hit ol‘the decade" Variety. Royal Lyceum Theatre 22-24 August 7.30pm. 2.'-27 August 10.30pm. Matinee

27 August 2.30pm.

As always. ol’course. there‘s an exciting programme ol‘theatre. ballet and music including the Matsuyama Ballet (‘ompany from Japan. Aterballetto from Italy. Schiller Theatre ('ompany from Berlin with l’assbinder‘s “Blood on the Neck ol‘the (‘at". l’eppe e Barra—premiered at the Venetian

(‘arniyal in 1982. the British Premiere ol‘the ('at

E DI N B U RG H Intematz’mm/



(‘inderella—a magical music table—written and staged by Roberto De Simone—the famous and extraordinary composer and producer. Scottish ()pera. ('armina Burana. lisa-l’ekka Salonen. the State ()rchestra ofthe USSR. the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

R()( A I'R().\I./xll?'l.\' RH 'l)()(i( ll // are one o/./upun.'s

inosl popular roek groups mixing big band sound and Irtu/iliimul >/()//\‘ inusit'. Pun/rouse Theatre

2 Sip/ember 7.30pm. .-l//seuls [3.

, not t0

? Got it yet?”

Scottish National Orchestra. lidinburgh l’estiyal ('horus. ()rchestra Maggio Musicale. Barbara l lendricks. Leipzig (iewandhaus Orchestra and much. much more.


The Box ()llice is now open for l’ostal. (‘redit (aid and personal booking at 2l Market Street. lidinburgh lzl ll lB.\'. Telephone ()31-225 5—756.


Wish you had the Tree lull-colour. 3(i-page brochure now‘.’ That‘s no problem. You can get one from the address aboye. liither drop in or write to Department 2l. enclosing an 18p stamp and your name and address. (lot it‘.’