has: I Recentoraduates 1 Aug-.5 Sept. : Tapestries. sketches arid hand-tirade paper prints by reeertt graduatesof lidinburgh (‘ollege of Art.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumberland Street lane. 55" 545-1. .\I()t‘l‘ Sat lllarit --l..‘~llprit.

The Edinburgh School 1988 t 'ntil u Aug. Thirteen artists from Iidiriburgh. allot them yyell-krtoyyri. contribute to thistiiixcd exhibition. Robiri l’hiltpsort. .lohn llouston. liileen l.ayy rericc. Bill Baillie arid l)ay id Micltie are among tlte artists yylio are bound to coritc together iii a colourlul and sophisticated display ,

I KNEALE AND RUSSELL ARCHITECTS 31 Alya Street. lrilo 5504M". Mon Sat lllain 4pm.

Appearances .x Aug 2 Sept. Scottish photographer Andy \Vrener hasastrarige yyay ol lookirtg at ltte. btrt it hits hoiiicyyith a punch. Sltould be seen.

I LEITH SCHOOL OF ART 2.5 North .lunction .Slt‘ccl.55(i453b0l'55457‘l 'l'yyo lidrrtbut glt art teachers opert a rtcyy yenture yy hich yyill cater for anyone yyisliing to take tip the brush. ()perttrigtn August yy ith a yyeck loitg course. the school yy ill begrrt a lull prograritmc of courses and classes in ( )ctobct School lcay ers and mature students yy ho yx tslt to bittld a portlolio tor erttry iritoArt (‘ollcge. day arid cyenrrig classcslot beginners arid Sattrrday yyorksliops for children yyill then be offered. l’or lurtliei irtlorriiatron pliorte the aboye nunibersor yy rttc to Mark and Charlotte (‘heyertori at H Brandon 'l'er‘race. ( ‘anoniitills. l'dinburglt lil l3 5IiA.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY it" ( ieorge Street. 32o4l5 l . Mon I‘ri ‘lam (tpm: Sat lllarii lpm.

Thorburn‘s Scotland t 'ritil to Aug. Iltc first-cy er exltibitiort iii Seotlartd deyoted lotliisal'ltsl.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND ’l'he Motirid. 55(tSUZl. Mon Sat lllam .5pm. Sun 2 .5pnt.

Pietro Longhi 3 Aug 4 Sept. Art Italian tlietitc exhibition by art artist \yor'kingrn ' tlie lSthcentury. l~otirtceit painttrigsshoyy the Venetian middle classes at the collec shop. in the gariiirtg rooms and enthralled yy ttlt a street-side l’urtch arid .ludy shots. (’omparc these nary c pictures to the grartd style of 'l‘icpolo clscyy here in the gallery. They were contemporarres iii Venice,

100 Master Drawings lrom the Permanent Collection I 'nttl 33 ( )ct. Inaugural exhibition of the ticyy gallery deyotcd to Prints and I)rayy ings; one hundred

drayy ings trorii tlte permanent collection. shoyx it in No batches of 5lllsecond selection now ort ). A coritpletc understanding ol di'atiglttsriiarishtp lay beltiitd the yyork ol the old masters and tliisisbcautiltilly illustrated here in yyor'ls by Rembrartdt. (‘laude arid l’trartesi arid riiarty otlicrs.

Redecorations l‘lte t-etleeoratt’utt programrite. begun \y itlt the red toorit last year. is finished rust in time for the

l'estiy alfl'hc idea is to recall the spirit ol the period iii yx lticli the gallery \yas btrilt and its architect Sir William l’lay fair.

'I liat‘s the idea. any“;in

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (icorge IV Bridge. Elli-1.53 1. Mon I'ri ‘)..‘~llarii 5pm; Sat ‘)..‘~llarii 1pm; Stirt 3ptii~5pnr

Scotland and Australia t 'rttil 15 ( )ct. l ltgltly detailed. docuritentary style exhibition packed lull ol illuminating aridquirky facts relating to the Scots in Australia. Rather dense to take in at one go btrt yy ill repay repeated yisits. A rteyy hook l'ltur lairirfof'lit‘rlt'y by liric Richards ( l lMSt) £5.05 i has been published to coincide yy ith the exhibition. See also HM Register House.

I «I3 I liglt Street. 5560.57“). Mott Sat Illarii 4..‘~llptii('alc.

Forza Napoli by Simon Gooch .s Atig .‘s .s‘c-pt. Paintings and drayx trtgs from Naples.

John Crockett 1918—1986 .s‘ Aug 3 Sept.


Lite and Death Masks of the Famous and lnlamous, Tron Kirk, Edinburgh Judging from thislascinating exhibition (initiated by Prolessor Kaulman from the Dept ol Anatomy at Edinburgh University) the custom of making death masks expired in the last quarterol the 19th century. Round

about the time at the last hanging in Edinburgh. The criminal lraternity are unusually well represented tor an art exhibition. owing to the popularity ot phrenology in the 19th century. Now a discredited science, it aimed to deduce racial types and personality traits trom the shape at the skull and death masks were made at criminals shortly after they were taken down from the gallows.

The Victorian phrenologists may have learned little lrom their endeavours but, given that on the masks you can see the marks at the hangman's noose biting into the tlesh ol the neck, they now make compelling pieces at documentary history.

Making masks was not just contined _ to criminals however. It was apparently notuncommontorindividualstohave I their masks made, in lite or death, and j give them to lriends as presents.

Masks ol illustrious tolk such as Dr Johnson, Schiller, Keats, Sir David Wilkie and SirWalterScott are all . here. Presumably, betore the advent of r

photography, this was as true a likeness as could be made of any individual. Certainly they cannot have done itto tlatter. Many look dreadfully ill and poor Sheridan at his last looks like. er, death.

Having a mask made was not, in life at least, a particularly pleasant process either. The excellent catalogue quotes a description at the process reprinted lrom Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1892. Scented oil was applied to the lace and soap and wateroroil applied tothe hairand beard. Quilts went up the nostrils, ‘in orderthatthe victim (it living) may breath during the pertormance‘. Plasteristhen appliedto the features and the head pressed into a flat dish containing plaster. When set, the mask was removed in three pieces and reassembled.

We may. Ithink, be thankful the practice has died out. (Sally Kinnes)

Paintings. IOLD FRINGE OFFICE l"llllighStreet. ' l)aily Illant .5..‘\llpm.

New Photographs I t Atig .‘~ Sept. Work by the man yy ho chartged the lace oftlie Scottish postcard. (’olirt Baxter.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY ~5 ( ‘ttiiiberland l’lace. 5.5" ND“. Mon I'l'l lllatti (iprii. Sat lllarit 4pm. Marion Mclntoshu Attg 1 Sept. 'I'ltisyoung (ilasgoyypairtterstudiesthelrgureinoils. Sarah HoneymanuAug lScpt. Alsurt-um i (ilasgoyy . l lortey titan makes ligures iii ceramics. Syycet and a bit like honey tlienisclycs.

Susan Barr b Aug 1 Sept. 'l'ttantunt reyyellery by a young Iidiribui'gh artist.

I THE PEOPLE'S STORY (‘anongate ()pcris later this year. Memorabilia ol all ktndsis sought lor tlits ncyy museum. deyoted to

all aspects of Indinburglt life. (‘oritact

lleleri ('lar'k or lilaine l‘innie at the Social History Section. lluntly House Museum. 143 ( 'anongate. 225 2424 ext on“) it you hate anything IthllL‘l'.

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 55h S‘)2l..\loti Sat lllaiii 5ptii;Sun3 5pm. John Muir Wood 1805—1892 .5 Aug 5 Nos:

tel Admission .loltrt Muir \Vood isalirid.

A musician yy ho took to photography tn

the lSJll's and 5ll's. his photographs are

both reiitarkably beautiful and ahead of their time. His yyork ys as lost toboth

public arid the yyotld of experts. but in

l‘).\'(t his descendants gay c nearly lllllll photographs to the Scottish National Portrait (iallery . yyhich in recent years has built and is still adding to a yyoriderful collection and arcliiy e. Still of the finest images are slioyy it at this year's testiy al for the first time.

Concert H. 13.30 and 2‘) Aug at "pm. £2. Music associated ys itlt the life ot .lolitt Mtrir \Vtiod. lplione 5.50393] lordetailsl. Masterpieceslrom the Edinburgh Photographic Society Collection t'uttl tt

Sept. A small btrt pleasing exhibition ol yyork by pioneer photographers from Izditiburgh. lnlorniatiye. yxitty.

\y ell-chosen arid yy ell-labelled. this is lltsl l

the sort ol exhibition the \ l’t tor garttscs superbly.


Ruth Stirling l 'rttil .1 Sept. Photographs by a Scottish photographer rtoiit her experiences as .titrst-tn-restderice at the Marine Station on ( 'umbrae. this exhibition riiarksthe openirtgot the I’hotograplty \Mtrksltttpyyitrch ollcis darkroom facilities. ady ice ttrr‘ young photographers. classes. not kshops and talks. lt's recommended that you take a Itittk_

IOUEEN‘S HALLt ler'k Street Bo'xtllltcc (ioh‘llll‘) Mon Sat lllartt .5pnt.('ate. Five Point SIX I "mil 9 Aug l'ltc 5.o( iroup is based iit l-dirtbttrglt arid consists or Peter Barri. Roland I-or tuna and Doug Mackrc 'l'hcirairit is not rust to record but to explore the detail of patter It and character iii the landscape arid urban eny ironnicnts I RIAS l5 Rtrtlartd Square. 33‘) “It '5

Mon l"r'i‘)._‘sti.trit .5prii.

The Way We Live Now I ‘ntrl .5 Aug. Scottish arcliitects' “or k trt response to recent housing oppor turtities such as the tip-grading of council housing as a result ol the right to btiy policy arid building neyy schemes iii the ( ireert Belt arid inner city regeneration ptoiects.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 5.52 ' l "l (iardens Mon Sat ‘iam sunset '. Sun

llarit sunset. l’lant housesatid exhibitions t mounted in lnyer lcttlt l louscl Mon Sat lllaiit .5ptit; Stiri l latii .5pm. Sun Gardens 0 Aug 2()ct. Illhltlttllccl of photography produced these little bltic ‘shadoyys~ of algae by the cy arioty pc method yy liicli iriyolyes using cy artide arid becarite the first person eyet to illustrate a book using a photographic method. I he Royal Botanic ( iardcn in Iidtttbui glt has one ol the leyy sur y l\ trig copies or "British Algae‘ and this exhibition \Ilttyys Silysor ks rribiograplucalcontext \\orkshopsto enable y isrtois to make their (M ii cyariotypes hay e been organised. l’honc tlte aboye number and ask lor l’aul \esbttt

for more information. A Garden in the Desert t'ntil 7 Atig. First sign of this .sltoyy is a yyonderfully incongruous looking group ofyy hite yyoodeit palm trees’ encircling the pond at the trotit ot the house a specially coriitiiissioited arid typically oft-beat contribution frorii ( ieorge \\'y llic. Inside. the exlttbitiort lyt hose theme is the plants of Southern ()ritait arid thetrtraditional uses) gets a ltttle ntore serious. bttt eyery ellort has been riiade to make this academic subiect accessible and interesting for botlt the public and school parties. Most famous plant of the area is the l-rankirtcense tree. \y hich looks stubby and stunted. btit still ritariages toproducc the riutch sought-after I-rankincense pearls". or little solidified dropsof resin for burrttrig as incense.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘liambets Street. 335 "534. Mon - Sat lllani 5pm. Sun 3 5pm. ('afe. Aphrodite's Island: Art and Archaeology ot Ancient Cyprus t 'ntil 4 Sept. An eyoeatiye exhibition about this gent ot the

Meditei i'aitean. yy itlt photographs and archaeological linds yy ell displayed against sky blue backdrops. Almost guaranteed to send yott straight to the tray el agent to book your holiday there.

The Discovery Room t pt” 21 Aug.

Mon Sat lllatii 4pm l)iscoyeriestor eyeiy age .rrtd interest. Iirtcounteroneof the yyot ld's deadliest creatures.

tny estigate yy hat is eattrig your garden. your yyoodyyork arid you. or perhaps ti‘y'ori a turban It you are under lllyearsy'ou must be accortipanied by art adult. No booking required. llappy discoyeriesl Helmsdale Bowls Roman treasure fourid iii a tailyyay cutting displayed for the first time. I'ttllll the first arid second centuries Al) these bron/c boxy Is yyerc found neatly packed one yyttlun another Russian-doll style orin a leyy lcet beloys grouridleyel.

t )yy ricd by the Duke of Sutherland. they lia\ e been loaned to the museum for display and research

New Shop Keeping iti line yy ttlt the major ttittseunisol the \yorld. the Royal Museum has opened a much enlarged and

pi otcssiortally rttn shop yx ttli books. rcyyellery . pottery . toys artd'l-shirts.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Queen Street. 55(tS‘lll Mort Sat lllani 5pm; Sun _‘ .5ptit

Scotland‘s museum ot antiquitiesshares premises yy ith the National Portrait (ittllL'ty

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. .‘35tm‘l. Mort Sat lllam 5pszun 2-5pm. I'l'ttlll l4 Aug 4 Sept hours cxtertdedtoMon Sttri l larii "pm. Admission £3 til i includes both cxltil‘illotls.

l‘lie lolloyy irtg exhibitions hay e been organised by the (iallcry ol Modern Art Picabia l 'ntil 4 Sept. Who is l’icabia‘.’ He is one ol the founders ol the l)ada ntoyenient He is lirerich trtot ltaliari as the name ritiglit suggest l. He is introduced to the lzdirtbutgh l-cstty al asone oftlic most artatclttc spirits irt leth century art. And this is the lust retrospectiy'e of his yyork iii Britain since tum l‘nexpected. \yitty . play'lul arid tntelligertt l’icabia deriiaridcd that his art be free. See for ytitll'sell.

The Magic Mirror— Dada and Surrealism

I 'iitil 4 Sept l’icabta is toined by the surrealists. In contrast to the iokirig master of Dada. a number of the artistsin this exhibition are known by a large public

Max lzrrist. Magritte. Man Ray.

(itacoiiicttr. l- r'artcrs Bacon and l’aoloui nttritber among them. The yyorks shoyy it all belong to one priy ate collectrori and include stir realist books arid periodicals. art tritportant aspect of this 20th century FilmSS 14 Aug Daily at lpiii. Tree. A neck of Dada arid Surrealist cirieriia including Btinucl's 'l ‘n ( 'ltien Andalou' arid l’icabia's 'lzrttr'acte. Concerts 13. Ill Aug and .‘y Sept at 7.30pm. £2 on the door or frorii the exhibition desk.

_'t"'ST—-t_l' August toxafi