

The new fully illustrated OFFICIAL GUIDE TO GLASGOW has been designed forthe visitor. thetouristand the resident. Full of helpful information with tours, routes. maps and colour photographs.



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fondue with hot oil or stock

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heldon Ilth September Entry forms from l

the Department of Parks and Recreation. ()41 227 SI 17

I Edinburgh ( 'ostorphiue A -\( ‘. (Bl 337 3773 (David Law). lltlnters Bog'l‘rotteis A('.tl3l 4-11 oli‘HR. ll (' Thomas). llarmeny A:\('.tl3l MUZIHIHK W

lack) 'l'wo women‘s only running sessions

are held Mondays.‘) ill Ill 30am. l’ortobello Promenade. and 'l uesdays.

7 8pm. Saughton Sports ( ~omplcx. Stevenson l)riye Noadyanccbookingis reqtiired. although the sessions cost ts‘llp each session Beginners and experienced runners are welcome and professional coaches are available to give advice.


lI you are going to run olien. agood quality pair of running shoes is essential. Your local sports shop w ill usually be able to ady ise on the best paii for your needs


the St ottish Amateur Athletics Association. IS .-\lll\lle l’lat e. lidinburgh. tl1l33fi-14lll


()ne ol the t'iISIi'el and Illt‘e\t tor iiisol

cnioy ing the outdoors until youch to.i ltlll. tlial is

I Gl3$90Wt 'ycle Rliles .llltl eyt'llts are iilL'alilseil by the ( ilasgowf yclc (aiiipaigu (‘ontact Sandy liennctt oull~ll :37 Sllfill

I Edinburgh l‘hcl olluau ( ‘yclc ( ‘anipaigii .ilsooi'ganise a nunibci ot ey cuts andcyclc rides which suit dilleieul leyelsol skill and stamina ('ontaet Shane on il‘sl 33‘) l‘lbl. or IR) II" "<44 toi general enquiries


It you aie going to my est in a bicycle. you need to tbiiik hard about w hat you're going to use it lot as there are now two main types the lightweight iouiiiigbikc. oi the all terrain mountain bike ll you'ic not sure. theic are spc eialisl bicycle hiic shopsw hicligiyesyou the chaucciotiy dilIcieiii kinds loi thed iy tliy in (ilasgow .Tor Toys. li\l (‘Iai kston Road, ll~ll o‘s" 143‘). and in l'duibuzgli Central Cycle Hire. ldl Helil'llt l’lat‘e, lttllt'ltiss.

llil .‘PSh‘s‘s‘q


ll1l\tii\ei\.ittlllltlllltltiii\.iteui‘lle'\tlttlll dinghy sailingtocruising lioiiiboaid sailing to powerboat handling ()ne of the best ways to see w hich is loi you is to try a weekend t‘oiiise. although there aie clubs who will taki you tor a day or evening


.GlaSQOW‘ l\(lt'(llll\1nLv( “lhqulees jlx“ll)~‘\l‘l \illt‘\l.( il.l\fliy\\ Ss'lltitils \illtng('ltll‘ Rliti\_‘ll_‘lll il.i\l\l

'I'uckctt). Jordanhill College of Education. (MI 959 1232 (W. McGuinness).

I Edinburgh Sea (‘raft Training (Edinburgh). 5 East Saville Road. (E. T. Miller). Moray House (‘ollege of liducation.(l31 5568455(Miss Mackenzie). Port Edgar Sailing Centre. 031 331 3330 (Oliver I.ud|ow).


Obviously, you will not be expected to has e your own dinghy or boat when you start to learn; similarly. wetsuits will be provided. However. ifyou get hooked ~ that‘s when it gets expensive!



'l’lie Royal Yachting .-\ssoci;’tion Scotland. lS Ainslie Place. iidinburghIUl ZZMJIII.

.\'ot your namby -paniby boy'seotits canoeing here. this is the whitewater. white knuckle .sttttt.


I Glasgow ( ilasgow Kayak ('lub.ll-1l (1‘7 .‘s-1l7(.-\lan MacKintosh).Strathkelvin Kayakflub. lll3fih'33553 ( Douglas l’ollock ). ('umbernauld ts Kilsytli Kayak ('lub. (Dish? 2 loll) (.l. .‘vlc(‘ulloch ).

I Edinburgh ( 'raiglockhart (’anoe ( ‘lub. “3| 33‘) 7'95” I Morag Davidson). l‘oi'th ('anoc ( ‘ltlb. “3| 32S (i590 ( Keith lirow n ). 'I'uition lrom; l’ort ladgar \N'atersports (cutie. South ()ueensferry 031 33] 333“ or ( ‘raiglockhart Sports(‘entre. ( ~olinton Road.


You will be able to borrow or hire acanoe when you start ask the individual club

secretaries Information

(liliL'SCUlli\h(iiiltUC(\\\t\1‘iitt"?li.is :\lll\lle l’lacc. i‘dinburgh ('3! “femur

A sport for the true poseur. experts say if you can ride a bicycle or swim. you will be OK. but you should definitely have lessons before taking to the waves.


I Glasgow Stiathcly dc ('ountry Park. (WM («i155 ( I). (irieve). Renfrew l)t\‘ision Schools. (I475 3-1613 ( W'.

llary ie). ( iareloehhead Board-sailing School. “436 81(815 ( I). ('arsewell).or contact the lialloch Tourist Office on (I389 53533 for intormation on the facilitieson lochl omond

I Edinburgh I inlithgow ()utdoor liducation ( ‘entre. “Silo 8448“: ( ( i. 'l‘homson I. Port lidgar Sailing(‘entre.ll3' 3‘s] 333tl(()liycr l,udlow ). Ski Surl l'i'osse.ll?l.‘_35(i‘)51((‘olinMel’haiU. Mach 1‘ ntei prises. (F31 32‘) 5387 ( Brian Stark).


(ienerally . the slut board and wet suit w ill be included in the price of your tuition . but check with the individual centre.


R YA Scotland. 18 Ainslie l’lacc. l-dinburghIRI 336 4401.


If you fancy an actiy ity holiday this year. or want to spend a weekend on an intensiye learning course. there are a number of opportunities.

Cumbrae National Watersports Training Centre on the l-‘irtli oI‘(‘lyde putson residential courses ( 'oursc lees \ ary from 4i Ior a weekend dinghy course to 4llllor a twelye day llebrideau ( 'ruise. It you take your own tent. there islimited camping space available and you get a .‘stI’; reduction in Ices. Write to the (‘uiiibrae National Water Sports Training ( cntre. luyei'clydc. largs. Ayrshire

RA WSR“ or telephone l.;ii'gstti4"5l billion for a brochure

(iolf tennis. badminton and squash are covered by the Sport Breaks organised by the Inverclyde National Sports Training Centre at l.args A four day residential course (with lttllboard ) costs Ll lh'. lor non-residents {5]. Details from the Duputy Principal. Inverclyde National Sports'l'raining ( ‘entre. largs. .-\y rshire KAWXRW. 'l‘cl: l args(tl-175)o74ooo.

The Youth Hostels Association oil-er weekend aetiyity breaks includinga windsurfing. canoeing. pony trekking. walking or a tit Ior life w'cekcnddesigned for those who want to learn how toayoid stress. Weekend breaks cost from £15. and details are a\ ailable from the Scottish Youth Hostels Association. Breakaway Holidays. 7(ilebe Crescent. Stirlingl-Kh’ 31A or telephone (ll7Hfi) 5| lb’l.