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I Glasgow Male (23) lull. .itti;icti\ c. .\1ci'ch;rnt (‘ilt ducllcr. sccks ioiii.iiitic.ill_\ inclincd lcrnulc ( 15 .ill) tor long tcrm lusting rclritionship [ ikcs includc rock music. thcutrc. L‘lllClllit. alcohol and laughing “(H \uh.‘ I].

I Male 26. \ crs considcr.itc. lit”. slim. giaduutc. c_\ ltlL‘dl idczrlist. likcs music. films. ‘culturc'. t'cminism. ‘outdoors‘. animals. Dislikcs drugs. tdcologucs \ccds \ crt czii‘ing. zittructix c lcmulc tor lusting rclutionship. laughs. l'dinhurgh. .'\n_\ \\ hcrc. Box No "I -1.

I Single man. 34. St .-\ndic\\s. \L'L'ls\ honcst humorous lcinalc company Sxxop \hith‘ in} countsish \scckcnds. unlking ctc your [ istlundnightlitc. tilms. |.i// ctc \Vritc. c\cl1.ittgc pix. Hm \o"l "g

I Wanted: .-\ur.icu\c. intclligcnl Lid} (3! 31) ((iliisgou lth‘tl) tor nights

out (hummus .mdclosc companionship \lc'.’ mohilc. prolcssionulgi';idu.itc(31 l hiipp) itlltl rclirxcd. Soil inlcrcstcd scnd inlorinzrtn c lctlci and photo toi iiiuncdi.rtc i‘cpls ‘Shc \\ ho tlill'L'\ \\ HIV”. Hm No ‘73 l,

Somebody OUllhere\\.inlslo lsnou sou \Vritc to thc l’lzRSUNAl columnol llir'lrx/ :indltttdoutuhof

I Shy. inexperienced lemale ( l-ti looking loi mzilc li‘icnd ln dcspcmtc nccd ol .i good laugh shou mc \\ hut sou‘ic madc ol' lnlct'csts. Music. (not discos). rcudrng. cincmm. “all-orig (il.isgo\\ .ii‘c.i Ho\ \oT.‘ Il'm lesbian 28. \ccking iclutronship. tricndships Into



cincma. thcutrc. music. sport. hL‘th‘hL'\. talking. h.i\ ing tun ctc. so it sou'ic intci‘cstcd plczrsc \sttlcT (i|.isgo\s luscd. Ho\ \o

I Non-travelled Glasgow area based student. rn.ilc (th) sccks slinil.ii|} positioncd companion (in t l lot 3 3 \scck hm hudch Ulllluppiiu |.runltoltuiopc \l.tl'llllg tiom hcginning Scpt l’lcusc Icph to Ho\ NH "3 4 THE LIST PERSONALADS arc dcsigncd tor mun iduzils to mch othcr indis idugils for lzl lL‘ldllUlhlltps \VL‘ [L'\L'I\C th‘ right to iclusciin} .idx crtiscmcnt \\ ilhout c\p|;in.itiou. (‘ircuLiix promotional Iitci Mum and ottcnsn c in.itci ml .iic not ltll'\\;tltlt‘\l“llL'lL‘tll\L’l)\L'lL'\l It sou icccn c such in.itcii;i| \stth )Ulll“1NICPIIL‘\PIC.I\ClL‘llh hm)“ \\ r itc. cnclosmg thc m.rtci ml. to. (‘lussilicd Ads l)cpt.itllir'/.1\I

I Lonely young man (23 ) hlondc i'cccnlh moxcd inloquict \ illgrgc lust outsidc lidinhuigh. \L‘L‘h\ Ltd} .111) .igc lL'ltltt}

crncmn. music. cgrtingout. talkiiigdnd|.iuglung l’honc liltllilk'l'\p|c;t\c Bo\ \o”? 5

I Protessional lemale l 31) lnlclhgciit.sincci‘c. indcpcndcnt. [tilllitllllc Sccks \lltllliti inzilct31l 41))lor tricndship iclgilionshtp l’iclcis l'dinhuigh.iic;i lntcrcsls includc \\.tlhlll}1. music. thc.itrc. diningout. tilins. \iisiiiokcrs l’holo.ippicci.itcd Box .\'o

H: (r

IYoung gayguyiljiin \L‘HIChUI simil.ii loi iiightsout .indmutu.r| .ilcohol .iliuscT l’r'cl. lilondcshut \xon't mind otlicis (Tltt\)_’(l\\ .itc.i l’hoto.ippicci.ilcd Bo\ .\o "I "

ITalI. slim. postgrad. llllL‘l‘L'\l\. \\ suiting. mountains. (it/l.

Tel No

Message category

No of issues


Messa e note: tel nos count as 1 word

Payment encl. Classitied deadline lor Issue 73 is Fri 5 Aug.


dancing. good food, Not as cxpcricnccdds hc \\ouldhkc. Sccks maturc sclt .issurcd woman to impim c his tcchniquc l'\ c .r cur .ind t’liitin (il.rsgo\\ Ho\ \o‘.‘ h.

I Attractive. intelligentwoman 13h) \\ ith .i scnsc ol huinoui is com rnccd th.it .ittr.icti\ c intclligcnt incn ;tlL’ hcconung L'\llnL‘l \Vttllltl .t_\UllL‘ ltl th‘ l~dinhuigh .ttcn likc to prm c hci xx rong'.’ Ho\ \o “‘3 ‘l

I Attractive. intelligent male (21) uouldlikc tornch lL‘lllillL‘\\lIhil s'cnsc of humour to hunt up lil‘c. lntcicstsincludc \\iittng. politics. thcatic “1h. sou \mii't rcgrct. [:dmhuigh Box No

“2 In

I Glasgow good—looking. .ithlcticlilokc(3-1). lookingloi' non-sccnc. sligiightuctingguys torli'icitdship:\ [ :\ Photographs.imiiccrutcd Rm \0 "/3 H

I Attractive. tun-loving. temale (3] ). ( iliisgoxx .iic.i. sccks tntclligcnt spoi t\ . \\lll) . c.is_\ going in.i|c lricnd to sh.irc L'\pcttcnccs ll sou cunt} ti.i\ cl. cutting out. sport. l.ingu.igcs. thc

thc.ilic plcusc \sritc Hm \o


Use your Ioal! \Iiikc l‘lk‘dd, Shuic your hilt)“ him through our I’RIVA l l- 'l I ll“ ).\


I Attractive lemale (31) welt. compum ol in.r|c ( 3" 3m in l‘dtnhurghurca Must hc intctcstcd in cincmu. sport. lhculic.cutingoul.sociiili/ing .ind h.i\ c .1 good scnsc ol humoui. Bo\ .\'o "I 13.

I Gay Male ( i|.rsgo\\ . scch siinil.ii lot cold c\cnings;ind sh.iic.ih|cmpcrtcnccs I ikcs '[ .\' ..-\/tcc ( liniciu .ind ltiilmn lood Sltlt‘ll) Him-\L‘Cllc l)rscrction .issuicd .ind L'\pL‘clL‘d. Phirli)ttppt'c't'mlcd

“1H NH “3 L1


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"7111.71 .ist 5—f- l-l August 198.951