old couch in Freud‘s studio her breasts Paintings and drawings from Naples. bursting with weight and etched with John Crockett 1918-1986 8 Aug—3 Sept. veins. Her leg falls open there are no Paintings. secret folds or teasing mysteries. Her body I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound, has been formed with the excruciating 225 6671. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun honesty most people reserve for private 2-5pm. From 14 Aug—4 Sept hours PHOTOGRAPHS 5 contemplation. A most beautiful extended to Mon—Sun 11am—7pm. _ g exhibition of paintings (part ofthe Admission £2051) includes both BY 8 1 Hayward Gallery, London show). Don‘t exhibitions. The following exhibitions - g i miss it. have been organised by the Gallery of :5 ; Six Paintings by Francis Bacon Throughout Modern Art: “MN 8 the summer This room otmastcrmi Picabia Until 4 Sept. Who is Picabia? Most - 5 i Bacons enters into wonderfully artists know his name. but to many he is GR”:le g i appropriate comparisons with the work of unfamiliar. Picabia is one of the founders - ‘2 Freud next door. The two painters arc of the Dada movement. He is French (not ST'LLS 8

friends as well as contemporaries—inthe ltdhdn dsthc name mightsuggest). Heis z Freud catalogue you will see an early introduced to the Edinburgh Festival as GALLERY 3 drawing by Freud of the young Bacon. one of the most anarchic spirits in 20th 6 g Daylight plays on Freud while Bacon‘s century art. And this is the first AUGUST 8 room has the blinds down _ the stage for retrospective of his work in Britain since u the two painters has been set with 1964. Unexpected. witty. playful and TO E sensitivity bytheGMA. intelligent— Picabia demanded that hisart ‘7 g I GREYFRIARS KIRK HOUSE Candlemaker be free. See for yourself. The RSA. has SEPTEMBER E I Row,Dai|y1()am_1pm. rarely looked better. The cafe and 1988 o : minimum Artwork 15 Aug—3 sept_ one bookshop are well equipped to open to TUESDAY if I million reproductions {or £1cach as well those without exhibition tickets and the To 5 g as limited editions_ exhibitions themselves are fine. 53 i I xmgrisugn GALLERY 5 The Magic error- Dads and Surrealism SUNDAY 3 Northumberland Street Lane, 557 5454. Until 4 Sept. Picabia is jOincd by the 11 AM at Momsat 1()am_4.3()pm. surrealists. In contrast to thejoking To ‘2 Junan casado 15 Aug_10ct,First master of Dada. anumberofthe artistsin 6 pM g exhibition in Great Britain by this eminent this CXhibitiOh are known by a large public ADM'SSION 5 Spanish painter. - Max Ernst. Magritte, Man Ray. <z( I Hfiflfiflaow 43 High street, 5569579, Giacometti. Francis Bacon and Paolozzi 70') (40?) ; Momsat 1()am_4.3()pm Cafe, number among them. The works shown all 105 "- Fom Napoli by Simon coach 8 Aug—3 Sept, belong to one private collection and WGH

include surrealist books and periodicals,

an important aspect ofthis 20th century STREET

Films Until 14 Aug. Daily at 1pm. Free. A (031)5571140 E week of Dada and Surrealist cinema including Bunuel's ‘Un Chien Andalou' SPONSORED BY AGFA

and Picabia‘s ‘Entr'acte'.

Concerts 13, 20 Aug and 3 Sept at 7.30pm.

£2 on the door or from the exhibition desk.

Satie. Debussy and Franck (phone 556 '

8921 for details). i .

Talks Free. 19 Aug at lpm—Simon Wilson 1““ ’3» g" i M

(Tate Gallery) on Dada and Surrealism; (1‘ . xi l

20 Aug at lpm—Simon Wilson on Francis " w '

Bacon; 22 Aug at 6pm—David Gascoyne

(poetandsurrealist)onPicabiaz26Augat “J O A N E A L E S ..

I lpm—Robert Rosenblum (New York

'1 University)on late Picabia; 29 Aug at (-254?

Relics, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh d I. _ Relics is the title ot the Collective p g - '

etr . Gallery’s Edinburgh festival show- not :Osrrye GALLERY Howe Street.5561613. the dusty. ancient variety. but newly Mon—Fri 10am—6pm, Sat 10am—4pm. minted pieces made especially iorthis Images at Italy 12 Aug—3 Sept. Paintings by exhibition, Anne Mendelow and Alma Wolfson and An open invitation was sent out to all Sculpturlc by Lynfn Witilfson- Thr<ltc I the gallery's members asking to, persona Views 0 con emporary ta y. contributions on this theme, with the 5.5322336 “UTE” 29" Dufm“ SW“ " _ j: . on—Fri 11am—6pm, Sat :1 , added proviso that all pieces must be 10 308,114me sent by Post- Mixed Exhibition Until 27 Aug. Recent

The mum has yielded an Intemsoflng paintings by Ethel Walker, silver and gold mailbag, delivering all kinds oi objects jewellery by Tony Newbery and silver and to the gallery's Ietterbox. The idea at enamel jewellery by Judity Phibbs. relic seems most otten to have been

2253:3223initiatives:.. 3601113“ AUG mm 0 SEPTEMBER

iragmentary pieces which wear an air

gammmdaflamv p°°i"°°' _ RICE

' ~ I. u’l 60:9:Lc:l;‘:"l:;sg "$3 $332? I BACKROOM GALLERY 42 London Street. - 5568329. M —s 9' —5 . “nun”. Intimate: :l'lillfttynand literso‘nai East Coast 133m Gilda]? Seiprtr.1 Six young " an ma 08 a re era ract V8 8 0*. It artists show in this delightful room inthe includes collage, shells, scraps at ‘back shop‘. All are recent graduatesof U N IVERSITY OF ROYAL SCOT—“SH [mm [a ['3’ and even a "me wan Dundee and Edinburgh colleges ofart. Sculpglnpwhich “Dreams a noun“ Graham Anderson makes 3-dimensions N U H apple. A little piece has been bitten g“ *F'S SCR'P‘H'E‘LCCWWCS- Richard South Bridge The Mound away to reveal its core, pertectly Douz‘i‘s “'3‘?” .Clon§‘r:c‘s.' Rug . «amoeuteamumuc. mama. M::.:'r.'::..°::::1:232..regress: Monday-Saturday loam-59m, Sunday ZPm-Spm- (sauy “finest Matisse for print inspiration and Jared Lee AdmiSSion .50 COHCQSSionS .00

Ta lorfashions'ew lle .It"' I f l - v selzaetloniortheliestcwair.y saw W U AISO ShOWIng at the Talbot Rlce: HEW LORIMER, Sculpture

The List 12 18 August 1988 51