Texans ( Rockabilly); 1.30pm. Crayfish Twins (burlesque comedy):


I Buchanan Street noon. Original Mixture; 12.30pm Stewart H Wilson; 1pm. ('rayfish 'l‘wins; 1.3(lpm. Patricia; 2pm. Long 'l'all Texans; 2.30pm. Christof; 3pm. Mr Adams it; Mr Dandridge; 3.30pm. John l.enahan: 4pm. ()ya: 4.30pm. Hipster the Hopster.

I Argyle Street 1 1.30pm. Haggis dc Charlie: noon. 'I‘ony Anthony; 12.30pm Brian Sutherland (Street (iirder); 1pm. John l.enahan; l .31lpm. Mr Adams 6; Mr Dandridge; .Zpin. Stewart H Wilson; 2.30pm. Original Mixture; 3pm. ()y'a; 3.30pm. Patricia; ~1pm. (‘rayfish 'l'wins. I Prince's Square 12.30pm. Christal; 1.30pm. Haggis & Carlyle.

1.3(lpm. 'l'ony Anthony . For details see 'luesday lo.

I Buchanan Street noon. Crayfish; 12.30pm. Fluke (Dance Magic); 1pm. Long Tall 'l'cxans; lJUpm. Haggier: ('harlie; 2pm. John Lenahan; 2.30pm Patricia; 3pm. ()riginal Mixture; 3.3tlpm. 'l'ony Andrea's: 4pm. Oy'a14.3(lpm. Brother .\'iyi (poet).

I Argyle Street 1 1.3(Ipm Haggis & Charlie;


The Scottish debut at America's iirst outstanding classical ballet troupe of black dancers. The long limbed, astonishingly pliable women and muscularly regal men of this New York City company are like exotic dance thoroughbreds, able and eager to do any and everything with unlimited verve. Their eclectic repertory embraces such plotless ballets as George Balanchine's Four Temperaments and Concerto Barocco and Glen Tetley's Voluntaries; quintessentially American story ballets like Jerome Robbins' irresistible wartime sailors' comedy Fancy Free; kitsch classics, including a gorgeously DTT, tropical Firebird; and ethno-show biz blockbusters like Dougla, a celebration oi Trinidadian nuptials, and artistic directorArthur Mitchell's Phoenix Rising, with its vulgar, orgiastic tribalism.

DTH play Glasgow thanks to the sponsorship of the Entertainment Corporation, private entrepreneurs who have concurrently imported the Kirov and Moscow Classical Ballet companies to Britain. Unlortunateiy, yet understandably, DTH arrives in our midst accompanied by an ultimatum: give them a healthy box otiice, or risk losing the opportunity to witness the Bolshoi Ballet in Scotland next year. The Corporation is chary ol losing money— as it did on Moscow Classical and Moscow State Circus earlierthis season - by bringing any more international culture north at the border. ‘We really want to see the world’s best companies tour the whole oi Britain,’ says Trevor (no relation) Mitchell, Corporation director, ‘but there‘s no point in continuing this

policy it it's not going to be recognised and supported.’ on. the joys at art and linance. (Donald Hutera) All-American Exotics Irom the Dance Theatre at Harlem is at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow—Aug 15-20.

IThe Briggait 12.30pm. Long'l‘all'l’exans:



noon. Patricia; 12.30pm. Tex McCloud; 1pm. Original Mixture; 1.30pm. Brother Niyi; 2pm. B & M Muir (Mexican Folk Music): 2.30pm. Ova; 3pm. Long'l'all Texans; 3.30pm. Roger & Lucie (French Comedy Skills); 4pm. Fluke: 4.30pm. Mundane Garbage.

I Prince's Square 12.30 prii. 'I‘ony Anthony; 1.30pm. Roger et Lucie.

I The Briggait 12.30pm. John Le nahan; 1.30pm. (‘rayfish Twins. For details see 'I'uesday Ifi.




I THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street. Box Office (131 331 1234

Dance Theatre at Harlem Mon lS—Sai 2o Aug. 7.30pm. Matinee Sat 2(1at2.3l)pni. £3.51)—£18.5(l.'l'heatrc Royal‘s hat-trick of firsts culminates in the first visit to Scotland by this internationally renowned all-black ballet company. With Firebird. Four Temperaments and Phoenix Rising in the programmes. this company will undoubtedly pull Festiyal goers over from Edinburgh.


‘Everyone told me I was an exception,’ Harlem-born dancer/choreographer Arthur Mitchell recalls. ‘No. I had the opportunity.‘ Mitchell, 54, shot to tame in the 1950s as a member at master-choreographer George Balanchine's New York City Ballet. A decade later, in the wake oi Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination, Mitchell decided it was time he passed that same opportunity on to other young blacks. Like Dr King, Mitchell has a dream: to tour the globe with an international

i company of children all taught at the

same school. ‘I'd call them Noah’s Art,’ he says, beaming. ‘They‘d show people that regardless 01 race, class, creed or colour, it's the quality at the work you do that’s important.

‘I will not reliqulsh my standards tor anybody,‘ Mitchell continues. 'Either you hIt the high or you don‘t- I don‘t care what colour your throat is. I say to dancers, “Even though you are striving to acquire technique, never lose that love you have tor dance. That's what’s gotta come across the lootlights." (Donald Hutera)

See dance listings tor pertormance times and details.




lJermiah Johnsonrseoiiishis lllprit Another gripping film in the Robert Redford season. '1 his is Sydney l’ollack's 1972 film about mountain man. trapper Redford yyho is torced to light a personal war against the Indians who killed his larnily.

IPlaying ForReaIrtiiicl iv 3o 111 sum. I’ai‘t three of the Subbuteo diaiiia llie team take on the Jarroyy' and Hepburn Dynainoes.

I The Incredibly Strange Film Show r r '4 I Ill 311—1 1.15pm Jonathan Ross‘sprotile of bad taste guru. John Waters \y asaii accomplished and stir prisiiigly unyy aclsy successful start to his summer series llis look at Holy‘s'ood‘s B nioy ies this \seels contiimesyyith an Illtc'iy'lcys sKIIII Ray Dennis Stcckler . the man responsible for [he Incredibly Strange ( Mature ll'lru .Slt)p[)t’(1[.li'lrigamtBi’t.1/Itt'.\llti'rl ( [i Zombies.

IISIEXDDSUIB(Scottisltl to 35 ll riipm Featuring London comic. Arthur Smith who will be ‘conipereiiig hinisell‘ at the (iildcd Ballori theatre see Festiy a1 ('abaret preview

I The HltZ(BBL‘2l l 1.21}- 1.3.511prit l'at boss of a street-cleaning business istoi'ced to take rt‘uge ti'om a hit man in a gay bath house. 197(itaree based on lererice McNallys stage play and staringlack Westoon.

I Let's Do It Again r BBL 1) ll.4tlprn—i.31)ani. Sidney Poitier and Bill Cosby in the Poitier directed comedy made as a follow-up to L'prown Saturday Night.

I Funeral in Berlinrscoiiish)

.‘Vlldlllght ~2am, Second (not so good) Harry Palmer spy tiliii With Michael Caine made in tune.

I Echo Park ((4) 1.15—2.55pm Robert Dornheim‘s‘ film about three inisfit characters living in a run-down house in Los Angelcs. reeciyes its first shoss ingon British teleyision. ("o-stars Tom I lulee

yylioyyasl )\\ttl nominated tor ‘INItlth’ll‘

I The Big Country 1 Scottish l .7 Spin llie ( lassic l‘ISS yy ester it \y itli the c lassicscorc starring ( iicgory l’cck arid( liarltori llc'strltt IMadame Butterllyittlit :i' .‘H U 45pm. ( Repeal slioyy irig ot the iicclriiriictl Japanese production ol Mo/ait’sopera I Film 0n Four Extra: Reflections (( ‘4) ‘3 Ill “pin Keyiri Ilillirigton sallcgor'rcal account ot the problcrnsol Ireland A i historian it Libirel Byi ncl rcrits a lodge in 2 the grounds of a decaying l’alladiari Irish 1 niarisioii NM or Is and gets diays ii intoth In cs o1 its inhabitants Made in 198.1 IThe Odessa FileiSeoiiiini : 9211 ll 4‘pni. llic I‘VJ Iiliii ycr'sionol Frederick l‘oi'syth best seller has matured ysilh time John Voigt stars 11' the , absorbing \a/ihunttlirillcr l I International Golir mac '1 i I 111411 rnidriiglit (‘oyciage ol the ES l’(i.-\ I (‘liaiiipionsliip lroiii I'.Llllltlll<l. ( )klahoina .‘ylorccoyeiagc toriioiroys

" DAY 14

IDial-A-Hymnrscoiiisliirs to 7 15pm. Well. yy hatey er next ('all ( iloria llunnilord and sole for your tax our itc hymn

I Equinox: How Good Is Soviet Sciencei('4) l 7' 15- 5 15pm l'xaniiiiatioriby I’rolessoi l.oreii(irahani Amongst the revelations is that theres a year long ysait lot a

Muscoy rte ss ;intirig a personalcomputer and then you can't get the inonitoror printer

I Man and Music ((‘4 i s. 15 ii 15pm. New series ol Bainber (iascoignos ltistory'of music. '1 hese six progi amines pursue "The Italian ( 'onneetion‘ but begin by looking at the music of the lbth century in ayyider

I The Dame Edna Experience ((111

9.15 111 “Spin '1 he soon to be experienced north ofthe border Australian syyeetheart in a repeat showing of her indryidualchatshoyy

I Edinburgh International Festival: Opening Concertrtsm 2)9_tS-lri,31ipiii (‘arl

66'I‘he List 12— 18 August 1988