Mile) 10am—5pm seven days a week and at the Jazz Festival Headquarters. Royal Overseas League. Princes Street. noon till midnight. Further information from the Jazz Festival Headquarters between these hours above. or telephone (031) 557 1642. I Tickets and booking Tickets at the venues thirty minutes before the performances and at the Jazz Festival Headquarters. Royal Overseas League. Princes Street. 10am-5pm. A Gold Star Badge which costs £40 is the equivalent pass to all events except the Farewell Ball. All day tickets cost £10.


19L27 August. Organised by the Platform Jazz Society which brings jazz to Edinburgh all year round. The Round Midnight festival cocentrates on widening the boundaries ofjazz. Sponsored by TDK for the second time this year there isa remarkable line-up of famous names. including Carol Kidd and Georgie Fame.

Office Lothian Road. Edinburgh. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Virgin Records (Edinburgh). Mon—Sat 10am—5pm 131 Princes St. and from the Fringe Box Office. 180 High Street. Edinburgh.


Despite competition from Venice and Deauville.the Edinburgh International Film Festival is now in its 42nd year (making it the longest running event ofits kind in the world). and maintaining a strong reputation for the best in new British and independent American cinema.

I Information Full details of Festival Films is contained in the Film Festival programme. available from the Filmhouse. Lothian Road. Edinburgh. price £2 and from newsagents around the city. Information is also available from the Filmhouse. (031) 228 2688.

I Tickets The Filmhouse. 88 Lothian Road. Edinburgh. is the box office forall Film Festival events. open 9am—9pm and later for unsold tickets for that night‘s late


I inlormalion Enquiries to the Queen's Hall. Clerk Street. Mon—Sat lOam-lOpm.

I Tickets/Booking Tickets for all concerts available from the Queen‘s Hall Box Office. Clerk Street. Edinburgh. Mon—Sat 1()am—1()pm and an hour before the performances. The Usher Hall. Box


film. Tickets can be booked but not reserved by phone: ring (031 ) 228 2688 for

Filmhouse performances before 6pm: £3 (£2.50); after 6pm. £4. Cannon performances £4 (Pullman seats £5). Cameo performances £4.

Maxwell Thornton takes his camera backstage at Fringe ticket offices. ‘The box office stall are the other hand. preler an hardest workers of the authoritative attitude festival - and you can quote remaing ‘polite but tlmi'. me on that.’ Brave words indeed. When next stumbling to the The Queen’s Hal I Box counter oi some cultural Office. as well as boasting establishment. spare a that, ‘ll anyone tried thought for the box office anything they could actually worker- those pleasantly shut the door on a restrained people who customer’s head', related scuny eagerly to supply many humorous anecdotes. your ticket-like demands. One such was a telephone You may have been enquiry greeted with along queueing for hours. but pause followed by the these people have been exclamation, ‘are you a live here since daybreak. They person or a recording?’ Isn't work hard long hours, put technology wondertul. The up with much abuse and live Jan Otlice, it seems. gets in constant tear of the an altogether more relaxed vengeance-seeking type at person. No cases ol psychotic customer. 'I was violence or abuse have ever actually hit today.’ explains been recorded. “customers Alison oi the Filmhouse. are always pleasant and ‘She called me a liar. she polite'. Which may be some was completely mad. We reflection of the voluntary get a lot of people like that nature oi their stall. in here.’ However. apart from the This year the Assembly abuse. the violence and. tlzoor'ns iargtiauk'inglgo risk: ‘retlectlng the untldy ey re n ng ars an T-shlrt-clad youth oitoday'. have concieved ot a cunning the lob also has its perks. fifiifififlmflw psychological approach to Free tickets. loads of 11', good m "in .u in difficult customers. “You parties. and the odd chance h... m... .n'd .m, or rgmal'g calm and are iustso ot meeting a celebrity or "mm .M m." w. my 90 3133. two: “Last year i was really out and get really. really In mm m" , “"10 excited because i saw Or drunk.’ Th. F 3:,“ M Legge out of EastEnders’. During the next few days. 1’ “r 0" “‘0 Even with the increased ticketsales will go from


26—29 August. Assembly Rooms. 54 George Street. Edinburgh. Tel (1)31 ) 226 2427.8 (Box Office). Largely intended as an event for TV professionals. The MacTaggart Lecture is the main public event. August 26 6. 15pm. £2. (Speakers to include Stephen Fry). Tickets are also available for some of the other events from the Assembly Rooms Box Office. This is probably the industry's most important U.K talking shop anti there is always plenty to talk about. The theme again this year is the problem offunding and changes in the structure of broadcasting.

I information and Registration To register as a delegate apply to The Edinburgh Television Festival. 5 Betterton St. London WC2H 9BL'. Tel (01 ) 379 4519.


14 August 3 September. Edinburgh Castle Esplanade. Only the Royal Tournament can begin to compare with this military extravaganza. btit Edinburgh wins hands down on setting and atmosphere. It is perhaps the biggest

tourist attraction of them all during the

. . _ 1.7~.ié;.x-s*xtt.§ . Festival. This year. as well as the usual Scottish Massed Pipes and Drums. the Rats ofTobruk and the I Iungarian People's Army Ensemble will be showing what they can do.

I Tickets and inlormalion Single performances daily Monday to Friday at 9pm (except 25 August when the performance will begin at 8pm because of the Princes St Fireworks. which start at 10.45pm). Saturday performances begin at 7.45pm and 10.30pm A- no Sunday performances. Full details from the Tattoo Office. 22 Market St. Edinburgh.

ACCOMMODATION Where to find it:

I Edinburgh Tourist centre Waverley Market. 3 Princes St. Edinburgh El 12 20P.’l'el:()31557 2727. Openingllours; Mon-Sat 8.3(latn-9pm. There is a wide range of accomodation available in and around Edinburgh -— from high class hotel to humble hostel. The Tourist (‘cntre provides a comprehensive accommodation and information. They hold the Tourist Accommodation Register which is free. and lists hotels. guest houses. private houses and self- catering accommodation (the self-catering section is very popular and will already be heavily booked). The Tourist ('entre also has information about caravan parks.


naming to cyomh'n9_ interpreted as a punch bag funny. and there are lots 01 339cm "nun." or sparring ring of the same nice customers. We smoke claiming compummm, nature. These poeple are too much. we drink too

am angmm to lump an...” here to serve and will go out much. but it's a great job. - tom. 3 inch mob, "mm of their way to humouryou. I You're fired the next day. am my mg "mp." fly, Ticket buying has never . but it doesn't matter. our but "mama" 30, Office been so much tun. . First Aid box is full of mm; mm “mg. mg ‘I never get bored with it.l hangover cures. The main would in no my u. think it’s sometimes terribly I thing is survival 1'

76 The List 12 18 August 1988