audicncc Ix tramput tch tu uncunIIut'tahlc

lhc/151‘s sccund baker's dozen of . thc xurtcal Iantlxcapc III Inth dcpcndcncc I\ play ctI IhC bCSI . Dun ()ulwtc'xInadnc“. uut III a qunkyalmuxt i andthc knight'xtruxt) tactIcaldancc qutincand \cn ant . Sanchu I’anxa's thruugh IUI'IIIZIII\L‘&I ch Ipt. : L‘dtlh} LIC\itC\. IIHIIJIgL‘ htIndlcuIIcanc ' 'IhcactIunIxahxtIIhIng. hccumc a cIutIc a\ Buurgatn Icapx and I IcptcxcntatIun ut thc t\~I\t\.gtIrg|c\aIItImuanx, Iunglc.cuIItI'astIngmth ct'catmguut uI thm an thc mcn\ hl/dl W I \ccncxttch mthdctaIl. \uphIxtIcatIun It)\lt'c\\IhL‘ culuut and cnchI. \Vc \cc mutual ctIltuIc \huck uI : UunUtImItc ttltmgat culunIaINn. f I mndmtlls. dt’tmnmg III a But Imth . thc thama mcI'. IIghtmghIxtmn ccntchgn'uund thc tuu shadtm . and Sanchu mcn'x ptm ct \tIugglc. and 5 guhhhngdtmnqudut thccndinghnngstxm i clingmg tu Inxdunkc) \III'IIIINL‘\. thc Inst “mum-"I “um I hm" P‘H'm'l 'Cl‘n‘lu“ “m M . “I” "m h“ " I“"”[ "I 'l hc actur \xcaxcx III and tuchhadtmctI hut L-le-Iakllscmxcfh V lhc-t llIhtlI‘ll [)Ilgl'lnldgc ( I‘Illc‘h nut “t h" Pal“ “kc u I \hUCkln‘u. lhc \CUH'd ~L‘m“ 1”" I [HI-"I “" I 'I“ h“”¥““ “.L'h‘M MIN“) danccr;\uddcnh \lupptnu 5 IllL'CIlllh uIl-lhc “all thy .mmcnw [mum ul tIIIncI \ my; pcI IuI mancc uI tIam \\ c “an. hL‘dl'h III um I StaIIerhoI I hc \‘I'Ildc m Mk “k. Judith“. “Imm‘ I Ilium u'nd dehmu‘ Ifle pl.“ cunch tIuIII tht- hla/mg mtcnxlts and lIIUlllh\. Iut thc nc\t I’la)cn \'cnuc III}. M)" u Chum“ tmm lhc u.“ m lmcu'w dud Mlmklm‘cm.‘ -. .0 lhal human hcmyx dcdtcattun. I\ Ium. thc . cncuuntct . qu \cnxc uI Ihl‘). l'ntll 3 SL‘PI I nut IIImhh rcttnnmu to thc I lhl\\hm\ In“ INCH :.a\c hccn cIcatcd uut ul t'II-IIIL‘I'I‘L' EJIIIIIIII-I” "III-'0' ' Mmkcncd IIuIIuI I\ Ich cI Suns) "W" “(Li’- II'IIDI‘IN'OIIL‘LI('L‘I‘;;IIIIL‘\ llll|lI\Il\ unch -atthIdctI. [HUMIKN my (“a ut 'Icchx'. ‘IIIIIIqu' and thxappumtcd Anna (impairing m hhw” -[ h" “\mhc'“ “mm.” t\'\k'I\CUI thcantI-gaI III'III‘III'“ '“IlCIIC'J' “WIN”I‘L'F'nfi‘”“N I (Iixtwlgtx-IxtIIc-;IIIL‘atIts : IRadio Sing Sing Man I‘IIIIII‘UI uI lhc tclcx mun ( “WI “INF I“ "I'IIfl @“Id IL'IIPIIIICI . cach acttun hcxt. (.Nicula RuhcttmnI Act. I hcattc \Vut kxhnp “Mun”, Hm. Mummy luItIIIIIIgnuIthhkcall I \IIII\\IIIgtIIc'ImIttatIunuI I .00" QuixofiejmqlKN I (VCHllClWllhujg‘ I ).t\I\IIIl \IIIaI ncItth Illlk' I'I‘I‘I‘III‘IIIIIIC‘IIIIIFI' = II“ “"dVI‘I‘I'Id'I‘Il " In a pcrIuIInancc whtch “mummy(‘haplaum l’IItIlfiScthIpIn.USU . ‘I'I'VhU'IN I‘J‘II‘II'W‘ I‘N‘m‘[K'Nu‘ln‘q‘m~ "Vl'l‘“""l"~‘l““ “"d IL'IIC\.IIIIIU\ICXCIUSHCH ('cnttctxcnuclh l'ntIIR (135“) \V' "I “IV “I” l.‘ "\“V‘ "‘ II “'“M- II I‘IL'4'VI‘V' ~ " \ IIII'I‘,‘ 4‘ ‘hk‘ lU k‘IW' un thc actut . un hlxhud'x. Scpt. hfillpm. 13 I USIIII \I nwm-n Iulluxu thc It appctI ammal. an “um um c)c\ Nathan hi‘ Mutt hh nuncmcnis _ .Sch'IIIIHHL‘III ul Ruthch untuch but Ich ct a\a l c\ Ick'x IaIvqucI mako Mound thc ctnptvcxpansc —{ {:Irtn \ht Minion-m It» madman I Ic talkx tuu ux IIII\I lhc IIch ItahIIIt} III “I clam. “mug; : (aunt-“ml.” [)mmlm IIIIIcII.tquIIc.tI|I aInItuu - Ihhlc-Iallnlhhlp.\\C\II;IIL‘ Bumédluumwsutum V Athdmhcnwwulcm I'I‘I'I'I‘fi “IIIIIHV‘IIIL‘ “‘“l‘mu‘ "" “L” h" MCI"- “""“""'”d h" tuI thc Imugmatlun Hc In thc stmkmusxxampx I thcn' \cah. I)uII Juan and Ir IIII\IIIUII \upcI III) I II\ WNW LN‘ - ‘INI'I'HL' “L‘4‘I'\"L"““ -’\‘ II ‘9'} IakL‘\ thc audlcncc hach to and on thy ruckx \Iupcun ; [m w; I am Suanatcllc clIIt‘I mtlncncc I\ I )cIcIt, It'llllh. \ct \k’d III a nqu nuII' IIIm. thc camchl Pdll‘ chillc at thc cnd uI thc ~ I’upua chx (iumca III 5 quk un hum lhc \lauc ; a .IIcIInccnuI IIIL'LIIIJIHI llltlaIUI(Llllclllltldlld \Iunl} II'UIIIUIIC\IIUFI “,mwmur‘film“. qus‘mumcnmm.” ' anuumpkWU”; “HIV -'\?—'I"” 5‘.‘ "'IL' 7 l“"‘?-'"‘.‘-'- "‘1‘" "mi ml“. “u” t" "'m‘h“ “C” m“ .\IIchac|( c'IHIIItc‘s. hcdanttc I'.IIL’.II\|I acru§ thc authtuIIum antI \“""' II'III‘III.‘ SIM” "mm-“W ""d "Hm" " Ind“! “p and dl‘IhUI' OI DU" Qlllmh’. naturahxt. thc utth a I)un .Iuan uI thc actuI .IIIIuII upuIItIagc-uuxlx pcIIuIIIIauccaIcpcItcctIx hantIctIunm lhc \umc “JR”“puncwnm hurdmmcdAmtmlmn lemu[htthmucwl_ It l\.t Iahlllttlhlttlc‘IIIHUI tmItctImaxpcctaclcthat manncI Ihcwchatactclx mmnmgmm“iméskdm prmpccmr’“Hum”!d DU'”“1“lean[HM ItIIcIun\|IIIc~aIIIISpa|I\ i Icachcxtuthccxxcnccut \tttck In tthI hackxxatct. lhchm”ngmarkubpmcc hmmcCmmmmuwm mlhminuuwunlnmm Immaculatc tIInIng math \\ ILII IIMHIIH‘ MI” MIN“ k‘ '“I'W WWI" Wild lhc by His M;th‘\I\ \ lmpcrial uncxpcctcd Inhalntantx lhc IIIL'JIIL‘ Ila-Ittmtutcxca} unk- I hc I\L~\l mcamlcut that“ III-\upapct pcclputatucs. (iudldl [Uddl'ippmg ‘md‘m‘M [CHHHHLNW Sud”[wummnuwh \l\\.|\\llIth‘ thcc\tIauItImaIIl\ tcadapuxtcaItI Iccda dungumlhcmghkncd dmuhu ' mum,““H'Ihc‘ifinumn .‘Mtgluundlclm \tIaIIuc.IIItI.IIIII\I\aIt~IIt tIIIg_t-\t-I} actIunIxhanaI dulhmdluumupmc Hmmmhhm‘ I“ hlm "\dm\lehmhm Inutu'ulhguu-‘Ittllnlhu lc'L'IIIt;_'\III.tI II\L‘IHIIIL‘ I‘ll!IIIIIIIQIL‘IIIIIIL‘.Illdth \[UUUfanmn“ho‘hink\ PCHUHHMKC‘thu'Uka (“-\1()IICIL‘.\mU\l : PLO“! I“ IN” M“““‘ I \m "KC m” “C \ IN] N “K PIC“ "‘ d h“ '5 1‘ KIIIIlm [‘ll’riim “I1 it Act I\ PCIIUI'IIIL'LI tn tuI mal dL‘IIIIIIHIIIIL' I‘Ia\ . \\ Inch l\ M “WNW” 1‘" \h‘m “UH” I I‘D'Lmlh “cum!” “hfllc‘udbumcm‘mcc” ‘IUC‘HUHIIlhcnut'ldut ucningdtcxxunaxtauc \xundcttullunatch.and l "V “"“Vd C‘ C” H \“H ‘mpl‘md‘ m” “NC “I h‘” ¥;|"'\'C\ C “MK I“ C\ III HIL‘ \L‘L'nc \H Itchu Clnlh IIIKL' a mat l‘lL'd IIIL' ICL‘IIIIIqllc\ lhc I naxclutlght tuch Intuthc I “C-IIL‘dclllth IcahxcthatthcxutIcIIIIIJ “Ithaxmtplcchanucut L‘hC\\htI;IIdIt‘ll\\hlk'h IhtcctuI. MIkIIaIl I tttxtlququ (\lkt \glc‘l‘ldllllgj “URL-“kw. HIlhcHIJIIIctIIJIL'hlIt) ,hnhmumjmnc‘Andlhc Herrcl‘ummhmm Ium‘ml‘hHILdmlw‘m l)utIlc\ I IuIII..lc.In-.\1attc I‘IIIIIII chxchaIgctImthpathux. k.UlwmmthL..ldH.,,mK\_ ' lScreamer5\’mtthn WHICIIIHIL‘I‘k‘V‘nddll “Im"“"“"“'d”“”} IntrIutchandcxcntualIall I‘IutIuctIun ( ~umpam. IIHCC' I‘II‘IIIIL‘I'I‘” I‘.‘ "‘I” I‘m”? ut III; chtu hIIc thu. aIc I‘laxhuuxc\tIItIIuth-nuc IP‘IiIAlberH'uIIIt-«IIctIc aclutx IthI Icchngtur “Hulmldnd“WNW [m “’I‘V (acn.I)ItmImunII KIuct/dtahhuurld. “Hindmmmmmlhcpl‘n ; \tl' I'IIIIIRSCPIU [\II (ummtmnx IlIuhSchuul unthnchmt:thcuthIcnccx U!lhc"Inmplufiumm (L3) 1\ cnnchm.‘Ihltfifi. ncI\c-\\Iackmg\tIIIncxx

lad} \\ ht‘ \II\ III UHL‘ HI lhc thIcc tIcnchcx. \\ Inch aIc IIIIHIJIIII} cunccnctI ax IMII HI lhc \L‘I .tl lhc III‘III III lhc \tauc. and \\ hu I\ III lm c “IIII I)un .ItIan. I\UIIL' ul thc mam tIIIc LUCIHII thcattIcaIm that aIc c\p|uIctI III thc pmductlun

_ l‘ntIl .‘ \cpt . 5pm. in I t II III pct IuI mancc mnxt hc \chI III I‘c I‘L‘IILWL‘d. I‘IIt' pmmgm

Imght Iulh IIuth. thc

I (ict man Spcakmg ( hutch

I'ntIcI .I\III\.1|C\III Thuht PI ImaI\ Schqu In thc I ' thc\tIun}_'c\t uI (IIJIILH

llltlt‘nlIIIIQIIHJUII‘CH.IIIC lllIIt‘|\i\ \\c\IthtIIItI|ctI .. IIHIIIIIIILIIIIAIIIII\\HIII\ . - up lugctth at thc hack ut "

\IIIIIIIIunctI du“ n a tIIm cuIIItIuI III I)IummuntI

thc\mcIIuIthxmtcctanl. lhc \mcII nut unh ut thc an lum. I‘tII .IIMHII lhc I‘II\\[‘II.II. thc \chuuhuum.

a haI II. \haI mg: lhc II.ItIu\\IIc\\aIItI hcxttahn l" IIIL'\L‘ IHtIl h\c\ .'\I

III \t. altcnatctI ax \\ c lt‘t \k


at a ‘1)llIth'llIIltIhpLH uI th‘lt‘HIIlcc. I‘ClIlaI“ (\L'II

IaImlIlc. “cathtnckh I utthclamth IIunthtxclt | IutcctImtuthcattIunln , llICICl\IIU\ltlflC.IIH‘Ct. IIIL'IIIIIII.lIItIUIIIIIIIIIIIICIII

uI thc plaunu I'achxqutI " c\cII.unI\ hcnchcx. a I .‘ " cumcxaxaII.IIIIIIIthIu\\. I t

nu thcatIc huhtx. nu .tc'II\I\

IuIIItIca IaI‘lc and lunt. lhc ICI‘H‘\\CII mutth . thc

\cII IIghlcuux tatlIcI . thc hacknattIdaughth . lhc '-

IIItnalc ul lhc axx Itlnt IIIIL'IIIL‘ IIhI‘L‘H Itkc a madman '.'\\ hc ITL'L'Ilh tu

InatIctluatc taIm lahumct \I‘t‘ak. I um \tat t\ thcI \c

nunc ha\ c lutIInI much 11» [HI lhc“ IHHI III \I‘L'L'ch \\ hcn tIch mu\t lIVc‘ It

Il\ hIxchatgcxhlx \IIlltlICII Itt\\\llltc\\c\ a \IIIIpIc nIcaI and IL'.I(I\ ux IIIIIIIIttt' HI IhL' I‘ta\ L‘\l. IIII‘\I I‘L‘atlllllll and c‘lItlllIlllth human


mxtIumcnt antI IIuthIm'

can Iclcaxc ant uncut I thcm IIuIn lhc In utal.

Don Oquotte



I? “It: I.l-\I SL‘I-II-‘I‘IXX-