Festival exhibitions have been listed by category. then alphabetically by venue.

e\hihitioii ot the lieu giilleu (to the IL‘itrUl the m.iiii _L'.|IIL‘I IL‘\ i LIL'\ otetl to I’i llll\ttllLI


d “I,

Please send intormation on any unlisted exhibitions to Alice Bain at The List. six days before publication date. See also the Art Listings for coverage of Edinburgh‘s permanent displays and tor full details at Glasgow exhibitions.



ICALTON GALLERY lll Rout in“... «n

WI” \Ioii I'll Ilium tipiii.\.it

ltliim lpm.

Reflections otVenice 1 ‘mil < Sept I\\o L‘ettltittexolpuittttttgmitttl\\.ileieolotii\ol \'eitiee.\eeii thioiiuhthee\e~ol ill.iiti\t\

\uiikiiighetneeii IS-ttiniiil I‘l-IH \L‘IL‘L'Ili‘l‘

tncltlile'\ not It In I);i\ itl RHI‘L‘I t\. \\ R Sie‘keit :iittl II II IIIJI‘J/t‘ll .\I| \\t\l ks l~ ii \JIL' lll thixtloiiiextiexettiiiu

I CARLYLE GALLERY .\'oith IIIltILIL‘. "" Stl(i.\ \Ioii Siit Ilium (\pm

I‘ltli.iiitl .Tllth eeiitiiu \eottixhileeomtixe [Tillllllllg\. .ill iii .i te.iiooiii setting;

I CITY ART CENTRE 2 .\l.iiket Stieet 33* 343-1 e\t(i(15tl .\Ioii S.it ll|.iiii hpiii \iiii 2 l .25 All; .iiitl I Sept: 5pm I ieeiiseil Cute. [1)] See Seottish \L‘L‘llttll loi tIL'I.lII\l‘I other L'\IIII\lIlitll\

Reality and Imagination in Neapolitan Painting in the 17th and 19th centuries the tlteiite ol the I'extn .il lIll\\L‘.tl l‘~ It.iI\ .iiiil tlte ( ‘It_\ .'\lI\ ( ‘eiitte I\ Item}; tl\t'tI.l\ tliplomut -Illp;tlllllllf_!\ I‘\ .i iiiimhei ot itlII\I\\IlH\\ lite .t\ it \\.'I\ lit the l"tli. l\t|i ttlltI l‘ilh eeiitiiiiex iii the em ol \.ip|e\ It l\£tII otltl e\hil\itioii Ilt\\\L‘\L‘l tIillieiilt to

[TL‘IIL'IlttIL'llllIL‘\\\tltlleli\\\ \‘.iple\\\ell lt\

ttlIL‘lL‘\l IIL'\ iii the Ill\lt‘l_\ .tlltI uk‘l‘ttl .ip|i\ ol .\'.ip|e\ i.ithei th.iii tiiie .iit .-\iiioii: t‘ie tll'Il\I\ lL‘l‘lL'\L‘llIL‘tI l mini ot them little kttimii iii lIl|\ eoiiiiti} I he ( illl\L‘[‘|‘t' IIottitoiiittl(Iiii‘lo( oppol.i

I ITALIAN INSTITUTE \I \ILHI\t‘ll \Ile‘t'l. HUNT.“ \Ioii I’ll Ill.im Spin

The Foreign Wanderer in the Kingdom olthe TWO Sicilies l ‘iitil ‘1 Sept .'\ll .ippiopi i.ite|\ tiiie tttltl \PL‘L'I.III\I L‘\IllI‘lIlt‘|l loi the IIttIlttllIII\IIIIIIL"\I.II31L‘llL'\\[‘IL‘llll\L‘\ Riii'ehookx. paintings.iiitleiiui.i\iiig\ limit the lxth .iiitl I‘lth L‘L‘llllllIL'\. lIIll\It.tIlllL‘ the llllPlL‘\\lt\ll\ ot li‘lL‘lL‘ll tt';i\ellei\toSoiitheiii II.lI\

I)i;i\\ iiigx. one hiiiitlietl than ttt\_'\ tioiii the pet m.iiieiit eolleetioii. \Ilt\\\ ii iii t\\o Initehexol Fllheeotitl \eleetioit no“ oiil \ eomplete lllltIL‘l \lfllltllttg ol eli.iiightsiiiniixhiphis hehiiiil the “(HR ot theolel Ill.t\IL‘l\.tI‘.tI tliixixlweniititiillt lIIll\Il.’|IL‘tI lieie Ill not I\ It} RL'IIII‘lJlltII. (‘l.iiitle. I’ii;iite\i tlIItI man} otheix Redecorations Ilte lL‘tIL‘L‘HlJIliill pioginiiiiite. I‘L'tltlll \\ itli oiie lL'tI iooiii I.l \t )e.u . l\ IlIII\IlL‘\I ltl\l llt tiiiie lot the

I L'\ll\.tI Red .tIltI tilL'L‘ll \hoiiltl iie\ei lie \eeit. p.ii tie‘iil.ii§ iii the \.itioii.i| ( i.illei \ ol Seotlniitl lIiit it I\ pliiiii IL'IIt It the \\.III\ .llItI plush moss lllltIL'l to. -t like .iii ii\e’l_L‘lH\\ll \lllitlxlll: ioom .\ eoiitio\ei\i.il mm e. the tie“ :1.tII\‘I \ h.i\ L'.lll\L‘tI .i lox e h.ite \eiimtioii See lL‘;IItllL‘ I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ‘l I ( ieo: ixe \tieet._‘.‘,‘5‘i5< \loii I'ii‘kim 5 .illpiii. S.it".1ll.im lpm \L’L'.II\|I\L1‘III\Il.tIItI I)L‘\I}Jll\L‘eIltlll\

Raeburn Pinxit l ‘iitil ti Sept .\ \lll.tII L‘\IllI\lIlt\ll ot eiiiti.i\ ll‘LI\ .iitt i the \toi I. ol Sit Ileiiu R.iel\iiiii

I TOM FIOELO I‘M tllllI‘L‘l l.iiitl \tieet S‘ .‘. I I I. \Ioii Nil 3 hpiii

Paintings. Works otArt t 'IlIII .‘~ Sept .\

\eleetioii ol I\th .Illlh eetititi_\ \\oil\\

I DANISH CULTURALINSTITUTE illoiiiie leii.iee. 33* "I\‘i \loii I it Ill.iiii *piii PerArnoldi Bo Bontils t 'niit IliSet‘t I\\o I).iiii\h pmtei .lII|\l\ \k e I‘migit set tioii Il‘I tIL‘l.tlI\ .lIltI \L‘x' [Mille‘l

IEOINBURGH COLLEGE OEARTI .lllII\Ii‘lZ I’|.iee \Ioii \iiii lll.iiii *pm

The lmpactotScotland l ‘niil lxepi Mm \ehiielei .llltI I).iiiiell .iii}.!. I\\t\.|?Il\I\ lioiii \e\\ \ oik \xlio |i.i\e \Ilt‘llL' IlllI\\

\\ itli \eotl.iiiil .llltI \\ ho li.i\ e liotl: 'x .-i' lll\|‘lle'tI In UII|\II I .llltI\e.ll‘t' RoyalCollege olArtt ltllI Isl-pi \ \eIeetioii ol \xoik IIt‘llt II‘.I\\\eII Itiiown

I HIItII‘ll .iit eolleee

IFLYING COLOURS GALLERY.‘\‘\\ ilIi.iiii Stteel. 1““ I 7i I lie Ill l Itllll liprii. \.it Il|.iiii lpiii

I FRENCH INSTITUTE l3 R.iiiilolpli ('iexeeiit. :35 5h“ \loii lii‘i “him lp'i‘ .iiitl_‘ 3 :“pm

Maurice DenisetL'ltaliet t‘llI"\L|‘I

I)\'IIL its“ itevml "lZ‘--~I l:..i\ \\ .-I z. :.




ACADEMY, The Mound Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 2pm-5pm.

Admission £1.50 Concessions £1.00 Also showing at the Talbot Rico: HEW LORIMER, Sculpture

ARTISTS for EL SALélAQOR Theatre Group (’4

THE TRIUMPH OF TEARS - THE WOMEN OF CENTRAL AMERICA 'tioziiititiil In its Simplieity' The Scotsman Directed by Caroline Gardiner 4 30pm every day (not Sunday) f1 .50 OLD ST PAUL‘S CHURCH HALL JoffroyStroot VenuedS

_ The Ubiquitour Chip

Ideal for Meals before and after the Show!

The emphasis is overwhelmingly Scottish

Licensed till 1.00am Last food orders 1 1 pm

12 Ashton Lane. 011 Byres Road. Glasgow.


I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND I he \Iotiiid.“li.\‘lll \Ioii Nit ll|.im "pm Sun 3 5pm I'lt‘lll II .\lt_|._' lfiepl Ili‘lll\ e\teiitletl to .\Ioii \.it It|;iiii tipiii. \iiii ll hpm :\ tiee I'L‘\II\ .il IItl\ ltlll\L‘\L'l \ . It.iIl-Iioiii Itetxxeeii the \.itioii.il ( Lille: IL" iiiitl otliei e\hihittoii \L'lltlL‘\

Pietro Longhi ‘~ I 'iitil I Sept .\ll lt.i|i.iii theme e\hil\itioii In .iii itlIl\I \\ttl lxiiiu iii

the INIIL‘L'IIIUU I-oiiiteeiipaintingsshou the \'eiieti.iii miiltlle el.i\\e\ .it the eollee \hop. iii the uiiiiiiii: tooith .tIItIL‘IlIIll .tIIL'tI \\ itli it \IIL‘L‘I-\ltIL‘ l’iiiteh .tlltI .IlltI\ \Ilt‘“ (‘omp.iie thew ii.ii\ e [‘lL'IttlL'\ \\ lIIl the grand st} le ot IIL‘PUIHL‘I\L‘\\ItL'lC iii the giillei} III _\oti e;iii IllltI them tllltiitt}; the NC“ IL‘tI lelt “trust I he) \\ eie

eoiitempoi .ii lL‘\ Ill \‘eiiiee

Concerts IN. I” x\ll§_‘ .it T ~15pm. L4 “S tLFSlll limit the I'llllL'L‘ lIo\ ( )ltiee l’i iee lllL‘ItltIL'\\\lllL' IIllllL'JL'thIllttlt \Itl\lL'I‘_\ Setiiliitti. \ i\.iltli. I’iieeiiii ;iiitl others u llIl .i eoiiiiiieiit;ii_\ liom ( 'hrii Ie\ IIllt net \ I Iltl\L‘ILIl;Il\ (phone FShS‘L‘l loi tlet.iil\i Cosmorama Theatre Company St Aug; .tl 5pm 9..“ t LII .-\ Iiileol I\\iiSi\te*i\te'lI\ the \tou ol p.iiiitei I'll/.tI‘L'IIl IIiitlei .iiitl poet .tlltI \llIlI'JLIL'IIL' .-\liee \le\ iiell (Phone 550 XVII Iiit \Ielttllw

100 Master Drawings trom the Permanent Collection I ‘iitil 33 ( )et Iiiiiiigiii .il

Aroomtul otdrawings by Robert Colquhouri is one ot the visual treats in Edinburghthis month. Made in 1959 in the space ol48 hours. they have the verve of Picasso and a sheer determination of spirit. See City Art

Centre. Scottish section. tor more.

ADMISSION FREE Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2-5pm

Contemporary Design and Architecture. Explore the distinctive quality of Finnish design . . . skis, telephones, fabrics, furniture, jewellery, cutlery, glassware. . . at the Royal Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh.

1i i 12 August to 18 September

The List 26Aug— I Sept 198834