I This section aims to provide a review ol every lilm to be seen in central Scotland over the next lortnight. For programme times see individual cinema listings.

(U)— Universal. suitable lor all ages.

(PG) Parental Guidance suggested as some scenes may be unsuitable loryounger children.

(15)— No one underthe age ol 15admitted. (18)- No one underthe age ol t8admitted. e - New Release.

I Les Anges Du Peche l P( i l Robert Brexxon. l'rance. 1044) Renee l‘auree. .lany Holt. ‘ll minx, (ileammg reixxueol Rohert lirexxon'x axtonixhing dehut. .\lade under \a/i occupation. it ix a study of life in a convent dedicated tothe rehabilitation of women from prison. and the intense emotions of the enclosed atmosphere are sensitively rendered hy taut dialogue and typically low-key performances. (ilaxgovv : (il-‘l'. IAlive Al Filmhouse .\lulti-media shenanigans as stand up comedianx join forces with the worst of \ intage telev ixron toattaek your funny hone. Detailon the different line-ups each night are included in the film listings section. Iidmhurgh: l'ilmhotixe. I Bartlyt 13") l Barhet Schroeder. l 'S. WSW Mickey Rourke. l~aye l)unavvay. Alice Krige. 9‘) mins. Bar-room hum Rourke lindx artistic inspiration in the demon drink. but his dixeovery hy a prestigioux literary maga/me and the temptations of wealth it offers is to threaten his relationship vv ith lcllovs alcoholic Dunavs ay.

(‘alculating e\ereixe in eyixtentialixt xty le l‘iaxed on the autohrogpaphieal vsritingxofcult author(‘harlexliukovvxki. here energetically impersonated by a game Mickey Rourke. (ilaxgovv: (iroxvenor I Beetlejuicet 15l (Tim Burton. l'S. l‘lxhl (ieena I)a\ is. Alec Baldvv in. Michael

} Kenton. 03 mins. Recently deceased. and 3 very charming New l-ngland couple. the

.\faitlandx. has e difficulty in adiuxting to the afterlife Not the least of their \vorrlex is the tasteless relurlnthent of their old home by a nasty New York yuppie family.


and they eventually call on lrcelance hio-e\orcixt Betelgeuxc l pronounced ‘lieetle-iurce l to deal vs ith the problem in hixovvn llllillllal‘lL' fashion

l‘\tiherantly eccentric earloomxh caperx. a mo\ ie that creates its on n comic cosmos where the lHlL'\PCklk‘tl ix the norm (ireat fun it all is too (ilaxgovv ('annon ('larkston Road. ( ‘annon Satichiehall Street. ( iioxvenor. l'dinl‘tiigli. ( 'annon. (‘entralz (‘annon Stiathclyde. (annon. lx'elhurne.()deon .\\i ()deon Hamilton. Rialto.

IThe Belly DlAn Architectl lw l’ctei (il'c‘c'llll.i\\.t\ .l l\ llaly. l‘lSW lirian l)ennehy . ( 'hloe \\ chlxl .illll‘c'll Wilson 115 mins. Distinguished .-\merican architect Stourley lx'racklite .ii 1 iv ex in Rome to mount an exlnlntron in memory of hix lS'th century predecexxor l‘tienne [.ouix Boulee, (iiadually . ax hix health deteriorates. ltc ltccomex gully llleetl that his laithlexx. pregnant wife ix try ing to pillStlll lllltt.

.\ maiextrc perlormance liy hurlv Dennehy adds a lirutal emotional xtreak to this typically elegant ( il'eellavyay ma/e. which makex c\ccl|ent uxe ol sumptuoux

.. n". . _ g 5-3..“ _ 5’ “v 3‘3" “3,; s," ' - «aw—ear tV. as. x. I‘» .‘. .; Ix: swr‘. \hljgfié 3;. 1-, q. ‘3‘ ' .-:ft§t'! . ‘Frxy 4. rs ~~ .. “ms 4.13:, r n w? 01-" 4.31;;‘3 “are-.- 12": 452.“. 1": .1 Ir .t" f’. n‘ .i \ ~ .u..\. x,‘ H‘.‘ _, .I.._ 3', ,. gr} ..1 I,” : v! x. . y]. 7‘. .y‘i. '2,

Roman locations. Iidinhurgh: (‘ameo.

I Biglootand the Hendersonstl’m (William Dear. l’S. l‘).\‘7) John l.lthgovv. .\felinda Dillon. l)on Ameche. lllminx Disneyexque family adventure in which the all—American Henderson lamin crash Into the legendary Bigfoot and adopt the xupr ixingly genial heaxtie as a domestic pet vs ith predictable complications from the neighhourx and blood-hungry hunters. Strathyclyde: Rialto.

I Blade Bunnert IS) t Ridley Scott. t 'S. 1083) l larrixon liord. Rutger l lauer. Sean Young. ll" minx. .-\ tough coptrackx

dow n a group of malfunctioningandroidx Ill thix gritty hi-tech retread of Ray ruond ('handler. ltdinhurgh: l'ilmhouxe.

I Broadcast Newst IS) (James 1,. Brooks. l’S. NH?) William Hurt. Holly Hunter. .-\lhert Brooks. 132 mins. Hurt ix‘I‘om (irunick. a hlandly charismatic presenter \s hoxe lace is his fortune. Brooks ix Aaron Altman. a hard-edged newshound who xtrll retains a belief in the paramouney ofa story 'xeontent rather than itx presentation, Hunter ix the vvor‘k-ohxexxed .lane ( ‘raig. a high-fly ing producer torn lietvseen her respect for Aaron and her lust for 'l‘om.

Highly entertaimng romantic comedy set against a convincingly evoked milieuol telev ixion network news production and a generation of achievers whose private and prolcxxional vsorldxacknowledge no l‘tltllltltll'lc‘\. l-axt-paccd. farcical. brilliantly acted with a sly cameolrom .lack Nicholxon as a rev ered network anchorman. Probably the best inainxtream American comedy you'll see this year . (ilaxgovv : (if-“l.

I Coming To Americai lilllohn [.1llltlls. l'S.198Ml‘ddieMurphy..»\rxenioHal|. .lamex ltarl .lonex. llomins. .\furphy ix l’rinee Akeem. heir to the throne ola lahulouxly wealthy central Africanxtate.

hut dissatisfied with the bride arranged for him by KingJames liarl .lones. Instead. he travels to New York with sidekick Hall to xeek hix ow n choice ofqueen.

()verlong and not terribly hilarious .\furpliy vehicle. with the xtar in several roles doing his best to pump life intoa sentimental script. (ilasgtm : (‘annon Sauchiehall Street. (iroxvenor. lidinhurgh: (‘annon.

I The Couch Trip ( 15) (Michael Ritchie. I,'S. 1988) Dan Ay kroy‘d. Walter Matthau. ('harles (irodin. ()8 mins. Top I...»\. psychiatrist (irodin. with a popular radio phone-in programme and a thriving practice xeekx a replacement for his media activities while he takes a well-earned rest. However dangerous mental patient Ay'kroyd poses as a shrink to clinch the lucrative pose. and only shy'xter .\latthau. vv ho knowx his real identity. stands between him and a fortune.

Some good jokes in this frenetic larcc with a few aspirations tow ardx harhed xatire. though .\latthau'soverbearingand often ineffective eo-starring role tends to dim Aykroy'd'x xlew of good moments. (ilaxgow : ()deon. lidinhurgh: ()deon.

I ‘Crocodile' Dundee II ( l’( i l (John (‘ornell. Australia. WHHl l’aul Hogan. Linda Ko/lovvxki. John .\1eillon. lllrnins. Not entirely unexpected sequel has Hogan's Dundee retracing his steps from Manhattan to the .-\tlxsie hush to protect his girlfriend journalist Ko/lovvskl from the unwanted attentions of a gangof (’olomhian drug pedlarx.

.»\ lame script and l logan'x catatonic underplay ing mar this antipodean comedy -ady enture to the e\tent that \\ hat vs ill undoubtedly he one of the year'xmoxt pr'ol'itahle releases unfortunater also has to go dow n ax one ol the most tediotrx. (ilaxgow : (annon Sauchiehall Street. lidinhurgh: (‘annon Strathclyde: ()deon


Invasion ol The Body Suckers (18) (William Fruet. Canada. 1987) Susan

Anspach. Steve Bailsback. 91 mins.

Fifties-ster monsters are back with a vengeance in Invasion Of The Body Suckers. This Canadian creature leature is a silly, scary but lun. throwback to all those cardboard Bert l. Gordon Grade 2 items like The Spider and especially The Deadly Mantis. Providing a constant stream ol chuckles and schlock horror in about equal proportion there hasn‘t been a movie as enjoyany trashy. or as stupid. tor ages.

The plot is the usual bonkers bimbo conlection about a repairman cutting his hand on a mysterious alien plant in a neighbour's greenhouse. At the local hospital. as the doctors utter the stark diagnosis ‘Nothing makes any sense!‘ his bones dissolve and a hideous

48'l‘he l.ix13o«\ug ~ 1 Sept 1033

worm-like parasite crawls out of his mouth. Probed in the isolation lab. the insect is accidentally led with genetic growth promoter by some juvenile leukaemia victims. whereupon the giant mutant promptly crawls to the basement and gives birth to a female mate who lays eggs for days. As quarantined patients all scream: ‘The bug is coming!‘ it‘s lelt up to a hard-boiled detective to creep around endless dark tunnels and lure itto the new laser lacility where it's zapped to death. Duite what Steve Railsback and Susan Anspach are doing in this knowingly camp ooze-lest is nobody‘s business buttheirown! And while there are no prizes lor guessing where the inspiration for the viral infection side ol the story comes lrom Invasion sported the title Green Monkey in production any potential seriousness

is ollset by a mind-boggling mélange of rubber monsters, all-stops-out ludicrous dialogue and squelchy make-up ellects. (Alan Jones)