I Drowning By Numbers (18) (Peter 3 Greenaway. UK. 1988) Joan Plowright. Bernard Hill. Joely Richardson. 118

mins. Drowning By Numbers is as straightforward and complicated as its title. recounting an intriguing tale in

whichihree generations at women. all called Cissie Colpitts. dispose oi their

husbands in a series oi aquatic murders. The numbersi to 100 run throughoutthe course otthe iilm. hence the title.

Amidst the visual delights. verbal panache and wit oi Peter Greenaway‘s storytelling there lurks a stimulating treatise on what he terms ‘the conspiracy otwomen'. Atthe iilm‘s

Cannes press conierence. he explained

some oi the background to the latest iilm in a satisiyingly prolilic career.

‘The script idea goes back to the time I was editing The Draughtsman‘s Contract. Iwas keen to try and experiment with something like the 1976 ieature Vertical Feature Remake which was an attempt to layer together three separate ideas and the structure oi this iilm is based on that. Normally. the origin oi a iilm comes lrom a

consideration at structure. You can see the classical structure here oi a

prologue. three acts and a coda. So.

although the themes are created and

developed through anecdotes and

intricacies oi narrative there is also a

very deiinite. pre-organised structure

. that the narrative has to take


J l‘

cognizance oi.‘ Whilst the lilm incorporates many oi the ingredients one has come to expect irom Greenaway (insistent Michael Nyman music. truly ravishing Sacha Vierny photography et al) it does also represent a iurther stage in his evolution as a lilmmaker. Without compromising his idiosyncratic cinematic vision he has created a work as entertaining and accessible as anything more ostensibly mainstream cinema has to oiier. ‘Cinema is a cerebral activity as well as an emotional one.‘ he claims. ‘Most

cinema insults its audience. We accept ;

that painting and literature can both entertain and deal with ideas: cinema should not exist as some iorm ol


I’mm l/fl‘ l/lill’i'f/H'Q/h' (.‘.'\(."l'( '8' rim/IllxlX ()I’ I"I.()\l”I{R\' “INSPIRING ENTERTAINMENT." “A SPLENDID MOVIE." “An EXQUISITE TIMELESS TRIBUTE."




The lj/i' am/lhwl/J of \ 'z'mwzl um (Mg/.7



emotional masturbation. There was no particular bid to gain a more mainstream ioothold here. I‘m enjoying working with actors more and more and it's always important to enlarge yourlilmic vocabulary.‘ Greenaway seems particularly sensitive to criticisms oi his past attitude towards actors and seems determined to make amends with his sympathetic ensemble in Drowning. Juliet Stevenson. Cissie number2. comments; ‘l‘ve rarely experienced working with someone who endowed you with so much coniidence and trust. This should kill the myth that Peter Greenaway is not goodioractors.‘ (George Bailey)

purple. lliiix l‘iL'dlxlllL‘ tlnxx ii the

iiitigiuiiiiiibxxliit't' \x'lex'f;.llltlll 1tillaggingcntctlaiiiiiiciit.ixiniiiit'i

ti.ixli kin}; \\ .ilt'ix tlth liixnxx ii l‘l/Jllx'


iiilx‘ \‘l lllL' lllll lllttx lL'xttl l‘l\\ (il.t\_\_'ii\\.

( .iiiiitiii S.iiit'hicli.ill Slit-cl

I Invasion 0i The Body Suckers l ixi

l\\ illi.iiii l-iticl. ( ’.iii.itl.i. l‘l.\~ l Siix.iii .'\ll\[‘.lx‘ll. Slt‘xc R.iilxl\.itlx ‘ll iiiiiix \t'n [Millx‘l iL‘\ lt‘\\ (ll.l\_L‘H\\ ()iilliiiii Niiitliiclmll Slim-i.

IJungleBookil ll\\tillx_'.iii;_'

Rcillict iii.iii. l S. l‘lh”i \\ illi tlit' \l‘lk t‘xnt "\miiix

\ Cl\lt‘i1t‘l iii.iiiixtic.iiii t'iiiiit'tlx

(rum 34c Niiitlci x. l Ulll\ [’1 mm ("mm lit}: up iii lllL' itiiigltx xiitiiig \luxx ~uli lL‘Jlihlltilll lllx’tillllll.ll\.titillllxlllllll l'\lc l.tllL'ltl.l\ l)lxttt‘x .i lung; xx.i\ .lllL‘l lxipliiiu. l‘tll thy \x‘llfJ\ .iic xxuiitlci liil (il.ix§_mxx ( )ilciiii l-tliiiliiiigxli. ( )tluiii Stintlit'lxtlc. ( )tlL‘l‘ll .'\\l . ( )tlL'Hll “.illlllltill IThe Last Emperori l.‘ll lit-innitlu l’wiluliit't‘i. ll.ilx (hind. l‘l.\"l liiliiil iiiit'. l’L'lx‘l ( )' limlc. ,lu.iii ( ’licii 1h: iiiiiix l’L‘lxlllxl. I‘lllh. .i llllx'L‘ kc.” Hltl litix .txu'litlx in th' llllpL'lidl lllltiilx‘ lulwuiiiic tho ‘I Ultl til lcii lhuiix.iiitl \ tuiix~ A lllL'lx' 4‘) _\c.iix l.ilci . limxcxci llL‘ tllx" .i lillllll‘lx‘ g.” tlciici iii .i ( 'liiim ix mm the \l.inixt l’L‘ttl‘lL"\ Rk'l‘lll‘llx'.

liitclligt-iit rim iullmx lllt' lllx' \L‘ll-le'lll\ltlll .iiitl ic-ctliimtinii (ll .i iii.iii xlt.ipul lxx .i \tipx‘HL‘tlL'tl pmch xii llL‘llllC .\ lllllL‘ t‘iiltl [‘L‘i li.ipx. l‘tll llit' pititliit‘tinii .iiitl \ lilL‘illttlHL‘l .iplix .iic nl \llx'll k‘\x]lll\llL‘llC\\ uiic \‘lll\ xxixht'x tlic iiliii xxcix‘ ll‘lllJCI (il.t\};ti\x ( il l

ILile OlBriani l<ii lL'lH liillx'Nl ix’. l‘}q‘)l(ll.lll‘llll ( 'li.ipiii.iii. lx’l i x ltlllL x. .liiliii( lcx'xt‘. \llx'lltlk'l l’.iliii. l‘iig ltllc ‘).‘\ iiiiiix lliL' ( itixpcl .'\x'x'tllxllll}_' in \ltiiitx

l’x tliiiii UllL‘lltlL‘tl .i xx lltllL' llt)\l iii it'liginiix tlciiiiiiiiimtiuiixtilmii lClL‘.l\L‘.

xx lllx'll l.tlllL’l ulxxciiictl the lutt tliiit lwliiiitl ilic t'iiiiliiixcixx liix xlill iciiiuiiixtltcii iiiiixl xtixt.iiiictl \'\L‘lk'l\k' iii llllldllx' l‘ ll_L'll\ll

lllllllUlll' .-\ han «it \ci‘x liiiiiix \CIPICCC \x'L‘llL‘\ .tllxl xiii.ii't (.iiiicux litim .ill thc lL'lIlll t‘linmxcx in .i l.tlllCi lL‘lx‘lllll}; iiill\lL‘.tl x‘lllx'lll\lUll l-tliiilxtiighl .tlllL‘U I Little Dorrit i l ) i('lii ixiiiic l-tl/.iitl. l ‘k. [USU l)cicl\ .le'tll‘l. .‘\I\'\‘ ( itiiiiiicxx. S.ii;ili l’ix'kgiiiig l’.iit ( )iic. \nlmtlx 'x l-.ittltl l"ix iiiiiixi l’.iit lxxu. l llllx‘l)tlllll'\51til’)llhl iiiiiixl l)it lwiix' t’iriiiplt'x rim cl .ilmut the grim xtwml tliipligitx iii lll\x‘tllllL'llll‘UlJU lHlltlt‘ll ix luniiililiillx ll.tll\l.tlL‘tl lulltc xt‘i k'k'll ltk'lhlilj; on thy \L'illidl it'l.itiuitxliip lxt'lxxccii lltc iipi iglit .‘\l lliiii ('lciiimiii .iiitl lllllx‘ I )Hllll. lmtii ill .i \lk'l‘ll‘l ‘x piixiiii. xct xlill t'iiiixyx iii; lllx' xt‘npth xlk'lttll .iiitl x'll.ill_‘_1lll‘_' [m xiwt'iixcx til the Hi igiiml '\x lllx'll lx‘ill.tli\x‘ iiiiii.iiitc xlrixxlx l‘ltl\\ilill\.l x l\ lxl. xg.iiliiii§.: [\it'liii’c ix ill.lxlll.tll\ mm on U] \k'.lllxl.iltill\ l.iiitlliii tlx. lllll‘x'llL'lldl‘lL‘ .tlltl iiit'llit‘it'iit liiiimiit'mt'x .llltl [‘.ll.t\lllx' \\\'.lllll It ix .i ixxn-iiniiun xm‘icix .tllxllllx' |‘.ll.tllk‘l\\\llll lliil.iiii lml.ix .tiL‘\l.tlll|ll;1 Huck Lit‘nlii ixtiiiixt.iiitliii§_' .ixllic llk'llllt'. licxx iltlciul ( ’lciiiiniii .iiitl l\.ll‘l\ xiippiii ictl lxx .i linxt til tlclit‘iiiiixt'li.ii.ictci pct lHl |ll.|llx'x‘\ it'ilct'liitxz Dickciix' l‘lx'lltltll the giiiiquiic .lllxl the lx‘dlhllx' .ix the iiliii lllti\L“ litiiii p.iiii tn t'tiiiiulx .-\ t‘l.ixxit’ lilm ili.ii [xixx t'ltitiiit'itt lu'\llilltlll\ in l )itkt'iix~ xli.iipxnt‘ tllix'lllllk‘lllJllltll .iiitl lllhlldlxk'Jl‘lL' .tl‘llll\ In it‘ll .i guml xliiix (il.|\x_'ti\\ ( il'l I LOOli lMiSilxm \.iii//.iiin. l l\'. I‘Viii llx xx cl llciiiit'tl. l to RL'llllL'l'x. Rit‘linitl '\llL'ill‘Ulitll_‘..'ll lill iiiiiix llitliiigliix lllillllL” 'x iut‘iiilx tlu'c.ixt'tl liiitlx lC.I\L‘\ .in t'iiipix t'tiltiii xx liit‘li .i t'imik [‘l.ill\ tiiiililixc iii .i tl.ii in}; llk'l\l l).l\'\ ( )i Inn .itl.ipi.itinii \\ itli .i llllxlx‘ illl‘l‘x'l \ \x'tllix'ilx‘x‘. .tlltl ;i llll.illtlll\l)lx’l\lk'.'\ll\'lll‘tiltill}1ll.i\lllClll.ill ltii m Sculluiitl \ .iitl l'tliiiliiiigh; ( \iiiicu I Rambollli lxi .. ii’t-it-i \ l ’5. 1955) Sx lx t‘xtci Shillong. Rlx‘lldltl ('iciiiii .\l.iit‘ l)c lt‘llflk' lilll iiiiiix Su- [xiiicl l\‘\ icxx (il.ix}_'tixx ( xilllltlll ('|.ii lxxtiiii l<t-.itl. ( )tlt'uii l‘tlllll‘lllgll ()xlx‘ttil (t'iiiml (.iiiiitiii. Simihclxtlu ( .iiiiiuii. Kx'll‘lll iit'. ( )tlciiii .>\x l ( )tluiii ll.iiiiilliiii. thillx‘ ISeptemberi l’t il 2‘. ixximtlx Align. l ix} WK" l .\li.i l‘tii inxx. l)i.iiiitc \VIL‘xl . Sum \\'.itcixtnii. l-liiiiit Sti'it'li. l)L'lllltillil l' limit 53 iiiiiix Rcltii rim}; in tho liltllx‘ xciiiiiixtliuiim hc L'Jl'llk'l .ittciiiplctl xx ith

~‘llllL‘ilttl\. s\llL‘ll iitixx t~xx.ixx .iiit'xciuxc

iii i.iiiiilx x'lllllllL‘l .iiitl ltlilldllllx‘ lx'll\lilll\. xx hit'li ix t‘‘it'i |\L'tl lxx tlic kiiitl (ll L‘Hllllt‘illJllUll xx illi lltc p.ixt iii.ii kx tlic \\Hl Ix Ul \llllk'l .llltl ( )'.\'cill Sci t'iiliit'lx iii .i \lllilillL‘l lllilllk' iii \t'i iiiuiit. lllk' ll.tll.tll\L‘ L‘iiile'x‘i ll\ l'.ii liixx .x .tllx‘illl‘h lt‘ lx‘t'tH L'l llillll pt'ixiiiinl t'iixix lxx lilttlxllltj lui .i iicxx lk'l.tllllll\lllplll tlic xliiiiwHindu-Mixing t'xu‘ \\ .tlL'l xiii”. l‘lll lici pinui t'xx ix ll.lllL‘tl hx thy Lillu 'x iiiit-it-xl iii llc‘i lwxl li lL'llxl \\ chl

.'\\ tillL‘ might t'xpu't xx iili iliix . .ixt . lllL‘ pct itii mungcx .tlL' llilllt'i iiilx cxt’t'llt'iit. l‘lll .'\llCll'\ \x i'lllilfl tlUC\ iit‘t‘.ixinii.i|lx xii.iiii ltit xigiiilimiit'c. .llltl ilit- iiliii .ix .i \x lli‘lx‘ ix xiiiiplx illtlL‘ll [UH pit-t‘itiiix (il.ix§:ii\\ Salim l'tlllll‘llitlll l)ililllillt‘ll

ISlumberParty Massacrei l.\lt.\iil_\ .lllllL'\. l'S. l‘).\.‘.i .\lit’hclt~ \lit'lx. RuliiiiStillc "iiiiiiiix .-\iicxt.ipctl lltlllllx'lxldl' .ii lllx’tl xx itli .iii x'lx‘x'll lx' tli ill iiiiix .lilltilx .it .i lk'x'llJL‘C _‘_Ill lx‘ xltimhci p.ii Ix l)iit‘t'tul lxx .i xxuiimii .tllxl xt'iiplctl l\_\ lL‘llllill\l llt‘\x'll\l Rii.i \ lliuxxii. iliix \.ii i.ilii»ii xiii .iii t-xpluit.ititiii lllx‘lllL‘ ll.l\lllL‘ iixti;illx liclplcxx xxtiiiicii xt.iiitliii_u up in lllL‘ll \ llllL‘lll .illtlx'l’xx'l (i|.ix3_mxx ( ‘.iiiiiiiii Suiit‘liicliall Sllk‘k'l

I Someone to Watch OverMei i< i l Ruich Scuttl S. l‘).\"i [Hill llt'iciigci . \liiiii Ruin-ix. l UllJlilC Hum» liliiiiiiiix \Vttlk'lltil‘lk'. ultixxx IllllllL‘l lil\\lliL'll llciuitgt'i ‘x m ciillx iii iiiiititul ()ticcnx tlL'lL‘x'lH c l.illx iii lux u xx itlt .i xx llllL‘\\ ;iiitl llk‘l xctliit'tixc lilcxtx lc Although xliiggixlilx patt'tl iii‘cx .iiitl xliglitlx

m cilniiu. lliL‘ iiliii le‘|l\L'l\ ;i lk'“ (“\p itillx .intl Ix llL‘ltl iiigclltci ltx Suile \Htlltt“ iil .\l.iiili.itt.iii x‘lllx' and the x L‘l_\ t‘ictlitiililc L'L'llllttl[K'lltlllll.tllx'c\ lL‘lllleL‘PlUUl

._ _.- _- _--__. 50 Hip lixl Iii .-\iig_'> lScpt 1988