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The new fully illustrated OFFICIAL GUIDE TO GLASGOW has been designed for the visitor, the tourist and the resident. Full of helpful information with tours, routes, maps and colour photographs.



w llllillll

I m on

by Anne Downie songs by Dave Anderson and David MacLennan directed by Andi Ross

I) w I l l\{ C/ ;’ 1" Mon 5—Sat 10 September 7.30pm Sat 10 September 3pm Ticket details from: Ticket Centre, Candleriggs, 041227 5511





Mon 19—Sat 24 September 7.30pm

Ticket details from Box

Office: 031 2291201

I Theatre is listed by city lirst. then by venue. running in alphabetical order. Cabaret and touring shows are listed separately underthe relevant heading. KEY: [D] lacilities lorthe disabled. [E] lacilities tor the hard oi hearing. usually an induction loop system. For prices. price in brackets eg (£1 .50) is the concessionary price. Long running shows. unless specitied otherwise. do not run on Sundays.

I During the Edinburgh Festival only Glasgow Theatre is listed below. For inlormation about Edinburgh Festival and Fringe shows please see Festival Review Sechon.

I The Glasgow Garden Festival will also be hosting theatre events. Please see Garden Festival Diary tor details olthese.

I Streetbiz. Glasgow's international street testival is also running during August. Please see Streetbiz Diary tor details ol events.


I CITIZENS' THEATRE ( iorbalx Sti'cct . 42‘) INI22. Hm ()Iticc Mon Sal lilani Spin liar. |l)|

.\'o iiirthcr pcrtornianccs until Scptcmbci I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE ( ‘unibcrnaiild, Il23h "32$" Hm ( )llicc \ltill-l’lt Illani-hpin;Sal lIlam 3pni.o Spiiipcit c\ gs Bat ('alc.

Waiting on One 'I ucs 23 Sat 2~ Aug. “.45pni. ‘I’ucs 'l'hurs £2.5|l(£1.25).l‘iitk Sat. £3.5I'li2i Wildcat in Annc l)o\\ nic\ nc“ play about bingo and l‘lligti-L‘UL‘IS Scc 'l'ouiing loi tlctails.


Amampondo \Vcd 3| Aug. 7.45pm. £3.5u (£2) ()nc ot thc grcat \ucccsscs ot thc

l-i ingc -— thc c\ubcrant cight-strongband Irom South Atrica. \\ itli thcir combination

oi music. drumming and dancing.

The Sash 'l‘hurs l — 3 Scpl. 2.45pm. {325({2 25) \"l‘hcatrc (‘ompant in llcctor .\Iac.\lillan\ totigli but \tHilL‘lllTlL‘S comic pla} about rcligious bigotr_\ and thc passions and di\ ISIUITS it crcatcs.

I DRAMA CENTRE l2o Ingram Sti'cci. 552 582".

.\'o turthcr thcatrc pcrtormanccs until latc September.

I KINGS THEATRE Bath Street. Box Ot’ficc. Mon—Satnoon—(1pm.Jbars.[D]. l’honc bookings. ’l‘ickcl (‘cntrcx ('andlcriggs. .\Ion -Sat ltl3llain —(i.3llpm. (Ml 2275511.

Dame Edna Everage: Back With A Vengeance! 'l'ucs 2.3 Sat 2” Aug. 7.3Ilpm. Satmat2.3llpm.H.511 £13.50. Doc‘s

hc \lic nccd an) introduction. 'l'hc litislc‘\\ \\ ho linall} put thc t\ chat shim mits placc. I)amc lidna appcars in thc compam ot l.c\ l’alict'son andoihcr llllmpl‘ll'lL‘S cltaraclcrs in onc oI ltlS hcr inimitablc Sllti\\\.

GUYS and Dolls Mon 2‘) Aug Sat 3 Scpt. ".3llpni. Sat mat 3pm. £2.5l) L". Barbara Windsor. biibbl) blondc ot (TINT ()n lamc. stars with (‘hristophcr Biggins in thc huch} popular liillSIL‘tll wt in tlic Anicrican undcruoi'ld ol gangstcrs. gu_\ s and dolls

I MITCHELL THEATRE ( iranxillcSttcct. 221 3W5. Bo\()tticc .\Ion Sat noon opm. Bat (‘alc |l)|. 'Iickctsalsoa\ailablctioni


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thc 'I'ickct (‘cntrc. ('andlcriggs. 227 55” Mon—Sat lll.3(lam—(i.3tlpm.

No thcatrc pcrt’ormanccs Ililx \\ cck.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE .\'c\\ Strcct . 887 ltllt). Box ()t‘t‘icc opcn Inc Sun noon—8.3Ilpiii. Bart()pcn noon l lpm Tuc-Sat: l2.3l)— 2.3llpm ck b.3tl l lpm Sun. Mcalsscrxcd). ('atc (Upcn

noon—i lpm) ID].

I Paisley in Song and Story Sal _‘ Aug. 7.30pm. An cxcning ol ITIUSIL' and words cclcbrating l’aislc} 's II\ c hiintli'ctlth 2titlli\c‘l'_\ttl"\. I PALACE THEATRE ‘) ( irccn St I cct. Kilniarnock. Il5h3 235‘)“. Box ( )lticc Mon-Sat lllain 5pm. (alc liar .\lon Sat Ilium-5pm. |I)||I-.].

.\'o l'tirthcr thcati'c pci‘lornianccs until Clltl ot August.

I PAVILION THEATRE l2l chlicld Sticct. 332 th. Box ()I'ticc Mon-Sat lilam-Spni liar

Robert Halpern li\cr_\ \\‘ctl Sal ii-uiu IS Jul}- lIlScpt. 7.3Ilpm. \Vcd £2.5ll;'l'huis 6; Fri £3.50; Sat £4. (jetting pcoplc todo dubious things undcr hypnosis.

I THEATRE ROYAL I lopc Strch . 33! I234. Box()l't’icc Mon-Sat Illani-opm. (2 3Hpm on pci‘t c\g\). Bar. liiillct.

Dance Theatre otHarlem .\lon l5 sat _‘ii Aug. 7.3llpin. Sat mat 2.30pm Sct- l)ancc Listings.

Song and Dance Mon 22 Aug Sal .‘x Scpl. 7.30pm. Sat mats 2.3Ilpm. L25“ tl3.5ll. \Va} nc Slccp and Marti \\ cbb in Andicxt l.lo) d chbcr's hit musical.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35IlSaiichichall Strch. 332 7'52 l (‘atc opcn l lam-2.3Hpni ’l'uc-l-ri and during c\ ciiing pcrlorntanccs.

The Sentry Siin 2S Aug. 2.3Ilpni L l .5”

(LI ). l'nilcd Ai‘tist\(Scotlantl ) pl'c‘SL‘ilI thc latcst in thcir sci'ics ot ( ilasgim I’lapxriglits'\Vorkshops auorkshoppctl production ot a non pla} . lt)llt)\\c‘tl b} a (llSL‘llSSlUli. ’I'hisonc l\ b'\ l’ctci l‘lliltl_\ Que Sera ‘l‘liiirs 25 Sat 2" Aug. “.3Hpni £3.50 ( £25”). 'l‘hc Right Si/c. a llc‘\\ compan} (ol \\ hom onc nicmbcr lS c\-'l'hcalic tlc ( ~ompllL‘llc. Iol' ll1t)\L‘ \\ llo kilo“ and lo\ c thcm) in a nc\\ Slit)“ .i highl) \lSltitl coincd} . \c‘l in l‘)5i\. about an otltlball trio [Ding to go c a Iacclill tollic 'l'olcdo Bar.

ITRON THEATREo3 ’I iongalc. 552 ~12b" .\ Box ()Iiicc Inc-Sal Noon-Spin; Sun 12.3H-l lpm. ('loscd Honda} \

Dori Carlos \Vcd 24 ck Sal -3 Aug. Spin Scottisli()pcra-( io-Rotind. Scc('la\\ical Mtisic Listings Ior dctails.

Now and Atthe Hourot Our Death lucs3ll Aug Sun 4 Scpt.Spm. 'I'roiiblc and Slritc 'I‘hcatrc (‘onipant in a play by Sonia

l.) ndon that \\ as a hugc succcxx. \\ hcn lli'SI shim n in London. Sct in tlic liituic. in thc )car2lltitl. it portrtus toui ll'lSll \HHIIL‘II looking back at \\ hat has happcnctl to thcir drcanisot I\\Clil} ycarx ago. and questioning ihcir initial allcgiaiicc to lltc


I This section lists shows that are touring Scotland. We give detailed listings onlyior periods when they are in the Central Belt area. There is a phone number toreach company. however. should you require more inlormation. Unless otherwise specilied. the number aiter each venue listed isthe telephone numberlorticket enquirieslor that particular evening (please note. this is notaiways the venue number).

I Waiting on One \Viltlcai lll Annc

Do“ nic's \tarm. mm mg pla) about bingo andthosc \xhopla) ll -toothcorcticalin placcs. humanc and tunn} in Ulllc‘i’S. Sonic Iinc pcrlormanccs troni Wildcat \casi. I)41‘)54Il()t)tl.

('uniht’muu/rl 'I‘lit'urrc. ( uni/it'muu/il'l ucs 23- Sat 27 Atig. "7.45pm, H230 732587: Puts/ct" TUH'Il Hull Mon 2‘) Aug. 7.3llpni. (MI SS7 [007; l’iilui‘e' I'lii'urri'. Ki/niunim'k Tues 30 Aug. 7.30pm. Il5h3 235‘)”; (irct’rim‘k Am (itu/(I 'l'lit'um'. (iri'wim'k \Vcd 3l Aug—'l'hiirs 1 Sept. 'l‘our continucs.

52 The List 26 Aug— 1 Sept 1988