All temporary exhibitions in Edinburgh can

be tound in the Festival section at this week‘s magazine. Here's a guide to just some olthe many permanent collections also open to visitors during August. Exhibits are tree unless otherwise stated.

I REID CONCERT HALL Bristo Square. rm“ llll I Slon-I-ri 2-5pm. Sat Illam-lpm. Edinburgh University Collection at Historic Musical Instruments One thousand instruments lrorii a big parade ot hands andoiehestras.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Bellor'd Road. 55(iSll2l Mon Sat Illam (rpm. Sun I Iain (ipni Seotlaiid's national eolIeetioii ol Seottish and international eontemporary art 'I‘hough there are

sey eial temporary e\hthiltotts running throughout the I-estiy aI (see section i there are still a number ot rooms hung yyith the permanent eolleetion.

I THE GEORGIAN HOUSE "('harlotte Squaie. 225 2Ihll Mon-Sat Ilium-5pm. Sun 2-5pm. .'\ .\'eyy l‘oyyndyy elling tui'nished a la I'nlightennient. A National 'l rust property Adults {I 20. ehild ().»\I’ (illp

I HUNTLY HOUSE MUSEUM 1-12 (aiioiigate. 225 2424. Mon Sat

Illani hpm.

I-dinliurgh's Ioeal history museum in a restoied Ihth eentui'y toyy'n mansion.

I LADY STAIR'S HOUSE I.ady Stair 's ( ~lose. l..i\yiiriiarket. 225 2424.

Mon Sat lIIam hpni. Portraits. relies and mantiseriptsot the big literary three Sir Walter Seott. Roliert Burnsand Robert

I ouis Steyenson

I LAURISTON CASTLE (‘ratttorid Road South. 33h 2llhll Sat 'I hurs Illam lprn and 2-5pm Visit this place tor the y ieyysot the l-oith alone A Itith eentury toyy er house yy ith additions and a line Iidys ardiaii itttet'ror (ioodeolleettorisolehtria.

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 38 I Iigli Street. 225 2424 .\Ion Sat Illani hprti

' Fun for all. The new museum olehildhood has teddies. toys and games galore. Don't lorget toput Illp in the player piano. It's the liestl

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND 'I'he Mound. 556 892], SIon—‘Sat Illani (ipm. Sun I Iam—hpm Scotland's national eolleetion ot line art is Iield in this

neyy Iy -deeorated gallery. Rubens. Rembrandt. Raehurn and Renoir are just sortie ot the many master painters exhibited here See I‘estiy al section lot' detailsot temporary exhibitions

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hamher‘s Street. 225 "534. Mon Sat Illain 5pm. Sun 2 5pm. Seotland's national eolleetiorisot deeoratiy e arts. g ethnography . natural seienees. technology I and seieriee hottsed under one root. .-\ heautitul Victorian glass hall makes the museum interior one ol the most uplitting in I-dinhnr‘gh. See I-estiy aI seetion tor temporary exhibition details.

I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Queen Street. 55" 355“. Mon Sat Illam 5pm. Sun 2 5pm. 'I‘his hiaiieh ol the Royal \Itiseuni holds Scottish material troni prehistorie times to the present day It shares premises ys ith the Seottish National I’or'ttait (ialler'y.

I RUSSELL COLLECTION OF HARPSICHORDS AND CLAVICHORDS St (‘eeilia‘s I Iall. Niddr'y Str’eet.(‘oyy gate. Mon Sat Ill.3tl;iiii l2 .Illpni.

.-\n important eolleetion ol early keyboard instruments housed in an elegant (ieorgian eoneert Iiall.


Illam hpm.Sun 1 Iain hpm I'he taeesot the lamous in history . literature and lite Seotland's national eolleetiori ot portraits as yy ell as the Seottish Photography

:\lL‘Itt\ e are housed in this reeently restored \‘ietor'ian building


' i'rtrtsrs r s



()t h Slil’TliM BIC R



The gas lamps flicker

amongst the Vietoriana in . this turn-of-the-eentury' I‘Iat up a close in Glasgow's (Iarnethill.

Free leaflets and travel

ad vice from:

3: ‘5'.” 5:3»

‘5' National Trust for Scotland

I58 Ingram Street. ( ilasgoyy . (il lIiJ (tel: “41 552 83‘” ).

I _ 58’I‘Ite list 20 Aug I Sept IUSS

I Music is listed as diary: by day. then by city. then by event.


t w


I MUSIC at the Burrell IIut rell ( 'olleetioii. I’oIIok I’ar‘k. 2|llill I’oIIolsshayys Road. (All “I51 123llpni £1 5“ \Iiisietoi yoieeaiid Itite guitar \y ith Sandra I’or tei and .'\llttC (‘Iiaiiiand making their deliut as aduo ICIeveland Youth Orchestra smenwn IIaIl. RS,’\.\II). .32 5H5" '2 .illpiti L5. ().»\l’s LI 5”; ( 'hildieri. Students. unemployed I'iee \Iore adyentuiousand interestingprogramming troiiitlie (iIasgoyy I‘L‘Sll\.tI ot Iiiitrsh \ otitli ()reltesttas I iyely piogtarnnieot Rinisky KtilStthtH I\ St llt’llt'ltL’tlt/t'. I JIHIS

.Si nt/i/roirn' I: \/’ilL’IIH/t' arid . In .‘I/Ht'IH art In l’u/rs Iiy (ieoige ( ietshyy llI



I RSAMDJuniorDepartmentOrchestra Steyenson Ilall. RS;\\II). 2‘ ‘2 5H5"

T .5llplll L3; ( ).v\l’s Ll 5“. ( 'hildten. Students. tiiieriiployed l-iee .Iaines l)uirant eondnets the premiere ot I'II\\.|I(I I lat per 's In tilt/1mm to; Strings. the (‘oneeitino lot (In met In \\ elier. Restoration lhnn i'\ by Kenneth l’lattsaiid Sialeoliii Arnold's Symphony No.2

I Scottish Opera-Go-Round Ithl Int-ane. M Irongate. 552 -i2h Spin H 9.5 See \Ved 2-»1 toi tull desei iptioi:


I Brass Band Contest Rtm Ilteat I e. I’iinees Street ( iaideiis I iekets at \eiiiie Nip .illp. l..‘~ll h 3| Iiirii. tolloys ed by eoneeit yy IIII seleeted hands at Spin



ISuttolkCounty Youth Orchestra .Sleyettstttt Ilall. RS.'\.\II). ‘32 5H5 " ():\I’s I I .5“. ( ‘hildreii. Students. unemployed Iree (‘esai I raiieles Symphony in I) iiiiiioi eoupled \\lIIl lotsot I' nglish ninsie. ineluding the \m til/A Rlni/imtli Iiy Vaughan \\ i||iariis and the Surte liom the tilni [limes 141( UNIV. In Sir .-\ithur Bliss

.‘llpm t. i.


I North Yorkshire Schools Concert Band Steyenson IIall. RS;\\II). “2 5H5

Stlpni L‘s, ( ).\I’s II 5|I.( hildreii. Students. unemployedl iee I ast iiiglitol the tiist ( ilasgo“ I'Csll\.tl ot III rtrsli \ oiitli ()iehesti as ends in proiiis style \\IIII aIItlie tatiiiliai iiiusie ( [It rrnisnun e and I Ietiiy \\ ood's l'tlIIItI\Itl

I' lgai ‘s l’uni/nun/ on li’rilrslr Set/mm irieltrded not to riieiitioii lialloons. tlags arid .llltIlL‘lka' participation

TUESDAY 30 Edinburgh

I North Yorkshire Schools Concert Band Russ llieatie. I’triiees Street ( iaideiis I iee at \eiiue Ipni \ suites and lug hand litlllll‘t'l s



I SCO ( 'ity Ilall. (‘aridleriggx 227551 I. "..‘~llpiii Htt2 eone I’ttllllly Elli). 'I'helast yy histlestop tour yyith the S(‘( ) this summer goes to Rtissia lot RusmmSu/ud. .-\II the lug tayotir'ites (Iliiika'szerture to Run/(III uml Lin/nir/lu. Raehmaninoy 's 2lltI I’ltttiii ( "otieet It). l’t'lt'l illti/I/tt' “Yr/f (Haunted by ()yyain :‘sr'yy el Hugheslarid thlISI\y Koisariilsoy 's ( 'uprru IU lxy/iueno/ Sheena McDonald pi‘oy idesthe dressing.

I Celtic Tapestry t tuiehesmi‘sttall. tSs Ingram Street (enter by 2 John Street ). 552 S391 Spin. H ( ine yy IIIL'). 'I he National I rust tor Seotland present their tloral theme lot I‘IS'S in the torm ot a eoiieer t entitled l/ie II'r/il .Iluruitum

Hit me. with Mary Sandernan. Keith

(ii aliarii and Bob ( 'hristie_


I Lamp ot Lothian St .\Iai y ‘s ( 'hui-eh. Iladdirigtori. I'..lSl Iothian I tekets: “()2 ti.\_‘ 3".“ Spin. H t L25” L'l ). Izyelyn (ilettttte and ( )yy eri Murray iii a piogiamme ot niusie tot tirnpani. iieieiission and li'ee-hass aeeor'dion

THURSDAY 1 Edinburgh

I Organ Recital ( ~hiireh ot St Andrew and SI I iL‘UlilL'. ( iL'UtgL‘ SltL‘L‘l. I'l'L'L' ttl LIIHII

12 ill lpiii In the last ot this summer

\L't ICS HI ItlttL‘ItlltttL' L'UttL‘L'IIS. I L'UII ( ~ti.llL'\ aiidl indsay Sinelarr giy e a piogratiimeot organ duets.

FRIDAY 25 Glasgow I Ralph McTeIl I ion 'l Iieatre Rat I’arnie

Street. 552-12o" Ilpni Li Ihetamous song and guitar man hasa speeial .ll‘lIlIy to put an audienee at ease And he does still sometimes sing the Streets ot I ondori‘

I Tonight At Noon Seott's ( m net. Derby Street. 33-14»)! I',\L‘Illlit_‘ I-olls eleetionies. di um niaehines and songs. ("treatstutt

I Rowantree Folk Club Royyantiee Inn. By I ’ddingston ( 'ross. I 'ddiiigstoii

‘I II ~15rim. LI Regular rritoitiial singaiound. instrumentalstoo ()eeasional ‘lioolsed' guests

I lan Bruce ( )y eidrairght liar. 12S IIioorinelayy . 22l S2.\ti I'\L‘lt|llt1 I'nteitairiingsinger guitarist



I Naitan Iilaektiiars. Iiell Street. \Ieieharit ( 'ity . 552 502-1 .'\IlL‘lltttttll, I'llIL' lrddle and Iioy in Irish and Seots irislrtiiiieritalsession

I Kells Seott's ( or net . I)ei by Street . 53-1 IWI I'\L‘litlt_i_! Saturday residency I’uh \Ill}_'.lItiliy_’l‘;tlItI I’optilar

I Ian Bruce ( )y eidiaught liar. I2S

Ilioomielays . 22I S2Sti I~yening