Michael Clark's one night é only club moved around

a bit.

Scheduled to be at the Leith Assembly Rooms, the !club and List photographer, I Maxwell Thornton, finally

; ended up at Fire Island. . .

l l


I)e\l‘ite L‘tllIIPL'IIIlt‘lI trom \enree and “earn ille. the I'thriliurgh International I‘rIm I‘extn al I\ no“ in II\ 4.‘.rid tear (making it the longest running eierit ot II5 kind in the \xorldl. and iiiarritaiiiiriga strong reputation tor the but in ne“ British and independent .-\merie;rn

I lntormation I’uII derailwi I'L'\II\ aI I'IIlll\ are eontained in the I‘lIlTl I‘C\Il\ al programme. ax ailalile from the I‘IIttlIlUthC. I othraii Road. lidinhurgh. priee LI and trout next \agentx around the eit} Intor matron l\ .’tI\t\ axarlahle from the I'lIlTlIltlth'. (“3! l 338 Zhh'h'

I Tickets ’I he I‘lIlllIltlth‘. .\‘.\'I otIiian Road. I-dirihurgh. l\ the box oiliee tor all I’lIlll I'CNIH al exentx. open ‘lam 9pm and

later tor llll\tlItI IICIxL‘h hit that night\ Iate l'rlm. 'l'ieketx eari he hooked but not

iexen ed by phone. ring tll‘l I335 ItiShtor tICIttII\. I'lIlIlIltltl\C petlormanees I‘elt‘te tipm. L3 t L: 5lll. alter hpm, {-1 (‘aiinziii perlormaneex £4 ( I’ullman seats i5l (‘ameo pertor maneex N


3h I‘L-‘xug. Assembly Roomx 54(ieorge Street. I'drrihurgh 'l‘el (“31 t 33624.“ h" tIlo\()ttreel. I :rrgeI) iriteridedaxan merit for IV pl'UIC\\ltltl.lI\ 'I'he

Mae'l'aggart I eeture l\ the main ptihlie

681132—11?— ':"(T_5{t{§ "i ‘S‘EBr toss


Ex-Slrid, Richard rouson"

Muriel Gray

until. Aug .Ttiti l5pm. t.‘ (Speakeixto IIICIIIIIL' Slt‘pht‘tl I'l‘\ I I'tt'kt'h tttL‘ .II\U .‘l\ atIaI‘Ie tor some ot the other exents lroiii the Assembly Rootth liox ( )lliee This I\ prohahh the industry's most important I'K IftIk‘ltttl \hop and there I\ t!I\\tt\\pIt'lTI\ to talk ahout I’Iietheme again IIll\ year I\ the problem ot turidrrig and ehange~ in the \trueture ol I‘t'r‘adt‘dflltlg.

I lntormation and Registration ‘1 o regtxtet as a delegate applx to The I-tlirihurgh I‘elex l\ltlll I-extn al. 5 Iiettertori St.

I onrloii \\‘( ‘Zlilllil ‘. 'I'el (til l 3“) 451‘).


HAiig iSept I-drriliiirglfl‘astle I'xplariade. (in!) the Rmal Iournaiiierit eari begin to eompare \\ rth IIll\ llllIlIttl'§ C\Il.t\.‘tt1ttll/;t.I‘llII'tIlIlI‘tllgIl\klll\Il.tlltI\ don I‘! on setting and .rtrttnxphete. It l\

per hapx the biggest Ittttlhl .rttraetroii ol them all during the I-extnal This year. as ell as the usual Seottrsh M.i\\etI Pipes and Drums. the Rat\ot l'oliii' riidthe Hungarian People's :\rm\ I able \\ iI| I‘e \ITU“ trig ‘.\ hat the\ earl (Io

I Tickets and inlormation single

pertorm tllt'e\tI;tlI\ Moritlai to I‘IltI.t\ at ‘lpm te\eept ‘5 .-\ug \\ hen the

perto; manee \\ ill begin at 5pm lieeauw ot the I’rrnee~ \‘t I'rrenorkx. \\ liieh \I.tlI at Itl 15pm) \‘aturdas [‘L‘lIUl'tll.tll(L'\I‘eglll at T 15pm and Ill ‘Hpm rioSriiitIa)


Michael Clanr

per lor‘inarieex l-ull tletarlx lrom IIlt 'I'attoo ( )tliee. .‘3 .Maiket \t . I'rIriihuigh

ACCOMMODATION Where to find it:

I Edinburgh Tourist Centre \\ a\ ei It‘\ Market. il’rrrieex St I-tliriIiurgh l' I I} IUI’. '1 el. till 55‘ TI“ ()periirig I Itllll5. Mon-Sat 5 main ‘lpni I‘here l\;t\\ltIt‘ range ot aeeomiriotlation a\ .tlI.iI‘Ie m and around l-tIrriIHiigh tiorii high elasx hotel to humble hostel I he I‘oirrrxt ( 'erttie pr'oi ides a L'Htllptehethn e guide toaeeommiidatriiii and intor riiatrori I Ile\ hold the 'I titll'l\I Aeeonimotlatiori Reghlel \\ hieh l\ tree. and Il\I\ hotels. guest houses. pi I\ ate housex and sell eater ing aeeoiiimotlation t the sell eater iiig \eetroii l\\L'I_\ popular and “III alieadt lie hea\ rlx hooked) 'I he 'I Htlll\l ( 'eiitie also has intor rnatioii .tI‘UllI own an par kx. earnpsrtesarid hostels 'l'hextatlaie

ti lentil} and helptul and eari gix e

iritoi matron about other .llL‘.t\ oi Stotlaiiil I‘L'\ltIC\ the eapital


I Scottish Youth Hostels Association ()tliee: Itil \Vaireiitler Park Road. I'thriliurgh I’hoiie tl'il l 33.” Nihl'toi intormatrori about the .t\5tlel.tIltlll IS.Y.H.A. Hostel l" lhl'glingtoii (‘iexeenLI'tIiiiIitirin.tl”Il “5.113” 31" I‘erI\5 “yeah L“ 4“. It» :Uieatxti wI'. 21° _\ear\H Shop.eookingtatihtiex


Illaiiiarid.‘ llpiii Hostel llamantllpm 3am liiixexfooi ii trom It‘ttll\l ( 'eiitre

I SYHA Hostel" 5 Iii tiiitxlieltl I test erit. I‘tIIIII‘llLL'Il illillI-VI‘NI I‘lllieils l‘ntlei .‘I ti ~‘ll ()xei 21.11 Shop. CHUIklllL‘I.t\‘lIlIlt’\.t\.tlI.tI‘It' Ilmteloperi "am llpiii and 3pm .‘am lirrsex ll. 15. lo liorii Mott Monument ItndependentHostelstrlaekiriaomion High St l. I'tlrrilirirgh tll‘l r 55 WM Sell (atering t.1\tlperniizht ()periallrla\ Open to non tttemI‘eh

HUSIeI I-I('H.II\'\( leM't'IlI.

\\ ext I'lltI I'tIiiiliuigh. tllil l .‘I‘ W“ \Itimerx I \' Iottiige I tiggage kept on I.r\I iI r\

iipyn 5‘

.-\ three eoiiixe iiieal tlax l\\\'l\t‘tI eaehtla\ at the IHIIU'»\lll_\.1Illlle\. \I‘\I t ‘. .Mori I‘ll 5 illpin. Sat 13 ill. Sun lprii lied and Iiieaktaxt \lllL'Ie room lor one night

1 l I lot more than one night. t lllpei

night \haretl rooiii tor one night 1‘). tor a longer periotl. to per night IIIIMN 13. lo. ‘1. iti. lioni I’iirieex \t ( iartlenx

Caravan Parks And Campsites

I Little France Caravan Park ( )Itt t ).tII\L'lIIl Road. I".IlllI‘llI L'Il. (“5| lNN Iw 1: (‘aiaxarix It‘llI\. touring (.tl.t\.tll\ toper night tor ear .IIItI earaxari oi tar aritIteiit I-oi a tent onlx I 5tlper night tor orie PL"I"I‘II.I'1O'IIUII\\tl.tIIItI\tlt)|]][]\[L'li\r)l l.‘ loi \"Jk h additional peixori Iiiix iilrom \HtIIl IItltIg‘e

I Muirhouse Caravan Site \tiiii Itothe IeI.