SATURDAY 3 Glasgow

I Pulsebeat Plus I lalt Bar. l(ill\\'nntllantl\ Rnatl. 332 l2lll 0pm. l-ree. Ver} SUlltl l)untlnnian hand. \\ hme pre\ rnrrx (ilttsgt)\\ gig lltttl it) he L'ttllL‘L‘lletl heeathe nl'theirsinger'xhaek lll|lll} \Vnrth seeing.

IThe Blues Bums l.a'lanler'e. l5l-n\ Street. 22l 4S44. ‘lpm. l~ree. 'l here ixnn truth in the rurnnur that thix hantl lealttte\ an} nl'(iraeme Snunev' reeent \rgrrrnex. ()r lnr that matter Rnhert l’leek


I Tom Robinson .-\\\emhl} Rmmx. (ienrge Street. 33034:" .S' ll.45pm. Lt» (£4.5lll. See Hi 2.

I Makossa t-r-inge t 'luh. in Int Rim, Bristn Square. 22h 513S‘. \litlnreht, See in

I Hank Wanglord Venue. (‘altnn Rnatl. 55.7 3073. Spin and midnight. £5 See l'rr2. I Jools Holland .-\mphrtheatre. l.ntlrran Rnatl. 22S 43"}. See l'rr2

IThe Varminls Bantlxxaenn. Mnr‘rixnn Street. l lnetltm n time

I G-Spot Tornado l’rexer‘x atinn l lall. Vietnria Street. 22h .iSln. {I alter")..‘\llprn. Melntlie. guitar-rim en rnek. \\ nrth seeing.

I Elephant Noise \egneiantx. l .nthran Street. 225 (i313. ‘lprn. l-ree.

I The Rootsie Tootsie Band I .nr \l I )at'n|e_\ . West l’nr't. 2294341 lllpm. l'ree, Blues.

SUNDAY 4 Glasgow

I Burden Blues Breakers t a 'l aniere. 15 l-‘nx Street. 22] 4S44 0pm l-ree, llnxx man} Senttish hands ean )nu name \\ rth Blue in their name. .-\tt\\\et'\ntt a \ell addressed em elnpe. lltm mam Sentlhh hands are there \\ itlr hltre in their name


that are am gnntl'.’ :\l]\\\Cl'Stm the haean a pnxtage \tamp.


I Ransom Snttlitlelteek Rnek ( ~ltll‘. Venue. (‘altnn Rnatl. 55" RIF}. "..‘~llprrr. L l .5“. llern) r'nek metal.

I La Paz l’r‘eSeH attnn llall. Vielnt‘ra Street. 22h .‘Sln. Ll alter ‘lprn. limereine heau inek er'nup.

I The L88l Detail l nttl Mantle} . \\ e\l l’nr't. 22‘) 434 I . lllpm. l'ree.

I The Tex Fillet Five \egnerantx. l .nthran Street. 225 Ml}. ‘lpm. l-ree. ‘l nneue in elreek entrrrtr}.

I Lifting the Lil] ( )tltllelltm \. l'Ul te~l Road. 22“ lS‘In. Spin. l~ree.



I Hll the Wish la 1 anter’e. l5 l'n\ Street. 221 4S-14. ‘lpm. l-r‘ee Reeent \‘amalra enmpetitinn \\ inner'x. althnueh their reeent nutine at ( ilmgnu (ireen lllSPllL‘tl great pin in the iutlgex l\\n guild lenrale

singers hut nnt a tleeent \nng In sight.


I U.K. Subs t‘l'lK') Venue. ('altnn Rnatl. 55” _‘~ll".‘~, .-\re \xe reatl} lnr thrxnne".\lnre tn the pninl. i\ \elet'an \ nealtxt ( 'hat'lie Harper. hartlh a sin in}; elrieken the Mist trrne arntrntl. reatl} tnr it" ( )ur yntrnger lL‘iltlk‘lS \hnultl lintl nne nl the rnnre enrnprehenxn e hnnkx nn punk rnek antl ennxtrlt the index and lnntnntexx er} eltwel} , \Vhat “ith Sl.l- relnrrnrne and the Strhx tnurine again. the lrnr rrhle thnueht \ur laeex that lit the Nineties l‘illltlS like llllS \\ ill he tlning the same err‘etrit ax ( iar_\ (ilitter and Mini are ntm.

IJohnny Sunbeam \egneianlx. l.nthran Street. 225 (i313. 0pm. l'r'ee, ( ialaxhielx hantl maxing their n\\ n \tult antl rnek'n‘rnll and hltrex em ers.

I Texas Breaklast l mu l)arnle_\ . \\‘e\r

l’nrt. 2204341. lllprn. l‘t‘ee. \ ex. rnnre hluex. htrt rrnn-alieinnatlnx Slll‘llltl still think nl stepping; nut nl their \\a_\ tn eateha \el. the main attr'aetinn hem; the Inn guitarixtxmappine\nlnxantigenerall} pla} in; nll eaeh nther in a \\a} that \\nt kx extremeh \\el| [rune tn eel nut nl l-tlrnhureh puh erreurt. and heat \trlt enmpetitrnn lrnrn a plethnr a nt \e‘\\e‘.i\t|e' l‘ltle\ l‘dllle lnr a ( 'ar lrsle hnnkrne l‘rnrn lllllL‘ilL‘UlllS l

I Medusa Touch l’te\er\ atrnrr l lall. VielnrraStreet.22ti.iSlti " illpm l'lee

l’re\\ hem} rnek night

TUESDAY 6 Glasgow

IThe Hummingbirds llat l menihnuru. l‘l" Pitt Street. 3‘2 l I ll lllpm lree

l la\ e In admit. I thnrrehl the

l lummlnghrrtlx \xnultl lrax e ereatetl rnnr e interext than thex lra\ e up tn tlale. Still nmthwern;

IThe Moon Hermitsl .r ‘t aniere. t5 I-m Street. 22l 4S44. 0pm. l‘ree

I Bobby Wishart l lalt liar. lnll\\ nntllantlx Rnatl. 332 l2lll. ‘lpm l-ree.


I Three Little Words ( )tltllL'llti\\\. l'nr t‘exl Rnatl. 22H lSlh. Spin. l'r'ee.

I King Biscuit Time Blues \e-gueranrx.

l nthran Street. 2251x113. ‘lpm. l‘tee (irrltt hltrex.

I One Fine Weekend t nttl l)ar nle\ . \\ e\t l’nr'l. 22‘l-13-ll lllprn. l't'ee

I UnderThe Covers l’rexer \ atinn l lall. \'ietnr Ia Street. 22h .‘S’ln. ‘l..‘~llpm, l-ree.


I Private Lies l‘i\\. Sn \lrller' Street 24\ 2S5”. lllpm. l-ree. l'rrxt etgznl an} enmetiuenee m ( ilaxgnxx. Ma} he nl ltllL‘tL‘Sl.


I The Narodniltst a 'l anrere. l5 l-‘nx Street. 221 4S4~1."prn. l-ree.(‘nminga|l the \\a\ limit l’erth tn pla} l.a'l'anier‘e l'rn lilil‘lL‘SSCtl. It that ix the ellnr't the) are making. max he inn enultl make the el'lnrt lt‘ g0 and we them

I Marino’s Men I lalt llar'. ti»rr\\'uutllantl\ Rt‘Jll .3212“! “pm. l~ree l’nrinerl) \artan-the lnlk nruht .rt the l lalt that

\eernx tn ha\ e laxtetl lnr \L‘.ll'\.


I B-Movies l Hl\l l);tt‘lllt‘§ . \VL'Sl l’tll'l.:2‘l 4341 lllprn l‘tee.

I Los Supremos \k’gl‘k'lillllS. lnthian Sllt‘t‘l. .235. h.“ l 5. “pin l'lee



IThe Hucltsters I lalt llal. llill\\tititll£llltlS Rnatl. 332 I2 I“. ‘lprn l-tee llatl agnntl \rnele nttt nn Rneket 5 km tear . hut ha\ e

heen relatn e|\ timet \tttee, ( inntl ll\ e hantl

I Bobby Delicious and the Dangermen Had .>\\\ ( llttl‘. 5‘ ( ll) tle l’laee. 42‘) 4-122. ‘lptlt. l-ree, Regular ram xexxrnn rmnhinu Rnnnre ( ~nxtlex antlenhnrtx.

I Jamie Barnes and Cochise RHHIIUPS. “I Sauelrrehall Street. 332 5SS.‘~. lll..‘~llpm. Rewleney


I Texas Breaklast Ry r ie\. i la} market. ‘lpm. l-ree. See .\lnn 5.

I BillyJones l.nrtl l)ar rile} . \Vext l’nrt. 22043“. lllpm. l~ree lztlrnhureh‘x aenthlle' rnek‘n'rnller . llllS rnnnth playing aer'nxx the entrntrt . trnrn l’rtlnehn tn Mull nl Kirrtxre .

I The Dan Blocker Experience \egnetatlh. lntlrran Street. 225 M l 3. ‘lprn. l~ree. l’npular entrntrt antl “extern aet.

I The Brothers l’r'exer \ .rtinn l lall. \'ietnr'ia Street. 22h .‘nSln. ‘l..‘~llpnr, l'r'ee Rexrtlenex.

COAT»? “Dist 00" 2540

vaU Adm V2514 assdf'r

T'W 29-0

"Mkwy's 57“?!»ij as A IMM'fir k ls- WJM1W7 5] fivflkffl it’d“ M “h

M W M M‘dhnr

(Juan-1-. .M 5!

is M man-l3 01 A“: Sam’s, Mud a 1n.{ (PK irer firm lafl ram exeuhicn 07 mm.


52 The List 2 15 September 1988