lass'y cr Douglas discos ers the high price of infidelity ss hen his casual one night stand turns out to be a dangerously psychotic ssoman ss ho ssilI stop at nothing to gain her man's affection. (ilossy . ssell-acted misogyriistic l Iitchock-siyle thriller attracting more iuss than it merits. (ilasgoss: (irossenor Sirathclydc: ('Iydebank III.

I Fear Eats The Souli 15 i i Rainer \Verner l’assbinder. \V. (ier'niany. I‘ITJI II I letli Ben Salem. Brigitte \iri'a. 93 iiiiiis A middle-aged charss oinan ss ho tiscd to be a Na/i Party member. takes up ss ith asoiing Arab immigrant ssoi kei much to the consternation of her iiiendsand neighbours. 'I y pically melodrairiatic l'assbinder study oi a disintegrating relationship. sshrch alsoexamrnes the problems of racism in \\ est (iermari society. Izdinburgh: I’rlmhousc

I Francesr I5) ((Ii’uc‘me (‘Iiiiorrr t '5. 1%: ) Jessica I.ange. Sam Shepherd. Rim Stanley. IJIImins. liar'nest iilm biography of Thirties mos ic star l‘rances l'armer. focirssing on her battles ss ith the

Holly ssood star system. hcrdomineering mother. and the tussIes ssith alcohol that finally lead to her treatment in a horriirc institution I.ange is ncscr lessthan

cons ineing. and the film's air of restraint presents it from pitching into the sortoi hysteria sshich so often stirr'ouridsthe portrayal of csents as extreme asthesc. Edinburgh: ('ameo.

I Frantict l5i i Roman Polanski. L'S. I988) Harrison Ford. Betty Buckley .John Mahoney . Emmanuclle Seigncr. (ilasgoss : Cannon Edinburgh (‘arinon

I Full Metal Jacketr 15) (Stanley Kubrick. L'K. I987) .\latthcss .\lodinc. Dorian Ilaressood. [.ec Iirmey. IOUmtns. Technically ei'icctise but soulless depiction of rass Vietnam recruits asthey endure basic training and the esen greater horrorsofthc 1968 Tel oiiensisc. A disappointment. (ilasgoss : (il‘l‘ Edinburgh: Filmhouse.


I Hairspray ( PU) (John Waters. cs. 1%") Ricki Lake. Dis inc. Debbie Harry . Sonny Borio. 93 mins. Baltimore. I903. I'proar breaksotit on the Dance (‘ouncil oi top 'l‘\' pop extrasagan/a 'l'he (‘orny (‘ollins Shoss ss hen hefty teen queen Ricki Lake deposcs the former star of the shoss . and begins to make friends ss ith igiilp i black people. thtis breaking doss ii the programriie's strict racial segregation. l‘nflagging entertainment as iormci trash king \y'aters does his oss n bt/ari e scrsion oi mainstream comedy. Deiiriitcly one oi the itiii mos iesoi I‘ISS. I'diiiburgh. I‘lIliiIitrthL‘ I Heilraisert tisi it'iise Barker. t‘K. 195’ i Andy Robinson. ( ‘laiie I liggiris. Ashley I.aurcncc VI mins Ahorrot picture \s ith a \sclI-coristi ucted plot. strong characters. haunting images and special eiiects that actually sersc the storyline .\Iinoi‘blemishesalongthcssay. bttt an auspicious debtit irom ss riter('li\ c Barker. (ilasgoss (ii-“I I Hibiscus Town i 15 i t Xie .iin . ( ‘hiiia. IVS") I.“lliiiiiis. Veteran iilm-makcr .\rc .Iin'saesthetic resides in the epic melodrama. as can be seen from this lengthy historical study sshich spansthe

years irom 1%,? to the post ‘(iang()i IVoiir‘

era. It tells the story oi a poor bean-curd seller's hard ssoik to create a better Iiieior herself and her husband. an existence that is to change ss hen she is accused by a militant .\laoist oi scli-aggrandisenient at the expense oi the state. (ilasgoss : (il-"l. I Highlandert 15) Christopher Lambert. Beatie Iidncy . Sean (‘onnciy llhmins A handiul oi immortals battle through the centuriestossin a mythical prize A curious mixture oi romance in loth century heather and car chases in present day .\'ess York the irlm is an iriclcgant. ortcit ludicrous. but enioyably daffy iantasy ads cnture.

Lambert seems more at liorric ss ith the contemporary passages and only the es er ssonderiul (‘onnery has the requisitcstylc

for the kitsch Scottish scenes. Glasgow: (irossenor

I The Horse Thieit IS) ('l'ian Zhuangzhtrang. China. IUShI'I‘sehang Rigzin. Dan lip. 88 mins. Tibet. 1923. To pros ide for his poscrty -stricken iarnily. .\'orbu steals horses irom ss andering nomads and offerings reserved for the (rods. llisactions earn him the contempt oi his s illagc and ultimately .espulsion from his tribe.

An episodic narratis e. occasionally somcss Iiat lacking in pace. The Horse Hire/lingers on the rites and rituals ofthc tribe ss ith a steely gaze that renders their strangeness all the more striking. (ilaggoss : (ii-'1‘.

I lronweedt l5llIIccior Bahcnco. LS. 1987 ) Jack Nicholson. .\lery'I Strccp. (‘arroll Baker. I43 mitis. Drunken hobo Nicholson returns to a hoiiietoss ii and family he had abandoned twenty years presiously i'ollossiiig thedeath oi'hisiiifant son. lntimationsoi hisoss n mortality and the need to make peace ss ith the ghostsoi his past hasc drisen him back.

Remarkablyengrossing examination oi blighted lises and the underside oi the American dream knoss n as failure set during the dying daysoi the inter-War depression. Iixccllerit pcriorrriaiiccs all-round. moody camerassork and composition: a potentially dour drainaoi dereliction has been transformed intoan American classic. (ilasgoss ; (if i. IJewel OIThe NIletI’U)(LessiUs'I'eague. LS. 1985) Kathleen Turner. Michael Douglas. Danny De\'ito. ltiHrnins. Mechanical sequel-by-riuinberstothe altogether more agreeable Romancing The Stone ss ith the same cast and a similar plot falling quite remarkably flat. (ilasgoss : OFT.

I Jimmy Reardont 15) (Willi-am Richcrt. LS. 1988) Riser Phoenix. Anne .‘slagnusson. lone Skye. 95 mins. L‘arly Sixticssct attempt at a more literate teen riios ic makes for a rather curioUs hybrid.

Young Riser Phoenix's efforts to bed his staid girlfriend. his amorous misadscntures ss ith an older ssoman. and the chaotic prom night tiriale are ssell-ssorn .loliii Iliighes ingredients. btit our hero‘s aspirations toss ards beat poetry and his dc\ elopirig relationship ss ith his iatherseeiii to indicate a iilmstr'ctchirig tossards more substance The rather ilat dr'aiiiattirgy and spItttter'ing narratise drise hoss es er . iies ct come any ss here near to resolsing matters. (ilasgosy : (‘aririon. Sauchihall Street

IJungie Book t t ' l t \Voligang

Reitherman. I 'S. I‘M") With the soicesoi (icorge Sanders. I.otris l’rrma “S mins. (irossing tip in the iiiriglc. yotirig Mossglr learns from the animals around him Iinioy able lattcrday Disney . a longssay aiter' Kipling. but the songs are ssoridcriul. (ilasgoss: ()dcon. I The King OiThe Children l i’( ‘ii i ('heri Kaigc. (Irina. 195M Xte Yuan. Yang. Xuesseri. Ill“ mins. Lidinburgh: I‘rlmhouse I The Last Emperort ii i t Bernardo Bertolucci. ltaly China. IVS-’lltihiilnne. Peter ()"I‘oole. Joan (hen. lb: mins. Peking. NUS. a three year-old boy ascends to the Imperial Throne to become the ‘Lord of'I‘cn Thousand Years'. A merc5‘) years later. hoss cs er. he dies a humble gardener in a (‘hina that is noss the Maoist People's Republic.

lritelligcnt epic iollossingthc self-delusion and re-education of a man shaped by a superseded poss er structure. A little cold perhaps. but the production and cinematography are ofsuch exquisitcncss that one orin ssishes the film sycrc longer. Sirathclydc: ('lydebank If). I Last Tango in Parisr Ib’liBernardo Bertolucci. France Italy. WT?) Marlon Brando. Maria Schneider. I30 mitts. A young l’arisicnne meets a middle-aged man ss ith whom she des clops an increasingly siolent and purely sexual relationship. One of the key filmsofits





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The List 16— 29 September 198813