
i l

'leA'l'Kb LlS'l'


I Theatre is listed by city tirst. then by

venue. running in alphabetical order. Cabaret and touring shows are listed

separately under the relevant heading. KEY:

[D] lacilitieslorthe disabled. [E] tacilities lorthe hard oi hearing. usually an induction loop system. For prices. price in brackets eg (£1.50) isthe concessionary price. Long

' running shows. unless specilied otherwise.

do not run on Sundays.

I The Glasgow Garden Festival will also be ; hosting theatre events. Please see Garden

Festival Diary for details olthese.


I CITIZENS~ THEATRE ( iorbals Struut. 42‘)

: llllll. litts()tltuu \lort Sat lllam Spm.


The Lady From the Sea l'l'l 3 Sat :4 Supt.

" .illpttt. U i til l’hu ( 'ttt/uns‘I huatru

start thuir nuts autumn suasori trt thuir lutnpotat'y studio tltuatru with l lunt‘ik

lbsun'spowurlttlly :ttrttosplruriu play Suu Ruyruw. THEATRE.Itiitl;tiilllll (tdlugu. ( itasgow tl-Il trjsttii it ill.

Fancy Bappin' 1 hit! lhurs lSSupt.

" Ftlpm. \Vrlduat bugtu thu tout ol tltutr turtth .tnntsursary show Sut loosuly around thu talu ol ( )lttur' 'l wisl. it takusa sharp look at lrlu lli thu l'tghtius. and. ttslttg stitiL‘S lt‘tittt \UlliL‘ tit lliL‘ll‘ tL‘ti yuarsas a uotttpany . charts ts hat has happuttutl oyur lltosu tun \uats in lhatuhut 's lit itatrt. Suu(itrusllrst

I MITCHELL THEATRE ( it‘.ttt\ rllc Sliuut.

III .‘illlS‘. Bo\ ( )ttiuu .\lon Sat noon ttpm

- SCDt Free l'tu Ill Sat 34 Supt. "_.‘\llprtt. L4

(L3 l. .lohn( art my ‘s nuw musical about Robut't Burns Suu also loui‘ritg

I CUMBERNAULD THEATRE ( ‘ttmliur ttauld.

“33h "RISK". Box ( )ttiuu Mott-lit

lllam ttpm.S.tt illam .‘~pttt;o \pmpurt. uy gs liar (Xttu

é Handle With Care'l httis IS uk I‘rr loSupt.

T ~1"pm Liftlt‘u- l. lil’ Springboard ina nuw play by .lanu lltotrtion. pruniiurudat this yuai .s l .tlrrtbtirgh l‘rrngu. abotrt lri'u

tor tuuttagurs in tltu Iatu l ,ighttus

I A Matter ol Chance Sat l " Supt. 7.45pm.

L3 *lltLIi. \tt atmosphurtc.uxuitirtg

.ttl.‘tpl.ttiott Ht lltu \atmlsot short story about nussutl oppot tttnrty . prusurttcd by llru l\'osh dattuc group iituollahoraliort

\\ ttlr thu pout Rogui .\lu( iotrglt l’r‘urttiurud at tltul dutburglt l-ustrsal. thrspr'otluction \yas pratsutl tor tts liyuly . \\ rtty rttatuhiitgol words and utoyumunt

I The Strange Case ol Doctor Jekyll and Mr

Hyde I‘ll .‘3 uk Sat 2-3 Supt. " ~15prtt L35“ (LC) Roburt l ours Stuyurtsou'ssurttmal study ot guilt and dual putsonaltty gituna nuts stagu adaptation by Bryan lzlsluy arid piusurttud by thu urttur pr tsirtg l’oukut l'ltuatiuot (‘umbtta

: I DRAMA CENTRE llh lugrattt Strqu . 553

\(\'b .\'o ttrr lhut thuatru pur'lortnaituus trittil ()L'ltiI‘L't

I KINGS THEATRE Hath Struut lios (illiuu. .\ton Sat noon (rpm -1 bars. |l)l. llzl l’hortu bookings. lrultut ('uitttu. ('andlutiggs. \lt‘ll Sat lll fillam- (t..‘~llprti.

(l-ll 22‘5511

ANight inthe Ukraine and A Dayin Hollywood Mon 12 Sat 1” Supt.7..‘wtlpm. Sat rttat 3pm. ‘41 bolt: L3) Rordurliriu 'l huatru ( 'ontpatty irt thutr touring production oi two iar'uus show it at this yuar's l-.dinbtrt gli l'rlliilc'. ttntttissablu tor \tichaul Roburts‘ uncannin tunny Ill'sL'IIL'\\ to (irouuho .\lar\.

Pride otthe Clyde Mon 1‘) Supt- Sat lS( )ct. ".Fllpm. Sat mats .‘rpnt. L3. L“. H. (‘onus ayailablu < pluasu contact 'I‘ickut ('untru

lordutails. Ratlio('lydu hoststtsanntial \arruty show oi music and uotnudy

Bar. (alu. ID]. ’l'icls'uts also a\ ailahlu trom thu lrukut (L‘litl'c‘. ('andlui'iggs. 22‘5511 \ton» Sat ill..‘~llam (\.3tlplit.

The Mod Sat 1“ lit 23 Supt. ’l'hu Mod runs 3

throughout this \y uult. litistL‘Ll also by tltu llurtty \Vooti l tall and thu Sl-.('(‘ lorlull dutarlssuu l-olk l.istings_ ( )n \Vud 31st ck 'l‘hurs 23nd Supt at “.Rllptu thuru w ill bu a (iauliudrama computiliolt.

Nostalgia is Back't uu u“ Supt Sat l()ut. "..‘~llpttt. L11 Slittlfilli. ('omcdtanlack \tilroy and .\lar‘y [cu in art usurirngol songs. ruy tiu attd music hall mumorius.

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE .\'uw Struut. l’aisluy . «SS7 llllll. Ros ( )ttiuuopun ltiu-Stui ttootr-S..‘~llpnt. liar t ( )pun noon-l 1pm l‘uu-Sat‘. lJFll-J3llptttuk o..‘sti-l lpm Sun. Stuals SL‘t‘\L‘(l). (‘alu t()puit noon-I 1pm). [1)].

Look What We‘ve Got l-ri 23 Supt. Spm. L4 (L2 i. .-\n uturting oi ualtarut lrortt thu grottp Lip Surs iuu.

Blood Wedding Sat 24 Supt. Spm H i L: i. (‘omrtttrnruatlo ’i huatt'u ('otttpatty trt thuir powurtul. l‘i‘tngu-l’tt‘st Award winning production oi l.orca's passionatu. poutru

THE LURE OF THE LURID ‘Works otthis class manilest themselves as belonging. . .to the

; morbid phenomena oi literature -

f indications at a widespread corruption. # at which they are in part both the ellect g and the cause; called into existence to

supply the cravings ot a diseased


So wrote a contemporary critic ot Mary Braddon‘s Lady Audley‘s Secret. a wondertully lurid nineteenth century novel that sold like the proverbial hot cakes. It proved irresistible too to

, Annie Griliin and Neil Bartlett. when

togetherwith the other members ol Gloria. they were looking tor a melodrama to adapt.

After the tirst titty pages I just couldn‘t put it down.“ says Annie Grillin. The novel tells ot Lady Audley. a sweet-looking lady with a terrible

1 secret. and woven into its dark, steamy

story is both a strong social critique (Mary Braddon witnessed at close hand how women could be abused by men) and an ironic manipulation oi literary convention. The tragiIe-looking heroine does dreadful deeds, she is, moreover. a complex character— tar removed trom the archetypal Victorian wax doll. ‘The thing about Lady Audley

play about thu bride and hur tormur It)\'L‘t‘ who run away from thu clutcth of conyuntionality at thu uluvunth hottr. Suu Touring.

I PALACE THEATRE 9 (iruun Struut. Kilmarnock. 05(13 23590. Box ()ttiuu Mon—Sat “lain-Spin. ('al‘u Bar Mon-Sat lilam 5pm. |D||li|.

Boy Walker and Company Sat 17 Supt. 7.30pm. Hfitlififitl). .-\ \ariuty night with Roy \Valkur from ( 'uit‘lrp/irusu.

A Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine lit 23 Supt. 7.30pm. L.‘~.5tl(£2.5tl). Bordcrlittu 'I'huatru ('ompany itt thuir comic dotiblu hill. Suu ’l‘ourirtg.

All Star Variety Show Sun 34 Supt. 7,3tipm. L‘sfitli L25”), (iary Dunnis. l‘rattktu l-arrull and l orrainu Summurs star irt tlils yat'iuty show

I PAVILION THEATRE Ill Runl'iuld Struut. 333 limo Box ( )ttiuu Mott Sat

lllam .Spm. liar.

.\'o thuatru purlor‘tttancus this issu

I THEATRE ROYAL llopu Stt'uut . 33 133-1. t

Rox()lltuc .\tort Sat lllattt ppm. (7.3 lpm

on purl uygs). liar. Billtct.

Billy Connolly Sat 3.4-- .‘slon 2o Supt. Spm. £55” LUSH. Thu Big Yin ruttit'ns to (ilasgots thu mart with thu most intuutiotrs gigglu ttt thu businuss. Suu (iuustltst.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35” Satrultiuhall

Stt'uut. 333 "52] ("al'u opun l Iatit—Z..‘~llprti

'l'tiu-l-rr and during uyunirtg puriormanuus.

Lady Audsley'sSecret’t‘hurs 15- Sat l7 Supt. "fillpm. £3.5(l(£2.5(l). .\'uil Bartlutt (w hosu translation of Moliuru's [.t‘ .Ilitttntlim/u’ has just won lauruls at tltu

is she‘s had but everything she does is logical.‘ says Grillin. 'And you're never asked to have any sympathy tor her.‘

Though they are telling a story. Gloria‘s adaptation ot the novel is unlikely to be linear and conventional. The company worked together in 1982 Theatre Company. and have since then kept contact. while working separately in the grey areas between theatre. art and dance. Annie Grillin. tor instance. recently won acclaim with Blackbeard the Pirate. Almost Persuaded and The Deadly Grove: Neil Bartlett created the wondertully brave A Vision at Love Revealed in Sleep and has recently published a book about Oscar Widle and won a Fringe First lor his line translation at Le Misanthrope. ‘We wanted to do a melodrama because we wanted to do something heightened and passioned and about people wanting something and not getting it.’ explains Grittin. ‘It’s very steamy. very much about people hating each other.’

The company became tascinated in the art at melodrama and why it works. ‘lt‘s lull ot unreasonable coincidences and unlikely plot.‘ says Grillin. ‘Modern melodrama is Neighbours and Dallas and Dynasty. lthink the reason it works is because it's about things that happen to everybody.‘

The production should be lurid and steamy. but it won‘t be pastiche Victorian melodrama ‘lt's not period. We only have a kind oi cod-version oi melodrama now- it's a very precise art like ballet. and we don‘t have that vocabulary now. Basically. though it's getting people into a very good story. We want to really get into it and get dirty.‘ (S.H.)

Lady Audley's Secret opens at The Third Eye Centre. Glasgow. then tours. visting Theatre Workshop. Edinburgh in October. See Listings.

Edinburgh Fus‘tiyal) and Annie Griffin (whosu The Deadly (imi-e was sccn huru uarlicr this yuar) has u collaborath on this dramatisation of Mary Li. Braddon‘s mulodratttatiu nos'ul. Suu Panul.

I TRON THEATRE ti3 'I‘rongatu. 55?. 43(37 .S‘. Box ()ttiuu 'l'tru-Sat Noon—S'me Sun 12.3tl—l lpm. (‘Iosud Mondays.

Blood Wedding Inc 13- Stin 18 Supt . S’pm. {Sift l mumburs; £4 rton-muntburs. .»\|| suats halt-priuu Sundays. [)iruct from thu lidinburgh l-‘rittgu. ('omrttuniuado's

\ iltrant. l‘ringu l’irst-ys inning production

of l.orca's passioitatu. poutic play about thu bridu and ltur iot‘mur loyur is housuapu

Q from thu ultttuhus ol’uonyuntiottality at tltu

uluyunth hour. Playreading: In Viclus Sat l“- Supt. 2.30pm.

: l-ruu. 'l‘hu Iron ruy it us its policyol ; holding lruu Saturday atturnoon

play ruaditigs tn thu bar. ltilS ottu is by l.auriu llutzlur. '

A Midsummer Night‘s Dream 't‘ttu It Sun 3n Supt. Spm. £3 l £1 ) mumburs; £4 non-mutttl‘urs. All suats hall-pricu Sundays. 'i'.'\( i umhark on tltuirlast production undut thu otttgoingartistic drructor. Ian Brown. is ho has astartlingly strong track ruuord \s hurt it uorttus to I diructing Shakuspuaru

Playreading: Northern Apples Sat 25 Supt. 3.3llpm. l‘ruu. .-\ rtuw play by (iuorgu (iunn. gtyun a l'ruu ruadiirg in tlru bar.


I BRUNTON THEATRE Sttrssulburgh. N6 371 l.

The Wizard 0t 02 1 put Sat 1 Out. 7.45pm. L‘J (fulfill). 'l‘hu Brunton 'I‘huatru opun thuir autumn suason w ith a nuts musical production by (‘hat‘lus .\'owostulski oi a nuw yursion by Rohurt Roburtson otthu good old unuhantirtg story. l‘or \C\ un yuars pltts.

I KINGS THEATRE 2 Lu un St ruut . 22‘) 12”]. Box ()ttiuu Mon~ Sat lilatn- Spin. Bar. [1)].

Guys and Dolls 't‘uu Sat 17 Supt. 7.30pm. Wuds ck Sat mats 2.30pm. £3.5(l- infill. 'I'uu- 'l'httrs conus. asatlablu. 'l'hu popular musical sut in .\'uw York arttortgst thu gartgsturs and molls.

Waiting on One Mon 19- Sat 24 Supt. 7.3(lpm.£3. £350.14.£5.(‘oitCs:£3otl stalls arid grattd uir'ulu suats. Monday all suats half-prtcu. Wildcat brrrrg thuir touring production of Annu Dots niu's nuts play to lidinburgh: an attuctionatc comudy about bingo-hall gours. Suu Touring.

The Grand Ballet ol Tahiti Mon 37 Sat 1 ()ct. 7.30pm. Suu Danuu.

I NETHERBOW ARTS CENTRE 43 l ligh Struct. 55(i‘)57‘). Box ( )ttiuu. illatit—4.3llprtt. 7 9pm purl. uygs. (‘afu. [[)I. Hi].

No thuatru purtormancus this fortnight. I PLAYHOUSE 18 32 ( iruunsrdu l’lauu. 557' 3590. Box ( )ttiuu .‘slon- Sat 10am—6pm (Spin on show nights). Bar.

Song and Dance t ‘ntil Sat 17 Supt. 7.30pm. £4.5t1~£13.51l.MatinuuonSat l7at 3.3llprti.£-1.5ll £10.50. Matinuu £3.5(loi all suats for childi'urt and ()Al’s; liyusil ottall suats i'or cltildrcn and ( )Al’s. Marti Wuhb and Way nu Sluup in Andruw Lloyd-Wubbur's hit musical.

I ROYAL LYCEUM (irindlay Struut. 32‘) 9697. Box ()ttiuu Mott Sat lllam —(ipm. [Haiti-Spin on purl. uy gs. Bar. Rust ('aiu. [[)l. Iii]. (‘l'huatruSayur (‘onccssion(‘ards cost {I . last all yuar. gryu £1 ott‘thul’ttll pricu cach tirttu you comu lot' yotr and a triund » ayailahlu to().‘\l’s. l‘BJlls. Sttrdunts. [)isablud and Y'I'S schumu) 'I'ickuts tor Lyuuum productions aru also availaqu at thu 'I’iukut ('uiitru. Wayurluy Bridgu; branchus of .»\'I' Stay ‘s 'i‘ravul and thu chun’s 1 tall. (‘lurk Struct. Hobson's Choice t'ntil Sat 1 ()ct. 7.45pm. £2.5U- £7. 'l‘huatruSas-ur holdurs £l oil. Sat mat 2'4 Supt. 3.15pm. (alltickuts £3). Thu Lycuutn opun thuir autumn summit with Harold Brighousu's wull-known play . Suu Ruy'iuw.


22'1‘hu List 10— 3‘) Suptumbur 1988