Performance 3

I ROYAL I lope Street. 3.“ I 123-1 Box Office Mon—Sat Illam- 7..‘~llpm. Midsummer Marriage Wed It eel-i123

Sept. 7. I5pm. to- L23. Stand-b} of £3 available for l'B-Itls and Students from 2 hours before the perlormance. Second

Stride. \\ ho \sere acclaimed at the recent

I‘ocuson Dance festisal. iourne) north again to pertorm in this ne\s Seottish ()pera production ol Michael 'l'ippett‘s

opera. 'l‘hei \\ Ill pcrtor in ritual dances bs

Ian Spink See I’anel l'lie opera is performch again on l5 t\21t()ctoberrn



I GARNETBANK SCHOOL Rentreis Street. I Info 33-1 334‘), 1 Jane Simpson Contemporary ( ‘lass es cr} = 'l‘uesda} 7—8pm.

I RILLHEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL ()aktield Asenue. Into. 33-1 105".

Fiona Alderman—CUnningham-based (Ilass e\er_\ 'l‘hursdas 7—3pm. I DAKGRAVE PRIMARY SCHOOL St Peters I Street. Info. 334 4203 t Natural Dance i Workshop. 15 White Street l.

Discovering Dance ('lass e\ er) 'I‘uesdas i from 2D Sept. Adult beginners. " ‘I..‘sllpin £22 I‘) \seeks).

I :ITI \VL‘NI I’rllle‘es Street. 33I 29M. .-\|l classes run until I" I l)ec. JuniorContemporary Inert 'I'uesdai

6-7pm. £|.5tl.

AdultContemporary lisers \Vedttesda} i 6—7.3llpm.i2l£l.5lll. l Performance Group her} 'lltursda}. (s—‘7.3llpiit. tlttl5ttl.

Beginners‘ Ballet itser} Saturday Ilsears toadult. Ill-l 1.15am. CHI .5“). Beginners‘Jazz Eser) Saturday leears toadult. ll..‘~llam—lpin. £2t£l 5ft).

EDINBURGH I Performance

I KINGS THEATRE 2 Les en Street. 22‘) Illll, Box Office. Mort——Sat Illam-Spni. Bar. [I)][Ii].

Grand Ballet de Tahiti Wed 28 sepestii I ()ct. \Veax mg their \sai (limit the countr'} on their British debut tour. the (irand

Ballet de 'I'ahiti \\ ho come heralded b} an almost pornographic press release promising bare breasts arnd sit a} ing hips and Iirnbs~ gise aneseningot'Iahitian dance and music. using traditional costumes and instruments. IPLAYHDUSE THEATRE 18—22(ireenside ' Place. Bos Office 557 25‘)“. Song and Dance t‘nnl Sat l.“ Sept. ".Riipm. Sat inat 2.30pm. {-1.5ll1125tt. Matinee ; £4.5ll—tlll5ll. (‘oncsz Matinee £2.5llott all seats for ().—~\I’s and children; e\cs £1 off | all seats for ().-\l’s and children. A I |

is ham-bang dance spectacular \\ ith all the trappings of a modern musical. Mai ti Webb stars \\ ith \Va} ne Sleep in Andrea Ho} d Webber's tiso-part shois . The first hall. 'Song’. is a romantic group of songs. originalls a number one album and then a teles ision spectacular. [ell Me ()n u Sumer . The ‘Dance' hall olthe , programme is based on Paganini‘s(‘apriee ; No 2-1 and \s as composed b} I.IU}LI I \Vebber'seellist brother. .lulian. mm I .-\nthon_\ Van l.ast choreographer. \Va} He Sleep is put through his paces. 1



Buto: Modern Japanese Dance Workshop Wed 21 Sept. (lass \sith Ilugh Maior. “7—0pm. I‘ree (but donation accepted ).



Special Events

I The National Mod While the serious btisinessol the Mod goes on at the Sli.(‘(‘ and the Mott “all (see Iiolls list I. the (iarden I7estis al features pertormances trom inedal \s inners in man} of the categoriesol the Mod competitions. bringing Scotland's traditional musical skills to the attention of a much \s ider audience than usual. Ihe performances \\ ill talse place in the Sports Arena. \s ith smaller groups performing in the Rotunda and the “us es I-‘ood ('ourt.

()n I'l'ltlgt} lo the Mod Parade lea\ es Bl} thsxsood Square at ll.3ll;itn. stopsoll at the('it) (‘hambersand ariixesat the I'L‘Sll\2ll site in time to ioin the Dad) Parade at 2pm in the High Street. On 'lhursda} 22 and I’rida} 23 the gold and si|\ er medalists. along \\ ith the \s innersol the IIL‘\\ song competition \\ ill perform throughout the da_\ at the A rena. 'l‘o compliment the Highland theme. on 'l'uesdas 2H a ( iaelic puppet compan} will be pertorming around and about on the slle.

Final Events

The Garden Festival ends on Monday 26 September and the last few days are crammed with special events. Final details for many of the celebrations have yet to be settled. but the Festival will doubtless be alive with wacky goings-on.


I Viking Longboat Racing the t's Nas s. the Rosal Nass and the Danish and Italian Nas res in a battle ot'oarsmanshrp and strength 'l’en-man reproduction longboats is ill be raced on the (bde beside the I'iestis al. Noon l3llpm and -l,,‘stl.(ipm.

I Airsea Rescue Demo 4pm on the ( tide. I Viking Invasion Regra .-\nglorum. a group \\ ho apparentls specialise in mock rape and pillage. \s ill re-enact a battleon the water and then land on the site. 3.15pm.

I Aquamasters Spectacular \\ atersls'i displa} team. 2pm in the l larbour.


I Songs of Praise BIK Scotland's religious broadcast is recorded in the Arena at 4pm. I Bow Gamelan Ensemble Percussion and p} rotechnics from the l.ondon-based performance art group (see (iuest l.ist ). Don't miss it. "..‘~llprit on a floating platform in the Harbour area.

I Viking Longboat Racing \s ith teams from the Stratheltde Police. the liire Brigade and the Venture Scouts. l lam and 4.45pm.

I Aquamasters Spectacular \s atcrski displass. 2pm and (ipm.

and ().-\I’s: 2.2.5“ for children troni 5- lo

cost £9; 9;" and £4 concessions Season

ticketsallim accessat an) time andeost

£45ladultland £22.5lltehildi Discounts arealsoasailableorigroupticketsttobe

RESTAURANT Tue—Sat (evenings only) Table d‘liote and a la ('arte menus BRASSERIE Seven days: lunchtimes and evenings. Wide range of meals available.

Special late opening during the I-‘estii al

7 ()L I) FISHMA R KET ( 7.0315 EI)I.\'BLI'R(}H 0312255428


I Festival Favourites I hroughout the da_\ at the Rende/sous. acts and bands is hich hase been especialls populai \\llli I-estisal audiences: ('aiun .-\ces. North Sea ( ias. Sam and Izlla. Bill l-anning's Big Band and. as the} sax . many more

I Ceilidh \\ ith the .-\uehterbt Band in the (‘ralt ('entre (’oui'ts aid this afternoon

I ItsA Knockout I lain 2pm in the Sports Arena.

I Beat the Clyde :\ re-run ot the spectacular esent organised b} the /.ap ('lub last month \\ ith local di uinnier s ill a percusis e estrasagan/a

I Firework Display near the l innieston Crane. Spin.

Daily Events

The following events are on every day until Monday 26.

I SITBBI Events l’assionale policemen. street theatre. baskets. nuisicians. portrait artists 'I rack them dost n all around the site.

I Daily Parade Performing at lists of all shapes and sizes. 2pm Ilte Iliin Street I Craft Centre Demonstrations of woodears ing. potter} and other eratts. and the chance to U} them _\U'ill\ell .-\lso on Saturda} lWiiidStiiid;is IS. lIleI'dlL‘ Fair. achance to but mans of the craft \sorks \s hich has e been created on the (iarden I5esti\ al site ox er the past II\ c months.

I Brass Bands ()\ ertoun Bandstand. Ill.3(lam.12.30pm.3.3llptn.5 .‘ltpin

I Fashion Shows I 1 attain and tie‘s'dslttllal shims at 3pm. Nardini's Restaurant in the Rotunda.

IJazz Sltntla}s 2pm-5pni in the Rotunda

Essential Information

ITickefs (iarden l-‘estisal das ticketseost £5; {-1 for full time students. uneinplost d

A totally different eating experience fondue With hot oil or stock

30 Sandport Street . Leith, Edinburgh . Phone 031 554 2921 for reservation



Naomi Mitcliison celebrated

her niiietieth I)Il‘lII(Iil} in

( , I o . l l I searsand tree for under-tn es ()nee _\ou |)b7 dud " I “"‘uk I t (I “m are inside escr} thing is tree esecpt the thrill ride. Families can get a special Iiitttil} Da) Iielset (2 adults and tip to} childrenlloi £14.51). Multi-I).r\ Ilel'ss‘l\ allms you I\H)\l\ll\(\ll an) tuodaisand

oI'the foremost contributors to the literar) scene.

.IS [7’ ll . IS is a tie“ illustrated paperback etlition of' her first to o

\olumes ol'autobiography Sll I/.I. l Ills and Ill. (1/ I \(,I. //l./\‘l. £5.99 Im II tRl)/)/i’/ ii [’1 li/ /s///\r./ m (,I tsmm

purchased in ad\ ance i.

I Opening Hours lhe I'L‘SIH aI isopen

ses en dass a \s eek li'om Illam lttbltllt ’I‘ickets and Information can be obtained from il'hc (ilasgms (iat‘dett I'estis al. Princes Duels. ( ilasgms (i5I l.l.4\. tel: “41 42‘)SS55.

'l'he I.ist Io v 2‘) September It)» 25