Kirkealdy' Ice Rink. Kirkcaldy. 7.15pm. £3.00(£1.75).


I Murraytield Racers v Glasgow Eagles (as above). b.30pm.


I lngliston Irtgliston Racetrack. Royal llighland Showground. Edinburgh. I-‘ull programme of SFlblltl and 2000, sports and saloon ey ents. Practice at 9am. racing at 1.30pm. Adults £3.50. children free; transfer to stands £1 .50. Free parking.

I East Fortune Iiast Fortune. near lladdington. I:.ast l.othian. l.30pm. Motorfycles. Scottish ('hampions‘hip Round.

RUGBY Saturday 24


I Glasgow Acads v Watsonians New Annresland. Ilelensburgh l)riye. (ililsgtm'. 3pm.

I Edinburgh Acads v Stewart's Melville FP Raeburn Place. I-idinbur'gh. 3pm.

I BoroughmuirvAerc-ggetland. lidinburgli. 3pm.

I Glasgow High/Kelvinside v West at Scotland ( )ld Anniesland. (‘royy Road. (ilasgoyy . 3pm.

I Heriot's FP v Kelso ( ioldenaere. Inyerleith Row. Iidrnburgh. 3pm. DIVISION TWO

I Hillhead v Stirling County I lughenden. llughenden Road. ( ilasgoyy'. 3pm.

I Corstorphine v Dalziel HS F? l 'nion Park. ('arrrcknoyse Parkyyay . Iidinburgh. 3pm. I Currie v Langholm Malleny Park. Balerno. Itdinburgh. 3pm.

I Musselburgh v Edinburgh Wanderers Stoneyhill. I-tltnburgh. 3pm.

I Portobello F? v Preston Lodge "cavalry Park. l)uddingston Road West. I-.dinburgh. 3pm. See panel.


I Edinburgh Monarchs v Mildenhall Poyyderhall Stadium. Beayerhall Road. lidinbui'gh. 7.15pm. £3.50inc programme. National League.

I Glasgow Tigers v Milton Keynes Shayy't'ield Stadium. Rutherglcn Road. (Ilasgtm . 7.30pm. £3 (£1.50). National League.

Friday 23

I Edinburgh Monarchs v Middlesborough Tigers Poyy der hall Stadium (as aboy e). 2.15pm. £3.50 inc programme. National I eagtie.


I Glasgow Tigers v Edinburgh Monarchs

(L I .50) National league.


I Newtongrange Victoria Park. \‘eyytongr'ange. nr' l-dinburgh. 2pm. £2.50 (Ll l. .\ styrtch toStrnday for the final meeting ot this season.

Friday 23 Monday 26

I Craighelen Clyde CoastAutumn Tournament(‘ratghelen Lays n 'lennis (‘lub. Ilelensburgh. Senior and L'nder2l.

Thursday 29

I Colinton Junior Invitation Tournament (‘olrnton I ayyn ‘l'enrris(‘lub. I-dinburgh I‘ll‘sl ot tourday tournament myolyrng some ot the country 's top iuniors.

30'l'he List 10— 2‘) September 1988


Shayylteld Stadium (as aboye) 7.30pm. L3 :



I Art is listed by city lirst then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not later than 10days belore publication date.


I Art is listed by city tirst then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan todays belore publication date.

I ANNAN GALLERY I 30 \\’est ( ~ainpbell Street.22l 508" S .\Ion l'rr‘lam 5pm. Sat ll ,‘rlarit— 12.30pm.

(iencr'al eshrbilion of regular artists.

I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 3523"?) \Ion Sat 10am 5meSun l75prn. ('ale. [1)] Voluntary gtiidesare

.iy arlable lice ot charge to conduct parties or rndry rduals round the main galler les. (‘ontaet the enquiry desk.

ARight Royal Reception t 'niil r3 Not Him the royals \\ etc' greeted .‘tl llte lNSb (ilasgoyy International I-yhibition Peiiod reconstructions

Around the Coast of Scotland [hill 3 ( )cl. ’l'ysoeontrasting sets ot landscape prints shoyy ing the same locations; one from the

ands. Glasgow Sculpture Studios and Miller Homes.

but Hooray Hooray for the Glasgow sculpture studios who, with a sparkling initiative taken by Miller Homes have produced an exhibition at 22 stone carvings, all created lrom silvery grey sandstone blocks remnants of the site‘s demolition. and now on view on this soon-to-be developed vacancy in the city'stownscape.

The scale at the site does overwhelm

the works themselves. but this sense at

timidity is happily transcended by the quality ol individual pieces. The heliptmpic pun by Hironora Katagiri. with its clear and elegant reference to the re-use at their particular stones,

and Kate Thomson‘ Stream'. where again we are altered

. memories olanancientmaterial, Too close to deadline to wax too lyrical,

early I‘lth century by \Villram l)ame||;the other by contemporary artists

Naum Gabo: The Constructivist Idea to

Sept 1M )ct. ’l he Russian-born ( iabo ilSUll l‘)"lyyasone ot thrsceirltrr'y 's leading sculptors. Ile tarirously retecletl the rise of y olume to c\plcss space. and be constructed hrs sculptures instead; space is described and tlI\L‘\IIt1;llL‘(I by meansot intersecting planes. lIte slimy “as planned \yith ( iabo‘s tanirly yy ho lent many ot the Htlyyor‘ks on slit)“. All pltascs ol Itiscarcer' are represented. (It rgiiraled and toured by the South Hank (critic. this is the last ycnuc tor the shoyy and the only Scottish LIilIc'

Medal Winners from the 84th AnnualAn Competition :1 Sept 23 ( )ct. Since the begrrirrrngol the century the gallery has my itcd schtmlchrldreir into the museum during the summer holidays lotltays something ot their choice from llre collection Some rernar'kal‘le resultsar'e alyyays produced. and on \ lL‘\\ are the rriedal \y inners lr'orri this. the 54th corrtpclilron.


s ‘Hemembered

quarried, hewn. constructed. abused by demolition and now again given new

lite and dignity in the sculptor's hands.

But the principles demonstrated at College Lands is the exciting issue here. An enlightened developer. perhaps with a well-aimed nudge, has recognised that the possibilities ol

- combining artistic endeavour and the

re-usable. ready-cooked ingredients released by major demolition projects can result in pleasure. satislaction

nay—delightlorallconcerned.and. , dare itbe said. an element olprolit.

The ‘Most Cultured City‘ tor so long

i held in doubt. is in the Vanguard now.

(Adam Zyw).

Street. 226 5413. Mon—Fri 10am—5pm: Sat

lilam— 1 pm. A Glasgow Sketchbook in Sept—8 ()ct. Original illustrations from A (‘ilasgoyy Sketchbook by Louise Annand. published by Richard Drew. I BLYTRSWOOD GALLERY 161 West (ieorge Street. 226 5529. Mon-Hi l0am 5.30pm; Sat lllam—lpm. Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Scottish Landscapes tintil l‘)Sept. AlexanderMurphy ll) Sept-b' ()ct. Still lites and expressionist paintings by a recent graduate of (ilasgow School of Art. I THE BURRELL COLLECTION I’ollokshayss Road. 64‘) 7ISI. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Rest. [1)] Flower Pots L'ntil 30 ()ct. Exquisiter painted ('hinese ceramics from I lthel‘)th century. The eastern countries led the field in ceramics for hundreds ot yearsand much of this yy ork has never been equalled. Hanging Gardens at Central Asia l fntil la Sept. Bedspreads and clothsembroidered \y ith fields ot intricate floral designs from 18th and l‘Ith century Central/Mia. I COLLINS GALLERY L’niy'crsity of Strathclyde. 22 Richmond Street . 552 4400c“ 2682 2416. Mon -l"ri Illam~5pm1 Sat l2 4pm. Danish Graphic Art [mil :2 Sept. 'l‘he SIR)“ has been brought to Scotland courtesy of the Danish Cultural Institute andoyer tyyenty contemporary Danish artistsare represented. I COMPASS GALLERY I78 West Regent Street. 22] 6370. Mon Sat “lam-5.30pm. Bill Birrell L'ntil 2‘) Sept. Surreal and dream-like pictures painted in a hard-edged. precise style. Birrcll. yy ho noyy teaches Art in (ilasgoyy . worked asa graphic artist in (‘anada and the [ISA for 23 years. I COOPER HAY RARE BOOKS 203 Bath Street. 226 302-1. Floral Engravings l mu end Sept. I land-coloured floral engray ings dating from 1787. I CYRIL GERBER FINE ART HS West Regent Street. 221 3095. Mon to 0 30am 5.30pm; Sat ‘).30am-- l2..‘~0pm, Festival Exhibition 'I‘hi'oughout summer. 20th century artists includingJoan Izar'dley . .‘ylenirtsk‘y . Nash. I‘lizabeth Blackadder. (iillies. Anne Redpath and .Iarnes(’oyyie. I EXHIBITION CENTRE STATION (formerly I‘innieston Station) I-‘innreslon. Scotrail Mural ()pen rroyy tor (iai'den I'iestiyal lrallic. (ilasgoyy artist Willie Rodger tells the story ot I-‘inrneston‘s changing fortunes in a huge mural consisting of 2‘) enamel panels. (‘ommrssioncd by ScotRail. I FINE ART SOCIETY I34 Rlythsyyood Street. 332 4027’. Mon- l-ri 9.30am 5.30pm: Sat 10am—1pm, SirJohn Laveryt'ntil (y()ct. Paintingslrom the lHSS exhibition. I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE l 2 \\ ashington Street. 221 4526. Mon—Fri l0am-~Spm;Sat Ill 3pm. The World Over L'ntrl I Met. Photographs by one of Rritairt'sleadirig photojtiurnalists. (ieorge Rodger From the merchant nayy . he became a photographer‘s assistant and then landed a tob \y ith l.rle Magazine. Rodger yyas \yith Montgomery in the Western Desert and yyas one ot the first to yy itnessthe horrors of Belsen. Sick of yyat‘. he later tray elled taking photographs ot tribal communities around the yyorltl. 'l’his isa maior esltihiliott front the Photographers Gallery. London and includes l20prints. I GLASGOW GARDEN FESTIVAL Princes l)oek. opposite Scottish [ixhibition Centre. 42‘) 8855. L'ntil 26 Sept 7days lllarn» 9pm (last admission 1 hour before closing). Day tickets £5: [IR-Ill. ()APS £4: children 5 lb £2.50; under 5s tree. sculpture I’rrral yy eek. 'I‘he (ilasgoyy (iaiden I-esti\ aI includes plenty ot sculpture reclining amongst the flower beds. though the most difficult part is