eCologieaI issues.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Beltord Road. 556892]. Mon Sat lllatn 5pnt;Sun 2~5pin. [1)] (ate. The gallery 's iustl} renoxx ned eal‘e is open Mon Sat lH.3llant—J.3tlptn(lttnehesnoon I..‘~tlpitil; Sun 2..‘~tl—.1,,‘stipm. Well \xoi‘th tiniingtour \‘ISII aeeordingl}.

Lucian Freud: Paintings 1947—1987 t ‘ntti lti ()et. Ll Slip. IIIISlltte.tltlilttlellltl;1 exhibition IS no“ eoinpletnented h} the (i.\1:\\|ate\t ileqlllSIIltlli. adouhle portrait ot txxo ttieti hi I‘lL‘llLI. lt'\ rate that one ol his \ktil'kS eoniex on the mar ket . and this pieture. considered inexpe ll\l\ e at UNLINIH. IS the (i.\l..\\ lll'Si l-reud t)n \ie\\ iii Room 13

Six Paintings by Francis Bacon I lttottghotti the \Ulllltiel'.

Portraits ot Painters t 'niii " ( )et. Sexettol the _\titlllg I‘lootlx ol the L‘Utlletllptllttl'} Seotttxh art \eene painted h} :\Ie\;itidet' .\Iollat

I GALERIE MIRAGE 'l'hel ane.

Jtta Raehurn l’laee. Stoekhridge. 315 loll} \ion Sat Illani 5pnt:Sun_‘ 5pm Nigerian Pottery and West Atrican Textiles l'ntil S ( )et .-\n e\liihttioit IlleIllLIlllL‘ a eolleetion ol (ill pot\ made in \igei ia hi “omen itll‘L‘\e‘l'}LI.t} use eooktrig.

eai'r_\ ing uater arid some as part ot dou ii


I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY IFSeotlatid Street. SFttthll'l'ue I'tl 1 Iain 5pni.Sat ltlant lpiit.

Dreamingthe Gokstadtt'nttl ITSept Reeent photogtaphx h} Thomas onhua ('oopei‘ troni Seotland. Ireland. leeland and Nor“ a} l)arl\. detailed and llilellS'e‘ Books and Editions with Artists :4 Sept 1: ()et. Photographs and tuned tiietlia “til'I’xS h} _\oting at IISIS uorktiig tn ( iltthti“

I HANOVER FINE ART IN l lanox er Stteet. 235 345“ Mon l-ri lllani 5 .illpm: Sat Illani -1pni

Jean McNeill. Richard Neilson and Ronald Craig 1 ‘ntil 2S Sept I).tlllllll}1\ pluuxood and stone \L’lllpltll'e h} Kathleen l laldaiie I HART STREET GALLERY l‘) l lait Street. 55hqllti‘). \lon Sat Illani (\pni.(ieneial \eleetlott ol [‘tllllilllLIS and pi int» l-taniine SetHee a\atlaltle

I HM GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE I’l’ttleex Street. SSMSV. .\lon l-ri‘latn 4.3‘It‘lil. ScotsinAustralia thine-miner Seealso \atioiiaHialle-r},

Feastto Festival l‘ntil 23 Sept I'L‘SIl\ttl\. \aet‘ed oi prolane used to he lor the eottiiiioriei'~. \\ hile Ul'thtlllSL‘LI entertainment \\ as eonsidet'ed a suitable treat lot the l't\_\;tl\ .'\n e\hau\ti\e. andot eourxe entertaining litSItll'} ol \\ hat “as eonxideted amusing troni the middle aeex tothe [‘leSeliI

I IXIA 44a ( te‘tll'tle Street. :35 USS:

.\lon Sat Want 5 .‘illpm.

Contemporary Clockst‘nttl l ()et (int-kt hi the eonteniporari Italian .SeUIIISIl interior design group. Seudo .'\l\o eeraniiex. glass. \\ootl. lL‘\\eIIe‘l"\ and \lle seam es h} loeal LIL‘SlL‘liel'S.

I KEEPERS 13h l)unda\ Street \lon Sat noon 2 .‘~npm..< 3H lllpni FairGamet'tittlfiiisepi \itllitt \egetarlans (hi the “alls ol Illt\ restaurant are PIL‘IUI'CS ol lish. to“ l and game hi \ieola l' lxtone - and the same IS heine \er\ ed itp .i\ main eouixe

I KINGFISHER GALLERY \ortliuinherland Street lane. 55" 545-1 .\loii Sat

Illaiti ‘1 .‘illpiit

Julian Casadot Hill 1 ()et ;\I‘\‘l. LIISe‘It‘Illietl “ork h_\ art a\\ .t!Ll-\\llll‘.lllf_‘ Spanish painter . onee a [‘lle‘Sl. no“ a leather in \ladrid

I LEITH SCHOOL OF ART :5 \'oi'th .Iutiettoii Street. 55h JSZS oi 554 Vol

.-\ lull progiamiiie ol art elaves and eourxex \\ tlI hegin in ( )et Sehool Iea\ el\ and mature students \\ ho \\ hit to build a pottlolio loi entri itito .-\rt ( 'ollege.da\ and e\ ening el.t\\e\ lot hegttttierxand . Saturda_\ “UthIIUPS tor ehildren “III then

heollered I't‘l' tuither tnlorination phone :

the al‘ox e lilililleS or \\ i tie to \lat L and

(‘harlotte (‘he\ erton at S Brandon 'I‘erraee. (‘anonntillx lidinhuruh Iii l3 SEA.

I MALCOLM INNES GALLERY ti" ( ieorge Street. 22(H'l51. .\lon- l'ri llam- (\Pltl. Thorburn's Scotland t‘nttl 2‘ Sept. \Vatereolourx h} a SL‘UIIISII ttlaSlL‘r ol bird and \iildlile painting

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND ‘l‘he \lttiiritl.55tit\“)ll. .\lon Sat ltlant 5pm; Sitri 2 5pm.

100 Master Drawingstrom the Permanent Collection I hit 23 ( )et, Seeond hatehol lttaSIet' dra\\ into \\ hieh latitieh the ne\\ galler} dexoted to Punk and I)ra\\ IIIL'S I NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND (ieorge l\' Bridge. 2364531 Mom In ‘I..‘\l|.iiti 5pnt;Sat‘)..‘~Hani lpinzSun

2 5pm.

Scotland and Australia 1 "mil l5 ()et. llighl} detailed. (Illelllllelllilt') \l}IL‘L‘\ItlI‘lIIitll paeked lull ol lIItltlllilaIlllL’ and quirk} lae‘l\ relating to the Seotx tn .-\llSit';tll;t Rather dense to take til at one go hut \\ ill refit“ repealed \ ixllx. .\ tle\\ hook '/ IItII [amt/ti! [zit/ex hi I' rte Rle‘llttlLISI l l.\IS() L5 “5 l ha\ been published to eoineide \\ ith the L'\IIII‘IIIUII See .iISit I I.“ Register IIHIISL‘

I NETHERBOW ~13 High Street. SWIFT”. \lon Sat ltlani J..‘\tlptti ;ttltle\elliltt_‘\

\\ hen perlornianees. ('ale

A Means ot Expression: Projects and Environmental Artworks t 'niil 15 ( )et. Kenny \lunro IS an lzdinhiitgh ‘tl'IISI \\ ho has uorked on eoniniunit} proiettx. poetti print etllliti‘tlldiltllh and as a

itiuxieiaii Pel’itlll‘tiel'

I OPEN EYE GALLERY “5 ( 'uniherland Plate-.55“ lllltl \lon I‘ll lt'ani ftpnizSat lllani me

' Carlo ROSSI [hill 2‘) Sept. .-\ \IllllllllelllifJ.

tlelieate \ ie\\ ol Veniee limit the ( irand ('anaI. all it aeeri \\ llILIU\\\\IIe‘II-Pllll\

\\;iIl\. ad\et'ti\et'\ RossiK \Iit)“ ol reeettl


Ceramics and Jewellery t ‘iittl 2U Sept \Vork limit the Soeiel} ol Designer (i'ahiiieii.

I THE PEOPLE'S STORY ( 'atioitgate ()pem later Illl\) \leinoiahilra ol all hilltISIS sought to! IITIS ne\\ lllllSellill. detotetl to all aspeetx ol ladinhurgh lite (‘ontaet llelen ( In I\ oi l‘ lattte I'llillle at the Soetal llixtor} Seettoii. lluntlt llouxe \ltixeuiti. l4: ('aiiongate. 235 3424 e\t hit“) it _\ou hax e Llll_\Illlll_Ll tootler

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43(1indlentalxei Rim . :3“ I‘ll l ’l ue Sat lll .“hlti‘l 5 .‘tllpnt

Open Land 1 mil \()et l .llitISL‘ul‘L' e\ItiI‘Iltt\ll seleetetl l‘} I IIUIIILIS .Ittslitta (impel teaturine nork It} photographers \\ ho ho e not piex ti‘llSI} \hou it tit lidinl‘uigh. ‘l he e\liihition \\ III he \Iit‘“ ii in MM) \eeiltlllS. pait one until 24 Sept. pail Mn» 2“ Sept S ( )et

Studio Portraiture Workshop Sat l" Sept

‘) .‘llani hpni L33 Filirnemhers ntiixaeed. LJHnon-nietnhetx \Vith l’radip \lalde

l he \\ HIIKSIIUP \\ ill he held at \‘apier (.UIICL'C (iiiiiiiigl the eallet} litt‘tlelalIS and leSel'\.llli‘ll\

Studio Still Lite A Fine Art Approach Sun is Sept \\ llIl photogtaphet l’tadlp \laltle

T his \\itt’I\\I‘.tl[‘ \i l“ also he held at Napier eolleee (.itlilael the gttllel} litl tIe‘l.llI\ Weekend Residential Landscape Workshop " t)()et t‘lllinienthers. unxiaeedltlll.‘ lltHll-lllet‘llhel'Sl l-ee ineludex meals and aeeoinodatton I he \\ eekentl “til lxxhop run hi lhonias .onhua L‘oopei . \\ ill he held .tt I It‘SI‘lltlIllL'ILI l loitxe tie at

,\l htoath and it ill e\p|ote the surrounding lantixeape txee (iraenie \luri ax (iallet) lot details ol ( "nope; '\ latest e\hil‘itionl lit in; io‘ai on n eanieia and tilin ()thei ptoeexxiiteantl piintiiie tli.tlel'l.ll\

piox idetl ('ontaet the f_'.tIlel_\ tor

reserx atton\ and lurthei detarlx

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Sheet . 55h WIlNlon Sat lHani 5pm. Sun: 5pm John MuirWood1805—1892 I ritil 5 .\'o\ tl :\Llllll\\tilll \\ood. .tl‘lttle‘SSSIt‘llttI iniisietan. had the true \ietottaii'xpassion loi the \eienee ol photoei apht \\ itlt

Hunterian Art Gallery

University of Glasgow

MACKINTOSH AND OTHERS Aspects of The George Smith Collection 8June- 8 October

Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am—1 pm Admission Free Tel: 04] 330 543i (Closed 23 - 26 September)


University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge. Te|:03t 6671011 ext4308

30 September 5 November

Elizabeth Ogilvie SEA SANCTUARY

Tues—Sat 10am—5pm Admission Free Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council

GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 Kl.\'(; S‘l'thl-L'l‘ (a .-\S‘(i()\\' Lil Sigl’ 'l’l-‘l ; (I41 332 ()Ttl-t


including woodcuts by John Taylor, Marie Barbour, Ian McCulloch, Peter Howson, Adrian Wiszniewski.

Until lst October 10am—5.30pm Mon—Sat

Continuous exhibition of original prints in the Original Print Shop at Glasgow Print Studios

'l'he rm lti - 2‘) Septent‘rer 1"“ 33