225 (i(i7l. Mon- Sat ltlam -'-'pm; Sun 2—5pm. Admission £1.3lll5llplScason Tickcts L3.

The Society at Scottish Artists :4 Scpt- 22 ()ct. Admission {I (Sllplfl Itc Soctct} ol Scottish Artists \\ as lotindcd in l.\“)l to rcprcscnt thc tnorc ad\ cnturotts spirits in Scnttislt art. And so it docs still In this. its 94th _\'cat‘. a lurlhcr dci clopmcnl has hccti introduccd. a pct'lotmancc da} on IS ( )cl. I SCOTTISH AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM Ittglislon l itcai' Izdinhut'gli .-\ii'pot't l. 335 753-1l'ot'inlortttation. Mon—Iii

Illain «5pm.

Man and Beast I "hid .‘lIScpt. 'I'Iic i'clationship lictxsccn animals and thcit' human kccpcrs is c\aniiticd in art L‘\I‘lll‘lllt)tl ol photographs and old lai ming cqttipmciit.

I SCOTTISH ARTISTS .s‘ I Io“ at'd Sti‘ccl . 550 6337.

Gillian McFarland Iii Scpt—--I()ct. Paintings. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY U4 ( icot'gc Sli'ccl.335 5955. .\Ion littlain 5..‘~llpnt; S;it‘)..‘~ll;iiii Ipin (iallcn closcd I‘lScpt. Felim Egana: New Works 1 ‘mil 5 ( )ct. Paintings and sctintuic. Scc pattcl.

Belle Peinturet'niil Stici \Ialolttll paintings In leth ccnlut) Scottish artists. Derek Davis Ceramics t mil 5 ( )ct. Stoiicxiai'c \\ ilIi Itiglt-colotiicd gla/cs and minimal. .Iapaticsc st} lc dcsigns

Simone Lyon t'ntil S ( )cl. .\Iost ol IllL‘sL‘ cci'antic sctilptutal picccs ai'c l'.ll\tl litcd. a lo“ -tcntpctalutc lii'iiig \\ hicIi giscsan llltl‘l'L‘LIlL‘lill‘IL‘. hut oltcn \ci_\ Ikatttittil I'L‘stlll.

Contemporary Norwegian Jewellery t ‘ntil.< ()cl It sou \\.tlll lo kccp tip \\ ith L‘iltllL‘lthttl‘aU ticnds in IL‘\\L‘IlL‘l'\.

si|\ ct‘uotk atid aII aspcctsol dccoiatn c malt and dcsign. this is thc gallct‘x to


The Glasgow Boxer, People's Palace. Glasgow.

Occupying two sections at the top tloor, ‘The Glasgow Boxer‘ brings together a wide range at memorabilia. regardless— up to a point— at any intrinsic artistic merit. The primary aim is simply to record a segment at Glaswegian popular culture ratherthan to impose any narrow artistic line on it.

Promotional posters, contracts. trophies. old gloves, programmes and tamin snapshots all teature in the tirst sechon.

The second section. containing a series at tramed photographs ot Doormen. trainers. ‘opponents‘ (the away boxers who ‘are not expected to win’) and match otticlals are pictured plying their trade or relaxing alter a bout.

While someone not especially enthusiastic about boxing would be ill-advised to travel too tar to see ‘The Glasgow Boxer‘. any visit to the People's Palace is in any case always likely to unearth something at interest. (Stuart Bathgate).

watch. 'I‘hcir small shows arc cspcrtl} choscn and \cri “L‘II displascd. .chscllcr} is soinclhing thc} haxc aluasshccn particulai'l} associalcd with. and this shim . otgantscd in Now as . Itautlrcad) liccn \Iltt\\ it in 'I’okso and London. \cxi \st‘l'ls is tnadc lot' L‘\ cr} \cntic attd most ol tltc ttcms arc lot salc. Eigg and Elsewhere t‘ntil 5 ( )ct. I’rintshi Donald \Vilkittson. I SCOTTISH MINING MUSEUM Ind} VlL‘lUt'lll (‘oIliciw . chstongi‘atigc. .\Iidlothian. oh} “5 I‘). "Inc In

Illani 4.30pm; Sat ck Sun noon 5pm. I)c\otcd to thc IIl\I0l'_\ ol minittgiii \litllotltiatt. l‘tllII on a iniiiingsitc

I SCOTTISH STONE AND BRASS RUBBING CENTRE'I't'initi .-\psc. (‘Italtnci'st‘loso IIigh Sti'cct. Iidinlitiigh. .\Ioii Sat

Illani (ipllt.

I I In“ c SIIL‘L‘I. 55“ III I 3. .\Ion I'l'l Illain opin.5at Want thit, Contact gallct) loi' dctailsol cut'iciit cxhilutioit

I STILLS GALLERY III; I Iiin Sticct . 55"

I IJH. ’I tic Sat \oon hpin.

Regarding Photography 3-1 .s‘c-pi ism \\UII\ It} torts photogt'aphctsincluding I)a\ id Bailc} . I Iito Sato. () \\ inslon link. Stcphcii Dalton. 'l on_\ Ras .loncs. DototItca I angc and Andi \\ icnct . which aims to c\ploi‘c thc iiattiic and \ocalitilais ol phologiaph} ( )igatiiscd to thc I'lologallcis .('.iidill Work: Brian Grittin I 'ntil I" Scpl. .~\dniisstoii “Ulel'pl. (ii'illin managcsto isolatc. sontcltnics tn a (lL‘Ill‘L‘l'illL'D thcati'ical \\a_\ . llic csscnttaI .iiiiltigtiit} ol an indn idtial's position. \s lictlict \Hll lsL‘l' oi‘ inanagci. IIis “as ot looking at thc \Htl Id is ttitcspcctcd. insightlul attdollcii Illll ol icligiotts icsonanccs I Iighls tccotniiicndcd

ITALBOT RICE GALLERY ( )ldLolIcgc I‘nisct‘stls ot Izdinhtiigh. no“ III] I c\l —l.‘~tl.\‘. \loii Sat Illain 5pttt;Stin2 5pm .\’c\l L‘\Illl‘llltltt \\ iII hc Sea Sanctuary It) Izli/altclh ( )gils tc. 3U Scpt 5 \ox.


.\'c\t L‘\l‘lll‘lll0tl will he in ( )cl

I TORRANCE GALLERY 29h I )ttndas St i‘cct. 550mm. .\Ion- I-‘ri I lam optu. Sat Illfillain «Ipllt.

Helen G. S. Forde ZoScpt .\ ( )cl. I’aitiltngs atid drawings.

I 369 GALLERY 3w ( ‘tmgaic. 3:5 .‘~lll,‘~, .\Ion Sat Ill3llatii 5..‘~llpiii

Standing Stonest‘ntil .‘xiis‘cpi \c\\ sculpltttc In I cslc} .\Ia\ .\Iil|ci ( 'ciantic standingsloncshlt Iiiin aitd \tlllttl‘IL‘ lot I' dinhut gh gat'dciis.

The Artists Choice Llllll _‘~l|Scpi Paintings and drawings sclcctcd to thc at lists “ho \\t)lk HltltlkllinttllIIC Fl“) IIICN HICIULIC iclatn cl_\ IittIc Isttms It at ttsts \\ Itosc \\()t ls Ihc}I‘ChC\L‘dcsct\Cs.l“ldctshin\ntg

I WARE ON EARTH I5 I Imsc Sticct . 558 Il'li. \Ion I'l'l Illain optii;

Illani Jpni. Siiiidass h} appointincttt. Fiona Sutherland: Sculpture 1 'nlil l" .s‘c-pi. lhcn at \Vai'c on I ailli. ( ilasgou


I This section lists exhibitions olspecial note held outside Glasgow and Edinburgh. Galleries should contact Alice Bain with intormation at least two weeks priorto pubHcahon.

I SEAGATE GALLERY Scagatc. I )undcc HRS: 3631 and MacMANUS GALLERIES Dtindcc. “352 23 I 4 c\t l.‘~ti

Japan Today and Made in Japan t‘nul 15 ()ct. I.atcst iii a I‘tiss scason ol ai l\.lL‘Il\ it} in I)ttitdcc is a inaioi' slum mg ot paintings. diaxsings. pt'ints and at'tclacls liothapan. I STIRLING ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM Dunihaitoii Road. Slit ling. “Ssh "I‘ll " Dreams I hid Io ( )ct ()\ ci' .‘llptodaclions ol :\ .\Iidstinttnct Night‘s Dicain nioiintcd in IFIlicats .il'c I‘ltttlglll togclhci in this cshihition Sclsaiidcosltttiicsiaiigcliont llic cclchtatcd iitintnialisni and itapc/csol

L I’ctci Iltools‘s scniinal ptoduction to thc Iiaroquc Ia\ islincss ol .\Ia\ Rcinhai'dt's

stagiiigin I‘ll".


I Music is listed as diary: by day, then by city. then by event.




I Festival at New Chinese Music Rs‘Astl). llltl chlt'css Stt'cct. 333 5057. l Iant. Sctninai' on (‘ontctnporau (‘Ittncsc ttiusic attd its t'clationship to traditiottal tittistc,

I Song Recital I Ititchcsons' I IaII. l5.\ Ingram Strcct. 'I'ickcts; 32" 5511 l'I‘ickct (‘cntt‘c.(‘andlci‘tggsI 7.30pm. USHILZI. Sandra I’ot'tct'. lttL‘l/U sopiano. \\ ith pianist Malcolm .\lat'tiiicau pt‘csctit \ioi'ks h} Brahms. Scltuhcrt. I)chuss_\ . Monipou and (ici'slm III.

I Festival at New Chinese Music Rs'AMI). Itlll chli'cis Strcct. 33: SUV. Spin. (‘oncct't h} ()u Xiao-Song aitd Iiis groupol (‘hiticsc musicians.


Glasgow I Scottish Opera Study Day In” LIL‘IatIs.

including \cnuc. Hum “41 33‘).\.\‘55c\l 43W ((ilasgtm I'iiivct'siti Dcpt ol Adult atid('ontintiittg StudtcslorllJl 348-1.“? cxt Ilh‘oi' 14!) l I‘i'icndsol Scottish()pctal L5 l U») An introduction to'I‘ippctt's .llulstmmtcr Ilurriugc. lIic lirst ol loui' itcts productions In Scottish ()pci'atliis scason. I’ricc includcs light lunch, Discount a\ ailahlc it hookcd as scrics

othcrs at‘c [)(M R/lt’IIlL’il/ill I-I .Iait ). ()t’tlipiu Rm i IS Match l and .S'ii't't'!.\twi¢' (3“ Ma) l.

I BBC SSO Sic-unison IlaII. RS.-\.\tl). liiii chlrc“ Stt'cct. 333 5H5? 7..‘~llpiti.

I‘i'cc. 'I‘hc Scottish I’Iiilhat tnonic Singcis join tItc oi'cItcstta IUl‘ thc closing concct‘t in thc ISIK "s I-cstt\ aI ol \c\\( htitcsc .\Itistc. lk‘lltll t‘ccoidcd tot liiltit'c Inoadcast on Radio .‘i.



I Westbourne Music Autumn '88—Glasgow Festival Strings IIcIItax cit \Vcsthoui‘nc (hutch. Iickctst 333 505" l RSAMI). lllll RL‘llIlL‘“ Sttcctloi‘(‘Iitii'cItiIIs. Ia IsLit'Idcc Road oi ‘I‘aliak. '7” I Is ndlaiids Road. 3pm. H t £3 l. I‘ii‘st ol itcxs sct'icsol Sunday ilIlL‘l‘llthll coiicci'ls lcaltti'cs i'cccnth loi‘titcd gt'otip oi top _\ottiig musicians lll Bach's It’unu/cn/mrg ( Um crto Nu Jaiid \'i\ aldhs I'ltt’ l'Uti/‘St’tiwm \\ itlt I Icclot' Scott as soloist. .Iaiiics Diii i'ant is conductor.

TUESDAY 20 Glasgow

ISCOlFreeCtauluid'I’Iicattc..Iot'danhill (‘ollcgu 'I'ickcts: 23" 55! I ".31 lpin. I-\tr.i datcs: \Vcdncsdai II. I Iiut'sda} 33. I‘tltlilk 33. Satuidas 34. L1 i L3). Ihc Iltttns .\Itistcal ( ‘otnpani IIIl‘\L'\ a llL'\\ look at thc Iilc ol Rohci't But its \\ itIi hook and I) t tcs It} .Ioltn ( ‘aii'nci and a ncu scotc It} (icoll I)a\idsoit.


Attermonths of speculation tollowing Stephen Carpenter‘s sudden departure last December, the SNO has tinally appointed someone to replace him. Not though as General Administrator. Taking the upgraded title at Chiet Executive and no doubt upgraded salary too is 56 year-old Christopher Bishop who comes to the SNO lrom the Philharmonia. where he was Managing Director since 1979 atterspending

many years with EMl. Ot his new job he says, ‘lt‘s very exciting, ot course. But the tact that there's quite a lot at administrative thingstotidy up meansl have to caretully balance what I'm doing.‘ And, he admits, ‘There's so much to discover—l don't even know the orchestra‘s names yet and, in a way, hardly know where the problems Iie.‘ With eightmonths ot

administration to catch up on. Bishop‘s

work will certainly be cut out as taras tinance and programming beyond this season is concerned. conductors and soloists otten having to be booked years in advance. Just a law days into the job. he is understandably cautious about what he gives away at his plans

torthe tuture. but, he feels, ‘The SNO is

an orchestra which plays too little outside Scotland. It ought to appear abroad. but it's not easy as it has a very strong commitment to its Scottish concerts. But, ityou plan tar enough ahead you take time in that year and tind anotherorchestra totill the bill. Occasionally, it not overdone. this sort

ot exchange can be quite a clever idea.‘ g

80 perhaps Scottish audiences may hear more than the SNO in its tuture

seasons. But what at the SNO just now?

‘l've a lot at taith in Bryden Thomson and it‘s a very tine orchestra.‘ says Bishop, ‘I wouldn't have taken the job it ldidn‘tthink so.‘ (Carol Main)

'I'hc List In ZUScptcniIict' 1988 35