Street. 23] (Tl l l. ltlpm. Yes. them. Where do they dredge them up lrnm'.’ ()n the other hand. it may be quite lltlili_¥ ll tun have nothing better to tin.

I The Radium Cats Rtmllups. «)2 Sauchiehull Street. ltl.3llpm. More psyehnhill} . and there seems tn he a lot ul it about this u eek.


I Steve Winwood l’lu} house 'l'heutre. (ireensitle Place. 55“ :59“, (‘ANCl-Llllil).

I Transvision Vamp ()ucen‘s l lull. Smith ; (‘lerk Street. (1083-150. H.3(lpm. £5 'l‘xm ways of ltltlklllll at Tmnst Non Vamp: u hrilltzlntl} -e0neel\etl \Vut'ltoltnn commentur} on pustlnntlern pup. “lll‘l tlll the eruxx munulzleturetl mm ete that implies. or else the} 'l'e jll\l sheererzrp. Take )mn piek. l knlm \\ here Island.

I The Indian Givers Music Box. \‘ieim-m Street. 3le l'v’llh. See em el' lezttttt'e

I Blind Budgies on Alcohol [.mtl Hamlet. West Port. 330-134] lllpm. l-‘ree. Ruekin' blues.

I Texas Breakfast Negtlt‘ltllllx. l .Ullllttn Street. 325 (fill ‘lpllt. l'll'L‘L‘. See Mull l‘l


IThe Brothers l’l '\ 'lMlllltll l lull. \ I turn: l Street. Effih'lh ll :llj‘lll. lt‘ee L


I Bobby Delicious and the Danger Men BtlLl Rexltlellc}.


Asd'luh. '7 (lule l’luee ‘lpnl. l7ree. Regular tum \L‘xxltln.


I Robert Palmer l’l;l_\ lluthe lhezltte. (ireelhltle Place. 55" 35‘)” " .‘llPlt‘. [95”. (8.5”. lit)! llltl\k' lll tlx \\ lit) le'l lllttl Robert Palmer’s sense at ~t_\ le leaehes nu turther than his lllltllL‘\. .rntl l‘.lll\ .ll lll\ \npitl \lflglL'K. ll‘ih \\ Ill he .t llll\\ttl‘lL‘ expel'tenee lll\ l‘lllle'\\L'Ll .lnn it ' ltlve ltem} met.l| .mtl imxm nm .l l l 1 mil l‘rl\ llL‘\\ ulltum \hmsx that lliele\ .l \lLlL' all llllll mueh more “with uplnrtin; than \\ e see fit lll\ \L‘\l\l . L‘gtl-lllaxmtttlllg \ ltlklt“.

I Crazyhead ( in he eunlll :nell l \ enue. (Killnn Rtliltl. 55" Sir} 8.2“ ('l.i/_\l1e.rtl when the grelm phennmenun \\ .l\ unl_\ beginning: to take hultl .llltl the} “ere lulrl} good. it\ purnthex gm \\ llll .l \ineel looking like .1 em“ hetueen .lllll Reid .rntl .luet Runmne .lntl .l l‘tl\\l\l \\ llll\'l‘llltl he the tn'ehett pgll nerd-rm .lL'Ctl l l.m ku and l'lHItllL”llll'llk‘tl-llllhlelllll lltl\\ e< 'llltl llle\ lull" 'l'he muxie umn'l quite so memmahle

IAfterEightMince \ltme lll‘\. \ le'llllltl Street.31U I'llx .l.‘l// lnnk

I Billy Jones lAlHl 1).” nle\ . \\ ext l’m'l. 230434] lllpm. ll'ee \ee lllllH ._‘.‘.

’; , -,

"z, . {7" ,1

l dues before being . Breathe litthe


role. The band, who support Belinda Carlisle at the Playhouse on Monday 19th. have recently enjoyed a top live single in both Britain and America with Hands To Heaven, are certainly not an overnight success, as singer David Glasper explained: ‘We have been togetherlor about six and a half years now. We started as a school band, and eventually got signed about three and a hall years ago. Since then it has been a potted affair-we have released several singles, none of which enjoyed any success until Hand To Heaven took off in America.‘

‘Even that took its time,‘ he continued. ‘The single was released in January and took until July to be a hit. Even at that, Radio One didn‘t put the record on their ‘b' playlist until it was numbertwo in the American charts.‘

Given that they have been successful on both sides of the Atlantic, which means most to them, and was Hands To Heaven a representative song to make several new songs should prove the the breakthrough for them? point. (John Williamson)

‘I think that having success in America lirst helped us to mature a bit. You also find that success is not such a dirty word there: when we first went overto do PAs and signings it was mayhem, so it was good to come home and have it quiet. It wasn‘t until we were successful in Britain that we realised how all consuming it is—you have no time to yourself at all.‘

If everthere was a classic case of having to pay your

‘Hands to Heaven is probably not typical as it is a ballad, and ideally it would have been better if one of the more uptempo songs like Jonah had been a hit. but it is good just to be selling records. In America. radio is the most important thing in getting a hit, and we had quite a low profile, so it was success on the strength of the song, and we always say that the song isthe mostimportantthing.‘

After a huge hit. Breathe could easily become the teen fodder that they want to avoid, given their boyish looks and commercial sound. That would be a shame, as their album, All That Jazz, shows a degree of depth. quality and thought in the songwriting that few of their chart rivals could match. The gig, complete with an eight peice band and


. I Nightlife is listed as a diary lirst by day(in

opening night \\ l\ ilt unnuln‘; .

this section each of the two particular days of

“tilt lulsnl penj‘le threw: lil "ti-lizpit ‘. thelortnightarelreated as one). then bycity mutlmt-n. ( imam: ll . at 4 ,l it. H and then by venue. Special Club nights are l . listed undertheir club name followed by ‘I Edlnblll'gh 'hel'venue' ITheAmphitheatre Yep»: Luv I :. l'\l \ \llltltlll\.llitltlll\‘\l\l\tll\, lgndd\ \lghl \lwd huh; r: H, H H} l\l)lll<‘tlt’llllll\i\lillllll.tlllt~l\. “ruchchnk.lip”! I \H.“]Y':._!‘yfllwnl, l\l.l\.lll lHl [‘ll\.tle- llllyutl(elldllllllglllx mmmluum‘JIM“ H Mr". I \I \l) IBuslerBrowns l ltvx‘. * 1.“ l:i: :‘ " !‘ :31 l Pliet'tllllllx\.lllll ulnmuwn ll; i lltltlnlgltl (‘imrl'nlztltl lute " 'l\ \l'l . ' tHL‘l :llMlllllllxj‘ut l. lltl llwxw» IThe Alhambra .‘\l \anet'lnnSlum-1.32] l’lllll‘l - lhxlllxw. \j‘.l‘. l 11‘71. \ - 33h“ Spin midnight. l'ree. RL‘\lthlll D] l j‘tlj‘llllli “Illlllh' “1'72 l“ 5 \. \\llll the llllt‘Nl sutmtlx I Cale SlJBlTlBSl llll‘ l llxtw l ll \l' IThe Batcaveut llenn Airlkus. "l‘m 3-H” H H‘n'llil‘» “.5 ‘l "I ' lljnn 3.3llzlnt. £3. Your 1).] Mel lidl'i'hm i ML""l‘Vl‘l‘Jl‘ \ “1W “l l“ : exluhllshetl the Billeme \el‘t uellnn \llllll‘xl\ l‘l.l‘~k'\l I. ~ .l :.'I luv: ::;_ : lip. l'l'ltlil}\l)lll. .ltuhe enntlnttetlll. l nnltnt emml l\l>§j\ l. Suntlntsl j .Chaplln$.llllll\l‘ill. i‘~'-. .\9, ll- IBennets l lpm .‘~ .‘llum £25“ anh ll .‘llpm rum 2.‘ l).:' . .;2.. r'l. (i;l_\\\tthlll \R(llilll\lt‘. ; hutnxnlt ll.lj‘llll\‘\l'.'t' m: .t I Cotton Club I lpm 3 Want (3. Speeull ll mule feet will; .ltm. «pix: thinkspmmntinnntghteuehl-ntlut. ICinderellas ROCKBHIEIIBS"; IDisco Viva lll..;ll[lfll 3.1m. L35”. l'he l l‘t‘lwle l llllll. t.‘ “~l.'lltt .m. Disen \'i\.l house tll\L‘lllll lull \‘.\lli_L'. lltuh liiellll‘t‘h \ll mum We \ X!) \l enetm ltllik .llttlellul'l \Ulllltl\\\llll IEdgars illjt'ii 1.1m :_'. u! l". 'l‘ ~‘ pe‘lxcllltlllh l).| helnle lllltll‘lzflTl r3.ll!.: 'lll' IECSlasy.l: \tlht lul\ lipln ;.llltllll “llllj‘lellh wt \l.ll.\ .Ull‘mi“ \i. 1 t: "I" \nuthe: nee. ellll‘ Hunt the \\ e\l llil‘l‘ll‘l‘JI‘lX lflt' 'izwl. \;~ :.~ " l mi jum; \ltt:l\l n lust-pl l \[leel tllllllx' L‘lvl‘ultln‘mny. T\; l|\.tll\ \\lil‘. /nuni' IFastlaneCluh .ll \llzr I' ‘x @ IFOlllBS lll._‘\llprtl 3.3(l4rm. £3.50. llpin Inn 5,1 71‘». j i «I L. -. ('ltzlil-hnsetltllsenwuntlx |_\‘l)]|.\"l| .-\ next \l‘ill t'lill‘ \.\ lll= .l. 2.: " ~~ IThe Gun Clubntluel’uput‘n/H. entllxellhlp lil‘j‘ nu'nldt' r l lll..‘~llpm lute L3. l'tn'tuntltel} llll\l\litt ripe-ninetth l\.lll .lll murtw 3: w relative. in the ( inn ( "lulu \\ lnehl lll'_\ “ill! .1 hml ml ewe \t l l is \lllll\\ tune the hunt .l eltttple nl months I Goombay Beat .ll it» '\ \.:.' thClx’..lVL‘Cilll\L‘ lllh is run h} thmelmrrl‘le t( Ruhtehl ll'j‘ll‘. Mn; -,' '\\. people lt'nm lhe(i;n‘tlen l‘L‘\ll\;ll\\lltl extahhxhetlt llll‘ 5m! i. .x .\ ~ :'i I promise eheupllrinkxantleulmret. plek tlj‘dlllltwj‘l‘u :. :l‘.l .' ' .' I Hard ROCK Calfe at the Venue. lllptn till \k'lk'k‘lll‘“ Itlte t.‘ 4“. l.i\e lllll\lL‘tlll(ltll\Ct), IMillionaire‘s "wen ll - IHollywood Studios lllpm 3am. 13.5“. minimum) lrl-‘wliz t'. ~ " ()\L‘l ll lluuxetllsen. withpel‘xtinstunlst WNW l Willi“ ‘Hl‘,‘l?~ 'll‘ l .11” "l'he \lun' appearing; hetueen lztntllum .Thc llW0“) ClUb -|l l“~ “~l- \‘ [A] lllt‘lll 14m \t‘tll. lili“ ‘. j‘ IKnightsbridge SW1 llpm 3.3(Lnn.()\et 'Nlco'sl‘l‘m l “1'- l'~ “'-»- M llnightuithllllatltlle(inltlhel'g.IND] \le‘ilxullllk‘lilll‘\lll_"l .' [\"lHAI i l_.lL‘llll.l‘L“~ll'lllt’lllll ll ll IMayfairllpm .‘uun L.§.5ll.()\e135\ t ‘l‘m j‘mlw'v'wtij-irm : \.ll night in the lmllmnm unll Rutliuflt} at the ; been .llltl \[ijj ,1. My (-lllllk'USUIlL‘. SL‘L‘chlt)“. .OUlel' lellS.ll( l:.:~', :‘v ~ «3 j; ng‘ IPalomino ClUb‘)pltl 3am. £4. l)l\en L3H“ I ll"”- '- 4”"? \ ‘t' l‘ l ‘3'“ wumje E eunxentinnaltzvtn \l \ if IPanama Jax lll 45pm 3.3llzlm. £35”. .Reggae ClUb ell ‘91 H51 l min“ Suulunllmuedehnrl mimemthresrtlent l” l'll‘m l-“ll l l“ \l -‘\ f‘-‘-\ ‘i'l-i‘ 1' l)_l\. 'lummx :\llltlltltll' Raymund “CU-.15"\‘llel'l‘ " l‘ W' ’1?! "l- 33?” l).l\l‘en. I : tintlthlxnlllt .ltyitll\j*?wt IPzazz ill 30pm .‘\..‘\ll;rm. l4. Milt-ti g IROkKO'S \l‘m W! I l l "l 51 mum“ .\ llplnl l'\\'l‘tl‘ i. If, v. ‘43- \_ I Radio Cityut the \lrnlzltt'. lllpm 3am. I M"” I “Flt-(Wm) Milt-(lent- l'L'\l\1tll\lt‘llll‘ ISDanlsh Harlem n \\:!i~.l\ H l.lren't the} .III ’l. \Vell \Hll'lllll \l\ll. hut ll l l“l‘m 3”” ‘3 j l \\ :‘3- "l' -'l- ' I NWT?

lH'L‘illx lllk' t'tllit t‘t lll l‘- \‘I l .llfl' lllp-llllp rein! in 1- ltll'lEt'? p IZenatec lllpm

e.ln \eern lllke u Stephen l’mlel llmlmhlxe eumpetlttun ill times I Raffles lll 3“ Sum. L“. l)l\L‘tl\Hlllltl\

; “um l:

mm m. Rmhl} Sle‘\\;tl'l Ill-“'l‘m ‘9le ' ‘x I: ‘I l

I Reggae Club at the l-trnetmn Stltte. l I--“’l‘”l- 1‘ "’“llk‘ l W“ I q .. if

i{‘)()tu,P\. fun”. L). liLtll lllL( ll \l\ \ .ll l l

lielute ll ‘l'pn;

I Savoy 1 1pm .‘mm 13.5“, ()VL'l le'

ning Ill ( ilnxgmt \ largest tll\L‘tl.

I Singles Club Vamps l'llmt all l)l\CU \'I\;l.

‘) 3Ule 3am. .'\tlllll\\ltlll h} membership enntuet \enue lnr details

IWarehouse l lpm 3_3ll;nn. £3. lienthtn

£3 \\ ilh tleket: £3 Without Blend nl l ltitise

and ( 'nmmerelzll Swill.

I ZlCO'S l'lPln 3am. U. ('ltgtrl lmsetl tll\L‘U

\mmde. \\lllllll'\l<(llllll\l\

I Zoom the acid house ball at hit} I Case at llcm '- \tr u

Mtn'ls's. llpm .‘xfillnm £.‘.5il.()nnpsf ll“Hill” ll'wll‘» 9‘” -\ ' ‘llm l \ 1:.

ill will withan \. A! -: ltll. l:

ITheAlhambra <2 \\ .u. 32ml \j‘lll lnnlnlelll l rt t lx’. \ttf. l): \\llllll‘.e'l.tlt'\l\t‘lllltl‘

I Bennets llj‘lll

*ll.l:r. .'~ \lw‘

title tn ( 'ulrn lint r changing: \enues ill the V elexenth hmtl'. there uusu little llll\l.'tl\L'lll i (it‘ll- mm m“ 3'“ "l E‘ the lust i\\llt'. .\'e\ er mintl. [mum‘s I “9093"” l l?!“ " '4" \

‘lllt' l.l\l lh :‘Jsvpk-I‘jw, Iljt‘x_.49