and wood“ ind h_s Booses hand equipment. part gear ineltidesfarlshoro,


and l lass kes aiid others. llarmoiiieas. usiial extras. Ahoiittill’, otthe sei\'ieing is slim other shops send in. Repair aristliinge\eept etilleeltllliis.

I Rae Macintosh Ltd is .s

9 Alvanle} 'I‘erraee. til I”. (BI 23‘) 305 l. Wootlssind speeialis‘ts. Repairs and aeeessories.

I Scayles 2 .1 “es! (‘rosseatisessa_\ . lil ltS'. (l3l (it)? 824 l. A good mix ot tie“ arid seeoiid-haiitl.

exehange and instant credit. Repairs earriedout on all kinds ol equipment. I Sound Control 17 St Mary's Street. [ill l .031 557 3980. Huge range of instruments in this large shop. (iiiitars: Fender.

Dynaeord. 'l‘annoy.

ll+ l l. l’eas'ey. Carver. ()hm. Marshall. Repairs on guaranteed instruments. (iood second hand selection. All accessories.

l Comprehensive hi-teeh Seai les ot'ler reasonahle priees for instruments as

\\ ell as sell them. .-\ \ ast range of equipment passes through their hands. and there are ot'easioiial rarities A lll’ r deposit

()ueenslei'is Street. l' l l3. “SI :25 ll"l \ltlllll} sheet miisie and hook slot‘kists. \sith an enormous range. .'\lso a le\s iiiiisieal instruments. lll;t|lll\ ot the elassieal

:\l'l£l. Westone. dept. Instant eredit. \Yashhtirn. Marlin. . IVarsity Music Shop lll Vigiei . JI). (iihson. é .s'it-nistm Street. i-zi l8. ll_‘~l .Seheetei. Yamaha. 550 3373. Sole distrihutors (Matron. \Val. ; lorMoriss Shotakit Steinherger. ete.

ls'e}hoaitls: Yamaha.


l’iaiio speeialists. troni


.-\l\s a_\ s shop around toi

instruments. and ll soii'ie hu) ll‘._L' sour lll\l one take along a liientl \\ ho kntms the ropes. ll sou‘re serioiisahoiit plating it‘s elieapei in the long ill” to hu_\ the hest eqiiipiiient _\ .itloid, lleai in mind that \ on don't ha\ e to hits ll nest . hiit elieek esel'\ instrument \er‘_\ eaielull). ll ti‘tl'l'e looking loi‘soiiielhiiig thats easih a\ ailahle. son is ill iisiialh tind that the the larger the slot'k. the hetlet llle tlisetittlil. ll )tiii‘re selling. it‘sneails ill“ ;l_\ s hest lit tli‘ ll prisalelv ll selling through the trade. some shops \\ ill sell lot you. and take lll- l5’t eommission. hut this ean he less hassle no see alioiit lllStll‘illteeZ there \\ Ill he lllllllleSS opportiiiiils tor thingsto \saritler. .\l;iii_\ shopsnoit operate an instant ei‘edit sehenie. h\ \\ hieh gootls up to the \aliie ot sas. Lllllltlinas he taken aiias on produetion ol the i'ele\ant ll) ‘1 his sort ot seheme is manna liom lleaseii totlie \se;ik-\sil|etl and should he thought .ihoiit \ t'l_\ eaieliilh . oi hoi'iihletleht prohleiiis might arise.


I Bandparts Music Stores lll :\llll}_‘llit Street. l. l l l. “31 Sfihtioll. Sells inaiiili sheet musie and hooks_ small lll\lltllllL‘lll\lllle_\ ha\ e a \er) good eolleelion ol liar monieas. inainl_\ llohnei )and spares. like diiinislieks. strings. ete.

I Canongate Music-iii Blaeklriai's Street. I- l l l. ll.‘~i 55“ .‘tllltl. (ieared lt)\\;ll‘tlS tolk musieiaiis.

\\llll an esotie aira} ol haiiios. tlules. hagpipes. ho/oukis. harnioiiieas. xithei'sand a harp Books til lttlk songs and llllt‘l s

sold as \\ ell.

I Edinburgh Organ Studio 0S(‘anongate. l‘ l IS. “31 55h3lltl5, Speeialist keshoaid shop. niaiiih dealing in Yamaha. hut also(‘asio "liatiilioiial home organs iodigital

traditional uprights and grands to modern digit.i| eleeti‘oiiit‘ pianos. and rims home elt-etionie keshtiaitls Sheet musie and miisie hooks.

I Kenny Johnson Acoustics _‘ ( illlesplt‘ ( ~leseellt . ll“ l LINN” .\stheiiaiiu iiiiplies. iiearls all aeoustie instruments. though a less elet‘ti‘ie lI-stiiiigs and the otltlhassappeai (iiiitais are iiiaiiih Martin and Sigma. and l-latiron haiiioes .ll'L' a speei.i|it_\. \lllHY more top makes.


and aeeessoi res. and \\ ill shoith t‘air_\ out repairs and altei atioris.

I Live Music ('aiitlleinakei Rois . “31 .32“ Hill}. l'.leetl IL‘ and .ieoustieguitar-oriented. \\llll Yamahafll‘okai. ()\t‘ttltilt and 'l’akamini l‘elltg some til the hetter-kiioxsn makes. .-\|l aeeessoi ies. \ o.\ and Ross amps. a ten ke_\ hoards

l i\‘e \liisie deal \\ ith a large amount ot

\L‘L‘tttlkl' halitl equipment I Mev Taylor‘s Music Shop l 5‘) .\itil l lstill Street . l‘ll.‘\_ll_§l 2201151 (iiiitais inelutle l-entlei aiitl \\ ashhiirii. plus mans lesset -knti\\ it makes. large range til seeoiidhantl. Amps iiielutle Session. ll - ll. KNI). l‘ol_\tone. pliis set‘ond-hand seleetion. l’ttsslltl} the l‘esl ltlllg'e tit sa\ophoiies to he totind in the em. Yamaha and (Kisio lse) l‘oai'tls. l’ait-e\ehange. rental and ei‘edit sehemes.

I Murray Seaton's Drum Centre on South ( 'lerk

Street. ltl ltS. ll3l ho"

384-1.Speeialisttliiimaiid esmhal shop. All leading names. ineludiiig Yamaha. l iidssig. Pearl. '1 ania. Soiior. l’iemiei'. l’aisle and /.ild|iaii. .>\ll spares. insti'iietion hooks. ete. l lite ;i\ .iilahle

I The Music Shop 2: (iiintll.i\ Street. I- l l3. till lllltSF": (itiitat's' l'ender. lzpiphoiie. :\llttit'l.i. \Vestttlte. ele tiiiainli aeoiistiel

Key hoards. ( ~rumai‘. liko. ete .»\inps: llohnei.

Ifiikki's Music Shop lit: l.eiih\\alk. l‘‘\l 553

Sits-1 ,\ll leadiiigiiiakesol

guitais. keshoaidsaliiims and aiiips .s\ll Y .iriialia illltl(itlSltiltsL‘kl‘tltllilS Rllskl's.ilealst‘tltesttle

l diiiliiii'gli agents tor the

.-\tiiei'‘ksoii (‘hanelgiiitai‘sandmain

ageiitsloi .\iiipeg .iriiplitit‘atioii the}

pet loriii repairs and hiiiltl guitaisaiid l’.'\s_ l’art-esehange and eiedit



One ol the best ways at drawing attention to a band is through successlully manipulating the media. This may sound like an easy way at going about things. but in tact it is

perilously dilticult.

Not only is the Scottish media extremely limited in its musical coverage and that applies trom local newspapers through to TV coverage. The latter is more or less a non starter for any bands without a high profile, whethersigned orunsigned. The recent Garden Party series did otter some chances tor unsigned bands. as did the last series at FSO. although it is unknown what. it anything. will replace

these programmes.

Radio is another problem area. with the local radio stations seeming to shy away trom giving as much coverage to local bands as may be desired. but there are signs that a long overdue resurgence ol interest is taking place.

Radio Clyde‘s new PM channel has allowed the station to start using their studio tacilities tor the recording of

\\ ill SL‘L‘Ul'e an instrument tor a tortnight. Sea} leshas ehaiiged ott ltel‘SlllptHel' the last [\s eh e months. got higgei and eoiitinues to e\pantl ()peti toselling all kiiitlsot instruments. exeept pianos.

I Gordon Simpson is .s' Stal'lor'tl Street. l"tlii‘.liiir'gli lzl l3 7A Y. “Fl 2.75h3tl5 Biggest and most exteiisix e musie shop iii l‘dinhiirgh. All lhel‘ig names in roek and classical instruments and equipment. .-\lstt seetillil

; Moreland.

boring old medium wave. Billy Sloan has a weekly one hour late night show. which veres towards independent/local , music. but there a precious lew other

5 opportunities. Bands interested in being considered tor a session should

. contact Clyde‘s head of music, Graeme

Roland. ls'org.()herheim. l'nsoniq. Steinherg. .\tai‘i. .’\lllpSI l’ease}. Marshall.(‘arlshortx 'l'iaee l:|liot. Session. Roland. l’o|_\ lone. (’iisiom Sound. l-‘ender. l)iiiins: l’ieinier. l’earl. Yamaha. 'l ania. Reino. l’aiste. also drum inaeliiiies. .-\nd mueh more. Home i'eeordiiig:

laseani. l-ostes. Yamaha.

'l'eae. Slutliomastet'.

Solititltt‘aeks. M'l'R. ism.

Drama. .»\lesi.s. Vesta

l‘ire, \Yide seleetioii ol l’.-\

Radio Scotland also got in on the act

; recently with a few bands recording sessions tor the now ended, No Archie McPherson Show. Again whetherthis series. complete with the amateur

dramatics at its presenters. returns is

unknown. A much saner alternative is

Rock On Scotland (Fridays. 11.30pm)


where wackiness is replaced with a , landom which allows lor the playing of good music in all lorms— including

A pitilul lack of broadminded lanzines means that press coverage has to rely on established publications. many of whom are less than enthusiastic.

Scotland‘s biggest selling newspaper. The Daily Record‘s idea at Scottish music coverage is a recent teature on The Proclaimers‘ love lives. Glasgow and Edinburgh both have 2 evening newspapers where local and 1 unsigned acts are given a chance by

some writers, while David Belcher‘s


' music column in The Glasgow Herald is probably the best reason tor buying the

Elsewhere. CUT started all as a Scottish music paper and is now neither. while the recent llurry ol . what's on based publications— What‘s

On. Glasgow Now. M8. Culture City and

i so on all cover'local music to varying

sessions. One ol theseis broadcast per 3 degrees and standards. Best thing to do week. and recent contributors have F is read the publications and decide

included Fairground Attraction. The

liender Squier and (iihson. Keyhoards mainly Yamaha and (‘asio Drums: Pearl. Sonor and Rock (also exelusis e distrihiitors). ll‘é ll amps. hut are eiitting hack on aiiiplilieation. Books. pedals and accessories Wide seleetion tileltissieril instruments. Part-exchange and credit sehenies. Also 10"; discount to Young Seot eardholders.

I Gordon Stephensont) Als'arie) 'l'erraee. icl ll). URI 3305051. \"iolin maker and restorer. Instruments hoiiglit and sold. how rehairing. eases. strings. aeeessories and insurance.


I Band Supplies Scotland 5 Old l)umharton Road. (l3.ll~1l3399-“llltiril-ll 33-1 8157. Specialists in the supply and repair ol next and used hrass. uoodss'ind. and pereiission instruments. Saxophone specialist. Also stoek ol sheet iiiusie. strings. spares and

I The Band Room 99 Vi‘esi Regent Street. (i2, (Ml 333(144‘).

I Bradleys Music Ltd v," \Vest Regent Street. tl-ll 33218.1().

I C.C. Music .121 42.3 (heat Western Road. (N ‘)J.»\. ti-ll 339 (film. Wide range ol equipment ineliiding l’eai'} _ Casio. l‘ender. Yamaha. Roland and Riekeiihaekei'. Also l’A hire (see separate listing). mail order laeilit} and diseouiits for students.

IThe Guitar Store 85 Queen Street. (Ht 22] 3-100. Seotland‘s largest guitar shop. or so the) Claim. \sith oiet' litl guitars in stoek. Brand names irielude Riekenhaeker. Yamaha. Miisieiiiann. l‘ender. (iihsoii. Aria and 'l'okai. large seeond hatid selection and main agents lor new Boss. 'l’okai. l)otl and l-rontline guitars. l.elt handed

eie..tii..,s...inat or, _ g I O whetheryou wantyourband to be loiqiie.\\eiii.ll°ll.ete. , ThievesandTexas.Elsewhere.on tassociatedwiththem.

()eeasioiialh handle

department is ith guitars andhasses. Il‘lansMusiClM'haring (‘ross .\lansions.(i.‘stil'J J

hooks and sheet musie

I Hans Music to l )imtlas S‘HTLHH «lemma ' tlltlms.( an order Brass

56'l'he List to I‘lSepteniher WSS