Friday BD—Thursday 6

This section gives details otprogrammes showing atcinemas in central Scotland over the next week. Readers are advised that programmes may be subject to late change atanytime.

Cinemas operating a tamin discount scheme allow an adult accompanying a child to 'U‘ and ‘PG' certilicate programmes to gain admission tor the same price as the child up to 6pm.


I CANNON ( 'Iai kston Road. .\Iiiii‘end.().‘~‘ lot 1. L331) ( )AI’ (‘Iiild L I .311. I-anuly diseount sehenie operates

1. Good Morning Vietnami 1‘15 25pm.

S 15pm. Sat also: Fllpm.

2. Poltergeist 31 15 l 5.55pm. SSilpnl. Sui alsoat 3pm.

3. Shag 1 15 l 5.5Hpni. S5llpm. Sat also 3.5llpm.

I CANNON Sauehiehall Street. 372 L’ZStlirlttll

1. Poltergeist 1111 I5) I.55plli.4.45pm. S3llpm,

2. Coming To Americal 15) 1.15pm. 4.31111ill.Sl)ilt

3. Beetlejuicei 15) I 15pm. .“.»Il|ptrt.()pttt. S.‘~5pm.

4. Franticl I5) I Jtlpln. -1 ~lllpm.S.1|5plll. 5. The Last Temptation 01 Christ 1 IS ) 3pm. '7 Illpnl.

I CANNON GRAND IS;ilea Street. 34S 411:“.L21LII.

.-\tltlllttti)\1e\. I’IltheIUI detalIS.

I GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. I IIIIItead. 33‘) 13% |I)| \\III1PIIUI'ItiltIIIL‘itIltlII. L3 (‘Iiild I "IMO Stiideitt ( )AI’ 1.1.31).

1. Good Morning Vietnam 15 ) JRlen. (v.15pm..\.l5pm SunS.45pni. 2.81I0XIBIUCSI1513.5111111).1).:511111.‘)pm. Sal o._‘5pni. me. Siiii ‘Ipm. Big FootAnd The Hendersons 1 1’( l ) Sui only 2.30pm

LI .311.

See also ( ilasgovv lates.

I ODEON Renlield Street. 333 SW” . Bar open every ev eningli'oni5.3llpilt(().31|l)ill Stilt). LZ.S5; ( )AI’ (‘Iiild £1115;

I‘IIJII Student eones L I b5 available as adv ertised. I.iinehtime shovvs eommeneing helore 1.45pm I; I .511. Sat late eones. L3.

1. Good Morning Vietnam 15) 12.45pm. 3.15pm. 5.45pm..\..‘\llpm. Sat 111.45am. 13.45pm.3.15pm.5.-I5pin.S.31)pm. 11.15pm.

2. The Running Mani IS) 1 li)pnl..‘~.31)pln. o.ll5pni. S.J5pm. Sat 11am. I.Illpm. 3.3111111].(111511111.5:15PM]. 11.15pm.

3. The Jungle Book ( t ‘) tailpm. Sui

I 1..‘~Ilam. I .4llpm,

Big Business 1 I’(il3.45pni.(l.tl5pm. S.-ltlpm. Silt 3.45pm. b.115pm. S.—lllpm. II.I5pm.

4. Vice Versa l H il 1.15pm. 3.35pm. Sat 11am. 1.15pm. 3.35pm.

Shagl 1511). 15pm. S.~Itlplll. Sat o. 15pm. Shipm. 11.15pm.

I SALON Vinieombe Street. 33‘) 4351). |I)| \\ ith adv anee notllieation. .\tatinees. Adillt (‘Iilld LI .5tl()AI’ I'B-lll51lp. Iivenlngs. AIIseatsLI.5lI.

The Running Man ( 1S) 3pm. 7.31lpm.

Rose Street. 333 ()535. ('aIe bar open 31) mins prior to evening‘)pm.[D| on application to box office. [ti] .\'o smoking. .\Iats. LISlltStudent I’IHI)

£1. 111). Fri mats. £1.3111A11eones75pl.


Iiveilings. {2.511(Student I'IHIILIYltll. All pert’s(‘hild ()AI’U . It).


Ironweed t 15 l 3.311an Spm.

Bugs Bunnyit'mpm.


Bugs Bunny Bio l 1‘ ) l 1am . opln. lronweedi 15 ) Spin.


The Blues Brother31 1515..“II[1111.S.I511111 MDNDAY3

The Blues Brothersi 15 ) 3pm. TUESDAYd

A Handlul DI Dust l 1’( i i opln.

King DtThe Children 1 Pt illS..“IIpnt. WEDNESDAYS

A Handlul DI Dust t I’( i l .‘~..‘~llpm . hpnl. King 01 The Children 1 Pt 1 i S..‘~1)pni. THURSDAY6

A Handlul DI Dust 1 1’( i ) opnl.

King DtThe Children 1 1’(‘l)S..‘~i)pnl.


I GROSVENOR Ashton I.atte


1. Good Morning Vietnam 15) 1 1. 15pm.

2. Little Shop DI Horrors 1 1’( ll I l 15pm.


Sat 1: Good Morning Vietnam 15) 1 1.15pm. 2. The Running Man 1 IS) 1 1 15pm.

3. Big Business i I’( l) I I.I5pttt.

4.8hagt I5) I 1.15pm.


I CAMEO I Iolne Street. SIS-114 1. [1)] Bar open Mon Sat o I 1.311me Silii o 1 1pm. £1 .lelor Ist ck :IILIPL'I'ISI £21ol'.‘~i'tlpei‘l; {J‘IIItor 41h pert.

The Last Temptation Dt Christi 1S) 1.15pm (.\'ot Stinl. 4.3Hpm. Spill tnot .\Ion l.

Sun 2: The Goalkeeper‘s Fear 01 The Penalty l1512.311pm.AWorIdApartl 15l.\ton3 ()L‘I . SRIIPIII (special benelit tilt‘ Anti-Apartheldl

See also Izdinbilrgh I.ates.

I CANNON I.othian Road. 33‘) 311311. Bar: Ilam 2.311pm. 5 Illpm ( .‘vlon IIItII'SI. 11am I lpm 1 I‘ll Sat l. 5 Illpm (Sun). [1)] einemas 3 & 3 prior notilieation advisahle. £2.01).{2.511(‘Ilild£I.o1l.£1.51l()AI’LI (belore opm l. I‘amily diseount seheme ilpci'ules.

1. Poltergeist Ill( 15 l 3.211pm. 5.211pm. Slllpm.

2. Beetlejuicet 15 l 2.211pm. 5.35pm. Slllpm.

3. Frantict 15) 2pm. 5pm. Spm.

See also Izdinburgh I.ates.

I DOMINION \L‘“ INIIIIL‘ ‘I'eri‘aee . 447 loot). Rest Illam 2pm ck (s-I 1pm 1.\Ion-I-'ril.Illam IIpm (Sat l. Bar

12- 2.311pm. (v IIIpm (Mon Sat). ('inema not open Still. £2.71). £2.51):

(‘Itild l'B-III Students i I .511; ( )AI’ £1.21). tall perIs exeept evllg perts ill cinema 3 l. 1.A HandtulDtDustII’(i13.I5pm.5.15pm. S. 15pm.

2. ‘Crocodile' Dundee 11 l 1’( i ) 3.3111111). 5.211pm.S.21lplli.

3 Wall Street 1 15 1 2pm. 5pm.Spnt.

I (‘IL‘I'IK SII'L‘L‘I. ht)" 7331.”;11‘

o 9pm. I’artial vsIleeIehair aeeess. Tickets £3 (eones {1.511) Iorperlormanees eommeneing betore (lpm. 'I‘iekets £2.Stl Ieones £2 1 lor perl's eoiltmeneing alter opm.

1. Good Morning Vietnam 1 15 l 3. 15pm. 5.311pm. S. 15pm.

2. The Running Man 1 IS) 1 .45pm. 3.55pm. 1). Illpm. 8.35pm.

3. Big Business ( I’(}l 1.511pm. 3.35pm. S.25pm.

Shagt 15H). 15pm.


Lothian Road. 23S ZoSS. Bar 1 Moll-Sat. noon—AI 1pm. Sun 6.?le I Ipml Rest (Mon-Sat. noon-~9pm ). [Ii] Matinees £1.2(l(eones 75p): Early evenings £2 (cones £1511); Main evenings and Double Bills £2.51) bookable ili advance. No concessions on Sats.


1. Full Metal Jacketi IS) 3.30pm.

Bar Fly 1 IS) opm. S.311pm.

2. Baby Boom 1 1’0 l 2.411pm. 5.5llpm. Slllpm.


1. Bigloot And The Hendersons11’(ll3pln. BarFlyitSlopln.S.31)pln,

2. Baby Boom t I’(i l 3.411pnt.5.5llpm. Slllpm.


1. Moonstruck i l’( i l S..‘~tlpln.

2. The Glass Menagerie 1 I’(il5.~l5pni. S. 15pm.


1. Moonstruck 1 I’( 'l l 3.45pm. 1). 15pm. S..‘~llpln.

2. The Glass Menagerie 1 l’(ll5.45pni. S 15pm.


1. Moonstruck t l’( l ) 3.45pm. o. 15pm. S,.‘~l|pm.

2. Anne Karpl Lecture opni. WEDNESDAYS

1. Wings DI Desire 1 1512. 15pm. 5.45pm. S. 15pm.

2.C1ermontFerrand Shorts Programme 2 1). 15pm. S,.‘~Hpin.


1. The Big Easy 1 1S) 3.45pm.

Wings 01 Desire 1 15 l 5.45pm.S 15pm. The National Health I 15 ) ix Doctor In The House 1 I’( i 1 “pm.


I EDINBURGH FILM GUILD (‘ontaet I-iImhotise. I.othian Road. 32S IoSS. The annual membership lee o1 £1".5lIaIIo\vs lree admission to all main season lilmsand diseotlnt pi'ieesoll other ( itiild events. ineliiding study eoiirses arid edtieational

Sun 2: My Lite As A Dog 1 1’(i 15.311pm.


I CANNON Iothian Road

Sat1: Midnight RUTH I5) 1 1pm.

I CAMEO I Iome Street

Fri 30: Predatori 1S) ix Internal 1S) 11.15pm.

Sat 1: Cutter's Wayi 1S ) ix ViolentStreets ( IS) I 1.15pm


I CANNON I’rineess Street. l'klllxil'ls‘dl‘CJ 23Sil5.

1. Good Morning Vietnam 1 15 ) 2pm. 5pm. S.tl5pm: Sun 5pm. S.ll5pm.

2. Poltergeist It 3..‘~1)pin. 5.311pm. S. 15pm. 3. The Running Man 2.25pm. 5.35pm.

S. 15pm.

I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. 1151lo (134 I 53. I'it'sl ev ening pert: AII tlekets t I .211. Main evening pert: Adult L2. (‘hild (one. 1.1.3”.

Hairspray 1 1’( i ) npln. S. 15pm.


I AMC Clydebank1D(‘lyi1e Regional (’entl'e(‘Iydehanle 11-11 “51 19-15. Main evening perIs: £1 .95; Student L I .65; l'nder I-I. ‘)5p. I’erls eommeneing 4.30pm oJIIpllt: ‘)5p. .‘vlats: £I.(l5zl'nder 14.95,». TigerWarsawrlSli'l-l-'i‘liul-sS.31lpln. 111.15pm.

Poltergeist till 15) 1-11 Sui 2..‘~i)pnl. 15.45pm). Spin. 1”. 15pm. 13. 15am: Stilt 'I’hilrsl..‘~tlpm. t5.45pml.Spm. 11l.15pm.

Stars and Barsi 15) I‘ri Illtlt‘s S..‘\11pm. 1015an

Running Mani 1S) tin Sui only 3. 15pm. (5.45pm).7.45pm.‘).55pm.13pm; Sun-51‘hurs 2.15pm.15.45pml.7.-I5pm. 9.55pm.

Good Morning Vietnam 1 15) Fri Sat only 2.tltlpm. (4.45pm l. '7. 15pm. 9.45pm. 12pm; Sun- -'I‘hiirs Zplli.14.~l5pm). 7.15pm.‘).-l5pm.

Jungle Book ( U) Fri. Sun—Thurs 1.30pm. 3. 15pm. (5pm l. (v.45pm; Sat olin 11.45pm. 1.3(lpm.3.15pm.(5pml. (L-ISpm.

Big Business Fri Sat only 3.3(Ipm. (5pm). 7. I 5pm. 9.311pm. I1.311psztln—Thurs 3.311pni. (5pm). 7. 15pm. 0.311pm. Masquerade ( IS) in Sat only 3. 15pm. (5.45pm). 7.45pm. 0.45pm. I 1.45pm: Still -IIIllrS 2.15pm. (5.45pml.7.-I5pm. 9.45pm.

Coming To Americai 1Sl1-‘ri Sui 3.30pm. (5pm). 7.311pm. 9.55pm. 13.15pm;

Siili -'I‘Iiur.s 2.311pm. t5pml.7.31lpm. 0.55pm.

Beetlejuice I'll Sat 2.45pm. (opml. Spm. 111.15pm. 12.15pm:Stilt—'I‘hursl.-I5pm. (opm). Split. 111.15pm.

Crocodile Dundee ll (PU) 1~‘ri.Sun-71'hurs 2.45pm. (5.311pml. 7.45pm. 0.55pm; Sat only 12.3llpm.2.45pm.(5.311pm).7.~15pm. (1.55pm.

I CANNON 'I'itehl‘ield Street. Kilmarnoek. (151)337ZSS.

1. Good Morning Vietnam ( ISlme. 5pm. S.1l5pm; Sim 5pm.S.115pm.

2. Poltergeist III ( 15) 2.30pm. 5.20pm.

S. 15pm; Stilt 5.21lpln.S.tl5pm.

3. The Running Man 1 IS) 2.35pm. 5.35pm. S.15pm;Sim5.35pm.S.15pm.

I KELBURNE (ilasgovv Road. Paisley. SS‘) 301:.

1. Good Morning Vietnam 15)

2. Poltergeist 1111 15)

I LA SCALA I Iamilton Street. Salteoats. (1294 (63-15 [D] ('inema I. £1.51)

(‘Ilild ()AI’7Sp.

1. Good Morning Vietnam ( 1517.45pm.

2. The Running Mani IS)7.-I5pm.

I ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr.113‘)3 grains). [1)] £2.5111(‘hild IfB-ltl ()A1’

L l .511 I no eones for last performance Fri and Sat).

1. Good Morning Vietnam ( 15) 1.15pm. .“.4II[11111I“I'I Sat 7pm. 9.35; SUIT-Ihltl'tlpm. S..‘\tlpin.

2. The Running Man ( 1S) 1.111pm (not Sui l. 3.211pm. (1.31 lpm. S-lllpm.

The Jungle Book (1' l Sat only 1.25pm.

3. Big Business 1.211pm. 3.30pm. 7pm. Shagupmonly.

I ODEON 'I‘ovvnhead Street. Hamilton. tloUS 2S3 S112. |I)| cinemas 2&3. Fri Sat £2.5II('IiiId ()AI’U.41).Sun~-'I‘hilrs£2.311 ('hild ()AI’LI .31). Mon—Fri untilopm 171341)“.

1. Good Morning Vietnam ( 15) 13.35pm.

3. Illpm. 5.51)pm.S.31)pm.

2. The Running Mani 1S) 13.55pm (not

Sat Sill) l. 3.25pm (not Sat Stilt). 5.57pm. S-IIIpm. Sui Sun The Jungle Bookit') 1.IIIpm. 3.30pm.

3. Big Business ( PU) I.I(lpm. 3.41pm. ollopm. Iivgs only Shagt I5)S.5(Ipm.

I RIALTO ('oIIege Street. Dumbarton. 1l3S‘)(l27(13.£2 ('hiId L'BJII‘OAI’ £1.

1. Good Morning Vietnam ( 1517.41lpm.

2. Poltergeist Ill 1 15) 7.40pm.



Sereenings at Alexandria (‘ommmunity Iidueation ('entre. Main Street. Alexandria. Dunbartonshire. .‘vIemhershipL‘I5 illleoneession. details available from Stuart Rankin. Rosebank Cottage. Arthtirston Road. Jamestown. Alexandria 55151). (iuest tieketsare available in adv anee only from Alan S. Davis. 12 Wylie Avenue. Alexandria 563560.

Malcolm 1 15) 7.30pm.


I AMC Clydebank 10 (’Iyde Regioner (‘entre('I_vdebank.11-11951 19-15. Over 18s only.

Poltergeist lll 12.15pm. Big Business 11.30pm. Beetleiuice 12.15pm. Running Man 12pm. Masquerade 1 1.45pm. Good Morning Vietnam 12pm. Coming To America 13.15pm.

The List 3IISept~ I3()et 198819