I Art is listed by city first then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan todays before publication date.


I Art is listed by city first then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not laterthan todays before publication date.

I ANNAN GALLERY I 3” West (’ampbell Street. 22] 5H8“ 8. Mon I-"ri9am—5pm: Sat 9.3(lam~12.3tlpm.

(ieneral exhibition of regttlar artists.

I ART GALLERY & MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE 3573929. .‘slon -Sat lllam 5pm;Sttn l—5pm. ('ate. |I)| Voluntary guidesare available free of charge to conduct parties or individuals round the titaitt galleries. (‘ontact the enquiry desk.

Naum Gabo: The Constructivist Idea t nut to Oct. Iixtensive show of work by the Russian-born sculptor \aum ( iabo planned together with his family w ho lent many of the pieces. ()riginated and toured by the South Batik Centre. this is the last venue for the show and the only Scottish date.

Medal Winners from the 84th Annual Art Competition I 'tttil 23 ( )ct. Since the beginning of the century the gallery has invited schoolchildren into the museum dttring the summer holidays todraw something of their choice trom the collection. Sotne remarkable resultsare always produced. and on view are the medal winners from this. the 84th competition.

Anight Royal Reception t‘ntit 13 Nos _ Ilow togreet the royals. I888 style. SirJohn Lavery’s (also see I’ine Art Society ) the State List! off/er .llaiestv Queen l'it'mria a! the Glasgow International Iit’ltbiflmt. has been specially cleaned for this show. Around the Coast of Scotland I ‘ntil 2 ( )ct. Two contrasting sets of landscape prints showing the same locations; one frotn the early l9th century by William Daniell; the other by contemporary artists.

I BARCLAY LENNIE FINE ART 203 Bath Street. 22(15413. Mon Fri Illam 5meSat Itlant» I pm.

AGlasgow Sketchbook I ‘ntil 8 ( )ct. ( )riginal illustrations frotn A (ilasgow Sketchbook by Louise Annand. published by Richard Drew.

I BLYTHSWOOO GALLERY lo] West George Street. 220 5529. .‘vton liri l()am~5.3tlpm; Sat 10am lpm.

Alexander Murphy t'ntit 8 ()ct. Still lifes and expressionist paintings by a recent graduate of (ilasgow School of Art.

I THE BURRELI. COLLECTION Pollokshaw s Road. M97151. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sttn 2—5pm. Rest. [1)]

Scottish Contemporary Architecture and Historic Drawings Limit 1 ()ct. Contemporary work includes current and recently completed schemes submitted for the 1988 Glasgow Institttte of Architects‘ Awards.

Flower Pots ITntil 3ll()ct. Iixqttisitely painted (‘hinese ceramics from 1 ltlt 19th century. The eastern countries led the field in ceramics for hundreds of yearsand

much of this work has never been equalled. I CHRISTIE'S 332 8135. Glasgow Garden Festival Sculptures Sculpture from the (ilasgow (iarden Festival is to be offered for sale through ('hristie's. Sculptures cart be seen at the I‘cstival until 26 Sept attd a fttlly illustrated catalogue is available from(‘hristie's. Sealed bids tnttst be submitted to the auctioneers by noon on Friday 14 ()ct. I988. I COLLEGE LANDS (‘orner of I liglt Street and Bell Street. near (ilasgow (‘ross I‘or ittfocotttaet (ilasgow Sculpture Studios I.ttltit155l (INC. Sculpture Projectl'ntil l 1 ()ct. Recycling big blocks ofgrey sandstone. made available by a site Miller I lomes w ere dey eloping. the (ilasgow Sculpture Studios have come tip trumps and hew'n some very imaginative work and in a very short space of time. Recommended. I COLLINS GALLERY I‘niy ersity ol Strathclydc. 22 Richmond Street. 552 44(lllext 2682 2416. .‘vlon-I-‘ri ltlam—-5pm; Sat 12- 4pm. Sculpture and Drawings by Dhruva Mistry 4 29()ct. Recent work from a sculpture w hose large attd bulbous female Reclining Nude was one of the more prominent pieces of sculpture at the (iarden I-‘estival. I COMPASS GALLERY [78 West Regent Street. 221 (i370. .\lon- Sat Illam 5.30pm. Bill Birrell ITntiI 29 September. Surreal and dream-like pictures painted in a hard-edged. precise style. Birrell. who now teaches Art in (ilasgow. worked asa graphic artist in ('anada arid the ISA for 23 years. Crossing Boundaries «L 29 ()ct. (‘eramics and drawings by Peter Bevan. l)ave (‘ohcn. James (‘osgrove attd I.ys I Iansen; fottr lecturers in painting from the (ilasgow School of Art cross over their usual boundaries into the world of ceramics. A refreshing show by four obviously versatile and adaptable artists. I COOPER HAY RARE BOOKS 2H3 Bath Street. 220 3o74. Floral Engravings I ‘ntil end September. I land-coloured floral engravings dating trom I787. I CYRlL GERBER FINE ART [-18 West Regent Street. 221 3ll95. .‘vlon I’ri 9.30am 5.30pm; Sat 9.3llatn— 12.30pm. Fyfte Christie (1918—79) l--22 ()ct. Paintings. drawings and watercolours by a little-known Scottish artist. Also see (ilasgow School of Art. See panel. I FINE ART SOCIETY I34 Blythswood Street. 332 4027. Mon-Fri 9.3(lam——5.3llpm; Sat lllam~ lptn. SirJohn Lavery Ifntil n ()ct. Paintings from the 1888 exhibition by this distingttished artist. Forty years of Painting from a ()ct. By David McClure. I GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 1 2 Washington Street. 221 4526. Mon-Fri 10am—8pm; Sat lit-3pm. The World Over limit 1 ()ct. Photographs by one of Britain'sleading photo-journalists. (ieorge Rodger. From the merchant navy. he becameu photographer's assistant and then landed

a job with Life Magazine. Rodger was with .Vfontgomery in the Western Desert and was one of the first to witness the horrors of Belsen. Sick of war. he later travelled taking photographs oftribal communities around the world. This is a major exhibition from the Photographers (iallery. London arid includes l2llprints. The Fine Art of Deception 8-29 ()ct. work-s by Patil ('hambe rs. Alistair Keddie arid Ken Waldon.

I GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 22 King Street. 5520704. .\ton~ Sat “lam—5.30pm. Scottish Woodcuts I 'ntil l ()ct. Woodcttts seem to have been eclipsed by other print media but they are well represented here by mainly (ilaswegian artists including Douglas Thomson. Marie Barbour. John Taylor. Peter I low-son. Ian Mc('ttlloch and Janka Malkowska.

Workshops The stttdio workshops have reopened itt their new premises and are now available tor artists' ttse. Membership application forms are available frottt the above address.

Work by Murray Robertson in the 2nd week of ( )ct.

I GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART Renfield Street. 332 9797

Fyffe Christie 3 14 ()ct. Selected draw ittgs frotn the ('yril (ierber (iallery's show. See listing above.


People‘s Palace, Glasgow If you thought stained-glass was all angelic seraphims gliding by on putts of nimbulus, then you'd be hall-right. But, as the People's Palace new exhibition shows, the medium also had more than a passing penchant forthe unyielding face of Victorian didacticism. Between 1870 and 1930, Glasgow was a major producer of stained~glass, feeding a voracious market both at home and on the confinenf

From this vast reservoir of work, the Palace has located, saved and restored 200 prime examples of the craft. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of space, only a tenth of this can be exhibited at any one time, something the museum would do well to rectify.

The exhibits are seen in a suitably reverential setting, located in an alt-black gallery and illuminated from behind. Of the twenty-two pieces on display, the work of Stephen Adams stands out: ‘The Engineers' highlights the Victorian work-ethic in its full grimy glory while his ten-loot high frieze ‘The Missionary‘ shows supplicant negroes bowing atthe feet of a bible-bashing whitey, religious imperialism coming into play alongside the cultural variety.

An excellent display of rarely acknowledged talents. It's just a pity there couldn't be more of it. (Allan Brown)

I GLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IIillhead Street. 339 8855. Mon-“'I‘hurs

9. l5am—9. 15pm; Fri 9. 15am» 4.45pm; Sat 9.l51tttt~l2.l5pm.

Next exhibition will be in the autumn term.

I UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW 945 3425. Philosophy Department. 2nd Floor. West Quadrangle. lIillhead.

The Dilemma of Oscar 29 Sept t l2.3(lpml for3 weeks. Paintings and drawingst Morag I Iilary. a yottng artist promoting her own show. Free.

I HAGGS CASTLE ltltl St Andrews Drive. Mon— Sat Illam~ 5pm; Sttn 2-5pm. (ilasgow 's museum for children. Desperate Journey this exhibition has been postpotted until fttrther notice while renovation work is carried ottt in the

I HARBINGERS 417 (ircat Western Road. 3399999. .‘vlon~Sat Illam- opszun noon- 5pm.

Double Show I 'ntil 3t) Septerttber. Mixed media by Rhona Marnie from ( ilasgow and ceramics by .losie Wat'shaw.

Paper Collages 3—26 Oct. Work by Jane Harris a recent graduate in textilesfrom Glasgow School of Art. She is currently setting herself up in business producing textiles for various designers collections. Screen Prints by Janet Marshall. She describes her printsas: ‘directly interested in initial form. How and colour interaction'.

I HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY I no ersity of (ilasgow . 82 Ilillhead Street. 3305-131 . Mon- I‘ri 9.3tlam -5pm; Sat 9.30am Ipttt. The Mackintosh House Gallery: ()pen as above bttt closed for lunch l2.3ll l.3llpm. 50p admission on weekday altertioonsand Saturdays. A reconstruction of the architect's home fitted with original furniture. Mackintosh and Others I 'ntil 8 ()ct. Shows aspects of the ( ieorge Smitlt Collection w hose major interest is in Scottish art. notably the work of

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the List 30 Sept 7- t?» ( )et loss 25