(if) to"





10am —5pm

26 King Street. Glasgow GWl SQP

04l 552 0564


Now under independent management



Exhibitions from 30 September—3o October

The Spur

Contemporary Scottish Abstraction

HEAVENLY BODIES New Work by David Swift

Admission Free

Mon—Sat to.oo—5.oo (Sunday 2—5)

93 North Street. St Andrews. Fife. Tel: 0334 74610


Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Council and Glasgow District Council

compass gallery

175 west regent st. glasgow g3 .trI scolIa ndO-ll 221 6370


4— 29 October Mon-Sat 10am—5.30pm


MACKINTOSH AND OTHERS Aspects of The George Smith Collection

Hunterian Art Gallery University of Glasgow

Until 8 October

Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm; Sat 9.30am—lpm Admission Free

Tel: 041 330 5431

Mackintosh. Last year Mr Smith w as awarded an I lonorary [)egree by (ilasgow University in acknowledgement of his work in supporting the university's Art ('ollections. and this exhibition is in recognition of that award.

Scottish Society lorArl History 25 a 3n .\'o\. A [vs o day conference on the interaction ol Scotland and Italy.

I HUNTERIAN MUSEUM The [hit ersin of (ilaszlow . 339 8855. .\Ion~ I5ri 9.3llam—5pm; Sat ‘)..‘~llam-- lpm. ’l'wice named Museum of the Year.

Money Plants I'nlil 3] ()ct. Plants of all sorts depicted on ancient and freshly minted coins.

Coracle. Kayak and Canoe I'.\ICiitIL'tI until 3 Dec. Iixamplesof very early watercraft from a bouyant but pie-steam. unengineered age.

I IMAGES GALLERY 7-1 I Iy ndland Road. 33-1 53I I. .\Ion~ I’ri ‘).3llam 5.3llpm. \o exhibition at present but general stock includes 13th and Will century Japanese woodblock prints and Nth and leth century etchings. watercolours and oils. I INTERDEC GALLERY .\Iary hill Burgh

I Iall. 24 (iairbraid Road. ‘MbSUIZ African Exhibition I'nlil ’7 ( )ct. African art and artclacts.

IJ.D. KELLY GALLERY I IS DouglasStreet .‘onn-v-I5ri Ill.3llam Zptnantllfxll 5.3llpm; Sat Illam 3.3llpm.

GaryAndersoni 15()et, I’allllingsantl constructions by the winner of the Arthur Young scholarship. llis prize was exhibiting at the gallery.

I JOHN GREEN FINE ART le3 Bath Street. 3310025. .\Ion I'ri Illam 5pm; Sat

Illam Ipm.

l‘)lh tk leth century continental oilsand watercolours.

I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngavie. 950 335 I . "I ue Hi I lam 5pm and '7 9me Sat and Sun 2 5pm, (‘Iosed .‘ylondaysand In September

Hilda Goldwag I 'ntil I ()et. Paintings.

I MAIN FINE ART lite Studio ( iallery. In (iibson Street. 33-1 8858. Tue Sat Illzttii--5ptti;

The opening ofthe Mains' new gallery in (iibson Street has been postponed until the beginning of ()et. l‘pstairslesley Main's work is on y ieyy.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin I Iall (Iintranee lrom Bunhouse Road w ith parking facilities) .‘ylon Sat Ill SptnzSun 3-5pm. A history ol some of theclaborate mechanisms employ ed for the simple purpose of getting from A to B.

I 908 GALLERY I: ()lago Slt'ccl. 3393l5b’. Mon-Sat Illam bptn.

Newlmagists I 37()et. ()nc-man Slit)“ by the(ilaswegian painter \'incent(ii//i (‘Iarltz

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow (ireen. 554N223. .\Ion Sat Illam 5pm. Sun 1 5pm. (ilasgow's museumol working life. Now in its‘mth year.the museum is currently undergoing essential repairs and relurbishment w hich w ill last throughout the year.

Stained Glass Gallery I’crmancnt gallery of secular and religious stained glass which acknowledges(ilasgoyy ‘s impressive history in the field. See panel.

The Glasgow Boxer t not 31 ()ct. Without- exception eyery Scottish world boxing champion has cotne from ( ilasgow or nearby Johnny llill\yas(ilasgow‘slirst

world champion. then came Benny I.y nch.

Jackie I’atcrson. Wee \Valtcr Mc( ioyyan and Jim Watt. Photographs show boxing on the (ilasgow scene past and present. the doctors. the pt‘tiilitiicrs. the referees and doormcn.

I POLLOK HOUSE lebl) I’oilokshaws Road. (i32ll27-l. Mon Sat lllamrSpm. Sttn I—Spm. Neighbour to the Burrell Collection. this 18th century house contains the Stirling Maxwell (‘oIIection of Spanish paintings and period furnishings.

I THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE 72 St Vincent Street. 221 (ill 1. Mon- Sat 9.3(lam—5pm.


Cyril Gerber Gallery, Glasgow.

Draw the name Fylle Christie out oi a hat and you might wonder what you had. Find out at the Cyril Gerber Gallery this month. There you will find a one-man show of delightlul drawings and paintings by this Glasgow artist, an unknown quantitiy in his own town.

Christie died in 1979 and apart lrom making murals had hardly ever exhibited his work. At Glasgow School of Art in the forties he was given the Newbery Medal and a scholarship which took him to Europe. He taught at Glasgow in the titties and then moved to London. While teaching, his private career continued on the easel.

But it is Christie’s drawings which engage immediately. They are sharp, yet relaxed, sure but modest. In one a young boy in a wheelchair draws

intently, Fyile Christie neither disturbs nor distorts him. In another drawing touched with watercolour, a girl poses hands held with Schiele thoughtiulness and eyes averted. His sitters seem to share Christie’s own shyness oi the public gaze.

It is always interesting when a whole body oi work surfaces lrom nowhere, Fyile Christie's is no disappointment. (AB)

Design: The Problem Comes First tintil 29 ()ct. ’I‘wenty' six Danish design classics. Creating a World that Works Until 29 ()ct. How major developments in design engineering have been channelled intothc domestic and everyday sphere.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ayr Street (adjacent to Springburn Railway Station). 55714l)5.Mon—Fri Ill.3llam—5pm. Sun

3 5pm.

A Place to Stay Until Nov 88. One ofthe largest exhibitions ever mounted on the subject of housing in Scotland. The exhibition traces the transformation of Springburn from a small village and industrial suburb where property was privately owned. to today's town dominated by council tower blocks. home for Si)“; of the residents.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchichall Street. 332 7521. Tue—Sat l()am-5.3(ipm. Sun 2—5.3(Ipm.

National Review oi Live Art 6—9 Oct. Last year Riverside Studios. London. this year. Third Iin (‘entre Glasgow. Now in its eighth year. the National Review of Live

26 I'hc list so Sept

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