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t t I9,L_e‘:‘il—‘ .' (“negmt Ink-III 3o [IL-minar- weekend in Edinburgh. Please I Architecture salvage: l’anelled I Beauty by Ann ‘" T0llcr"55“nd .»\\ enue. Ruthcrglen (373 4.-\B. Contact 'I‘ara on ()1 272 (1524 or doors; cast haths. radiators. and ( “r‘lmphmc- 0pc" 7 days' I Lighting roadie rcqttirex hand 031 32‘) 5(1th l‘ircplugce Window shutters NC. lzasy parking. Slendertone 8x .. . . w ~ - .. .- a . ' ‘WSll'Sunhedsltlx ~ 01 utmlmn} lU “HI ix will 0“ p-HI I ht) Pitt Street. Luth. Saturdays: “lmlll‘ L— - I GlasgowI‘west Enid “mm W” “mg l1;1\|\, \Vill \xork lor ;' to 4. Mon— Fri 13 to 2. Teltl3l [Em m“ “m zu'whc i225” young Pm L‘Nlmé' (m it , . .\ , .II . I .. ph ,II. : . . «4 7i)“; «7 1w 1 Lash tints. waxirtmex ress herrnanent hasisor person “0mm? “‘1‘ k H u u' l L . I 'mpmve Your Engtlsm Pm?!” l "h u L" p

. , 'l‘om onlWlh’ "4033“. : , . ._~, . , nails.electrolysis.speci;il visitingthwti- l’hnnc WW“ 1 ' : '9‘5””"”' ""937."“l‘?’“”“"”" SERVICES introductorvotters. l‘eltl3l m 134 (1351. I I \ isitors h} qualitted triendl} v ~ ~ *

l a

. ’3 )5. I4th yearmale studentl33l “Mm” A” kw" Sm?!” IA": V0" scll‘employed7 :iNellqualitied Australian and seeks llat room in titlmhurgh I Female vocalist to more lead ' \Iudclm 0" Wit” .L’l'l’lllis- Accountants' tees too much? Yorkshim massems “If” “N ('entral Bruntxt'ield area. l’hone \ t)c‘;ll\ reotnied tor ( ilasgo“ _ llik'lcl‘h‘mk' 3-“: 35““ C‘Clllntb- Have your accounts and tax Ch“ Sucdish oil m'iwtue ‘tt Duncan on (Ni 95‘) 4305. l lutxc‘tl hand. lnllueneexz I 073‘“an and Draughtsmansml returns prepared for it relisonahlerates 'lfeleiihone I Glasgow central tlat sought ? Blondie. [353» (iigx hooked. expert inxlruction. ‘I‘elephone mmpcmiw m. by Mark Juh'n NW] (m 1'14 .18” all facilities tor three l'ourth demo \oon. ('ontaet “3' 554 "’43 Noonan. 'l‘el: U31 5548262. I "aria" Languéhe has?” professional inales. Required 3 Mark (rain on ll.1l 33-10533. I speak Franc" 0" INF” it Will] I Piano Tuner/Restorer.

_ ' I I I I. .‘H; I .I _‘ I 4. H I . variouslevels.startingOctoher. trom ntld .\()\L‘ltltlL‘rUlltlilllltt 5 I (llltl It'lLL lL lit. 1 PLI\Ull }](l\lllg \ [Clonal] and ()ldplunns [\ISO talks and snciulcvcntx February Please phone H3] 443 W‘Kh'W“l3”an (“dun “mt restored and tuned tostandard Infonmnmn {mm [)ImIC

1" misfl'itionmox‘x; 'o, . .. '. .- . . . ll)--. : hi ll", , “I I IL “I m. n “mull l’mh- l, r“ ‘lpl’m'm' Alighierisociet)‘ secretary. 53 .working 'ema'e want“! to [liI‘Im “SI-(HIlIdlliLamIIKliiwgiifiS and cmmmc' (’lmg‘m' “Wit Rowallan (iardens. (ilasgow. . . , . . tUll‘. a iaieon . -_ J... i . . .. t . .. “hm lilnd"’“d "d" 0“” s ' “""Fm‘t‘m 33417)” (,1 1 7m. IelephonelMl 334 room. £130 pcm. Please phone

Ilsthere lite atterwork? Ye» there ixmth the lntenarxit} (‘ltilil l\‘(‘i\a L‘llll‘ till'Mltlllg

. IAnn's Aerobic Exercise Classes ma , . lii‘nlc~\lvll:i| l‘wiilu \\ c Use your loat! Make bread. .7 - I . . I --~- 04] 334 4919 antmpmi it"“mf—‘V 1‘ lill‘flk” numb“ "l Share _\our know -ho\\ i) kkl iinilfii-(inls Eti){';"t(t)t:fh'nL (“WI-W “whwch "\ {mlmghllur i'l‘Lti(“'iriil'Ilitirso inWest BUDDHAINTHE badminton. lllll\\ttlhlll_L';tlltt PRIVA'I‘fi'1‘1'1'1‘10xmum)” " L‘ p PALM OFYOUR HAND

I TWO rooms leql'i'ed in central Cine-mu Hit“ in the ( ilttxgtm and {ind ‘3 Mimic 11”” U “WP” An introduction to the path of

llattrom early 0ctober.Phone . r I, . .. \ . I. .II .. 1 class. ltlxessiottsil45tl mcdmmnm IIIC DImmmSde, 0292 311652. idmhm‘hh MN 1“ I h” I“ I individualattentionassured. '

detailxlmg(il.i\gt1\\ till o“: ( entre. 2U7'l‘he l’leasance.

JOBS WANTED 3842Mtum('oitxioSM"3x3l-1. ? INeeded:Douhlebed-sotain ““""‘“"'°“‘”“C'"3‘33983” ()PcnlniltalkMonIllOctat

I Samovar club at Glasgow tor . good condition. chairs to match 7.30pm. lireeiliollowed by five I Male student (21) seeks lhk‘ “’Clk'l.‘ “l .‘tlll'lfl'i'l'hk'ill'l i it ax ailahle. Also dark brown ' chlf course L ll); unwang £5. Saturdax and or evening uork in l‘mlCNWli‘i‘ 'l-“L‘HU-litth diningchairs and small I I \‘f’lllildhiilll tillmlk‘. 2111 Edinburgh to pay ot't'merdralt. ““Ull'm‘l l‘lt’fll’illl‘mk' ‘lillh telcPhone table and collee “SSUU‘H'UH ("l Blldflhlsl CCntrcs Aux-thineconsidered. Phone 8L‘l‘lt'ml‘u. For lurther tables. l’lczisc Phone U31 22‘) EDENB‘JRGHARISé.ENIERTA'NMENTDISTRIBUTION “’Unflcd h} thc‘hdlildham Gram 03‘] 2204153. intorniation telephone “4] 33: 5mg IIIICI-timpIII FORALL POSTERAND LEAFLET ( hogyanfl rungpa. I Female (28) fluent in l‘rench. " I 53‘ I Piano. upright torsale tuned to DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS humm‘ DUN“ " hunk'KhUP I close Encounters "t dincrcm “alumni Home" pm" )' “1C3” FOrturtherinformationtelephone’ I Decorating \’ewin ’ton experience. Private lessons. kind! Residential Single tor music student. good playing 031_667 9588 Decormm [Id puffcwonal lrélnslillilmx hUUSCWOI'k. Weekend 32 33()ctoher a Cl’lldlllml. l’rlCC “Sill” “CID tr‘idesi’ncni'ttid )eci'ilistsin childminding. anything sensible “hulk. m.“ “III IU mm Imdgct with removal. l’hone Dave. ()41 goonsombyymwu,RenIaISI03II3340574 hfm )i-n , fin; 1- lug :tr—i‘ in considered. Notiine \xaxtc‘rx. to know people and have a llln 334 17‘)(l(l’iano Restorer). [— t~ in P ~~~ PP g

SERVICES/TRAVEL 25 words maximum

I 1Nolireirftzttame Add ACCOMMODATION/JOBS WANTED Name aiidMessageiiiBLOrglsts - CAPITALS. 20 words maxrmum Addfess 2. A" ads must be - a- l IONLY £2 EliltL/pa'litiim. sns VAC/ANNOUNCEMENTS/ WWWWWW or t m L L a. PRIVATE TUITION/BUY AND SELL Tel No (day) (eve). givriepiié’smiaolsilo's will . 25 words maxrmum Message category glance per I 0N LY £3 Messa e - note: tel nos count as 1 word #:5353933?“ 5. Noliabitity can be accepted tor mistakes or torlorwarding replies. 6. n r t e N I mustebpe lsatiatilytiiiariirsed ‘oox no xxx in top

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7. All correspondence to: Classified Ads

The List Ltd

, . 14 High Street

£2 per col cm. Min 3cm (£6). No or issues Payment encl, Edinburgh EH1 1r:

(Phone 031 5581191 tor details) 7630315531193

Classilied deadline tor Issue 79 is Fri 7 Oct.

58'l‘he List 3(lSept - 13 Oct 1988