I Cruise Women 173 lrigram Street. 553tltifs-1. Mon-lit lllaiii--tipiii. Sat 9.30am (ipm. Aiming to please all women lrom

lts' Slltlicre isawidc selection ol eminently

w carahle clothes. ’l‘hey are now eiideayoui'mg to gis c more choice by stocking more ranges but with fewer items lrom each. You can expect to pay UH .‘illllchoosing items trom \ick ( 'olman. Mathilde. l-nglish l'ccentricsor Spcctots.

I Cruise Men and Cruise Accessories 3*) 4t RL‘ltllL'ltl Street. 345‘ 34%. Mon Sat 0.45am hpm. Sliops aimed at men who need their l’aul Sitiith tis. 'l'he accessory shop stocks shoeshy (ieoigio l’errari. Burns and ( ircnson as well itsttlte\telt\l\e collection ol silk ties. slias mg sets. watches et al. the clothing lasourstlie continental lrom ( ’hippy to Armand Basi. Shirts lioiti U3 5Htipwai'ds. top range trousers at £145. IDrJives Virginia (iallci‘ics. 3.“ Virginia Street. 55.3 54.5 l \lttlt Sat Warn 5 .‘llprn. ll youcari lind thisshop in the labyrinth that is the Virginia(ialleriestlicn good on you. and it is well “(Will the iletectis e work ()riginal American classics ol the 5ll's in good condition. The ( iallei'ies tlicmsely cs are a htiiitiiig ground lor secondhand jewellery antique

I Flip at Hollywood ‘3 Queen Street. 33] 3tl-ll Mon Sat

‘)..‘~llam 5.3“ 5.-15pm. Vast collection oi secondhand American clothing such as the classic liaseliall tackets and college styleclothing. Suedes and leathers in e\ety colour alttlsltape imaginalilc. the new stull tends to lie tacky.

I Ichi Ni San 123 (kiiidlei'iggs. 553 3545 Mon Sat lllaiii hpm.Sun 1 3H 5.3tlpm. t'iiasliamed

puritans of style ofhoth sexes w ill love this shop. The Autumn selection ranges from heautilully tailored modern sttits to Body niap underw ear. (‘urrently hoastinglohii l-‘lett. Betty Jackson. (iiiiliano l-uiiwara. .loliti Richmond. l)utter ot St. (ieorge and lots more besides. l’ricey namesat l‘igtiresto match.

I Starry. Starry Night l)owanhill lane. 35" ISST Mon Sat

lllam 5.3llpm, A cocktail ol a shop comprising Jewellery workshop. made to measure Clothes and selective secondhand antique clothes. An unusual and interesting comhination. I Stons 81 Queens Street. 3ll-1153-l..\1on» Sat

Illam (ipm. Suitalile lor women of IS Attwitli a wide range ol high quality lasliioiis. \Vest l‘nd's(iirl (despite its unappealing name)ollersappealittg skirts lrom Biland l'itted racketsaroundLlotl and you won't tind them being sold anywhere else. The Simple Standards collection is less L‘\Pelt\l\ c and pros'ides a \ iahle alternatiye to more upmarket chain store goods. (iliost and lemon are also las ourites here. IThe Warehouse til (ilasslord Street. 553 ~11Sl..\1on Sat

lllamv (ipni. limporium of popular. upmarket. ready to wear designer labels with a great elesator. Start on the ground floor tor shoeshy l’atrick (‘o\. (iianni liarhato. l‘ei‘ari i. Burns and Palladium. then tip to ‘(iirls' and ‘.\lens' (so I'll call them lioysl tor .lasper ( 'onran. .lean .\ltiir. Jean Paul (iaultier. ( ihost, Nicole \‘ahri. Andy l)eneulemeestei . Atiollo l)oiiiintpie/. Armani and the rest ol the tamin Decidedly titslettll nowadays. .\'ot loi‘ bargain hunters. IWhistles t'nit 15. l’tinces Square. Buchanan Street 330 535‘). Mon Sat


' ilothes by Knile Desigritr

lilani "pm. Sun

I31“ 4 .‘llpm A sure source to lirid something that will please. Best to look out tor \Vliistlesown range w hich is slightly cheaper than the rest. (lothes trom('omme des (iareon. lolital eiiipica. Regina Rulieits and .lohii Smedlcy .-\ lew slioesl‘} \Vhistlcs and Philippe \iedalleo. as w ell as hats and accessories l._\cr'a skirts and tops liom U5 and then its upwards and onwards. IWryggestmItiht-igs (‘andleriggx Saticliiehall Street. Arger Street. ‘l'rongatc. Scottisli cliatn store success story that aiinstoollerthe 1S" 3“ year olds cheap and tashioiialile clothes arid accessories. lite Autumn womciisweai is divided into categories named the Bloomsbury Set. Wall Street. Academy and (ilcneagles. the titles lieiiigsell-explanatory. .‘slensw ear rc-w orls's the themesot the smart suit. country casuals and American classics,


I Alison Sergent Byzantium ‘) Victoria Street. 3.357556. listi‘emely small stall which manages to house one ol the liest Value for money hat collections in town from ( 'ontest Free and Ann Wallace. Made

om Haston Chi Chi. Edinburgh.

to measure designs from the collection start at {till tor a dress. 1 Hill for astiit. pricesare slightly higher lor one otl numbers.

I Caplan 3n St Mary is Street. 5.57 33‘)”, Mon Sat .\'oon 5.3“ (ipm. A very distant relatis e ot the hunt and ye shall lind school ot secondhand clothes; dead trendy gear has been singled out lrom the dross. A good idea but sometimes tends to he a hit cheeky with the price tag. All clothes. shoes and hats in excellent condition.

I Corniche 3 4 .lellrcy Street. 576 3707. Mon Sat lllain 5.30pm. l’ositisely oozing w ith lahels ol’ w ell known names. ( ~orniche hits the right chord by not dictating one look. “you like to see Ken/o ruhhing shoulders with Betty Jackson. Sara Sturgeon. (iaultierltinior. Katherine llamnett and the owner's new ‘pride and joy' Ami Mondo. here's your place. Accessories and shoes match the clothes in range. neither are cheap but are realistic. ICoatolArms l.s’ 3lllligh Street. 557 337‘). Mon Sat lllam A 5.30pm. This new arrival from Stirling aims to hit the 'Next Set‘ women with a more independent approach. ()n offer is a small well chosen collection such as the Workhouse knitwear

label from Fenn. Wright and Manson. silks from Tao and three piece suits from 'l‘ral'tik. Suede hats. hig hells arid a range oi jewellery enioy the spacious display space. .\'ot as exclusiye as it appears trom the outside. I Cruise 1 HM Rose Street. A selection til men‘s and women‘s clothing and accessories. See(ilasgow listings tor lullei' details. I 0020 S St Stephen Place. 33” NW]. Mon Sat llam- (rpm. (‘laiming to he the only stockist ol authentic .lapanese kimonos in Scotland. l)o/.o also carries an assortment ol silk jackets and scars cs. ('otton kimoiios start at £45. silk ones at {till I Haston Chi Chi :4 St Mary ~s Street. 557 33-“) Mon Sat 1 lam 5..‘~llpm. Small but interesting especially lor leatherw ear. Simple and st_\ lish lielts and liags made hy Andrea I laston. picketsliy herlirother Andrew. ('lothes and knitwear by ('hi ( ‘hi and Knitc I)esign are diy use and original. They are currently stocking lloppy hatshy .'\lltilk'CltlL‘\;llttl heaten copper and silyer iewcllery. Prices are competetiy e. I The Ivy League 4t west Nit-ulson Street. NW S3tlti. Mon Sat ltlam hpm This seems to he a meltingpot for small Scottish designers and consequently has a \ arted array ol stiits. es ening dresses. tops and accessories lrom Masc. Suzanna Danielles. Bella Raga/1a and (‘hris l)a|rymple. they also oil'er a made to measure sers ice ol anything you require. The} are Very reasonath priced. I Maggies St Stephen Street. .\ton Sat Aiternoons. A good secondhand clothes shop in an area w here they aliound anyway . The stock is in good condition especially lornieii'shats.

esenitig wear. lingerie and linens.

I Number Two 2 St Stephen Place. 335 (i357. Mon~Sat ltlam~53tlpm. A knitwear shop that as oids the gimmik‘y. the staid and the Benettonnesque is a rarity hut No.3 stocks a stylish and dis'ers'e range; tapestry sty le designs in muted shades hy (‘arrie \Vhite. hold geometries by Maggie White and unusual folk art iiilluences. ('lassical line lanihsw ool selection from Johnson M lilgins. You can procure liriglit gloyes at £4.05 otherwise it's [3” L3H“.

I Rosie‘s 5S ( ‘andlemaker Row . 335 3055. Mon Sat

l lam 5..‘~llpin. A deliriite retro leel to a women's clothes shop that sells new items. Small selection of lingerie and lrocks. big and unusally exciting range of hats hy (iahriela ligtte/a. Sandra Phillips. Margaret ’l’onagh and The Hat Shop.

I Smiths Menswear 124 High Street. 335 5937 and llll l othian Road.33ts’ 3-108. Mon Sat

9.30am hpm. late night 'l‘htirsday and Sun

13pm 4.30pm. Smart and good quality clotheson otter lrom Hugo Boss. \‘angilles. Newman and ()\hridge by ('18. Alsoa large selection of Jonathan Ross tiesarid other accessories.

I Vintage Style Byzantium. 9 Victoria Street. 335 I763. 'l‘weeds. hats and cigarette cases from another era for the man oi today. large selection ol rackets and some interesting accessories including old keys made into pins.

I Winkles Pie Shop In Sciennes Road. Mon- Sat 10.30am-5.3(lpni. ()lfthc beaten track but if you can nay igate the Meadows go for a pertisal oigood quality American classics. (iood iors’ttits.

I Wrygges Princes Street. See (ilasgow listings for fuller details.

JAPANESE SHOP KIMONO - PAPER - SILKS - PRINTS 8 St. Stephen Place, Edinburgh. Tel: 031-220 1671

Vintage Clothing




58 The List 14 37 October 1988