Graeme Murray Gallery, Edinburgh

Up the ‘hill ofthe two winds' there is a 'bewitching wood‘ which leans over the ‘rock of the ravens‘. Below, nearthe ‘creek of the yellow iris' swallows fly under ‘a passing cloud‘. These are the words which accompany the images of a photographer who spent five years in the search of the yellow iris and other natives, plant, animal and spiritual, on the island of Mull. Returning there every year in May, he pulled away the veil of the ordinary to reveal the extraordinary.

The photography of David Hatfield is intense. But it is also crystal clearand uncluttered. As reflected in his words, if is the mystery of land and life which is uppermost in his lens. The bend of the trees is related to the wind and a leatherto a tree. Though sharing an approach to his work which in spirit and production is akin to photographers like Thomas Joshua Cooper. Hatfield has managed to produce something which is a unique poetic diary of his own experience. (AB)

from a buoy ant but pie steam. tinerigincei'cd age.

I IMAGES GALLERY "-1 l ly iidlarid Road. 334 53! 1. Mon l‘l'l ‘)._‘s()am 5.3llpm. No exhibition at present but general stock includes ISlh and 10th century .lapanese woodblock pi Hits and I‘llli and Illtli century etchings. watercolours antloils. I INTERDEC GALLERY .\lary hill Burgh llall. 34(iairbraitl Road. ‘l4fi5‘ll3 General exhibition of gallery artists Paintings by local artists and Kenyan embroidery are on show here.

I JOHN GREEN FINE ART le3 Batli Street. 2210035. Mon l-ii lllam 5pm; Sat lllani lpm.

I‘lth ck leth century continental oilsand \yatci'eoloui's.

I LILLIE ART GALLERY Station Road. Milngayie. 950335 I The Hi I lam 5pm and '7 0pm; Sat and Sun 2 5pm. (‘losed Mondays.

Glasgow Society otWomen Artists 1: 3n Nos The annual exhibition ot this long-established group

I MCLELLAN GALLERIES Rose Street. Mon-Sat 10.30am bpm; Sun 2pm 5pm. Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts 127th Annual Exhibition I hit] (i No\ An exhibitionol coiilempoiaiy paintingsand

50'l‘he List 38()ct - ltl Nov 1088

sculptures. Among the the better known exhibitors are David Donaldson and Iiduardo Paolozzi.

I MAIN FINE ART'I‘he Studio Gallery. 16 (iibson Street. 334 8858. Tue-Sat 10am-5pm.

The opening of the Mains‘ new gallery in (iihson Street has been postponed until end ()ct. L’pstairs Lesley Main‘s work is on view.

I EWAN MUNDY FINE ART 48 West (ieorge Street. 33! 2406. Mon—Sat 9.3(lam—5.3llpm. J D Fergusson Until 12 Nov. An exhibition ofpairitirigs. watercolours and drawings by the Scottish colourist.

I MUSEUM OF TRANSPORT Kelvin Hall (lintrance from Bunhouse Road with parking facilities) Mon—Sat Ill—5pm; Sun 3-~5pni. A history of sortie of the elaborate mechanisms employed for the simple purpose ofgetting from A to B.

I 908 GALLERY 12 ()tago Street . 3393 I58. Mon-Sat lllam-bpm. Carole Moore 3‘) ()ct~-3(l Nov. New paintings by a young ( ilasgow School of Art graduate.

I PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (ilasgow (ireen. 5540223. Mon Sat lllam 5pm; Sun l 5pm. (ilasgow's museum of working life. Now in its‘mth year.the mtiseurii is currently undergoing essential repairs and i‘elut'bishment which will last throughout the year.

Stained Glass Gallery Permanent gallery'of secular and religious stained glass which acknowledges (ilasgow's impressiy e history in the field. The Glasgow Boxer I 'ntil 3l ()ct. With one exception every Scottiin world boxing champion has come from (ilasgow or nearby .lohnny Hill was (ilasgow‘sfirst

world champion. then came Benny Lynch.

.lackie Paterson. Wee Walter McGowan and .lim Watt. Photographs show boxitig on the (ilasgow scene past arid present. the doctors. the promoters. the referees and doormcn.

I POLLDK HOUSE leoll Pollokshaws Road.

(w32ll2‘4. Mon Sat lllam-- 5pm. Sun

I 5pm. Neighbour to the Burrell Collection. this 18th century house contains the Stirling Maxwell (‘ollection of Spanish paintings and period furnishings.

I RAMSHORN CHURCH lngrarn Street. Nooii— 7pm weekdays arid noon--5pm. For information contact Sallv Stewart . ()475 25 l 73. '

Phoenix Returns limit 9 Nov. An exhibition ofwork by y'oungUIasgow architects and designers.

I THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE 72 St Vincent Street. 221 (i121. Mon-Sat 9.30am 5pm.

Design: The Problem Comes First [hill 2‘) ()ct. 'l'wenty six Danish design classics. Creating a World that Works I 'ntil 2t) ( )ct.

l low maior dey elopments in design engineering have been channelled itito the domestic and ex et‘yday sphere.

I SPRINGBURN MUSEUM Ay r Street (adiacent to Springburn Railway Station). 55’ 1405. Mon l-‘ri ltl..‘sliam-5pm. Sun

2 5pm.

A Place to Stay I 'ntil Nov sis. ()ne of the largest exhibitions ey er mounted on the subtect of housing in Scotland. The exhibition traces the transformation of Springburn from a small village and industrial suburb w here property was priyately owned. to today‘y tow-n dominated by cotiricil tow er blocks. home for 5ll’ ( ol the residents.

I THIRD EYE CENTRE 35llSauchiehall Street. 333 5'52] . 'l'tie' Sat lilam— 5.30pm. Sun 3 5.30pm.

'l‘hird liye (’entre has been central tothe organising and mounting of the Polish Realities season which runs throughout (ilasgow during November. lixhibitions iii galleries around the city have been selected by the centre's director('hris ('arrell and exhibitions organiser Andrew Nairnc. 'l'liird Izye itself is devotingall gallery space this month to Poland.

Polish Realities Exhibitions

Edward Dwurnik 5 Nov—3 Dec. Gallery I. Dwurnik is one of the best known Polish artists included in this season. outside his own country. llere. four large works combine his ‘village‘ paintings (using a style he adopted in the 1970‘s) with expressive solitary figures.

Jaroslaw Modzelewski. Wlodzimierz Pawlak. Ryszard Wozniak 5 Nov-3 Dee. (iallery l . Three members of (iruppa. an artists‘ group formed in I982 who led a movement away from conceptual art in the seventies back to painting in the eighties.

Miroslaw Balka 5 Nov—3 l)ec. (iallery 1..»\ member of the informal group Neue Bieremiennost (New Pregnancy) makes an installation in the gallery which Iooksat the question of personal destiny.

Marek Chlanda and Andrzei SzewczykS Nov—.3 Dec. (iallery 3. (‘hlanda makes space specific sculptures and drawings. Szewczyk's installation Basilica looks at the nature ofcommunication.

Mariusz Kruk: St Cat 5 Nov-3 Dec. Performance Space 1 - enter via 34o Satichiehall Street. A former tnemberof Kolo Klipsa (a group currently showingat (ilasgow Arts(‘entre) Krtik's sculptural installation eschews intellectualism arid looks at the world through instinct and rise ofthe senses.

Polish Realitieszoocumentary Exhibition 5 Nov— 3 Dec. l’oyer. A small exhibition of photographs. graphics arid printed material on Poland over the past ten years and highlighting Richard l)emarco‘s pioneering role in bringing the art of Poland to the west.

Video 5 Nov—3 Dec. (iallery l.Showingat 1.15pm. each day. Two videos by young Polish film-maker Andrch Rraszewski documenting recent significant artistic events.

Talko Nov. 3.3(L-3.3llpiii. Free. The (‘ontext of Polish Art in the liighties. an illustrated talk by historian Milanda Slizinska. ()ti the same day from 3.3(L5.3llpm. there w ill be a panel discussion on Polish Visual arts. ()n the panel are Marek (‘hlanda (artist). Richard Demarco (gallery director responsible for introducing Polish art to Scotland and who has a strong. continuing dialogue with Poland) Roland Miller (writer) Andrew Nairrie (exhibitions organiser. 'l‘hird liye) Jaromire Jedlinski and Maria Morziich (curators) Milanda Slizinska (historian). 'l‘his promises to be art entertainingand enlightening event and may serve asa good introduction to the Polish Realities exhibitions.

Publication Third liye (‘entre has published Polish Realites:Contemporary Visual Arts in Poland to celebrate the season. It is available through their bookshop and galleries at a special exhibition price of £4.95 (normally Lb). See Art (iallery and Mtiseum. ( ilasgow School of Art. (ilasgow Print Studio. (ilasgow Arts ( critic and ( ‘ompass Gallery for delailsofotliei‘ Polish Realities exhibitions. 'l‘hc (‘ollins ( iallery has independently organised an exhibition of contemporary Polish photography. See also'l‘heatre. ('lassical .\ttisic. Him and ()pen sections of The 1.13! for dctailsol~ other Polish Realities ey ents.

I TRANSMISSION GALLERY 13(‘hisliolm Street. 552 4813. Mon Sat noon -(ipm. Metamorphoses Black and white pictures of faces by ( ‘zechosloy akiari photographer lvan Slavdek.

I WASPS lb King Street . 5520564.

Mon Fri lllam 5pm. A new shop. exhibition space and resource centre w ith inforitiation on work by all \\'ASl’S artists. Slide library and information about how to commission work.

I WARE ON EARTH 488 (ireat Western Road. 33‘) 3034.

This recently opened gallery is exhibiting the works of l-‘iona Sutherland. formerly at the sister gallery in lzdinburgh. New Sicilian work willshortly bearriyingiritlie

two galleries.

I WASHINGTON GALLERY 44 Washington Street, (I41 22] 6780. Mon—Fri 10am-1pm. 2—5pm; Sat Illam— l pm.

I. Lesley Main I'ntil I 1 Nov. Lesley Mainis a (ilasgow painter of landscapes and flowers.decorativethemes executed with skill arid a lightness oftouch.


I ARCHITECTURE GALLERY ( 'hambe rs Street. Mon ~lt‘ri 9am -8.45pm. Sat.Sun lt)am—3.45pm.

Chinese Paintings and Artifacts from Yunnan 3] Oct 11 Nov. Tony Jackson. Professor of Anthropology at lidinburgh L'riiversitv. has been studying the Na-Khi community in China. This exhibition looks at the ' culture of the Na-Khi through its art.

I BOURNE FINE ART 4 I)undas Street. 557 4050. Mon Fri lllam-bpm.

Scottish painting 18”“ l‘)5(land decorative Arts.

I Ill Royal Terrace. 556 NH”. Mon -l-‘r'i lllam (rpm; Sat

lllani lpm.

Marine Paintings 1 'ntil ls Nov. for all those w itlt a collecting interest in the sea

VICTORIAN VALUES Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh Moustachioed soldiers fight it out on the studio carpet. Beside them an actor with a cushion up his cassock plays the role of the merry priest complete with jolly empty glass of vino. 0n the wall opposite a gang of east coast urchins, some without shoes, all with stunningly serious faces, beckon the photographer into real life. Taken in the late 19th century by one man, these are photographs with an honest face.

James Cox came from one of the Dundee families which made its fortunes in jute. With time and money to spare, he, like otherVictorians blessed with these twin privileges, adopted photography as a way of spending both. In this exhibition, the first ever of his work, he shows himself to be an artist explorer of both character and composition. He was indeed a painter himself and here and there in the photographs there is a group of children at sea which whisper MacTaggart or a clucking farm related to the kailyard painters. And as well as peopled places, Cox is equally good at catching the cold from jaggy fingers of snow-covered broom.

The Portrait Gallery continue to pluck real quality, much of it hitherto unknown. from the ever-increasing Scottish National Photography Archive. Long may it be discovered.(Alice Bain)