Portfolio Gallery at the Photography Workshop, Edinburgh

Seamed stockings and high heels. In the world at Chandler and the movie makers ol the forties and titties, the lemme tatale was essential to the flames of passion and intrigue in mystery and film noir. Today, that same lemme is cast as woman in business and woman of substance, her enigma as glamorous and treacherous as ever. But does she really exist and it so does she live as a reflection 01 male desire or does she have a lemale strength that is herown?

Those questions and others concerning the state of male/lemale relationships are asked by Matra Tabrizian whose photographs tantalise the temptress into the black and white world of trilby hats, satin bosoms in black and eyes which lash with seduction. It is a world caught divided by evening dress and suit, seducer and seduced, top and bottom floors and only the eyes of a gilded portrait look out—the others are absorbed in creating their own image.

Downstairs, Tabrizian lurther explores relationships, this time focusing on advertising and its impact on society. She photographs the men and women behind the machine of advertising the copy-writer with her awards, the photographer with her backdrop, the chairman with his board-room. Her exposure shows them to be merely cyphers, somehow unaware of the monster that advertising has become. It’s a job. The public relations man has been so absorbed by his job description that he

is almost invisible in his portrait. His power is simply translated by his physical relationship to the tools of his trade around him. There he stands above a bank of televisions beaming

out one of today’s most packaged images— Margaret Thatcher, made palatable lor the viewers. Very gently, Tabrizian warns of unseen dangers. (Alice Bain)

more accessible to browsers than the upstairs rooms in llanox er Street which housed lI ox er the past three years. Edward Stratton 29 ()ct-- l 2 Nov. A selection of work by artists w ho have show it xx ith Hanover over the past 3 years is hung xx ith a mini-retrospective of work by IidwardStrattonl1928-- 1986).

I HART STREET GALLERY l9 1 lart Street. 556 7069. Mon —-Sat lllam- 6pm.

(ieneral selection of paintings and prints. Framing serx ice available.

Scottish Landscapes and Figure Paintings by Adrian Kingsley Plumb.

I HM GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE Princes Street. 556 6585. Mon—I‘ri 9am 4.3llpm. Scots in Australia limit end ( )ct.

I IXIA 44a (ieorge Street. 225 6882.

Mon -Sat ltlam—-5.3()pm.

Design Work 31 Oct 26 .\'ox . ('arved

xx ooden birds by John Thompson. ceramics. glass. wood. jewellery and silk scarves by local designers.

I KINGFISHER GALLERY Northumberland Street Lane. 557 545-1. Mon---Sat mam—4.30pm. Sat lllam— 1 pm; Sun closed.

Sculpture by Bridget McCrum limit 12 Nov. Sculpture is shown together with work by gallery painters.

I LEITH SCHOOL OE ART 25 North Junction Street. 556 4528 or 554 5761.

A full programme of art classes and courses has begun. School leavers and mature students who wish to build a portfolio for entry into Art (‘ and evening classes for beginners and Saturday workshops for children will then be offered. For further information phone the above numbers or write to Mark and Charlotte (‘hex‘erton at 8 Brandon Terrace. Canonmills. Edinburgh 13113 5EA.

List 28 ()ct— ll) Nov 1988

I MALCOLM lNNES GALLERY 67(ieorge Street. 226-1151. Mon— Fri 9am—6pm. Fur, Feather and Fin l'nti129()ct. Recent works in oil. watercolour. pencil. bronze and stone. by limma 1-‘aull. John Iidwards and Laurence Broderick.

I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 5568921. Mon—Sat lliam~5pm; Sun 2—-5pm.

Genoese Drawings of the 16th and 17th Centuries from 28 ()ct. By-passed by tourists today. (ienoa was once a major attraction for visitors to Italy. Duringthe ltxth and 17th century. when the city was ruled by a merchant aristocracy. builders of palaces and wealth. a (ienoese school of painting emerged producing Strozzi.

An unusual exhibition at tloating objects by Vera Szelkely at the French Institute.

('astiglione and (iaulli. the best ofthe bunch. This exhibition includes the big three as well as lesser known names. Prints by Andrew Geddes 1783—1844 from 28()cL

I NATIONAL LIBRARY OFSCOTLANO (ieorge 1V Bridge. 226 4531. Mon—-15ri 9.3(lam—5pm; Sat 9.3(lam—1pm; Sun 2pm—5pm.

Bridie l Nov—Feb 1989. As l)r()sborne Ilenry Mavor he practised medicine and asJames Bridie he wrote over 3llp1ays. founded the Glasgow ('itizen‘s Theatre and counted Bernard Shaw. Tyrone (iuthrie and Laurence Olivier among his friends and contacts. This double life (1888—19511is explored in an exhibition which ends the centenary year of Bridie‘s

birth. a year which has already been fullof plays and revivals of his work in Scotland's theatres. llere. yet another aspect to his talents is added to Bridie's portfolio of achievements in a selection ofcartoons and sketches. I NETHERBOW 43 l ligh Street. 5569579. Mon-Sat “lam—4.30pm and evenings when performances. Cafe. The Magic ol Masks limit Sat 19 Nov. Around Halloween time. the Nethcrboxv displays new masks by Siaonnagh Morton of the pageant. carnival variety. Once part of Suitcase ('ircus. this is Morton's first exhibition as mask-maker. I OPEN EYE GALLERY 75 Cumberland Place. 557 1021). Mon-Fri Iliam—(xprn. Sat mam—4pm. Arabian Journey limit to Nov. (ientle sketches of hot lands with camels. donkeys and robes by Alexander (iraham Munro (19(13— 1985). an artist born in Midlothian who travelled to Iiurope and Africa in the early years of his life. 11c returned in 1945 to Scotland where he was art masterat Loretto and (ilenalmond. Iona and Iain McGregor l'ntil 1t) .‘s'ov. Softly carved boxvls which take much account of the wood and have names like Burr Wych film. Jewellery L'ntil it) .\'ov. Jewellery by recent graduates of Duncan of Jordanstone College. I THE PEOPLE'S STORY ('anongate. ()pens later this year. Memorabilia of all kindsis sought for this new museum. devoted to all aspects of lidinburgh life. (‘ontact llelen (‘lark or Iilaine Finnie at the Social History Section. lluntly House Museum. 142 (‘anongate. 225 242-1 et 6679 ifyott have anything tooffer. I PORTFOLIO GALLERY AT PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP 43 ('andlemaker Row. 22() 1911.'l‘ue--Sat lll.3()am—5.3()pm. Correct Distance limit 5 Nov. The femme fatale of film noir is the key characterin Mitra 'I‘abrizian's staged explorations of fantasy. Also showing is a seriesof photographs ‘(iovernmentality' which analyses advertising to reveal its ideology. Tabrizian's work is noxv seen internationally and she is based in London. As its contribution to the nationwide Women's Photography Festival the gallery is also running talks and workshops in the last week of October. (‘ontact Portfolio (iallery for details. ticketsand bookings. Pictures of Women Sat 29 ()ct 9.3(lam—5pm. Riddles Court. 322 Lawnmarket. Talks and workshops by the following photographers. teachers and writers -’ Mitra 'l'abrizian. Roberta Mc(irath. Brenda Prince and Mary Ann Kennedy. New Pictures at Women Sun 30 Oct 10am-4pm Napier Polytechnic. Marchmont Road. One day workshop. L'sing back projection and instant slide film. participants create their own ‘image' or film scenario. ()nly basic camera skills necessary. TalkThurs 27 ()ct. 7.30pm. Talk by Franki Raffles about her photography on the lives ofworking women in Edinburgh. I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 8921. Mon-Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. John Muir Wood 1805-1892 Until 5 Nov. £1 Admission. Wood. a professional musician. had the true Victorian‘s passion for the science of photography. With painstaking detail he experimented with printing techniques. carefully touching up negatives to enhance their effect. The prints are remarkable. if a little humourlcss. Well worth a visit. Photographs by James Cox Until end Nov. Forty photographs ranging between the 187(ls and 1880s by at Dundee photographer. His most acclaimed work has been the social portraiture of communities in the fishing villages ochst Haven and Auchmithie. This is the first exhibition ever devoted to his work and is accompanied by the latest edition to the