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RlKKl FULTON & GORDON MENZIES ' on Friday 4th November [2.30—1.30pm \\

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Glasgow’s Most Stylish Bookstore

l towaumat, tm 5M ~~~~ -- i. ,. ' lei: on 226 mm, ;. ,EI - .‘

/ . " . h \ l ' \ ) -\i'-‘§\\\'.~.\ \ I T l.( .\( vs Aw \\_"_y\\\\§\\\ bookshop \\’llli its feet on the ' :;.v-..:, . (T V. § ’. i V I l V - ' 'A\V \ I'A' ‘\ ground tn Shit k )ndge " ,.m\vfim\rfifi»_. K ,/ I ~ \ t -'6>.\~2 0kmx\‘;;fi\;f:}::x¢“w""’” \ 0 ihousands ot hooks _ .)... 0 Hundreds ot postt ards and . a 3 .\\\\mr

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(assettes, candles - ML" ' i I, MORE Visit us 10mm to 6pm SPIRITUAL Monast- to Saturday H m 0” “muddy GROWTH Julia has gone to Italy. She “mm”: "H (mm- B O O K S has left her home. her lover. her friends. her job. \Vhyi’ Does she know herself? Why is it that the apparently

romantic destination has '

turned out to he such a trap? A . From the prize winning

author of Tongues of Flame

and Luring Roger:

TVCr-V 55""? ' "mm The second winning

1mPW-WW 77" Tm“ collection ol the very best from Alice Thomas lillis's Spectator column “l lome

t 493 Life”. With a disarmineg penetrating eye and a deeply

. ° - comic wit. she chronicles Sherratt & Hughes lnvue'w)" to domestic mishaps. the misery

Thursday 27 October induced by the awtulness or 12noon—9pm: Colour Me [femur/illconsultants advising on how i {he Brltl‘h “mm” and 5”” . O to improve Your appearance. b 1“ mms’mPli‘W thi‘ 2pm: William (. ottey signing copies Ot God's ( human. 11 there were such a thing as the lite Oi the Rev. James ( urrie. 1m Alia» Thomas l'illis tan Friday 28 October club I would he a paid up 2pm: Alastair Dunnet signing copies of his new book member‘ Ich’Mfi Raw

, . . .. . . When ‘Nelly' signs herself [lit .8( mus/z Highlands. in“) a strange howl She {(1.15

Monday 3] October the promise of a new lite. She 1 “)3 lpm: Louise Annand signing copies of/l Glasgow .S'kelclzhookz hi“ (“Scardc‘l h" P“ ‘3 sketches will he on display. husband“ 2* W") S“ , . ' ' completely that she cannot . e . 1 Mind?“ 3 November remember anything about it. F1" Om 3.30pm: Mollie Weir signing copies of her new book even her real name. . .or can . ‘1‘, r A Trilogy OfScOttis/z Child/100d. she? And what of her suitcase writ/1' 7pm: Martin Moran giving an illustrated talk on “"“d “’"h himknw" l” min‘ Ungo Scotland's Winler Mountains. (“with”) ' ~' ‘An immensely intelligent writer. lyrical and well inlormed. St n/mmn SHERW SHERRATT st HUGHES SHERW mmnco

45/50 Princes Square, Glasgow

Phone 041 22] 9650 to reserve signed copies or for H U G H E S a free Sherratt & Hughes Christmas catalogue. H U G H E S

58'I‘he List 28 ()ct 10 Nov 1988