with Viktoria Postnikova as soloist.

SATURDAY 12 Glasgow

I 5N0 ('it} IIaII. (‘andlcriggx 337551 I. 7.30pm. £2.5(l--£l lit). See I-‘ridas ll. Iidinhur'gh. lor lull description.


I Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra Queen‘s IIalI. (‘Icrls Street. (soS Illl‘). ".3llpm. £3.5llli3). rill [alerting m I’m-n isthe name ol lonight's entertainment. teaturmg music lrom operetta ( La Belle Helene. ()r/)/I('Il\ Ill I/It’ I IIdt‘I'll'Ul’ltlI. haIIet (("o/ipelml and concert hall( I'lie Sorcerer's .-lp/n'¢'n!1(‘e l. Alasdair Mitchell conducts and Sles'cn ()slmrne is soloist in Saint-Sacns' Piano (‘onccrto .\'o 3.

I Edinburgh University Singers Reid ('onccrt IIall. Bristo Square. I‘ickets: at door. “,JSpm. L3 ( £3). Vaughan Williams' (i minor Mass is the main \sork. but there are also 'I’udor anthems and motels. along with Iznglish organ rnrisic h} (iihhonsand 'I‘allis among others plased h} .lohn Kitchen. \s ho also conducts.

I Edinburgh Society of Musicians 2 Bellord Road. Admission at door. Spm. Music lor violin and piano including Wilma Paterson's ( "mm/u «II Harm) and W orks h} Mozart. Stras insk) . Bartok and(‘Iara Schumann perlormed h} .Maggie Christie. piano. and Susan Matasmska. \ iolm,

SUNDAY 13 Edinburgh

I Scottish Ensemble ()ueen‘s I IaII. ( 'Ierls

i I I i I

Street. 608 2(ll‘). 2.30pm. £5(£l £3). Principals from the Iinsemhle play chamher versions ot \sorks normth perl'orrncd by the \\ hole group including Sonatash) Rossini. l)i\ertimenti h} Mozart and Puccini's (‘rrsmmemr

I Edinburgh Light Orchestra Queen‘s I la“. (‘Ierk Street. ms Illl‘). 7.30pm.

{4.5” £35”. I.otsol popular musiel'rom l'ilms. IV. shoss-s. rriusicals. operelta and IigIll classics.



I Competition ( iuiness Room. RSAMI). lle Renlrcu Street. 333 SHST lllani. Admission free. The John Ireland Prize l’or('hamher Mirsic.

I Polish Realities/New Music Group of Scotland I Ienr} Wood Ilall.(‘laremont Street. 'I'icltets: 333 7521(l'hirdlisc Centre). Spin. L4 ( L25“). More contemporar} Polish music. this time l'eaturing solo and ensemhle \sorks lor

\ iola. including ( iorecki's .llusrquerle Ill lor3 siolas. .-\lso interestingshould be his .llrnrquelle ll ' lor the uriusual scoringol clarinet. cello. tromhone and piano.


I Edinburgh Secondary Schools Orchestra ()ueen's l Iall. (‘lcrk Street. has 201‘). ‘I'ickcls: 33‘)‘)I(io(.\lrs nghorn). 7,3llpm. 'I‘alented south orchestra ss ith \\ ell Islan n works including Malcolm Arnold‘s LIN/e Stu/c. Becthm en's

()\ erture to ( ‘urr'u/un and the 3nd Symphons h) 'I‘chaikossk}.




We’re OPEN 10am—6pm Mon—Sat

12noon—6pm on Suns


. We are the rage of angels

276 CANONGATE ROYAL MILE, EDINBURGH Telephone 031 557 6007



I Lunchtime Chamber Concert Rm ' .s‘sr) (‘entre. Queen Margaret I)ri\ e. Admission tree h} ticket lrom Reception. Broadcasting I louse or Room 31 I (please send sac). lpm. .-\ recital h} .-\ustralian pianist Piers Lane tor lutur'c broadcast on Radio 3.

I Violin/Piano Recital l Iulchesori's l IaII. I53 Ingram Sll'c‘c‘l. 'IIL‘Is'c'lsZ al (Inol. l.l5pm--2pm. Ll. Anne Me( ihce and Neil Mclirrlane pla} \sorls's h} l.eclarr. Brahms. Wienassslsi and Sir/Ilene It} Paradies. an Italian \\ ho spent much ot his life in London.

I Morley String Quartet I‘riendship I louse. S Belmont Crescent. 33‘) .‘stllls‘. ".3llpm. £3.5llt USU). Promoted h} the Scotland l'SSR Societs . the .Moi le} plas llor'odin‘s ()uartet .\'o 2 ( the one “ith the \\ ell Isltim n nocturne l and Shostalsos ieh \o 5. m the lirst ()1 a series ol concerts desoled to Riissian and Sos iet music

I Harpsichord Recital IItIlchcson‘s I la”. IFS Ingram Street .‘\(Illll\\l0ll at door. 7.3Uplll. L“ ( L I .5“). SUIU Ic‘c‘tlaI I‘_\ (KNUIL‘ (‘erasi presented h} (iIasgim Harpsichord Societ}

I Polish Realities/Camerata Vistula l Icnr_\ Wood l IaII. (‘laremont Street 'I‘ickets; 332 752l (Third Ii_\e ('entre l. Spin. L4 (£2.50). large and small enscmhle pieces including the premiere ol a specialls commissioned \sorls' h) Macier Malecls'r.


I Edinburgh Ouartet Reid ( ~orrecrl I Iall. Bristo Square. l.lllpm. [ice at door. String quartets h) llasdn (( )p 51) .\‘o l l and Rohert ('rass lord. \s ho \\ lII gise a short illustrated lecture on the nor Is at l1.3llam in Alison House. I: \ieolson Square.

WEDNESDAY 16 Glasgow

I Lunch and Listen 'I'Iicalie Ros al. I lope Street.331 l23‘l, lprn. l-ricndsolScottish ()pcra c\ cnt. Phone 318 4%" lor Illl rhei


I Glasgow University Orchestra ( 'oncerl Hall. (ilasgoss l'nrscrsits. " 3llpm. Admission h} programme at door. Ll (Flip). Programme includes the Stratiss IIor‘n (‘oncer'to No l.inteiestingls enough the same \sorls' chosen h} RSAMI) students lor their concert lomorross . and Beethosen‘s Symphon} .\'o 4. Joanna Mood} plays horn and Stephen Arnold conducts.

I 3C0 City I la“. ('andIeriggs. 32‘ FFI I . 7.3llpm. Iixtra date: 'I‘hursdas l7. IitIinhllrgIl. {2.3” LSSll. \VaIIoss lll \sonderlul tenor arias and great operatic clior'tises hs Rossini and Verdi \\ ith the Scottish Philharmonic Singers and Raul (iimenez.

THURSDAY 17 Glasgow

I Polish Realities I Iunter ian .‘sluseum. (ilasgoss l'rmcrsit}. I-‘ree at door. 1.15pm. Accordionist Andr/ei Krlitnim‘ski plassssor'ks h} Iising Polish composers.

I Polish RealitieS/llluslrated Talk‘l'hiul Ii}c (‘entre. 35H Sauchiehall Street. 333 753 I . 5pm. Free at door, .Iosel' I’alkossski tells eversthing sou eser \santed toknoss ahout Iilectronic Music in Poland in the eighties.

I RSAMD Orchestral Concert Stevenson Hall. RSAMI). lllll Renl'rcss Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £30.13). 'l‘heAeadem} Orchestra \\ ith Sir Alexander ( iihson in the overture to King Lear'h} Berlioz. Vaughan Williams‘ Lam/mi S} mphony and the Horn (‘oncerto .\’o l h} Strauss. Nicholas Stones lssUIUiSl,

I SND ( 'it}' I lall. ( ‘andleriggs. 327 5511. 7.30pm. Iixtra dates: I-rida} IS.

Iidinhur'gh and Saturday It). (ilasgow. {2.51l—Lll5tl. Bigeoncert\s-ithBruckner”~ Mass .\'o 3 in I? minor. .Iacek Kasprl} ls‘ conducts and soloists are Kathryn Harries. Penelope Walker. Is'eith less isand .Ionathan Best. And. ot course. there‘s the S.\‘()(.Il(ll'll\.


I ()tlc‘c‘li's I IilII. ('lerls Sll'c‘c‘l . (m8 lel‘). "7.45pm. £2.30 LIZ. Sec Wednesda} lo. (ilasgoss . lor lull description.



I BBC SSO Midday Concert Sm enson I la”. RSAMI). lllll Rerilress Strecl. 333 5157. ll. l5pm. UNHLJTS £3.25 {1 l. I’irst perlormance ol Laurie l.eeSmrgs hs Hugh Wood \s ith .Iane Manning as soloist. (icorge l Iurst conducts the orchestra Ill Britten's l-Uur Sm llt!('l'/ll</¢'\ and BL‘L‘IIiU\ L‘ll'\ IfI‘UIt‘il.

I Polish RealitieS/Silesians Plus Ilutchcson‘sllall. IFS IngramStreet.

'I iclscts: 332 "521('I'hirdIzse(‘entiel.

5. l5pm. £2 ( Ll l. Andi/er and Phil Bauer. cello and piano duo. gi\e a short concert I Polish Realities/Talk I lulcheson's I la”. 15S Ingram Street. (i. 15pm. I-ree at door . .'\liLIl/c‘| Kl'lulhnsskl. lecturer at Is'atossicc‘s Academ} ol Mtisic. speaks about the ness generation ol Silesian L‘Ulllptisc‘l's.

I Cello/Piano Recital Milligm re ‘l'tm n

I IaI .".3llpm. I-‘urlhcr' inlormation: 05o 3M} ( Milnga\ re Mirsic ( ‘luhl, :\lllt)llln Us} and Ronan ( )'I Iara pla) music h} Beethm en. Schubert. Brahms and Wehern.

I Polish Realities/Silesian String Quartet Ilutcheson's I Iall. ISS Ingram Street. 'I'lc‘Isc‘is: 333 “SZI ('I Ilil'tI lisefenlrc ). Rpm. til ( £25“). .v\cclaimcd quartet pIa} the 2nd string quartetshs lourdiller'ent contemporars Poliin composers.


I Organ Recital Mclzssan IIaII. ls: lsln Square. l.lllpm. l‘ree at door. .‘sloreorgan rnusic in Iidinhurgh ['nisersit} 's regular l-rrda} lunchtime series. 'I'his \seels‘ it's Sueelincls. Bach. I'rancls' and Messiaen - Juice! ( ’lurle (/('\ (or/n (i/nrreut.

I 8N0 l 'sher I Iall. l.olhran Road. 33S IIFF or (MS Illl‘) (Queen‘s I Iall). 7.3(lpm. I'.\'tradalc: Saturda} I‘).(iI;tsgn\s. _ £3.70 £1 I50. See 'I‘hurs I“ (ilasgoss . lor lull description.

I Scottish Masking Company Reid ( 'onccrt IIalI. Iir'isto Square. 'I'icls'ets: ooh‘ 301‘) (Queens I Iall). 7.45pm. l§\ti;itlate: Saturda} 1‘). £3.50 (£3.50). 'l'uo lS’th century comedies. I’irst. l‘lieJm/gnmrlof .llumm hs John [)0ch and William

Bo} cc. then [he I-‘uurS‘i'mo/rs or Inn’ill Iz'i'eri' Age h} .ler'emiah ( ~larlt'e. the lirst production ol this \\ ork since l7llll.



I Polish Realities/Open Rehearsal l Ienr) Wood I IalI. (’Iarcmont Street. I’r'ec at door. 3.3(lpm. Paragon ins lie all interested to listen as they prepare lor their concert Ialer toda}.

I Polish Realities/Composers' Forum IIenr} Wood IlaII. ('Iaremont Street. I’rec at door. 4pm. Polish and Scotlisl. composers and perlorr‘rtcrs get together to discuss their WUI'Is' in response toquestions about electronic music and composition in Poland.

I 3N0 ('in I la”. (lindlcr‘iggs. 337 55] l. 7.3(lpm. £3.51)? ii 1.50. See'l‘hurs l7 Glasgow. for lull description.

I Polish Realities/Paragon Ensemble Ilenr} Wood Ilall. (‘Iarernont Street. 'l‘ickeis: 332 753l (Third Ifye (‘entrc). ".45pm. H 1 £3.50). Only non-Polish composer in the Polish Realities music programme makes his appearance in this concert. but John Mans ell (ieddes‘ new

28 The List 11— 24 November l988