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Below is a listing ofsome of the best places to shop for quality sound systems in (ilasgow and Edinburgh. away from the chain stores in the more specialist outlets where the selection of the best equipment is a priority. staffare knowledgeable. and dentonstration facilities are often available.


I Hili Corner 52 (iordon Street (il.2-18284li; 144 Bath Street. (i2. 2264268. lliam~ 5.30pm 'l'ue-l’ri. 9.3(lant-— 5 . 30pm Sat. (‘losed Mon. Small. independent chain of quality hi-fi shops. Stock is chosen on the basis of stafferitliusiasm: the criteria are good performance and mine for money. A special. furnished demonstration roont is set aside where customers cart experiment with different components in a domestic setting. Midi systems ( Kenwood and 'I‘echnics) range from Bill tole .500: in stock also Dual turntables: NAD. ARCAM. Mission (‘yrus amps; Mission. Wharfedalc. 'l‘annoy speakers; Denon and Technics cassette decks and CD.

I James Kerr and Co Ltd ()8 Woodlands Road (53. 332 0988. “lam—5.30pm

'I'ue- Fri. 9. Mam—5.30pm Sat. ('losed Mon. Part of the Ili Iii (‘orner organisation. tltis shop specializes in (‘1) equipment and in top British makes. It also has a demonstration room. but systems will be demonstrated without charge in the customer‘s home if he she chooses. A basic system (CD

player amplifier speakers) will cost £4lX)—£l(l.tit)tiplus. l-‘ourteen-day exchange programmes operate. and tltere is an in-house repair service. Similar stock to the aboye.

I Laskys (i8 Buchanan Street (3 l . 226 37-17; 22 West .\'ile Street. (31.226 33-19. 9an‘t—5.3(lpm Mon. Tue. Thurs-Sat. lliant--5.3(ipm Wed. ()nce geared almost exelusiy'ely to the top end ofthe market. Laskys has downgraded a little in recent years. and now offers a fairly broad spectrum of quality within the mid-price range. Separates can be connected in any combination Via a central comparator system for instant try-outs: midi-systems are also available. Special offer until Dec ISofilfi

youdher for every film spent. l-‘ourteen-day exchange. Systems from [150.

I The Music Room 22151 Vincent Street (i2. 248 722i. ltiam-bpm Mon-~Sat. Dedicated specialists. whose only interest is sound quality. They champion the traditional turntable oy er ('1). arid say they cart prose it giy es better perft‘irmance within a

giy en price range. They also stock more than 5“ per cent British makes. alongside the best from Japan and the ISA. and a choice of around Iliii l.l’s for tryouts in the plush demonstration room. Stockists for Ariston turntables: .-\R(".»\M and Yamaha amps; Mission and Tammy speakers: Yamaha and Marantx cassette decks and ( ‘1) players.

I Richer Sounds :4 Ciordon Street (i1 .22] 9174; 1 If) Dumbarton Rd (it L334 (3055. 0am bpm Mon Wed. l-‘ri. Sat.

0am 2pm ‘l‘hurs. Small and friendly shops which established a reputation for selling end-of—line equipment at knock-dow n prices. though there is now greater emphasis on standard stocks. They guarantee their prices are cheaper than any

others within 25 miles. and offer a wide y'ariety of Japanese separates and midis from both ends of the mid-price range. Also Dual and Ariston turntables.

I Stereo Showcaseots’ Bath Street (i2. 332 5012. lllam— (ypm Mon-Sat. Sister shop to The .Music Room. Stereo Showcase has a more idiosyncratic atmosphere. and concentrates on cosmetic design as much as sound quality. The specialin is ultra-slinky Bang and ()lufsen. though once again British makes predominate. including lidinburgh's celebrated ’I'annoy. Systems begin at around Hiiti. but the sky 's the limit. Ariston turntables: A RCA M amps: Klili and Mission speakers: Yamaha and Marant/ cassette decks and ('1) players.

I Stereo Stereo :73 St Vincent Street (i2. 248 mm. Iliam~opm

Mon- Sat. Anotherone for the connoisseur. this shop encourages customer relaxation with homely presentation. two I demonstration rooms and cups of colfee.'l'he only l.inn stockist in (ilasgoyy. with their top of the range turntable costing you £509 (tone arm at £805 and cartridge at £625 are extra i. but the proprietors say it can‘t be beaten.

They will deliver free. and offer advice with installation and a minimum guarantee of two years. Also a y'ariety of quality secondhand equipment accepted in part-exchange deals: Rega arid Dual turntables: ('reek. Rotel. Mission

('y ms and A R( '.-\.\1 amps: Mission. ls'lil".

Hey brook speakers: Denon. Aiwa and Marantl cassette decks and (’1) players.


I Russ Andrews Hi-Fi 34 .\'orthumberland Street. 557 1072: lliam 5.30pm .Mon l-‘ri. “lam-5pm Sat. Woody basement shop in the New low it. with a range of stock chosen wholly on the basisol sound performance by a highly entltusiastic (and hence ultra-critical i staff. 'I here's a comfortable demonstration area downstairs with a substantial library of albumsand(‘D's forthe customer to try otll on their choice of equipment. ()nly l-.dinburgh stockists of the entire l.inn range. Also Rega and Dual turntables; Rotel. .»\R('.-\.\I. and (‘reels’ amps: Acoustic Research. Mission. Klil~ispeakersz Aiwa cassette decks: Marant/ (‘1).

I Bill Drummond Hi-Fi 43 South (’lerk Street. 067 2877; lfiam -opm Mon—Sat: Thurs until 7pm. Formerly Audio Aids. an independent shop offering both a selection of popular brand name midi sy stems and an impressiy e range ol separates. Mainly .lapanese rather than British equipment. Demonstration through a comparatorsystem. Stockists of Dual and Ariston turntables: 'l'echnics. Rotel and Denon amplifiers: ‘l‘annoy' and Mission speakers; 'l‘echnics. Kenwood and Denon cassette decks and('D: and just iii. the Pioneer ('1) yideo at {57‘}.

I Carl Dyson Waverley Market. 557 29l7: Vain-5.30pm Mon- Fri. 9am—5pm Sat. 'l'hurs until "pm. lfillamilton Place. 556 Will : ()21i11—5.3Ilplii Mon— Fri. ‘lani— 5pm Sat. Not exactly audio specialists as they (Io sell the whole gamut of electrical goods. but offering the Sony range of midis from £350. as well as the more exclusiy e Bang ck ()hifsen equipment. starting with the ‘)li(ifi('l) centre at £1395.

I Hi-Fi Corner Rose Street l’recinct. 225 9535: and l lladdington Place. 55o Will; lfiam- 5.30pm Mon. fiam —5.3(ipm Tue—Sat.

Edinburgh branches of the independent chain of hi-fi specialistsoffering art educated selection of midi systems ( Kenys'ood and 'l'cchnicsi and quality separates to suit all pockets. Both shopsofler pleasant demonstration rooms and a helpfully concise ady'ice leaflet for the novice purchaser. Stockistsof Dual turntables; .\'.'\D. Denon. ARCA M and Mission

(‘y rus amps: 'l'annoy. Wharledalc. Mission speakers; Denon and 'I‘echnics cassette decks and (‘1) players.

I In Hi Fi b3 ( ieorge St. 225 8985193” 0pm

Mon Satorinthe cyening by appointment Smart city centre shop. nicer laid out arid Usually w itli a tantalising window display Selling the entire price range of quality separates from the budget

end of the market to precision equipment costing from four figures upwards. I’ltish demonstration area. Stockists loi' .~\i'iston; OliD. Mission ( 'y rus amplifiers: ( ‘astle. lleybrook. ls'lil-'. Mission speakers: Denon and Maraiit/ cassette decks: and Marant/(‘D players. I Laskys 4 St James. 55h l8ti41‘iam (ypm Mon Sat.

; its. , - . I i . I Thurs until 7pm. See

(ilasgowentry‘. I Richer Sounds In (‘hambers Street. 226 3544'. 0am -bpm Mort—~l"ri. 9am~5pm Sat. The Richer chain has flourished oit its pile-ent-high and sell-em- cheap policy and its lower prices guarantee. l’ick tip a free catalogue displaying the current range of Japanese midis and separates concentrating around the budget end of the market. and checkout their recommended systems for those on the tightest of financial reins (from LUNGS). Dual and Ariston turntables also in stock. ' I James Robb 195 Morningside Road. 447 522‘); 9am» 5.3lipm Mon Sat. VA Home Street. 22‘) SIN-I; times as before. except lpm 2pm lunchbreak. closed Wed. Another shopotlering audio. y'idco arid teley ision equipment. but specialising in the Bang is ()lutsen range of products. including the ‘illtlli (‘1) system from around i; I Jilti. I Andrew Thomson‘)” Shandw ick Place. 228 3907: 9.3(iam-- 5.3llpm Mon Sat. Long- established specialists in l the best performing

quality hi-fi separates.

Stereo Stereo, Glasgow's new quality Hi Fi shop. See listing for further details.

with a wide yariety of equipment from the Japanese corporates and independent British companies. Demonstration room ayailable by .‘ippointmcnt with the staff happy tolet the customer experiment with arty combination. Stockistsol Dual turntables. :\ Rt ‘.-\ M and ()lil) amps: Wharfedalc. Iannoy :ind Kl'l

I’Ilt'ey may it!“ front shop In slim/i ('lu'i‘k it till (he n'lmler.


Russ Andrews High Fidelity

Some peOple doubt if they can hear differences between different brands of hi-fi. They think that these differences are obscure and subtle and that only ‘experts’ are capable

of perceiving them. But ordinary people can hearthese differences and they aren’t subtle and really only in the imagination they are big and obvious and real. It doesn’t matter a damn if they can‘t be measured —— if they are audible, then they exist and to ordinary people who want to enjoy their music they matter! 80, if you come along, bring a favourite

record with you.

We can promise you two things. You wi/l hear the difference, and it will be dramatic.


34 Northumberland Street, Edinburgh EH3 6LS

Tel: 031 5571672


The List it - 24 November 1988 59