@ympprove of private medical treatment?

YesC] No C]

D_oyou think the present Government should give more money to the National Health Service?

Yes C] No


YOU: Did you vote at the last election? Yes


Which way did you vote (Remember all these questions are optional. so don‘t answer if you don‘t want to )?

Would you vote differently today‘_.’

Yes :I No If Yes. who for?

Are you a member of any political organisation sor campaigning bodies? Yes:] No:

lf_so. which?


[_)oyou think that 'I'hatcherite policies have been of any benefit to Scotland?

Ych N03

D_o you think a) the Welfare State is being dismantled under the current government and do you think b) it is an outdated concept?

a) chg No:]b) Yestoj

Would you favour complete independence for Scotland?


If not. would you support some form of devolution‘.’


Are you Scottish?

YesU Noj

Which of the followingflyou think are the MOST important issues for a Government to address today?: Unemployment l lealth C] Nuclear War 3 Environment (‘rime Inner (‘ity Decay Education C] Northern Ireland C] Electoral Reform D



D_o .vpu helm. denomination. (‘hristian or otherwise (please specify)?

OPINIONS ng‘ou think women should be ordained?


D_o yguibject to. have no objection to. or approve of religious leaders speaking out on political matters? Object I lave no objection C] approve C]



What is the highest educational qualification you have obtained to date?

GThe List 1 l 24 November 1988



myggiigree with the Government proposal to introduce loans for university students?

Yes[:] No[:|


YOU: Do you have a current driving hcence?


D_o you own a car motorbike C] moped or scooter {:1 bicycle :] other form of transport D

How often do you use public transport? Every day once a week a once a month occasionally neverl:]

What public transport do you use? Bus [:1 train I] underground [:I

How often do you travel abroad? Twice or more each year Once a year C] Occasionally {:I Never C]

Where did you spend your last holiday?

OPINIONS: D_o you think lead-free petrol should be made more widely available?

Yes:] No

Would you broadlygipport proposals to privatise the railways‘.’

chj NoC]

Do you feel the deregulation of buses has improved your local service?


Would ymipport the closingi Prestwick Airport in favour of an extended. international airport in Glasgow?



How often do you go to the cinema? At least once a week [:l Once a fortnight D Once a month Cl Occasionally 1:] Never C]

How often do yougo to the theatre? At least once a week Once a fortnight Once a month [:I Occasionally Never

How often do yougo to an art gallery? At least once a week Once a fortnight DOnce a month Occasionally C] NeverI:]

How often do ygugo to classical music concerts? At least once a week E] Once a fortnight E] Once a month I] Occasionally Never C]

How often do y(_)t_igo to rock concerts? At least once a week Cl Once a fortnight I: Once a month [:l Occasionally [:I Never E]

How often do you go to a disco? At least once a week D Once a fortnight [3 Once a month E] Occasionally [:l NeverD

How often do yoggo out drinking? More than twice a week {3 Once a

week I] Once a fortnight [3 Once a month E] Occasionally E] Never E]

What do you drink? BeerE] Lager {:l Wine l:| Spirits E] Low/non-alcoho|ic drinks Mineral waterlj

How often do y(_)_u go out for a meal? At least once a week I] Once a fortnight E] Once a month Occasionally Never

How many records do you buy on average each month? More than ll) C] Between 8 and 10:] Between 5

and 7:]3or-ll:] l or2':] None:

I low many books do you buy on average each month? More than ll) 1:] Between 8 and 10:] Between 5

and 7:]3or-1:] l ()r2:]None-:l

I low often do yMiy clothes? At least once a week Once a fortnight C] Once a month Occasionally :] Never

How often do you participate in sport? At least once a week 3 Once a fortnight C] Once a month Occasionally Never

How often do you watch spfl(t_)t__her than on TV)? At least once a week 3 Once a fortnight Once a month Occasionally Never :]

How often do you watch TV? Five or more hours a day Three hours a day A little each day Occasionally Never 3


D_oyou think that the arts should receive greater Government subsidy?


Do you find any of the above activities prohibitively expensive? If so which?

Do vou think that the arts should receive more business sponsorship?


GLASGOW READERS: Him often do you travel to Edinburgh for events or entertainment? At least once a week Fortnightly :1 Monthly Less frequently Never Cl

EDINBURGII READERS: How often do you travel to Glasgow for events or entertainment? At least once a week :I Fortnightly :] Monthly Less frequently C] Never Cl


Which daily and/or weekly; newspapers do you read? Please specify.

What other publications don read? 0 NME E] The Face [3 Cosmopolitan l:] Cut Viz Others

[)0qu welcome the addition of Scottish sections to the national Sunday papers. The Observer and The Sunday Times?


Which media do you tend to go to for actual news?

Newspaper Radio :l'l'V'

D_oyou feel that the qugfiitygf broadcasting in this country will be affected for better or worse by the new Broadcasting Bill?

Better Worse Don't know

D_o you intend to buy a TV Satellite dish?

Yes No ('an‘t afford one. but would like one

D_o you think there should be a Freedom of Information Act? Yes: No3

D__o yMtpport the Government‘s recent restriction on broadcast reporting of Northern Ireland? Yes:] No:

D_o you think that the quantityLnd objectivity of the information presented to you through the media is being affected by this Government. and if so for better or for worse?

Yes No Better Worse


How often do you buy The List? Every issue :1 Once a month 3 Occasionally

Why did you buy this copy of'l‘he List? Always buy :] Attractive cover :] Events Listings:]()thcr Ilow many people will have read this copy of'l‘he List by the end of the fortnight? 132333435 30:] More than 6:]

I low did you first come across The List? TV adverts :j'l‘hrough a friend :] Saw it in a newsagent‘s Through the Student Guide ( )ther 6:](l’lease specify)

Which section s do you find most interesting?

Which section s do you find least interesting?

Do you read the features? Yes'No Some

What do you think of this issue's cover? Very good (iood :] ()K BadC‘lVery bad

Which. if any. of the cover lines attracted your interest?

Do you find the design and layout clear and easy to use? Yes'No

Is there anything else you think we should cover?

Any other commentssuggestions praise’abuse?
