I THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 I Iamilton Place. 3% 5435 Box ( )tlree \lon-Sat l)..‘~I|am-5..‘~Ilprn. Ilar . (ale |I)]|I:| Bonds ol Enchantment .\Ion _‘.s _\o\ \\ eat 3| l)ec. Schools perlormances only; lhuis 32- Sat 31 Dec. l’uhlie per tor mancex. LTFIII LII Continuing the lheatre \\orkshop'xtradrtroriol staging multi-ethme(‘hristrnasslioxtx.lanet I-cnton's sho“ this \car cornhinest ’eltrc. Indianaridt‘hrnexe lolklore

.\'o theatre per lot manees until I )ecemher ITRAVERSE THEATRE I I_‘ \\ est Ilou. (irassmarket. :2“ 2h ‘3 Host )llree

'lue Sat Illam Spin Suno lllpm llat Rext 'l rcketx alxo a\ ailahle Irorri the ticker ( 'entre. \laiker Slleel

In The New I lie \ \(‘\ \tlll II)L‘L' .\ month-longseason ol nexs Scottixli\\ritirig


AWeek olNew Scottish Dance Inc-3: Sat 3o \os Sec Dancel istinex

Private Medicine Ille :‘l\o\ Suri 1l)ec. Flipm Ll FHILZ Sill Sundass .illtiekerx i t2 5“ :\ IIL'\\ plat h\ (’hristopher Ilurton.


scar 's \Iat test 1 his one toeuxex on the middle-aged .lexxica. a \ it tirn ol child ahttxc. \\ Ito ix laced \\ rtlt decision ol \\ltclltet' to \ ixrt her no“ \ei \ lII old lather I WEST END HOTEL 3* Palmerston Place The Close \Io115 I)ee. “pm I drnhur gli Plat“ r ights‘ \\ or kxhop III a \\ol kshopped produclroriol a tie“ p|a\ hs Iom l\.itle.xel rnaelose intireenoek


TUESDAYS Edinburgh

I Open Mike Night \Itrsrc Hos. \ retor ra Street.1_‘lll"ll\ \pin L.‘ \rnateur \ar iet\ xho\\ armed .lt people \sholiase

talent htrt \sotildn‘l no: m.ill\ think ol going upand xhou in: It to anxone l’oetr}.

music. comedx etc



Princes Street ill I‘Ul

Skazka 1-1. III. II. In. I‘m-ear" .‘Ilpm (Sat mats at I Fllpm l. Scottish llallelS special \II(\\\ tor (‘hrisrnias

I THEATRE ROYAL l lope Street. .‘~.‘~I I334 Rambert Dance Company t nut :h \(n

3 15pm L3 LS 5H

Programmel l ast night I hurx 2-1 \os. .\IcrccCunningham’s Iahuloush spare hut

poetic dance to the xe\ en rnoscnientxol lirrk Satic's heautilul pairio score ' I roix .\lorceau/ en I-orme dc l’orre‘ ll\ innost a rte“ \sork hs ar‘trstrcdirector Richard .-\lston to Peter .\Ia\\\ ell l)a\ rex‘ piece tor clarinet and piano. Soldat is another neu \sor‘k. this time h_\ ,»\in|et l’age.\sith designs hs Scottish artist Bruce \laelean. Rhapsods Ill lllue (sh) :\lxtottto (ierslmrn \\ltll dresses h_\ societs designer Vletot' lidelxletrt

Programme 2 :5. 3h Nos \latex txrtll unusual piece h} I).i\ id ( iotdoll \\ lithe dance to music ranging lrorn South .-\merican tangos to I .is/t piano music. Dark l~|egiex h} .\tar're Ramhert. the cornpan} 's tounder'. setng let to \Iahlcr Izmharque is a MC“ \sork h} Srohhan

I)a\ res inspired h_\ a recent tripto America.

Classes and Workshops

I BREDILAND HALL ( 'ar'dell. Paisle). Adult Beginner Class,“ .‘sllpm Iuitronrn social dancing. .loin \\ ith or \\ ithout a

Partner. l-"uII inlormatron on (NI (r.‘~l).s'_‘s(l(l.

I GARNETBANK SCHOOL Renlr'ess Street. Into.‘~.‘~J 334‘) Jane Simpson-Contemporary(lass exers Iuexda_\ " SRIIpm L3. I HILLHEAD SECONDARY SCHOOL ()aklreld .r\\enue lnlo 334 1M" Fiona AIderman—Cunningham-based ( ‘Iaxs e\el\ Illttrxtla} " S,.‘~llpirr. L3 Stretch and Get Loose with Jane Simpson (Iaxx c\er\ \Iondas S,.‘~llprri (I. I DAKGRAVE PRIMARY SCHOOL St Peter's SIIL‘L‘I. IIIIt‘ _‘\_“~I 43”.“ Discovering Dance ( 'Iaxx e\ ers luesttas -\du|t hcginncrx " ‘l .‘Ilpm I POLLOKSHAWS HALL I’ollolsxltass s Road Adult Beginner Class " .‘xllprn. I union in social dancing loin \srth or \\ rthout a partner I-uIl rnlor matron on (Lil (rstlsstlri I SCOTTISH BALLET STUDIO ZhI \\ est l’l lltL‘L‘x Street 3.: I 3”.“ I ;\ll classesiun trntrl l" I )ec JuniorContemporary t- \ ers 't ttexda} (i “put LI 51' Adult Contemporary t. \ er} \s'ednestlas. ~pin LIILISIII. Performance Group I-.\ er} 'I hirisdas. (v "pm LZILI Fill Beginners Ballet Inert Salurda} Isl sears toadult III I I IFarn, LZILI Fill Beginners Jazz l'\er_\ Saturday I~l _\earxto adtrlt ll .‘Ilam lpnt LIIILISIII I WEST SCHOOL Ne“ ton Street. I’arxles. .s.s VII. Limon with Rosina Bonsu l- \ H} ‘l ttesda). ‘) 4* l I ISarn Ll I RAMBERT DANCE COMPANY AT THE EAST ROOM. McCLELLAN GALLERIES I ntcr trorn Rose Street |tlxI (tll Sauchichall Street. Phone ( ilasgms Independent l)anceon ‘3-l~1.\.“lilor details. Marlt Baldwin ol Ramher't Dance ( ‘ompans \\ Ill take class (III I“ \(H tlUltl III Filam I.‘ .illpm L.‘ l’laccsare limited so phone the ahoxe nurnher tohook. I THIRD EYE CENTRE RSIISauchiehaIl Street. 332 ‘SJI Actors and Dancers Workshop is Ill l)cc. t3 per xcsxion or LIII tor course I”. I5ain l2. I5pm dail) .\ short course \s rtli ( ireg \ash (with some mmerncnt e\pcr reneel Iocusrng on alignment and impros isatron Phone 334 ISM» tohook


I TRAVERSE THEATRE ( ii assinar kct. 23h :Ii_‘\,:.

The Little Prince l ast night Illttl‘x 2-1 \os

" .‘sllpm. Llfitlttlfilll :\ ltess soloshoss h_\ Scottish dancer I‘rank .\tc(‘onnell, Rotating Dancers :5. 3r» Nos "Stipin. L-Ifillttlfilll. Rotating I)aneerseontinue the de\ elopment (It the cspcr‘rrttcntal piece llle_\ hegan at the “inter ( iardens in (ilasgoss Ilie \sor'ls is a collahoration “llll musician l)erek lloughton and

artist choreographer I.iridsas .lohn.

Classes I BRUNTON HALL .\lusselhurgh. (m5 3'71 l

e\ 3“

Dance Xplosion .-\ season ol dance classand per lor nianee \sor kxhops es er } \VL'LIIILWKIII}. I’Itotte lol‘ details.

I EPWORTH HALLS Nicolson Square. Tracy Hawkes I's citing classes tor adults and children ('onlaet Iraq on 23‘) Itl7l lot (lelatlx.

KINGS THEATRE I es en Street.

Dance at the Kings Montlass and ‘l uesdass 5.45 ". 15pm L2 l'ntrl (i I)ec. The popular Assemhl} Rooms classes ha\e ltlo\ ed to the Kings and are run noss h} lzdrrrhurgli‘s ne\s dancer-in-residence Sheridan .\'ieol.

I MORAY HOUSE COLLEGE ( ~rarnond ("amplis

Early Dance Course In. 27 Nos. .-\ \seekend course in Ilith and I"th centur} dance. Beginners \s elcorne. I)etails tromJoan tingliin 330 28%.

I THEATRE SCHOOL OF DANCE AND DRAMA tun Sr Stephen Street. 3365533.

Auditions 5 Dec. Audition lor this independent schools lull time prolessional dance course.

I The Open listings are designed to Iistany event that would not lit in to one at the other sections. You‘re invited to send inlormation on talks. walks. political meetings etcto. The List. 14 High Street. Edinburgh EH11TE. to arrive at least seven days belore publication date.


I Soto Zen Retreat Salishurs Centre. I Salishurs Road. Iidinhur‘gh. on" 5-17“ Into. ()5: IJIIR. ",.‘~llprri. :\tlllll\\ltllt hs donation. Beginning this es enrng. a tsso-das meditation retreat. led hs a pr rext lr'om Illloxsel I lolc I’t‘tol'}

I Twellth Annual Edinburgh WinterAntiques Fair Roshurghc IIotcl. 3S(‘harlotte Square. Izdinhurgh. 335 3‘): I. Into: (15471 356. llarn Spin. Admission L I .5” Specialist dealcrxlrom allo\cr llrrtarnxsill he displasingthcrr \sarestrnarnls ISthand I‘lth centurs land olterrngan identrlication sel\ ice to the puhlie at this prolcssionall} mountedeshihrtion.


I Santa's Parade l eas mg St Vincent Place. ( ilasgoss at Illam. .-\ l'extt\e procession. \s hich leads ( ‘hristmas shoppers to Sauchiehall Street ( 'cntre

I SDtO Zen Retreat Salishurs (critic. 3 Salishur‘} Road. ltdrnhurgh. ‘Iam 3pm Second ot tsso sessions. Sec l‘rr ZS tor details.

I Tweltth Annual Edinburgh WinterAntiques Fair Roshurglic Ilotcl. 3S(‘harlotte Square. Itdrnhurglt. llam Spin. Second (it three (la)s. See I-r I 25 lor'detarls.

I Printmakers Workshop Open Day 33 l'nion Street. Iidrnhurgh. (I3! 55" II“). Illam 5.3tlpm l-rec ()pen I)as at the \sorkshopcoinciding \\ ith the opernrigot the ( ‘hrrstmas t'.\IIll\lllUli\ ‘I here \\ ill he printmakingdisplass h} mcmhers throughout the alter noon and the darkroom I lrorn 3 to .‘xpm l \s ill he open to \ rsrtoi x. Various gitts \s ill he on sale ineludrrrgoriginal prints and training \oueher's. Retreshnients \\ rlI he a\ arlahlc Make Your Own Etching I 'me anth 4pm I tiaelt plate costs LI I

Live Music: 4pm Percussion \sorkxhop and lace painting ss ith litis-( at \\ rllre and hix dog \Vhrsks.


I Percussion Workshop Salishurs (cutie. 3 Salishur‘} Road. Iidinhurgh. no" 54%.

l lam 5pm. {I2 (LS). .lirn Sutherland leads the session. ss hich hcgins \\ ith simple toot rhythms. adding handclaps and ctrlrninating ssith drums and other instruments. (iroup creatisit} will he encouraged. and it ix hoped that a regular class ma} he set up.

I Santa's Parade Iii-om Ailioll t louse. Iiast Kilhride. Noon. Anothershopping parade. This time the sleighhells jingle tmsards the Plaza Shopping ( ~cnlre.

I Twelrth Annual Edinburgh WinterAntiques Fair Roxhurghe lIotel. 3S(‘harlottc Square. Iidinhurgh. I lam 5pm. I.ast ol' three days. See Fri 25 for details.

I Public Meeting: West at Scotland Friends at Palestine Glasgow (‘entrel Mosque. Adelphi Street. Info: 423 3606. 7.30pm. Faisal Aweidah. the UK representative of the Palestinian Liberation ()rganisation.

is Visiting to speak ahout the Palestine National ('ouneil's declaration ol' an independent Palestianran state. All are ins ited to come and commemorate the uprising in Palestine and celehrate the I'.\"s I)as ol Solidarity With the Peopleol Palestine.

I Keeping Elvis Number 1 Staer (irossenor . ( ir'ox\cttor Street. lzdinhurgh. Into; 4-13 ZZS‘). I l Silam rnrdrnght. h.

'l rckets lrorn consention RS. PO Box “I”. ,\'\\'I)( ) I'dinhurgh or I he ( )ldrcx Museum. \\ est .‘slaitland Street. l'dinhurgh, I'oiget \shat sou read in the Sundas Sport; t‘l\l\ l.r\ex not in ahur'ger' hat on planet Venus at the annual

com ention ot his Ilr itish tan cluh. held in Scotland lot the lust trrne thissear. Besides a per tor mance hs I'.l\ is imitator llig .lirn While. there \s rll he \ ideosot

mos res and rare lootage. escntx. corrtpetrtrons and a tloltattolt to ( itlltle I)ogx l'or the lllind See ( iuext I N.

I Toy and Model Fair l Iolidas Inn . .-\i'gs le Street. ( ilasgoxs. Inlo_ (Ist .‘illlll.

Noon -1 ,‘tllprn SIIpIIFp. tamrl_\ Ll l. .-\ large cslnhitron \s ltll the opportunrts to hut . sell or e\cltattge ot the tossand models old and ness . locusrng on eat'xattd partreularls on Dink} toss. \\ hose appeal (and \ alue I has e diminished not a \\ hit since the ( ‘ompans 's demise in the late



I Institution ol Electrical Engineers Faraday Lectures Scottish l- \hihrtion and (‘onlerence ( ‘entre. l'rnrneslori Street. (ilasgo\\_ Into; Ithi.‘ 5333i ll|._‘\llarrt. 3pm and "pm tree In e )(ltllltl lecturers lrom the ll ll.( ~~s technical department present a II\ cls . one~hour demonstration (illustrated \\ ItII lug-screen proieetrorislol sound and \ rsron techniques aimed at teenagers Among the topics cm cred are \ ideoctlects. Iirgh-dctrnrtion teles ision and sottrt(I\\a\ex

I Lecture: Deep Sea Frontiers- Man's Exploration at a Mysterious World Boyd ( )l'l llurlding. I no erxrts .'\\enue. ( ilasgoss. Into: 33‘) SSFF c\t 434“. I lfipm. l'ree, (ilasgoss l'ni\ ersrts ‘s series ol puhlrc lunchtrrne lectures continues \s ith .\Ir I’.S. .\tcado\ssdixctrssing the \\ errdarid \sonderlul goings on in the “Ilper‘ cent ol the planet \sc tend to tor'get ahout


I Scottish Agricultural Winter Fair l-.drnhurgh l' \hihrtron and Trade ( ~entr'c. Ingliston. Into: 333 2444. Sam Spm. last admission (rpm. to ( L3 concession. also tor adults entering alter 3pm). The tenth tsso-das annual esent. \srth around lllllll ll\extoels entries. despite the recent decline in lortunes ol the pig-keeping contingent ; and a panel ol expert iudges trom Iarms throughout Scotland and Northern Iingland.

I Public Meeting: Genocide in Kurdistan ('it} (’hamhers. Iligh Street. lidinhurgh. Info: 553 5903. 7.3llpm. I-‘rce. A Videoand slide show \\ ith e) e-ss itness speakers

\\ hich catalogues the ass'lul ell'ectsol' chemical weapon attacks on the Kurds in Iraq. and the late ol' Kurdish refugees trying to escape to Turkey and Iran alter the homhingol llalahja on I7 March. What can sou do'.’ (‘ome along and find

25 The List 25 Nov 8 Dee 1988